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1、2开发阶段详细操作流程活动说明活动Activities活动描述Description增扩PDT,进行产品开发全员任命Identify Extended Team MembersIPMT-50确定项目开发、验证和发布阶段后续工作的外围组成员并按合同分配资源。Identify extended team members for continuing work on the project through the develop, qualify and launch phases, and allocate resources per the contract更新项目环境Update Projec

2、t EnvironmentPOP-30更新项目文档及数据库,将外围组成员加入进来。同时也要更新智力资本数据库。add extended team members to the project by updating the project files, database. Also update the Intellectual Capital database.召集开工会Kick-off meetingLPDT-83LPDT召集 PDT核心组成员和扩展组全体成员举行开发阶段开工会,建议的会议议程如下:1.项目目标介绍(产品经理)2.版本开发合同书发布或签字仪式(研发管理办代表/产品线总监/产

3、品经理)3.PDT任命宣读(产品线总监/项目管理处经理/产品经理)4.签定承诺书(产品经理和功能部门总监)可选5.PDT成员相互介绍(全体PDT成员)6.PDT中角色和职责介绍(产品经理)7.开发阶段流程以及流程求助渠道介绍(引导者或项目管理处经理)8.计划阶段回顾和计划阶段交付件介绍(产品经理)9.开发阶段目标交付件介绍(产品经理)10.开发阶段工作计划以及重要任务配合和计划风险说明(产品经理)11.明确开发阶段工作计划、考评和汇报关系、日常沟通方式(产品经理)12.团队和个人测评指标及激励机制 (产品经理) 13.相关领导动员讲话LPDT bring together PDTcore te

4、am members and extended team members to have a kick-off meeting, with the suggested agenda as follows:1.brief project objective(LPDT)2.version development contract issue or signature ceremony (RD management rep/product line director/LPDT) PDT appointment (product line director/Project Manageme

5、nt manager/LPDT)4.sign commitment letter (LPDT and function department director) optional5.PDT members introduction to each other (all PDTmembers)6. introduction of roles and responsibilities of PDT(product manager)7.brief develop phase process and process help channel(facilitator or Project Managem

6、ent manager) plan phase and brief plan phase deliverables ( LPDT)9.brief develop phase objective delivered (LPDT)10.develop phase work plan , important task coordination & risk description (LPDT)11.define develop phase work plan, performance measurement ,reporting system and daily communicat

7、ion channel(LPDT) and individual measurement and incentive mechanism (LPDT)13. mobilization speech by related leader执行对外合作计划Execute external cooperation planLPDT-91 各合作项目经理(产品合作、运营商合作、技术合作)依据对外合作合同/业务计划负责监控实施对外合作计划,保证合作计划与产品开发的同步,并将合作成果应用于产品开发中。 如遇需求变更或计划调整,应按产品开发要求走变更流程,并通过对外合作部/业务部合作分部与合作方达

8、成一致或协调解决。 Each cooperation project manager (product cooperation, carrier cooperation, tech cooperation) responsible for monitoring external cooperation execution, assuring cooperation plan in pace with product development, and use cooperation results to product development according to external coop

9、eration contract/business plan. If requirement is changed or plan adjusted,they should go through change control process,and reach agreement with partners through external cooperation department/functional department cooperation branch.开始执行项目监控Begin Monitoring and Control of Project ExecutionLPDT-90

10、FPDT-55RDPDT-65TSPDT-55MNFPDT-55PROPDT-55MKTPDT-65SE-125POP-35协调并跟踪项目任务绩效;跟踪时间进度、成本、资源和交付件;管理项目范围和更改;管理资源,必要的话重新分配资源;必要的话,向上反映问题;定期性地报告项目状态;使用“项目管理”使能流程Coordinate and track performance of project tasks; track schedules, costs, resources and deliverables; manage scope and changes; manage and realloca

