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9、希望通过分析上市银行公开发布的财务报告,结合 企业会计准则,研究公允价值计量在我国银行业的运用状况,并进一步揭示该计量模式给银行业的会计指标、财务状况、经营业绩和监管措施带来的影响,并提出改进公允价值计量以促进银行业发展的建议。本文分为五章,各章的主要内容如下:第一章,绪论。针对公允价值在金融危机中引起的争议,提出文章的研究意义,回顾国内外关于公允价值的研究成果,进而提出文章的研究内容和方法。第二章,公允价值计量相关理论。本章从公允价值的重要性出发,通过比较国内外准则制定机构的研究成果,阐述公允价值的内涵和特点。在此基础上,分析历史成本、现值、重置成本等计量属性与公允价值之间的联系和公允价值运



12、没有研究资本市场对公允价值信息的反应,以实证的方式揭露市场参与者对公允价值计量的态度。这是由于我国商业银行在深圳、上海证券交易所上市的数量不多,并且上市时间很短,所以不能获取足够的财务数据进行该项研究。随着我国上市银行的增多,作者希望能够在后续研究中获取充足的数据,探讨股票价格与公允价值信息的相关性。关键字:公允价值 商业银行 银行监管Research on the Use of Fair Value in Commercial BanksAbstract:In the late 19th century, the concept of fair value is proposed in th

13、e United States, and scholars have made the relevant theoretical research. After the crisis of saving, fair value measurement is widely used. In the investigation about crisis causes, the regulatory authorities found that users of financial reports dont keep abreast of changes the price of financial

14、 assets because of historical cost measurement. So, FASB and IASB decided to use fair value as financial instruments measurement. However, the development process of fair value measurement is not smooth. Banking sector and financial regulators have questioned the reliability of fair value measuremen

15、t, and they think that the use of fair value will increase the volatility of the financial condition and results of operations. In the subprime mortgage crisis, the pro-cyclical effect, which is caused by the fair value measurement, magnified the losses of financial institutions and risk. Citigroup,

16、 Merrill Lynch, UBS and other large multinational financial institutions were extremely dissatisfied with fair value measurement. Executives of financial institutions claimed that financial crisis will be intensified because of the use of fair value measurement in financial derivatives. Therefore, t

17、hey requested that FASB should completely abolish or suspend the fair value accounting. The U.S. Congress passed the 2008 Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, and requested the suspension of mark to market accounting. Meanwhile, the U.S. Congress also requires the Securities and Exchange Commission

18、 investigated the influence of mark to market accounting for the financial crisis.The accounting professions were against t views of financial institutions. Many scholars think that fair value accounting is a model for measurement, which focuses on the dynamic process of assets and liabilities, and

19、reflects the expectation of the value of an asset on current economic conditions. Compared with the historical cost accounting, the financial information based on the use of fair value accounting is much more relevant. The pro-cyclical effect is the result of the interaction of many factors. The mai

20、n causes of the “pro-cyclical effect are the linkage of the Financial Accounting Standards and financial regulatory system, and the irrational reaction in market. More precisely speaking, the main causes of financial crisis are that financial institutions violated economic laws and financial regulat

21、ory authorities arent aware of the risk behind asset bubbles. Fair value accounting faithfully reflects the change of derivative financial instruments value, and timely reveals the credit risk and market risk which are hidden behind the changes of the value. The executives of financial institution j

22、ust want to use fair value accounting to shirk the responsibility in the subprime mortgage crisis. In the study on mark-to-market accounting. Securities and Exchange Commission also pointed out that the fair value measurement is not the cause of the financial crisis, and the real cause of the financ

23、ial crisis is the economic structural imbalances, weak financial regulation and excessive financial innovation. It does not make better financial crisis that suspend ox repeal of fair value accoxmting. On the contrary, it will increase the uncertainty of capital markets and lower investors confidenc

24、e in the economic recovery. Under the current circumstances, fair value is the best choice, although it is not perfect.Although the fair value measurement is the best measurement for financial derivatives, the unreasonable use of it certainly has further deepened the financial crisis The U.S. Financ

25、ial Accounting Standards Board and International Financial Accounting Standards Board are concerned about problems which exist in the use of fair value. On the basis of extensive solicitation of the problems and solution in the use of fair value measurement, International Financial Accounting Standa

26、rds Board finally issued the International Accounting Standard No. 13-Fair Value Measurements in 2011. The guidelines define the principles for the use of fair value measurement in practice, and establish a new framework of fair value measurement. The International Financial Accounting Standards Boa

27、rd provided that the International Accounting Standard No. 13 - Fair Value Measurements would be totally implemented in order to promote the harmonization of fair value in worldwide. Financial instruments are the main field of fair value measurement, and the banking sector possesses the most financi

28、al assets and liabilities in all enterprises. So, fair value measurement is very important for commercial banks. The financial sector is the agency for the allocation of resources in the contemporary economical society and commercial banks play a crucial role in the financial system. So, almost ever

29、yone knows the importance of fair value measurement. Accounting standard-setting institutions and financial regulatory authorities is also aware of this point in the current financial crisis. They are particularly concerned about the use of fair value measurement in the banking industry; and issued

30、a series of rules and regulations for the flaws of fair value measurement.The Ministry of Finance pulled the concept of fair value in the Chinese Accounting Standards inl997. They expected that stakeholders of the enterprise got more transparent, relevant financial information through the applicatio

31、n of fair value. However, due to immature capital market, the imperfect economic system, the imperfect regulatory system and many other reasons, many listed companies used fair value as a means to manipulate profits. In order to control the situation of abuse of fair value, the Ministry of Finance s

32、ubstantially modified the Financial Accounting Standards, and completely avoided the fair value measurement model in 2001. Until 2006,in order to achieve the convergence of the Financial Accounting Standards and the International Common Criteria, the Ministry of Finance issued CAS No.3- Investment P

33、roperty, CAS No.12- Debt Restructuring, CAS No.22- Financial Instruments Recognition and Measurement, CAS No.23-Transfer of Financial Assets, CAS No.24- Hedging, and CAS No.37- Presentation of Financial Instruments. The core of these accounting standards is how to use the fair value measurement model under t

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