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1、高中英语Unit7TheSeaPeriodSix课堂讲义北师大版必修2019-2020年高中英语Unit7TheSeaPeriodSix课堂讲义北师大版必修一、定语从句()1关系副词where,when和why的用法(1)where在从句中作地点状语,定语从句修饰的是表示地点的名词。Can you tell me the office where he works?你能告诉我他工作的办公室在哪儿吗?This is the place where we first met.这就是我们第一次相遇的地方。(2)when指时间,在从句中作时间状语,其先行词通常是表示时间的名词。I still reme

2、mber the day when I first came to Beijing.我仍然记得我第一次来北京的那天。He came at a time when we needed him most.他在我们最需要他的时候来了。(3)why指原因或理由,在从句中作原因状语,其先行词多为reason一词。Do you know the reason why he is absent?你知道他缺席的原因吗?(4)关系副词和关系代词的选择引导定语从句的关系代词和关系副词除了起连接先行词和从句的作用外,它们还有一个最重要的作用,那就是它们分别在定语从句中充当成分,在选择引导词时,重要的是分析一下定语从

3、句中的成分,若从句中缺主语、宾语或表语,那么要用关系代词;若从句中缺少状语,就要用关系副词。比较我永远忘不了我们一起度过的日子。高考链接1用适当的关系副词填空(1)The boss of the pany is trying to create an easy atmosphere where his employees enjoy their work.(xx天津)(2)As the smallest child of his family,Alex is always longing for the time when he should be able to be independent

4、.(xx陕西)(3)Students should involve themselves in munity activities where they can gain experience for growth.(xx福建)(4)I am looking forward to the day when my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her.(xx湖南)2“介词which/whom”结构(1)“介词which/whom”结构的用法“介词which”在定语从句中作时间、地点、原因状语,相当于关系副词when,wh

5、ere,why。She still remembers the day on which(when) she won the prize.她仍然记得她获奖的那一天。“介词(短语)which/whom”在定语从句中作目的、方式状语。There is a big window in my room through which I can see the railway station.我的房间有一个大窗户,通过它我可以看见火车站。“不定代词或数词或名词of which/whom”在定语从句中作主语。I read some books,the cover of which are yellow wi

6、th years.我读过一些书,它们的封面因年代久远都变黄了。“介词which/whom”在含被动结构的定语从句中作状语,表示动作的执行者。The man by whom the little boy was beaten was arrested this morning.今天上午打小男孩的那个人被逮捕了。(2)关系代词前介词的选择可以依据定语从句所修饰的名词或代词来选用介词,也可以依据从句的相关动词来选用。The train on which Im traveling is for Shanghai.我乘坐的火车是去上海的。In the dark street there was not

7、a single person to whom she could turn for help.在漆黑的街道上没有一个她可以求助的人。高考链接2.用适当的介词或关系代词填空(1)Creating an atmosphere in which employees feel part of a team is a big challenge.(xx浙江)(2)Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon which school education depends.(xx安徽)(3)He wrote many children s

8、 books,nearly half of which were published in the 1990s.(xx重庆).单句改错(每小题仅有1处错误)1Third,we should find ways to reuse the water used in washing,especially bath water for which is quite a lot,and that will save much water.(xx大纲全国,短文改错)去掉for2There,Katia will introduce me to some of who her friends,one of

9、has been to China several times.(2011重庆,短文改错)whowhom3It is also a window which we can learn about American society.(xx重庆,短文改错)window后加through二、形容词和副词的比较等级1形容词和副词的比较等级的几种常见结构(1)比较级and比较级,表示“越来越”。The new city is being more and more beautiful.这个新城市变得越来越美丽了。(2)the比较级.,the比较级.,表示“越,越”。The longer you stay

10、,the better (it will be)你待的时间越长越好。The more tickets you sell,the more money you will get.你卖的票越多,挣的钱越多。(3)“.as原级as.”表示前后两者程度相同,在否定句中常用“.not so/as原级as.”或“.less原级than.”结构。Henry is as good a worker as Peter (is)亨利和彼得一样是个好工人。My handwriting is not as/so beautiful as yours.(My handwriting is less beautiful

11、than yours.)我的书法不如你的漂亮。(4)more.than.与其说,不如说,可表示一个人的两种品质的比较。Ann acts quite unfriendly.I think shes more shy than unfriendly.安的举止非常不友好。与其说她不友好,不如说她害羞。(5)“否定词比较级”最高级He has never spent a more worrying day.他度过了最担心的一天。(6)“the最高级(名词)表示范围的短语或从句”表示三者或三者以上中程度最。Mary is the tallest of the four girls in the fami

12、ly.玛丽在家中四个姑娘中是最高的一个。The vase is the least expensive of them.这款花瓶是它们中最便宜的。2比较等级的修饰语(1)比较级的修饰语常用much,even,still,yet,(by)far,a lot,a great deal,a little,rather,some,any等。The students study even harder than before.学生们学习比以前用功多了。Things are far worse than expected.情况要比预料的糟得多。(2)最高级的修饰语常用序数词,以及much,(by)far,

13、nearly,almost,the very,not nearly,not quite等。Id like to buy the second most expensive camera.我想买其价格仅次于最贵价格的照相机。The bridge being built now is by far the longest across the river.目前正在建着的大桥是横跨这条河的最长的桥。3倍数比较级的几种常用句式(1).times as形容词原级as.The table is 3 times as big as that one.这张桌子是那张的三倍大。(2).times the性质的词

14、of.The table is 3 times the size of that one.这张桌子是那张桌子的三倍大。(3).times形容词比较级than.The table is twice bigger than that one.这张桌子比那张大两倍。高考链接3.用所给词的正确形式填空Andy is content with the toy.It is the best he has ever got.(xx四川).单句改错(每小题仅有1处错误)(1)My mum makes the better biscuits in the world,so I decided to ask he

