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1、MBA英语短语9MBA英语短语:【MBA加油站】win over1.把争取过来;赢得的同意或支持同义词:convert,convince。win over的英语解释:make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something相关短语:win a battle 战胜, 打胜仗win a bet 赌输赢了win a bet on 赌赢了win a bet with sb 和某人打赌赌赢了win a distinction for 因.而获功勋 荣获勋章(或称号)win a high reputati

2、on 赢得高的信誉win a love game 全胜(对方得零分)win a penny (通过投资等)赚钱, 获利win a prize 得奖win a seat v. 在国会选举中当选win over的例句:1.It was positioned to win over developers as well.而且RIM也有机会赢得开发者的信赖。2.I reminded her that she had to win over many sophisticated audiences to get the financing for her business.我提醒她,她必须赢得很多高端听

3、众,为她的业务获得融资。3.But microsoft has been able to win over gamers by delivering its own motion peripheral, the kinect.但后来,微软凭借自己的动作识别周边外设Kinect赢得了游戏玩家的青睐。4.Dupont will have to win over 90% of danisco shareholders for the deal to go through.杜邦需要赢得90%的丹尼斯科股东的支持,才能如愿以偿,完成收购计划。5.Fiat faces an even steeper up

4、hill battle to win over u.s customers.要赢得美国消费者的青睐,菲亚特恐怕还要打一场更艰苦的持久战。watch out watch out for sb/sth1. 密切注意;留意2. 小心;当心同义词:look out,watch。watch out的英语解释:be vigilant, be on the lookout, be on ones guard, be careful相关短语:watch adjustment 手表调整watch and ward 时刻戒备,日夜守卫watch assembly 手表装配watch assembly equipm

5、ent 手表装配设备watch assembly tool 手表装配工具watch band 手表带watch battery tester 手表电池测试器watch beat 手表拍watch boat 警戒艇,警戒艇watch bow closing pliers 手表耳环闭合钳watch out的例句:1.Watch out: it is likely to be bumpy.小心:这有可能是一条崎岖之路。2.The pp should watch out for surprises.人民党应该当心对手出其不意的招数。3.So watch out for stunning victori

6、es for moldova and liberia.所以等着看摩尔多瓦共和国和利比里亚的惊人成就吧。4.Watch out for items about cartoonish medicine.小心那些有些卡通的医疗新闻。5.Watch out, too, if the company has auditors you have never heard of.如果一家公司聘请的审计机构你闻所未闻,你也要小心。up to now的中文翻译: 1.到目前为止同义词:heretofore,hitherto,as yet,so far,thus far,til now,until now,yet;

7、to date。up to nowused in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present timeprior to the present time相关短语:up a gum tree 骑虎难下,处理狼狈up a stump adv.处境尴尬up a tree 进退两难,处于困境,走投无路up against 遭遇,面临(问题、困难等); 迎着,顶着up against the wall 碰壁,处境困难up and about adv.(病

8、人)已起床走动up and coming 积极进取的,奋发有为的up and doing 活跃的,精力充沛的,忙碌的up and down adv.上下地,到处,前前后后,来来往往up and down gig 上下往复式刺果起绒机up to now的例句:1.Up to now we have been traversing the tracks of prior crises.到目前为止,我们一直循着以往危机的轨迹走过来。2.Up to now, obama has not responded well to this onslaught of unreason.到目前为止,奥巴马还没有很

9、好地回应这种非理性攻击。3.Up to now, beijing has warned off foreign investors from having a sizeable influence in domestic steelmakers.到目前为止,中国政府仍然警告外国投资者不得在国内钢企中具有相当大的影响力。4.Despite initial fears, biotechnology has not, up to now, caused any serious problems.尽管最初令人担心,生物技术至今尚未引发任何严重的麻烦。5.Opponents claim, though,

10、 that it has deliberately dragged its feet over the technology and also that the work on fingerprinting is an admission that google has not done enough up to now to fulfil its legal responsibilities.不过,反对者声称,该公司故意在这项科技方面放慢脚步,而谷歌在电子指纹方面的工作,也相当于承认自己至今未能尽力去履行自己的法律义务。 work up1.【医】诊断检查同义词:build,build up,

11、ramp up;work out;build,build up,progress;get up。work up的英语解释:bolster or strengthencome up withform or accumulate steadilydevelop相关短语:work a friend 【法】 骗取一个朋友的钱work a machine 操作机器,制造机器work a marvel 创造奇迹,发挥奇效work a mine 开矿,办矿,采矿work ability 【医】 劳动能力work against 对不利work against the clock v.抢在ime v.抢时间完

