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1、六年级上学期期末考试英语专项训练六年级上学期期末考试英语专项训练专项训练一:词汇一、将下列字母按正确顺序排列,写出得到的单词。1. s b u _2. t x a i_3. l f t e _4. s o t p _ 5. d w o r_ 6. d p e e _二、选择正确的一项,补全单词。() 1. g_ve A. a B. e C. u() 2. str_t A. ei B. ea C. ee() 3. m_st A. e B. t C. u() 4. f_st A. u B. a C. o() 5. le_on A. sc B. sx C. ss() 6. m_n A. uu B.

2、oo C. ee() 7. cl_b A. a B. e C. u() 8. j_n A. ai B. oi C. an() 9. s_ A. ea B. ei C. ae() 10. f_l A. ee B. ea C. ii三、看图片,补全单词。b_kst_ c_ma pl_e tr_ndic_ary p_man f_man h_y四、读一读,根据图片、句子的意思及首字母提示,写出单词。1. Where is the p_ o_? I want to send a postcard. 2. T_ l_ at the crossing, and you can see it. 3. I of

3、ten go to school o_ f_. 4. We should s_ d_ at the yellow light. 5. He is a p_ o_. 6. I want to buy a c_ book. 7. Jim s_ Chinese in China. 8. His uncle is a c_. He works in a gym. 9. She is a_ with her daughter. 10. Please c_ to ten. 五、读一读,将单词进行分类。museumstopsubwayvisittaxiworriedsupermarketangry1 2 3

4、 4六、读一读,选择与画线部分单词属于同一类的一项。() 1. We are going to Canberra next week.A. Italian B. Alaska C. Germany() 2. Can you pull me out?A. wrong B. reporter C. hurt() 3. He is a very bad man. Dont speak to him.A. great B. breath C. hear() 4. Some people go to work by sled.A. helmet B. street C. ferry() 5. My fa

5、ther works in a factory.A. postcard B. post office C. mice七、读一读,选择画线部分单词的对应词填空。() 1. Turn left at the restaurant.A. right B. straight C. early() 2. The bike is very slow.A. attention B. fast C. half() 3. She feels happy every day.A. interesting B. amazing C. sad() 4. My little sister is ill. She fee

6、ls sad.A. bad B. well C. worry() 5. Her aunt is a businesswoman.A. businessman B. scientist C. policeman八、读一读,猜一猜,选一选。() 1. Its a place. We can buy many things there.A. university B. gym C. supermarket() 2. It can go on the water. We can take it to cross a river.A. bike B. ship C. taxi() 3. Its some

7、times round(圆的). We can see it in the sky in the evening.A. moon B. mooncake C. sun() 4. Its a place. We can see doctors and nurses in it.A. hospital B. museum C. restaurant() 5. Its a kind of food. We can see vegetables or fruit on it.A. bread B. hot dog C. pizza九、选词填空。thereat on tobyofwithifbecaus

8、enext1. I often go to the supermarket _ bus.2. He is going to buy a new book _ week.3. How can we get _?4. We should stop _ a red light.5. _ you are ill, you should go to a hospital.6. I like spring, _ its very warm.7. My teacher is angry _ Lingling.8. People _ bikes should wear a helmet.9. They are

9、 afraid _ the big mouse.10. We must pay attention _ the traffic light.十、使用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. I can _ (dance) very well. I _ (dance) tomorrow evening.2. He will read many _ (story). What _ (be) you going to do?3. I _ (have) a word book. Amy _ (have) a new storybook.4. He often _ (do) his homework in the

10、evening. You should _ (do) your homework every day.5. He likes _ (play) football. He _ (play) football with his friends tomorrow.十一、根据图片内容完成句子或对话。1. How can we get there?_ _ at the cinema.2. We often _ _ _ in the evening. 3. He wants to _ _ _ on the weekend. 4. I hurt my leg.Lets _ _ _.5. If you are

11、 angry, please _ _ _ _. 十二、根据图片提示填单词,完成短文。Jack is a student. His mother is a 1. _ . His father is a 2. _ . Jack often goes to school by 3. _ . He likes 4. _ and playing 5. _ . He also likes 6. _ TV. He wants to be a 7. _ . He feels 8. _ every day. But today his mother is 9. _ . She should go to the

12、10. _ . He feels very sad and worried.专项训练一:词汇(答案)一、1. bus2. taxi3. left4. stop5. word6. deep二、1. A2. C3. C4. B5. C 6. B7. C8. B9. A10. A三、1. bookstore2. cinema3. plane4. train5. dictionary6. postman7. fisherman8. happy四、1. post office2. Turn left3. on foot4. slow down5. police officer6. comic7. stu

