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人教版新目标七上Unit 4 Where is my schoolbag教案4.docx

1、人教版新目标七上Unit 4 Where is my schoolbag教案4Unit 4 Wheres my backpack一、教材分析从本单元的插图中我们可以看到西方国家的小孩子都有自己单独的房间,这是这些国家自立精神(self-reliance)的一处具体表现。孩子从小就被灌输独立意识,在可能的情况下,父母一般尽量让孩子拥有自己的空间。孩子很小时,年轻的父母就会征求孩子的意见,问他们喜欢什么颜色的气球、吃什么饼干、或者是喜欢挨着爸爸坐还是挨着妈妈坐,并尽量满足孩子的意愿。美国大众的观点认为父母培养孩子的目标是使孩子在18岁左右能成为独立自主、自食其力、并对自我行为负责的独立的个人。另外

2、,欧美的教育体制也总是鼓励青少年学会自立并授之以相应能力。本单元以谈论物品位置(Things around the house)为话题,要求学生学会方位介词on, in, under, behind等的用法。题材颇具现代气息,贴近学生日常生活,内容丰富,词汇量大,通过描述物品位置、找寻物品、设置理想化居室等系列活动,让学生在听、说、读、写、做中学习语言知识,培养运用语言知识的能力,激发创新精神。Section A: 听说为主,感受语言,运用基础语言(通过听音、看图确定或描述物品位置)重点掌握和运用Where is/are the backpack/the books/.? Its/ Theyr

3、e on/in/under the bed/dresser/和Is it /Are they on/in/under the table?及其答语等句型。Section B: 强调知识拓展,重视读写,设置了要求运用所学语言完成的的各种任务,使学生能够对上述已学的目标句型运用自如,培养学生综合运用语言知识的能力。Self check: 词汇知识的评价,语言运用能力的评价。二、教学目标1、语言知识目标 单词:理解、内化、运用以下日常生活中家庭环境里的物品名称的生词:table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, backpack, CD, alarm clo

4、ck, math book, video, cassette, hat 等。短语:in, on , under, behind等介词短语及其熟练运用。语法:Where 问句;Yes/No问句及其简单回答;介词in, on , under, behind的用法; they 的用法。 2、语言技能目标听:听懂物品及其所在位置,强化捕捉特定信息的能力。说:能用英语描述物品所在位置及熟练运用Where 问句和Yes/No问句进行交际。读:能熟练诵读本单元单词、句型和课文,能阅读和理解相关材料的信息。 写:能运用所学的词汇和句型描述物品所在的位置。3、学习策略:学会询问物品的去处;学会摆放位置的表达。深

5、层理解学会生活,学会与别人相处。增加与教师和同学交流、合作,培养正确的自我评价与相互评价的习惯。使学生一定程度形成自主学习,有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。4、情感态度和文化意识:学生能在多种英语学习情景中体验用英语交流的成功与喜悦,以及培养合作精神、互助精神和创新精神。通过话题启发学生积极思考,调动学生的学习兴趣。养成良好的生活习惯,学会自理,不乱丢乱放东西;学会与人合作,学会助人与求助的好习惯。三、教学重点和难点:1、重点: 确认方位, 方位介词in, on , under, behind等的用法。 学会谈论事物的位置,物品所在位置的表达方式。 以where提问的特殊疑问句及其回答。2、

6、难点: Where 问句;介词的使用。四、教学原则1、活动性原则:提倡学生主动参与,体验,交流,合作,探究等多种学习。2、合作性原则:以学生为主体,师生合作,生生合作,体现教与学的互动,交往。3、任务型原则:任务驱动?激发动机;任务完成?激励学习积极性;执行任务? 培养责任心和合作精神。 4、情感性原则:激发学生学习英语的兴趣和始终保持良好的学习情绪。五、教学安排 根据初一学生学习英语的特点和规律,本单元划分为4课时:Section A 2课时 (姜治建); Section B 1课时; Self check 1 课时 (唐国兴)。六、教学设计Section A 教学目的:Section A从

7、学生的认知实际出发,以学生日常学习生活所接触的物品为内容,通过用图片、听对话等不同方式来描述物品位置、找寻物品等的一系列活动,激发学生学习英语的积极情感态度,让学生在听、说、读、写、做中学习掌握语言知识,培养学生准确、熟练运用本单元语言知识的能力。Period 1 教学步骤11、问候学生组织教学2、导入1 预先准备一个盒子和一个乒乓球,出示乒乓球并问Whats this in English? Do you like playing ping-pong? 将乒乓球置于不同的位置,使其和盒子产生in the box, on the box, under the box, behind the b

8、ox 等位置关系,使学生理解几个介词的含义。The ping-pong ball is inonunder the box. (边做动作边陈述句子,学生跟读、朗读句型) 利用课件图片导入目标句型。The baseball is under the chair. The books are on the chair. 老师重复上述句子,使学生进一步理解介词的含义和目标句型的复数形式。向学生发问:Wheres the ping-pong ball? Wheres the baseball? Where are the books? (学生跟读、朗读句型)教学步骤2 生词教学(课前学生应有预习):让

