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1、毕业设计(论文)外文翻译题 目 公司治理对企业价值的影响 专 业 财务管理 班 级 10 财管 1 班 学 生 姜波(21002137)指导教师 王向静 职 称 讲 师 高科学院 2014 年The influence of corporate governance on the relation between capital structure and value Capital structure: relation with corporate value and main research streamsWhen looking at the most important theor

2、etical contributions on the relation between capital structure and value, as illustrated in Figure 1, it becomes immediately evident that there is a substantial difference between the early theories and the more recent ones.Modigliani and Miller (1958), who had originally asserted that there was no

3、relationship between capital structure and value ; in 1963, instead, reached the paradoxical and provocative conclusion that a maximum level of debt would mean a maximum level of firm value, due to the fact that interest is tax deductible . Many later contributions pointed out that this effect is co

4、mpensated when considering personal taxes (Miller, 1977),an eventual lack of tax capacity, due to the presence of economic loss, the effect of other types of tax shields (De Angelo and Masulis, 1980), as well as the introduction of the costs(direct and indirect) of financial distress; all these situ

5、ations end up creating a trade-off between debt costs and benefits. Point L in Figure 1c indicates an optimal level of debt,beyond which any rise in leverage would cause an increase in the benefits of debt that would be less than proportional with respect to the costs of financial distress. Furtherm

6、ore, this non monotonic relation would be modified even more when considering agency costs as well as the costs of financial distress . Finally, one last stream of research (Myers, 1984,Myers 1984) points out managerial preferences when choosing financing resources . In this case no optimal level of

7、 debt becomes objectively evident, but this is due to the various situations the manager had to deal with over time. The function of managerial preference has particular relevance due to information asymmetries, therefore the level of firm indebtedness will be determined by the tangent between the f

8、irm value function and the curve of manager indifference.Furthermore, it can be observed that debt increases in correspondence with the better the firms reputation is on the market (Chevalier, 1995). Research has shown similarities between firms that belong to the same sector (Titman and Wessels, 19

9、88); in other words, capital structure tends to be industry-specific.The empirical comparison between the trade-off theory and the pecking order theory seems to be controversial. On one hand, empirical evidence shows moderate coherence with the trade-off theory, when revenue and agency problems are

10、taken into consideration contextually; on the other hand, the negative relation between leverage and firm profit does not seem to support the trade-off theory, as it confirms a hierarchical order in financial decision making.It is, thus, clear that the topic of capital structure is anything but defi

11、ned and that there are still many open problems regarding it.As many authors have noted (Rajan and Zingales, 1995) capital structure is a hot topic in finance. By analyzing international literature the main research priorities and new analytical approaches are related to:the important comparison bet

12、ween rational and behavioural finance (Barberis and Thaler, 2002);a lively comparison made between the pecking order theory and the trade-off theory(Shyam-Sunder and Myers, 1999);the attempt to apply these theories to small firms (Berger and Udell, 1998, Fluck, 2001);the role of corporate governance

13、 on the relation between capital structure and value(Heinrich, 2000, Bhagat and Jefferis, 2002, Brailsford et al., 2004, Mahrt-Smith, 2005).The behavioural approach, that considers the pecking order of financial resources in terms of irrational preferences, caused an immediate reaction from Stewart

14、Myers in 2000 and 2001 and jointly with Shyam-Sunder in 1999 (Myers, 2000; 2001; Shyam-Sunder and Myers,1999). Stewart Myers is the founder of the pecking order theory7. Problems of information asymmetry, together with transaction costs, would be able to offer a rational explanation to managerial be

15、haviour when financial choices are made following a hierarchical order (Fama and French, 2002). In other words, according to Myers and Fama, there should be arational explanation to the phenomenon observed by Stein, Baker, Wrugler, Barberis and Thaler.Moreover, studies on capital structure have also

16、 been done looking at small and medium size firms (Berger and Udell, 1998, Michaelas et al., 1999, Romano et al., 2000, Fluck, 2001),due to the relevant economic role of these firms (in Europe they are 95 percent of the total firms operating). Zingales (2000) as well has emphasized the fact that today . . . the attenti

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