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1、课标版云南省中考英语总复习第一部分考点研究课时8八4试题课时8八4. 词形转换1. (2017盐城)Taking a pair of binoculars can help you see the birds _(clear)2. (2018原创)Though the news may make Lily sad, they have to tell her the _(true)3. (2018原创)In my opinion, we will stay in _ Africa for three weeks.(south)4. (2018原创)The red car looks nicer

2、 than the white one. And it is _(cheap)5. (2018原创)Our country has all kinds of _ resources, but many of them are wasted or polluted.(nature)6. (2018原创)I never take _ chopsticks when I buy takeaway food.(wood)7. (2018预测)Phyllis dreams to be a _ after graduation so that she can interview some big figu

3、res.(report)8. (2018预测)I looked up the history of The Moon over a Fountain, so I understand the _ in that music.(sad) . 短语翻译1. (2018原创)It is important to _ in a dangerous situation.(保持冷静)2. (2018原创)Fruit salad is a kind of _. My mother make it for me every day.(健康食品)3. (2018原创)If we are _,we must ca

4、ll the police for help in time.(处于危险中) 4. (2018原创)I saw two policemen _ the thief when I crossed the road.(追逐)5. (2018预测)I like doing _ in my summer holidays, because I feel happy when I can make money by myself.(兼职工作). 单项填空1. (2017青岛)You can _ the word in the dictionary if you dont know it.A. give

5、away B. cut off C. take after D. look up2. (2017黄冈) Whats your prediction about the _ of our school basketball match next week?I am sure Class 8 will be the winner.A. teammate B. result C. information D. player3. (2017随州)Why dont you buy the sweater?Its too _, and I dont have enough money to buy it.

6、A. nice B. expensive C. popular D. cheap4. (2017白银)Do you think its going to rain this afternoon?_ Were just planning to have a picnic later this afternoon.A. I hope not. B. I expect so.C. Yes, it was. D. No, I wont. 5. (2018原创)How can I get some _ about the 11th International Garden Expo?Why not se

7、arch the Internet?A. newspaper B. experienceC. practice D. information6. (2018原创)The police searched everywhere in the forest _ the missing tourist last night. And finally the man was found and saved.A. for B. with C. of D. from7. (2018原创)We can learn a lot of _ from the Internet. It is good for our

8、 study.A. expression B. knowledge C. influence D. direction8. (2018原创)In winter, people usually keep flowers in their houses to _ them against the cold.A. produce B. provide C. protect D. prevent9. (2018预测)The car was out of _ and hit a tree by the road. That was so terrible.A. danger B. breath C. c

9、ontrol D. practice10. (2018原创)My pet dog hurt his right leg yesterday._. He will be better soon. A. Good luck B. Dont worry C. Thats OK D. Not too bad11. (2018预测)Youd better _ if the windows are closed before you leave the classroom.A. check out B. clear out C. look out D. go out. 完形填空(2018原创) The N

10、ational Zoo in Washington DC. has a lot of lovely animals. The giant pandas from China are the most _1_ animals in the zoo. They receive thousands of visitors every year. The zoo keepers _2_ them very well. Many people were sad when Bao Bao, one of the most wellknown pandas, left for China in Februa

11、ry. But there are other pandas living in Washington, and many other lovely _3_ The officials in The National Zoological Park said that 12 cheetahs(猎豹) were born last month. Two adult cheetahs, _4_ Miti and Happy gave birth to them. Miti actually had seven cubs(幼崽), _5_ two did not survive. Each moth

12、er now has two male and three female cubs. The Cheetah Conservation Fund and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature say a large number of cheetahs _6_ about 10,000 years ago. Those living eventually helped to increase the population. The zoo put a video of the 10 surviving cubs in a

13、web. Some were lying next to each other and breathing _7_. They have light faces with dark marks. The fur covering _8_ small bodies is light brown and dark brown, and it looks soft. The cubs will visit an animal _9_ for the first time in just a few weeks. Until then, scientists are using a camera to

14、 observe their conditions. Many people were _10_ to see them. On Twitter, the cheetah cubs were called “adorable,” “awesome,” and “little cutiepies.”1. A. popular B. comfortable C. beautiful D. common2. A. put on B. take after C. look after D. get on3. A. plants B. birds C. flowers D. animals4. A. c

15、alled B. changed C. killed D. checked5. A. and B. or C. so D. but6. A. appeared B. died C. developed D. left7. A. hardly B. possibly Cloudly D. sadly8. A. her B. his C. our D. their9. A. nurse B. doctor C. keeper D. manager10. A. excited B. disappointed C. surprised D. moved.阅读理解A(2017曲靖麒麟区二模)More a

16、nd more advertisements appear on the Web. You have to be careful not to be fooled or tricked by the advertisements on the Internet. Something is said to be a bargain(便宜物品), but it isnt. And some socalled new things just have a new outside.However, shopping online is a kind of fashionable thing nowad