12、衬骋皇笨糖巴瓿晒魃工作work against time 抓紧时间地工作work allocation 【经】 工作分配work an abacus 用算盘,打算盘work up的例句:1.Always negotiate at trade-in value, and work up.谈判总是在贸易价值,而工作了.2.I cant work up any interest in this book.我对这本书提不起任何兴趣。3.To work up interest in a project.激起对某个项目的兴趣。4.No need to get so work up about that.这

13、件事用不着这么焦急。5.If you start your day looking your own flaws in the face, you might work up a pretty good appetite of gratitude before breakfast.如果你每天早上都在你自己的脸上找缺陷,那在吃早餐之前你就会拥有感激的食欲。 walk out 1.罢工同义词:strike。walk out的英语解释:leave suddenly, often as an expression of disapprovalleave abruptly, often in prote

14、st or angerstop work in order to press demands相关短语:walk a beat 巡逻walk a chalk line 笔直地行走;循规蹈矩walk a turn 来回地走走walk a Virginia fence 东倒西歪地走(指醉了的人)walk about 散步,遛弯;徘徊;在人群中来回走动walk around 绕.而走walk away v. 1.走开walk away from v.从.旁边走开,轻易地胜过walk away with 轻易取得walk away with sth 偷走, 顺手拿走, 顺手牵羊地拿走某物, 轻易获得,

15、轻易赢得walk out的例句:1.Twenty minutes later I walk out.二十分钟后我走了出来。2.Some journalists threatened to walk out.一些新闻记者也威胁要罢工。3.Let you walk out of here with our money?让你带着我们的钱从这里走出去?4.An ap cameraman saw a gunman take an unattended laptop and put some other objects into a bag and walk out of the hotel.一名美联社摄

16、影记者看到一个枪手拿走了一台没人照看的笔记本和其他东西以后离开了旅馆。5.The doors open for count and all the inmates walk out.牢房门打开了,开始对囚犯点名,所有犯人走出门来。work on动词对 . 起作用,企图影响或说服,忙于同义词:work at;process,work。work on的英语解释:to exert effort in order to do, make, or perform somethingshape, form, or improve a material相关短语:work a friend 【法】 骗取一个朋

17、友的钱work a machine 操作机器,制造机器work a marvel 创造奇迹,发挥奇效work a mine 开矿,办矿,采矿work ability 【医】 劳动能力work against 对不利work against the clock v.抢在ime v.抢时间完衬骋皇笨糖巴瓿晒魃工作work against time 抓紧时间地工作work allocation 【经】 工作分配work an abacus 用算盘,打算盘work on的例句:1.Actually, I was seeking more challenging work on some sort of

18、 track. 而实际上,我希望接受一些挑战性更强的工作。”2.So, fadell went to work on designing one that takes advantage of todays technologies.因此,法戴尔着手设计了一款充分利用当今科技的烟雾探测器。3.Last year a new program sent employees to ghana and india to work on community projects.去年,这家公司还启动了一个新方案,将员工送往加纳和印度从事社区项目。4.People love to edit what you

19、say, so give them something to work on. 人们喜欢修改其他人的话,所以不妨给他们一些事情做。”5.Leaders ought to work on sanctioning unethical behavior before it gets to a level that regulators would flag. 领导者应该努力制裁不道德的行为,避免它恶化到引起监管者关注的地步。under the weather1.身体不舒服;心情不好同义词:indisposed,ailing,peaked,poorly,seedy,sickly,unwell。unde

20、r the weather的英语解释:somewhat ill or prone to illness相关短语:under a 9-hours photoperiod 在九小时的光周期下under a boycott 受到联合抵制under a charge of 【法】 根据.控告under a cloud adv.失宠,不高兴under a foreign sky 在异乡国under a grant from 得到的资助under a spell 被咒符镇住,被迷住,入迷,受到蛊惑under a strain 很劳累under a surface gloss of 在表面光泽的掩饰下und

21、er a vow 受誓言约束,发誓,立誓under the weather的例句:1.Sorry, I was a bit under the weather.对不起,我身体有点不太舒服。2.Under the weather, it means sick.天气好好的吗,你干吗撒谎呢?3.My father is feeling a little under the weather.我父亲身体有些不适。4.A little under the weather today.他今天有点情绪低落。5.When americans feel under the weather, they often take over-the-counter medicines.当美国人感到身体微恙时,他们常去买无医师处方的成药。

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