11、te resources if required; escalate issues if required; report status on regular basis; use the Project Management enabling process监控执行信息安全计划Monitor and execute Information Security PlanLPDT-95开始监控产品质量目标和计划Begin Monitoring and Control Product Quality Objective and Plan/PQA-60通过例会、阶段会议、度量分析、交付物审计等,监控质

12、量计划的执行情况。当实际执行情况与产品质量计划发生偏差时,PQA应提醒LPDT采取相应的补救措施,要求LPDT更新计划。更新后的计划必须经过再次审核和批准。Begin monitoring and controlling product quality plan by attending PDT regular meeting, end of phase meeting, delivery auditing, metrics analysis etc.When variance is emerged between actual result and initial product quali

13、ty plan, PQA is responsible to request correcting activities from PDT, PDT should update the product quality plan which should be reviewed and approved once more.组建Build小组Setup Build TeamRDPDT70开发代表组建Build小组,各开发项目组指定兼职成员加入到Build小组。Build小组负责准备BBIT(Building Block Integrate and Test)的集成方案、用例、环境并负责执行BBI

14、T活动。RDPDT setup build team, member in IPD-CMM project will join the team part time. Build team is responsible for prepare Building Block Integrate and Test scheme, test cases, environment and perform the BBIT.tracking product target cost跟踪产品目标成本FPDT-56According to product BOB and procument price,FPD

15、T calculate the product actual cost and the difference from target cost,and then submit the feedback to R&D and procument and IPMT.根据产品清单和采购价格,FPDT计算产品的实际成本,比较实际成本与目标成本的差距,并反馈给研发、采购和IPMT。执行标准计划Execute standard planSE-127产品标准计划中需要执行的标准工作活动主要有3类:实施标准项目、参加国内外标准会议、标准研究,这些工作在计划和执行过程中都必须配合产品开发阶段的其他活动和国内外标

16、准会议的时间表,并以促进产品开发和增强产品市场竞争力为目标。 There are 3 kinds of standard activities which need to be executed in product standard plan,that is execute standard project,attend domestic and international standard meetings,standard research, which should coordinate with other activities of product develop phase an

17、d domestic/international standard meeting schedule in order to promote product development and enhance product market competitiveness.优化市场计划Refine market planMKTPDT-68根据产品、客户的需求和与产品相关的潜在细分市场,在原有市场计划的基础上进一步分析和细化需要采取的战术性活动, 类似产品在何处销售、需要关注的目标市场、如何更好地贴近和满足客户、如何提升竞争能力等问题都需要详细的描述 (市场策略)以及具体的措施, 包括价格和目标用户。

18、Based on product and customer requirements and potential market segmentation, further analyze and refine tactical activities which need to be adopted, such as where is the product sold, target market, how to better meet customers requirements, and how to promote competition ,etc. - all these questio

19、ns need detailed description (market strategy) and specific measures and steps ,including price and target users.制定发布计划Develop Launch planMKTPDT-69在PDCP通过之后,根据发布策略、具体的发布活动及交付件制定详细的发布计划。Develop detailed launch plan after PDCP exit based on launch strategy, launch activities and deliverables.开始EC发布管理,

20、发布初始BOM并纳入EC控制Begin EC Release ManagementRelease Initial BOM and put it under EC controlSE-130将所有技术信息放入数据库并通过正式的工程更改(EC)流程来管理更改;使用“交付件更改管理”使能流程来决定提议的更改,并使用PDM或其它相似的系统来自动管理工程更改(EC release)管理流程。EC release管理并不是冻结数据,而是对更改进行控制,每个人都应该被告知有关的更改以便每个人都基于相同的信息进行工作。Put all technical information in a database an

21、d manage changes through a formal Engineering Change (EC) process; use the Deliverable Change Management enabling process to make decisions about proposed changes and use a PDM or equivalent system to automate the EC release management process. EC release management does not imply the data is frozen