9、学生四人一小组合作看图中物品,指出物品的英文名称,集体朗读单词。让学生看幻灯片说出物品的英文名称,写下正确单词。教学步骤3 听力教学1 学生看图,播放1b部分的录音让学生听并按所听到的物品先后写出序号,校对结果。教学步骤4 导入2利用听力部分物品, 向学生询问物品位置,引出目标句型的教学。(要求学生不看书)Is the baseball on the table? No, it isnt. Its in the backpack. Is the backpack on the table? No, its under the table. Are the books on the sofa?

10、Yes, they are. (学生跟读、朗读目标句型)教学步骤5 学生看图讲述自己要放置的物品,各自看图并完成填表任务,再让学生结合所学句型和图片猜测物品位置。教学步骤6 让学生两人一组根据短时记忆用目标句型就对方所放置物品位置进行小组问答活动。教学步骤7 学生根据所听到的同伴话语向同伴作陈述,叫几个学生向全班作陈述。教学步骤8 听力教学2学生看图,两次播放2a部分的录音让学生听,分别完成:按所听到的物品先后写出序号, 确定物品的位置。校对结果。教学步骤9 Pair work 让学生用目标句型完成图片中的对话空白并练习,选几组学生报告结果。教学步骤10、Homework:识记所学单词和句型;

11、画一张自己的房间图或找一张类似图片,里面应有 所学单词的部分物品,在物品旁边填上正确单词。Period 2教学步骤1 组织教学,Greet the students教学步骤2用一张学生做的房间图片让学生在黑板上写出图中物品单词并使用目标句型作陈述。 教学步骤3用另一张学生的图片让其他学生使用目标句型看图进行对话活动教学步骤4 Game Look for the things课前将四个卡通玩具藏在教室,其位置分别可以是在门后(behind the door),讲桌下(under the teachers desk),地板上(on the floor),某个学生的课桌里(in a desk)。将学

12、生分成四组,先每组选一学生在教室里寻找一个所藏玩具,分组由一位学生问物品的具体位置,找到的学生回答利用句型where is the.? Is the baseball on the table ? No/yes等开展活动 。教学步骤5 书面练习 仔细观察下列句子,学生独立分析各个句子的特征,作总结。 The eraser is in the pencil-box. The desks are in the classroom. The books are in the bookcase. The picture is on the wall. The balls are under the s

13、ofa. 教学步骤6总结语言知识 让学生二人或四人小组观察、分析Grammar Focus 里的句型特征,并作汇报,讨论并写出YesNo 问答句的特征教学步骤73a、3b部分教学 让学生阅读并排成正确的对话,完成任务后练习图中对话。 教学步骤83c部分对话活动 小组练习,选几组学生看图片问答。教学步骤9 Game Find the difference 让学生二人一组仔细观察图片,找出差别之处,并进行问答活动。 教学步骤10 小组合作编情景对话 你的妹妹/弟弟今天上学忘了带所需文具物品,打电话要你帮他带去,而你找不到物品在哪里,因此询问他物品的所在。教学步骤11 Homework1、复习识记S

14、ection A部分词汇和句型2、预习Section B 部分词汇 3 完成下面书面练习 Form sentences where, the, sofa, is _ under, it, is, the, table_ my, pen, pencil, where, are, and_ backpack, are, in, they, my_ baseball, is, my, under, the, bed_ your, under, your, ID, card, is, bed_ Number (from 1 to 5) the sentences to make a conversat

15、ion.Monica: _ “No, it isnt in my backpack.” James: _ “Oh! Its in my backpack.” Monica: _ “So, wheres my bat?” James: _ “ Its in your backpack.” Monica: _ “ Wheres my baseball?” Fill in the blanks with these words.(多选)under, on, next to, in, in front of, behind Wheres the ruler? Its _the pencil-case.

16、 Is the telephone behind the pencil-case? No, its _ the pencil-case. Are the papers _the pencil-case? Yes, they are. Where are the books? They are _ the telephone. Wheres the orange? Its _ the pencil-case.Period 3 Section B 教学目的:拓展知识,重视读写,运用所学语言完成的的各种任务,使学生熟练运用Section A中已学的目标句型,培养学生综合运用语言知识的能力。教学过程:

17、一、创设情景,导入新课1、播放教学课件,复习前一部分所学的单词和物品位置的描述。(Whats this in English? Where is it? Is it on the bed? etc. What is on the table?) Guessing Game. Let the students guess where the backpack /baseball is and what is on the table.(Task 1)2、播放教学课件,学习math book等物品名称。 (One day Tommy asks his good friend Dale to his