17、ays. I love to buy things of everyday use, so I often get lots of information about them on websites online. For example, if I want an MP3, I can choose my favorite one, and look for what the users like or dont like about it, then decide whether to buy it or not. And at the same time, you dont have

18、to go to a shop or walk around a crowded shopping area, so you dont have to waste much time. The Internet is really useful for shopping, but be careful not to spend too much.1. If you want to shop online, you should be careful not to be fooled.2. The writer thinks that the advertisements online are

19、always true.3. An MP3 is a kind of book where you can learn music.4. The writer often buys socalled cheap things online.5. If you shop online, you can save time.B(2017乐山改编)The undersea world is very beautiful. Now more and more people want to dive in the water to find the secret there. Scuba diving(

20、水肺潜水)is a new sport today. _1_You will find many strange animals in the sea. _2_ Many sea animals give out light in the dark and some have sharp teeth.During the day, there is enough light. Here, under the sea, everything is blue and green. When fish swim nearby, you can catch them with your hands.

21、When you have bottles of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time. _3_ And you must be very careful when you dive in deep water. The deep sea is not an easy place to live in. Its cold, and its dark, too. _4_ About 3,000 feet, there is no light at all. It is very dark in the sea.

22、Many fishes have no eyes. Some have big eyes. A few have eyes on one side._5_ Animals eat! They must find food to eat. Many animals eat plants. However, some animals eat meat. This means these sea animals have two big jobs. They need to find animals as food, and they have to try not to become other

23、animals meal.A. Some are as large as a school bus.B. It can take you into a wonderful undersea world. C. Besides the cold and the darkness, deepsea animals face a third dangerother animals.D. However, you cant dive too deep. E. The deeper it is, the less sunlight there will be. F. Some people like d

24、iving very much.G. You need to be brave enough to dive in the water. 书面表达My Opinions on Surfing the Internet提示: 随着科技的发展,网络越来越普遍。你是怎样看待网络的?请以“My Opinions on Surfing the Internet”为题,写一篇英语作文。要求: 1. 语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于60个; 2. 文中不得使用真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计。_课时8八4.1. clearly【解析】句意:带上望远镜可以使你更清楚地看见那些鸟。see为动词,需要副词修饰

25、,故填clearly。2. truth【解析】句意:尽管这个消息可能会使莉莉悲伤,但是他们不得不告诉她真相。分析句子结构可知,冠词the后面缺少名词,故填truth。3. southern【解析】句意:在我看来,未来三周我们将待在非洲南部。分析句意可知,空格处需填形容词修饰空后的名词Africa,故填southern。4. cheaper【解析】句意:这辆红色的车看起来比白色的那辆更好看,而且它更便宜。根据上句可知此处为比较级,指红色的车比白色的更便宜resources,故填cheaper。5. natural【解析】句意:我们国家有各种各样的自然资源,但是很多都被浪费或者污染了。此处需用形容

26、词作定语,修饰名词chopsticks,故填natural。6. wooden【解析】当我买外带食物时,我从不带木制筷子。形容词修饰名词,故填wooden。 7. reporter【解析】句意:菲利斯想毕业后成为一名记者,这样就可以采访一些大人物。冠词后a加名词,故填reporter。8. sadness【解析】句意:我查找过二泉映月的历史,因此我理解这首曲子中的_。分析句子结构可知冠词后需填名词,故填sadness。.1. keep/stay calm【解析】句意:在危险的情况下,保持冷静是非常重要的。根据“It is important to do sth. 做某事很重要”可知用动词原形。

27、保持冷静keep/stay calm。2. healthy food【解析】句意:水果沙拉是一种健康食品。我妈妈每天都为我制作水果沙拉。健康食品healthy food。3. in danger【解析】句意:如果我们处于危险中,一定要及时报警寻求帮助。处于危险中in danger。4. run after【解析】句意:当我过马路的时候,我看见两个警察在追小偷。根据句意和crossed可知是看到了警察追小偷的整个过程,追赶run after。see sb do sth.看到某人做某事的过程。故填 run after。5. parttime jobs【解析】句意:我喜欢在暑假做兼职工作,因为当我自

28、己赚钱的时候,我感到很开心。parttime job兼职工作,此处不止一个兼职工作。故填parttime jobs。.1. D【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果你不认识单词,你可以在词典中_它。give away 赠送,分发;cut off 切除,切断;take after 与相像;look up 查阅。根据句意和“dictionary”一词可知要查阅字典。故选D。2. B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“你预测下周校篮球赛的_ 是什么?”“我相信8班会赢。”teammate队友;result结果;information信息;player选手。根据答语“Im sure Class 8 will be the winner.”可知问句应该是让对方预测比赛结果。故选B。3. B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“为什么你不买这个毛衣?”“它太_,并且我没有足够的钱去买它。”nice美好的;expensive 昂贵的;popular流行的;cheap便宜的。结合答句后半句句意:“没有足够的钱”,可知是毛衣太贵。故选B。4.

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