22、, but rather the changes are controlled and everyone is kept informed about the changes so that everyone has the same set of information to work from对硬件设计进行EC控制Put Electrical Design under EC ControlEE-40所有共享的硬件设计信息,如规格、器件清单、原理图、网表(netlist)、布线图、制造输出等都存放在一个产品数据管理系统之中。任何更改必须通过正式的EC流程,该流程是交付件更改管理使能流程的一部

23、分。在没有准备给其他团队成员共享之前的私人信息存放在特定的项目工作文件下。All shared electrical design information, such as specifications, parts lists, schematics, netlists, board layouts, manufacturing outputs, etc. are stored in a product data management system. Any changes must go through the formal EC process, which is part of the

24、 Deliverable Change Management enabling process. Private information is stored in application-specific, project working files until they are ready for sharing with other team members对软件设计进行EC控制Put S/W Design under EC ControlSWE-40所有共享的软件设计信息,如规格、原代码、目标代码、测试规格和结果、配置、版本等都存放在软件管理系统中。 任何更改必须通过正式的EC流程,它是

25、交付件更改管理使能流程的一部分。在没有准备给其他团队成员共享之前的私人信息存放在特定的项目工作文件下。All shared electrical design information, such as specifications, source code, object code, test specs and results, configurations, versions, etc. are stored in a software management system. Any changes must go through the formal EC process, which i

26、s part of the Deliverable Change Management enabling process. Private information is stored in application-specific, project working files until they are ready for sharing with other team members对结构设计进行EC控制Put Mechanical Design under EC ControlME-40所有的结构设计信息,比如规格、器件清单、布局图、制造输出等都存放在一个产品数据管理系统中。 任何更改必

27、须通过正式的EC流程,它是交付件更改管理使能流程的一部分。在没有准备给其他团队成员共享之前的私人信息存放在特定的项目工作文件下。All shared mechanical design information, such as specifications, parts lists, layouts, manufacturing outputs, etc. are stored in a product data management system. Any changes must go through the formal EC process, which is part of the

28、Deliverable Change Management enabling process. Private information is stored in application-specific, project working files until they are ready for sharing with other team members对信息开发文档进行EC控制Put Documentation under EC ControlTD-20所有共享的技术产品文档,比如规格、图纸、有关元器件的技术信息等都存放在一个产品数据管理系统中。任何更改必须通过正式的EC流程,它是交付

29、件更改管理使能流程的一部分。在没有准备给其他团队成员共享之前的私人信息存放在特定的项目工作文件下。All shared technical product documentation, such as specifications, drawings, technical information about components etc. are stored in a product data management system. Any changes must go through the formal EC process, which is part of the Deliverab

30、le Change Management enabling process. Private information is stored in application-specific, project working files until they are ready for sharing with other team members设计制造工艺Design Manufacturing ProcessAME-40评审现有的生产线能力以确定设备和制造工艺的重用程度;评估自动化技术;对工艺进行成本/效益分析;调研开发供制造和测试用的新设备的需求;选择有效的制造工艺和设备并进行制造工艺概要设

31、计。Review existing manufacturing line capabilities for reuse of equipment and procedures; evaluate automation technologies; perform cost / benefit analyses for technologies; investigate need for developing new equipment for manufacturing and testing; select effective manufacturing technologies and eq

32、uipment and develop a high level design of the manufacturing process设计生产测试设备Design Manufacturing testing equipmentAME-45 参考装备总体方案和各单板概要设计内容,并考虑到各单板详细设计的规格细化和变更情况,制定各单板的生产测试方案;制定各测试仪的设计规格书。单板生产测试方案主要解决FT中各测试项目如何具体实现以及ICT、老化、软件加载的方法;测试仪规格书主要解决测试仪如何设计出来。以单板生产测试方案和测试仪规格书共同指导后续装备的开发。 Develop the manufacturing testing plan taking into consideration equipment master plan and single boa

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