18、 house. Tommy has many things in his room. What does he see? Please look at his room .Whats this in English? )3、词汇记忆竞赛:( There are so many things in the room. Can you remember all of them? Lets have a memory competition.)Lets see who will win!(Task2 Look at Tommys room for 3 minutes . and write down

19、 all the things you remember.)二、多边互动,学习探究1、引导学生进行Pairwork活动,根据示例谈论1a部分所提到的活动,正确使用所学where句型。( Congratulation to the winner! The next day Dale tells his classmates something about Tommys room. Everyone wants to know more about it. They are asking Tommy a lot of questions. Now suppose you were Tommy/Da

20、le , you answer your partners questions .)(Task3 Pair work ?Ask and answer. A: Wheres notebook?B: Its on the bed.)2、播放2a部分的录音,引导学生一边听录音,一边勾出所听到的物品名称. (Suddenly Tommy remembers he has left many things at home. He has to make a telephone to his mother. Now lets listen and try to find what the things T

21、ommy wants from his home.) (Task4 Listen and circle the things Tommy wants from his room.)3、播放2b部分的录音,写出句子。(Oh , Tommys mom cant find a pen to write them down. Would you please help her ?)(Task5 Listen and write down where Tommys thing are.) 4、引导学生阅读3a部分的短文,要求学生画出文中的物品名称并理解其含义 (But Tommys mother isn

22、t at home. She has to write a note and send it to her daughter Sally by e-mail to help her. Where are the things in the picture? Lets read the note and draw the missing things in the picture.)(Task6 Read the note and draw the missing things in the picture.) 5、引导学生先看图,再填空。(Tommy gets the things with

23、Sallys help. Two days later, he gets a note from his sister Sally. She asks him to bring some things to school. He feels a little difficult because some words are missing in the note. Can you help him? Lets look at the picture and fill in the blanks)(Task7 Look at the picture and fill in the blanks)

24、6、Pair work ,引导学生写出自己房间里所拥有的物品及所在位置,注意使用名词的单复数形式。(Youre great. Well done. From these pictures we can see many things in Tommys and Sallys rooms. Do you have many things in your room? Can you tell me where they are? Please write a note asking for four/five things from your room.)(Task8 Write a note a

25、sking for four/five things from his/her room.)三、合作交流,巩固提高引导学生进行Group work活动,设计新居,让学生描述各个家具的摆放,巩固介词的用法。( OK. There are many things in your room. Do you want a nicer room? What kind of room would you like? What things would you like to have? Please draw your ideal room and describe it to your classmat

26、es.)Now here are some beautiful rooms . Do you want one like these ? How can you get one? (Task 9 Draw an ideal room and describe it to his/her classmates.)任务名称:An ideal room活动形式:四人一组操作过程:教师提供卧室简图一幅。1、物色需要的物品。2、合作画出理想的房间。3、作品展示。小组讨论后,推选一人为代表,用英语描述理想的房间。如:Here is my ideal room. My bed is There are so

27、me books活动评价:画面精美,有创意,而且描述无误当场给予奖励。Homework看图写话(任选一题)1、Mikes bedroom (描述Mike的卧室中的物品及所在的位置。)2、Write a short passage by using the following things.(用所给的物品写一篇小短文,说明摆放的位置)Period 4 Self check 教学目的:通过学生对词汇知识和语言运用能力的评价,调整学习方法,使他们形成自己的学习风格和学习策略,提高学习效率。教学过程:一、创设情景,导入新课1 播放课件,引导学生以自己的方式放置下列事物,然后做一个小报告。(Whats

28、this in English? Its a.Where would you like to put them? Please put the things in order in your own way and then report it to the class.)2 引导学生进行Just for fun!游戏活动,复习、巩固所学的Wheres.?Its., Is it.?Yes, it is. No, it isnt等句型和语法知识。操作过程:1)、教师用布将一位学生的眼睛蒙上,另一学生然后迅速藏好某件物品。2)、请蒙上眼睛的同学用“Is it in /under/behind/on

29、? Are they next to ?”等句型猜测所藏物品的具体位置,限猜三次。3)、其他学生根据实际情况做出Yes/No的回答活动评价:猜对了就成功。二、学习探究,合作交流。1、引导学生根据Note内容画出图画。(Well done. But here is a note from Eric. Please read it and draw the room.)2、指导学生根据图片进行写作训练。(Ann is looking for a room. Here is a picture of the room she needs. Please help her write a notice

30、.) Notice Looking for: A roomI need a room like this:There is a sofa in the room ._ Please call Ann at 862-6598三、自我检测,巩固提高1、引导学生进行关键词自我检测,完成自我评估,复习所学的重点词汇。We have learned all these words in this unit. Can you remember all the words? Read the words and check the words you know and write the Chinese meaning down. Now please check yourself. Lets find out who remembers most.2、引导学生在筑词表上进行筑词活动,引导学生采用各种有效途径记忆单词,为以后的进一步学习提供保障。 How many new words do you learn and remember in this unit but not in the book? Who lea

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