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1、英语四六级考试译文笔记 第8篇英语作文写作及翻译老师笔记(四六级考试)高等教育的一个重要作用就是要为学生走向社会和工作岗位的平稳过渡做好准备。大学只有通过鼓励学生课堂的参与和互动才能培养学生的能力,这种能力能使学生平稳有效地做好这个过渡。One of the important functions of(1.的一个重要作用)higher education should be toprepare students for a smooth transition into society and the workplace(2.为学生走向社会和工作岗位的平稳过渡做好准备). Only by en

2、couragingstudent participation and interaction(3.学生课堂的参与和互动)can universitiesfoster(4.培养)students ability to make the transition smoothly and effectively.1- one of the important functions词典释义:functionfk.nnounPURPOSE目的IMPROVERcountablethe natural purpose (of something) or the duty (of a person)功能,用途;职

3、责Thefunctionofthe veins is to carry blood to the heart.静脉的功能是将血液输送回心脏。Im not quite sure what myfunctionis within the company.我拿不太准自己在公司里有甚么职责。A thermostatperformsthefunctionof controlling temperature.自动调温器的功用是控制温度。外刊例句:That sums upone of the important functions ofthe windpipe: keeping bacteria and o

4、ther particles in the air out of the lungs, where they could cause potentially fatal infections. (The New York Times)替换表达:one of the main functions of学生错误表达:(1) one of the important contributions of点评:contribution是指“贡献”,与“功能”不同。2- prepare students for a smooth transition into society and the workpla

5、ceprepare sb for sth/to do sth意为“使某人准备好(做)某事”。词典释义:transition transition /trnzn;trnzn/noun C,U formal 1. when something changes from one form or state to another过渡; 转变,变迁: transition from sth to sththe smooth transition from fulltime work to full retirement从全职工作到完全退休的顺利过渡Making the transition from y

6、outh to adulthood can be very painful.从青少年过渡到成年有时是一个非常痛苦的过程。a society that is in transition (=changing)一个正在转型的社会the period of transition to full democracy向全面民主的过渡时期外刊例句:The establishment of the UN-backed Government of National Accord in December 2015 was supposed to guarantee Libyastransition intoa

7、peaceful, unified country, where elected officials rather than armed militants govern. (The Economist)学生错误表达:(1) make preparation for steady transformation for the society and working点评:transformation含义是“彻底改观,大变样”,与transition(过渡)不同。(2) transit steadily towards society and work positions点评:transit作动词

8、时,含义是“通过或穿过”,例如:aircraft transiting the United States and Canada 飞越美国和加拿大的飞机,在这里使用transit不合适。如果要表示动词形式的“过渡”,可以用transition(3) students preparation for the future career点评:表达太过简略,不够准确。(4) prepare students to fit into the society and ensure their smooth transition to the job positions点评:这里society是泛指,前面

9、不能加冠词,要改为fit into society;the job positions也不够准确,应该改为the workplace3- student participation and interaction名词可以作定语,所以这里student不需复数,也不需所有格。词典释义:participation participation /prtspen;ptspen /noun U 1. the act of taking part in an activity or event参加,参与:Thank you for your participation.谢谢你的参与。+inWe want

10、more participation in the decision-making.我们想更多地参与决策。entertainment with plenty of audience participation 有许多观众参与的娱乐活动interactionUKn.trk.nUS-t-nouncountableoruncountablewhen two or more people or things communicate with or react to each other交流,交往;相互作用,相互影响Theres not enoughinteractionbetween the mana

11、gement and the workers.管理部门与工人之间的沟通不足。Language games are usually intended to encourage studentinteraction.语言游戏通常用来鼓励学生间的交流。The play follows theinteractionsof three very different characters.该剧以三个性格迥异的人物之间的交往为主线展开情节。外刊例句:This network means a student sitting in the Philippines can undertake an MBA deg

12、ree from the University of Surrey in the U.K., complete with tutorial support andstudent interactionfrom STI. (The Economist)学生替换表达:(1) attend and interact in classes点评:attend不够准确,这里可以改为participate;interact后面一般要加介词with,可以改为interact with others in class,即participate and interact with others in class(

13、2) take part in course interactions点评:一般说法是take part in class courses,后面的interaction可以改为and interact with others4- foster词典释义:UKfs.trUSf:.stverbENCOURAGE鼓励transitiveto encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings鼓励;促进;培养Im trying tofosteran interest in classical musicinmy children.我正努力培养

14、我的孩子们对古典音乐的兴趣。They were discussing the best way tofoster democracy and prosperity in the former communist countries.他们正在讨论促进前共产主义国家民主和繁荣的最佳办法。外刊例句:Now those schools themselves need to be changed, tofosterthe creativity that humans will need to set them apart from computers. (The Economist)替换表达:promo

15、te/cultivate/developQ:参考翻译中用了should be,不是很理解这里为什么要用虚拟语气?A:这里不是虚拟语气,这里只是情态动词+动词原形而已。Q:请问老师,“workplace”是可数名词,这里为什么不用复数呢?是用“the workplace”宽泛指代工作岗位A:the workplace是一个固定说法,表示“工作场所”,这个用法可以记起来。the workplacevariantused in general for referring to places where people work discrimination in the workplace Thesa

