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1、消费者动机复习要点第四章 消费者动机Innate Needs(先天需要)Physiological needs for food, water, air, clothing, shelter, and sex. Also known as biogenic or primary needsAcquired Needs(习得需要)Needs that are learned in response to ones culture or environment (such as the need for self-esteem, prestige, affection, or power). Al

2、so known as psychogenic or secondary needs.Generic Goals ( category )(类目标)the general categories of goals that consumers see as a way to fulfill their needsProduct-Specific Goals ( brand )(特定产品目标) the specifically branded products or services that consumers select as their goals Substitute Goal(替代目标

3、)A goal that replaces an individuals primary goal when the goal cannot be achieved or acquired.Maslows Hierarchy of Needs(马斯洛需求理论)1、Physiological Needs(Food, water, air, shelter, sex)2、Safety and Security Needs(Protection, order, stability)3、Social Needs(affection, friendship, belonging)4、Ego Needs(

4、Prestige, status, self esteem)5、Self-Actualization(Self-fulfillment)第五章 个性和消费者行为 Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory(佛洛伊德理论)A theory of motivation and personality that postulates that unconscious needs and drives, particularly sexual and other biological drives, are the basis of human motivation and pers

5、onality.The human personality consists of 3 interacting systems: the id(basic physiological needs), the superego(individuals internal expression of societys moral and ethical codes of conduct.), and the ego(individuals conscious control that balances the demands of the id and superego).Neo-Freudian

6、Personality Theory(新佛洛伊德理论)A school of psychology that stresses the fundamental role of social relationships in the formation and development of personalityThat individuals be classified into 3 personality groups: 1xpliant(温顺型)individuals are those who move toward others(they desire to be loved,want

7、ed,and appreciated). The Ad should stress the feeling of belonging.2.Aggressive(好胜型) individuals are those who move against others(they desire to excel and win admiration). The Ad should focus on the superiority of the product3.Detached(特立独行) individuals are those who move away from others(they desi

8、re independence, self-reliance, self-sufficiency,and individualism or freedom from obligations). The Ad should emphasis the unique feelingTrait Theory(特质理论)A theory of personality that focuses on the measurement of specific psychological characteristics.Quantitative approach to personality as a set

9、of psychological traitsTrait theorists concerned with the construction of personality tests that enable them to pinpoint individual differences. A trait is defined as “any distinguishing, relatively enduring way in which one individual differs from another Consumer innovativeness(消费者的创新性)how recepti

10、ve a person is to new experience.Consumer materialism(物质性)the degree of the consumers attachment to worldly possessionsConsumer ethnocentrism(民族主义)the consumers likelihood to accept or reject foreign-made products。Ethnocentric consumers feel it is wrong to purchase foreign-made products。They can be

11、targeted by stressing nationalistic themes Consumer Innovators(创新型消费者)Those consumers who are likely to be first to try new products, services, or practices.Inner-Directed Consumers(内在导向消费者)Consumers who tend to rely on their own “inner” values or standards in evaluating new products and are likely

12、to be consumer innovators.Inner-directed people seem to prefer ads that stress product features and personal benefits Other-Directed Consumers(其他导向消费者)Consumers who tend to look to others for direction on what is “right” and “wrong.” They are less likely to be consumer innovators.Other-directed peop

13、le prefer ads that feature an approving social environment or social acceptanceOptimum Stimulation Levels (OSL)(最佳刺激水平)A personality trait that measures the level or amount of novelty or complexity that individuals seek in their personal experiences. High OSL consumers tend to accept risky and novel

14、 products more readily than low OSL consumersVariety-or Novelty Seeking(求新求异者)A personality trait similar to OSL, which measures a consumers degree to variety seekingNeed for cognition(认知的需求NC )A persons craving for enjoyment of thinking.Consumers high in NC are more likely to respond to as rich in

15、product-related information or description.Consumers low in NC are more likely to be attracted to background or peripheral aspects of an adVisualizers versus verbalizers(视觉接受者和言语接受者)A persons preference for information presented visually or verbally. Visualizers(视觉接受者)Consumers who prefer visual inf

16、ormation and products that stress the visual, such as membership in a videotape cassette club. Verbalizers(言语接受者)Consumers who prefer verbal or written information and products, such as membership in book clubs or audiotape clubs Compulsive Consumption(消费狂)Consumers who are compulsive buyers have an

17、 addiction; in some respects, they are out of control and their actions may have damaging consequences to them and to those around them. Brand Personification(品牌个性)Specific “personality-type” traits or characteristics ascribed by consumers to different brands. Role(角色)A pattern of behavior expected

18、of an individual in a specific social position, such as mother, daughter, teacher, lawyer. One person may have a number of different roles, each of which is relevant in the context of a specific social situation. Actual Self-Image(实际自我印象)The image that an individual has of himself or herself as a ce

19、rtain kind of person, with certain characteristic traits, habits, possessions, relationships, and behavior. Ideal Self-Image(理想自我印象)How individuals would like to perceive themselves (as opposed to Actual Self-Image-the way they do perceive themselves). Social Self-Image(社会自我印象)How consumers feel oth

20、ers see them. Ideal Social Self-Image(理想社会自我印象)How consumers would like others to see them. Expected Self-Image(期望中的自我印象)How consumers expect to see themselves at some specified future time. Personality(个性)The inner psychological characteristics (Those specific qualities ,attributes, traits, factors

21、, and mannerisms that distinguish one individual from others.) that both determine and reflect how a person responds to his or her environment. Virtual Personality or Self(虚拟自我)provides an individual with the opportunity to try on different personality or different identities.第六章 消费者观察Perception(认知)

22、The process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture of the world. “How we see the world around us.” Absolute Threshold(绝对域限)The lowest level at which an individual can experience a sensation. Differential Threshold(差别域限)The minimal dif

23、ference that can be detected between two stimuli. Also known as the j.n.d. (just noticeable difference). Webers Law(韦伯定理)A theory concerning the perceived differentiation between similar stimuli of varying intensities (i.e., the stronger the initial stimulus, the greater the additional intensity nee

24、ded for the second stimulus to be perceived as different). Subliminal Perception(潜意识认知)Perception of very weak or rapid stimuli received below the level of conscious awareness. Consumersselection(选择性)of stimuli from the environment is based on the interaction of their expectations and motives with t

25、he stimulus itself. Depends on two major factors: Consumers previous experience (expectations) Individuals see that they expect to see. Consumers motives. The principles of selective perception include the following concepts: selective exposure, selective attention, perceptual defense, and perceptua

26、l blocking. Consumers organize(组织) their perceptions into unified wholes according to the principles of Gestalt psychological: figure and ground, grouping, and closureThe interpretation(说明)of stimuli is uniquely individual, because it is based on individuals expectation、previous experience、explanations, and on their motives. Perceived Risk(认知风险)The degree of uncertainty perceived by the consumer as to the consequences (outcome) of a specific purchase decision.

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