15、r for help.(xx陕西,短文改错)betterbest(2)I understood that he missed us just as many as we missed him.(xx辽宁,短文改错)manymuch(3)I learned early in life that I had to be more patient and little aggressive.(xx新课标全国,短文改错)littleless(4)The doctor says he is recovering fast than expected and will be out of hospital

16、 in a few weeks.(xx陕西,短文改错)fastfaster.用适当的关系词填空1It is reported that two schools,both of which are being built in my hometown,will open next year.2Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity where sight matters more than hearing.3We shouldnt spend our money testing so many people,

17、most of whom are healthy.4The excuse why he didnt e is unbelievable.5Because of the financial crisis,days are gone when local 5star hotels charged 6,000 yuan for one night.句型转换1The factory and the church are equally old.The factory is as old as the church.2This route is less interesting than the oth

18、ers.This is the least interesting route.3Im not as clever as you.Youre cleverer than me.4A puter would calculate a more precise figure.A puter would calculate the figure more precisely.5The old wallpaper wasnt as nice as the new one.The new wallpaper is nicer than the old one.6How reliable a machine

19、 is depends on what it costs.The more a machine costs,the more reliable it is.7No other city in Scotland is as big as Glasgow.Glasgow is the biggest city in Scotland.8This year the first snow has e later than last year.Last year the first snow came earlier than this year.【文体指导】一、概述本单元讲的调查报告是针对某一现象、某


21、段来写;3将两种事物进行对比,以显示其是非、优劣,找出其差异来写;4按调查对象的特点分门别类来写。其次,分析这些数据或事实反映出的问题。这部分不是调查报告的主体,通常用一两句话阐述就可以。但要做到“一针见血”,即观点提炼准确、鲜明。最后,通常在文章的最后一段阐述作者个人的看法和建议。【常用句式】1According to a survey.2Ive made a survey and find that.3A recent study shows that.4No one could have failed to notice the fact that.5As far as I know.6

22、Some.while some.7I think.8In my opinion.9I hope.10I advise that.【写作任务】假设你是李军,你在9月6日给当地环保局写一份报告,报告你们家乡的北湖(North Lake)的现状,内容应包括以下要点:1北湖曾经是旅游景地,水清鱼多;2现在由于工农业污染和当地渔民的过度捕捞,湖水受到污染,鱼类几近枯竭;3你的建议注意:1.词数100左右。2介绍上述所有内容,并适当发挥;参考词汇:环保局The Bureau of Environmental Protection;增强的意识strengthen the awareness of.【审题谋篇

23、】第一步明确要求该写作属于报告类写作,故以第三人称为主;在叙述北湖污染现状时以一般现在时时态为主;在提建议时注意应该合理且中肯。第二步确定段落本篇作文可以从以下几个方面入手: Para.1:首先描述北湖的污染现状;Para.2:对北湖的污染现状进行总结概括;Para.3:提出合理化建议。 第三步词汇热身1名胜a place of interest2对负责be responsible for3总之in conclusion/in one(a) word4提高的意识raise the awareness of5谋生make a living第四步扩点成句1北湖过去是一处风景名胜,里面的水非常干净,

24、有各种各样的鱼。(一般表达)North Lake used to be a place of interest.The water in it was very clear.There were various fish in it.(高级表达)North Lake used to be a place of interest,in which the water was very clear,and there were various fish in it.2水被污染了,大部分污染来自于工农业的废物。(一般表达)The water has been polluted and most of

25、 the pollution es from industrial and agricultural waste.(高级表达)Due to the pollution ing from industrial and agricultural waste,the water has been polluted.【连句成篇】To:The Bureau of Environmental ProtectionFrom:Li JunDate:6th SeptemberSubject:The situation of North LakeNorth Lake used to be a place of i

26、nterest,in which the water was very clear,and there were various fish in it.Every year many visitors e to North Lake.But now the situation of it is being worse.Due to the pollution ing from industrial and agricultural waste,the water has been polluted.Therefore the fish in it are being fewer and few

27、er because of the chemical waste and overfishing by the fishermen.Its difficult to find whos responsible for the situation.In conclusion,a certain department needs to do something to handle the problem,or the fish in it will altogether disappear.First,it should prevent the pollution.Second,it should

28、 educate the fishermen to raise the awareness of environmental protection.Finally it should help the fishermen to find other ways to make a living.【亮点点评】文章内容充实,结构合理。作者首先通过今昔对比陈述北湖的污染现状;然后提出合理的建议;要点齐全,表达规范流畅。合理的使用了and,therefore,in conclusion,first,second,finally等词汇进行过渡,使得文章更加流畅。同时定语从句,it作形式主语等复合句的使用,

29、增添了文章的语言色彩。.单元语法A)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或所提供单词的正确形式。1The new group of students is better behaved than the other group who stayed here earlier(early)2We live in an age when more information is available with greater ease than ever before.3Care of the soul is a gradual process in which even the small detail

30、s of life should be considered.4Of the two coats,Id choose the cheaper(cheap) one to spare some money for a book.5Many people learned to program with little understanding of puters or applications to which puters could or should be applied.B)单句改错(每小题仅1处错误)6My deskmate is a girl whom we can get along

31、 easily.whom前加with或along后加with7I should thank you for the help without it I couldnt have made such great progress.itwhich8The day which I joined the Party is hard to forget.whichwhen或which前加on9I visited the cities in where we could enjoy beautiful scenery.删除in10He paid the boy 10 for washing ten windows,most of the

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