16、urus:general words for offices and the workplacehyponymQ:workplace字典译文工作场所,会不会working post更合适呢?A:这里不可以根据汉语直译过去,post一般指“(大机构内重要的)职位”,用在这里不合适。Q:遇到这种长难句要怎么翻译?我一开始翻译的时候确定了主谓宾,但是不知道要怎么把修饰词不断加入,最后只好写了好多个小句子。我写的句子是:One of roles of the higher education is preparing smooth transition for students toward the

17、sociality and job. Only though encouraging student to join class and interactive could university develop their abilities. And this ability could make students transit steady and effectively.A:一般来说,确定句子主谓宾后可以再确定句子各个部分之间的逻辑关系,然后用连词或者介词将各个部分连接起来。举个例子:(1) Only though encouraging student to join class a

18、nd interactive could university develop their abilities.(2) And this ability could make students transit steady and effectively.这两句话都有共同的部分ability,可以用to连接起来:Only though encouraging student to join class and interactive could university develop their abilities to make the transition smoothly and effe

19、ctively.2.大学生已经处于一个能够了解自己的专业兴趣,并且能够自己做决定的年龄。因此,他们有在自己专业内外选择选修课的自由。University students areat the age when(1.处于一个的年龄)they are aware of theiracademic interests(2.专业兴趣)and able tomake decisions on their own(3.自己做决定).In light of this fact(4.因此), it is reasonable that they should be given the freedom to t

20、akeoptional courses(5.选修课) both within and outside theirmajor area of study(6.专业).1- be at the age when. 处于一个的年龄词典释义:ageThe spelling aging is also used, mainly in American English. 亦拼作aging,主要用于美国英语。1.N-VAR 可变名词年龄Yourageis the number of years that you have lived.She has a nephew who is just ten year

21、s ofage.她有一个才10岁的侄子。At theageof sixteen he qualified for a place at the University of Hamburg.16岁时,他就有资格进入汉堡大学。I admired him for being so confident at hisage.我钦佩他这般年纪就如此自信。外刊例句:Baby-boomers who havent yet retiredarenowat the age when they are most likely to become disabled. Their numbers have been s

22、wollen by the entry of more women to the workforce. And a gradually rising retirement age means beneficiaries collect disability payments longer before they switch to a pension. (The Economist)替换表达:reach/get to a stage where, reach the age when学生错误表达:(1)under the age when点评:under the age后面一般接of,即und

23、er the age of seven/eight/nine 这里应该改为at the age when(2)in an age when点评:in an age when是指“处于的时代”,例如:In an age when few women became politicians, her career was unusual. 而不能指“处于一个的年龄”。(3)in a position that点评:没有in a position that这样的搭配。(4)be old enough点评:表达不够准确。2- academic interestsacademic尤其是指在校期间的、知识方

24、面的。词典释义:academick.dem.kadjectiveSTUDYING学习的IMPROVERrelating to schools, colleges and universities, or connected with studying and thinking, not with practical skills学校的,学院的;学术的academic subjects/qualifications/books学科学历学术书籍anacademicinstitution学术机构theacademicyear (= the time, usually from September t

25、o June, during which students go to school or college)学年academic standards学术水准外刊例句:I just happen to have moved into a different learning delivery model because I knew it would give me greater flexibility to continue with myacademic interests and spend more time with my family. Its a model that fits

26、around my life. (The Guardian)学生错误表达:(1) professional interests点评:professional interests一般是指自己擅长领域内的兴趣,比如摄影,运动等,这与academic interests(学术领域内的兴趣)不同。卫报例句:We tend to furnish our digital identities with a string of personal andprofessional intereststhat also define the scope of our conversations online.(2

27、) major appetites点评:appetite是指“食欲;欲望”,不能用来指“兴趣”。(3) major preference点评:preference是指“偏爱,偏好”,与“兴趣”不同。建议写的时候多查查词典,熟悉单词在语境下的用法。3- make decisions on ones own词典释义:12.PHRASE 短语独立地;依靠自己地If you do somethingonyourown, you do it without any help from other people.【搭配模式】:PHR after vI work best on myown.我独立工作的时候

28、效果最好。.the jobs your child can do on herown.孩子能独立完成的事情外刊例句:Mei Fong, a former Beijing correspondent of the Wall Street Journal who wrote a book about the one-child policy, says the cost of raising a childon ones ownis such that it is usually only rich people who try. (The Economist)替换表达:make decision

29、s by themselves / make their own decisions学生错误表达:(1)independently make decisions点评:语序调整为make decisions independently会更加自然。4- in light of this fact词典释义:latnounin the light of sth(US usuallyin light of)because of因为,鉴于In thelightof recent incidents, we are asking our customers to take particular care of their personal belongings.鉴于最近发生的几宗事件,我们提醒顾客要特别注意看好自己的个人物品。外刊例句:Passports were devised as the means by which we could cross borders. Now you need them to go to school, to rent a flat or be seen by a doctor.In light of this fact, it is disingenuous to claim, as the DfE recently attempted to do,

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