13、dies8. coach 9. angry10. count五、1. museum, supermarket2. subway, taxi3. stop, visit 4. worried, angry六、1. B2. C3. A4. C5. B七、1. A2. B3. C4. B5. A八、1. C2. B3. A4. A5. C九、1. by2. next3. there4. at5. If6. because7. with8. on9. of10. to十、1. dance; am going to dance点拨:can后使用动词原形,由第二句中的时间判断为一般将来时,I后应使用be动

14、词am。2. stories; are点拨:many后使用可数名词复数。与you连用的be动词为are。3. have; has点拨:第一人称后使用have,单数第三人称后使用has。4. does; do5. playing; is going to play点拨:like doing sth. 喜欢做某事, tomorrow是一般将来时的时间标志,故时态需使用一般将来时。十一、1. Turn right2. see a film3. take a trip4. see a doctor5. take a deep breath十二、1. teacher2. worker3. bike4.

15、singing 5. football6. watching7. singer8. happy 9. ill10. Hospital专项训练二:句型一、判断以下句子与图片描述的内容是(T)否(F)一致。() 1. What a great science museum! () 2. Sometimes I go to school by bike. () 3. Tony is going to visit his grandparents next week. () 4. Lisa likes doing word puzzles. () 5. Lilys mother is a doctor

16、. () 6. The boy feels angry. 二、为以下句子选择恰当的图片。() 1. The bookstore is near the hospital.() 2. We go to the nature park by bus.() 3. He is going to see a film this evening.() 4. Tom likes reading stories.() 5. Lucys father is a postman.三、选择合适的疑问词填空。(可重复使用)whatwherehowwhowhy1. _ is the supermarket? Its n

17、ear the cinema.2. _ are you going to do tomorrow?Im going to have an English lesson.3. _ are your sisters hobbies? She likes singing and dancing.4. _ does your father go to work? He goes to work by car.5. _ not go on Saturday? Its half price then. Good idea!6. _ does your uncle do? He is a worker.7.

18、 _ is your new PE teacher? Mr Zhang.8. _ can we get to the restaurant? We can take the No. 37 bus.9. _ does your mother work? She works on a big farm.10. _ is wrong? I lost my bag.四、单项选择。() 1. The Italian restaurant is _ Dongfeng Street.A. to B. on C. of() 2. You should turn left _ the bookstore. Th

19、en you can see it.A. at B. with C. for() 3. How can Danny _ the hospital?A. get B. gets C. get to() 4. Dick and Jack _ take a trip next week.A. / B. are C. are going to() 5. He is going to play football _.A. now B. tomorrow C. yesterday() 6. I dont have _ cake.A. any B. some C. an() 7. He _ kung fu.

20、A. likes do B. like doing C. likes doing() 8. John _ his brother to play pingpong.A. teaches B. teach C. teaching() 9. How _ your brother go to school?A. do B. does C. is() 10. Everyone should _ more vegetables.A. eats B. eat C. eating五、选择合适的句子完成对话。() 1. A: _B: Its next to the cinema.() 2. A: What a

21、re you going to be? B: _() 3. A: _ B: You can turn right at the street and then go straight.() 4. A: _ B: Im going to the supermarket.A. What are you going to do this evening?B. Where is the hospital?C. How can I get to the bookstore?D. Im going to be a pilot.六、根据图片提示,写出问句或答语。1. How does your mother

22、 go to work?_2. Where are you going?_3. _On Sunday morning.4. _He likes playing football.七、读对话,根据对话内容补全句子。1. A: Is the hospital far from here?B: No, its next to the restaurant.The hospital is _.2. A: What are you going to do today, Sam?B: Im going to see a film.Sam is _.3. A: Does your uncle live in

23、 China, Lily?B: No, he doesnt. He lives in Canada.Lilys uncle _.4. A: What does your mother do, John?B: My mother is a teacher.Johns mother is _.5. A: I dont feel well.B: You should see a doctor, Tom.Tom is _.八、连词成句。1. atthebookstoreleftturn (. )_2. usuallycomeschoolonItofoot (. )_3. wegoingdrawinth

24、earetosomeparkpictures (. )_4. hedoes likehiking going (?)_九、按要求做题。1. We are playing football now. (将now改为tomorrow,改写句子)_2. Every evening, I do my homework in the bedroom. (将I 改成he,改写句子)_3. He goes to work by bus. (对画线部分提问)_4. Johns brother lives in Beijing. (改为一般疑问句)_十、选择合适的句子,补全对话。Lucy: 1. _Mary:

25、I like reading books.Lucy: Im going to buy some books.Mary: I want to buy some new books, too. 2. _Lucy: OK. There is a big new bookstore.Mary: 3. _Lucy: Its next to Hope Hospital.Mary: 4. _Lucy: We can take the No. 57 bus.Mary: 5. _Lucy: OK. Lets go.A. Where is it?B. What are your hobbies?C. Lets wa

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