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1、高考英语百题精练分项解析92014高考英语百题精练之分项解析9.多项选择1Do you approve of the idea that success can be measured_money alone?Ain case of Bin terms ofCin the opinion of Din favor of解析:选B。考查介词短语。in terms of根据,按照;in case of万一;in the opinion of依的看法;in favor of赞成,支持。句意:你赞同成功可以只用金钱来衡量的观点吗?2Dont _ your friends trust or you wi

2、ll lose friendship.What you said is right.Asatisfy BexciteCwitness Dbetray解析:选D。句意:“不要辜负朋友对你的信任,否则,你会失去友谊。”“你说得对。”betray“背叛”,符合句意。satisfy“使满意”;excite“使激动,使兴奋”;witness“当场见到;目击”。3He went back to the hall to try his_at finding his lost gold watch,but never found it.Afortune BbestCresult Dhard解析:选A。try

3、ones fortune at doing sth.意为“碰运气做某事”。若选B项,应用try ones best to do sth.。4Because of their continuous failures,my enthusiasm for Chinese football team gradually_.Afaded away Bran outCgave up Ddied out解析:选A。fade away逐渐消失;消退。run out用完,其主语通常是物;give up放弃;die out灭绝。5What did he come here for?He came here esp

4、ecially to_your acquaintance.Atake BgetCmake Dproduce解析:选C。 make ones acquaintance意为“结识某人;与相识”。6(2011年阳泉质检)Where is Frank?He is _ his planting done in the garden before the rain comes.Ataking BhopingCgetting Dgiving解析:选C。本题考查动词用法。get sth.done使得某事被做。四个词中只有get可以跟过去分词作宾补。7This naughty boy is really _,w

5、hich makes his mother upset.Aattractive BactiveCtroublesome Danxious解析:选C。考查形容词词义辨析。troublesome令人烦恼的。attractive吸引人的;active活跃的;anxious焦虑的。8He never _ to help those in trouble because he was a kindhearted man.Ahandled BhurriedChesitated Ddetermined解析:选C。考查动词词义辨析。句意:帮助那些有困难的人,他从来都不犹豫,因为他是一个善良的人。handle处

6、理;hurry匆忙;determine决定,都与语境不符。9I wanted to go to Greece,and my wife wanted to go to Spain,so we _ on Italy.Aresigned BcompromisedCpromised Ddisguised解析:选B。考查动词词义辨析。resign听任,顺从;compromise以折中方法解决争论;promise许诺;disguise伪装。根据句意,B为最佳答案。句意为:我想去希腊,可我妻子想去西班牙,于是我们折中了一下,去意大利。10In their efforts to persuade us to

7、buy that product,shopkeepers have made a close study of human nature and have _ all our little weaknesses.Adivided BarrangedCclassified Dseparated解析:选C。考查动词词义辨析。classify意为“把分类”。句意:在商家向我们推销商品的努力中,他们已经研究了人的本性和弱点。.完成句子1The idea _(似乎被淡忘了)and the club was never formed.(fade)解析:考查动词用法。“淡忘”应表达为fade out,该短语

8、是不及物动词短语,无被动语态形式。答案:seemed to fade out2The cave _(也许永远不会为人所知)had not the entrance been spotted by French potholer,Berger.(discover)解析:考查情态动词的用法。might have done sth意为“可能做了某事”。答案:might never have been discovered3I dont know why the woman _(甘心忍受) her husbands cruelty to her in the past few years.(term)

9、解析:考查动词时态与动词短语。“甘心忍受某事”可表达为come to terms with sth.,由in the past few years可知用现在完成时。答案:has come to terms with4In terms of quality,the product of our company is _(比其他公司的好)(superior)解析:考查形容词和代词的指代用法。superior是一个无比较结构的形容词,“比好”应表达为be superior to;为避免重复用that指代the product。答案:superior to that of other companie

10、s5I explained to her that last night it was already eleven pm. _(飞机起飞),so I didnt ring to disturb her. (take)解析:考查状语从句。由句意可知要使用连词when,“起飞”应表达为take off,据此可知答案。 答案:when the plane took off6I didnt know his telephone number otherwise I _(会给他打电话)(telephone)解析:考查otherwise引导的虚拟结构,本句是对过去时间的虚拟,因此要用完成体结构。答案:w

11、ould have telephoned him7He _(仍拿不定主意)over whether to join the expedition.(hesitate)解析:考查动词时态。由语境可知,hesitate是目前持续着的动作,因此用现在进行时。答案:is still hesitating8_(无论他多么晚),his mother would wait for him to have dinner together.(however)解析:考查however引导的让步状语从句,其结构是:However adj./adv.其他。答案:However late he was9Not unti

12、l the teacher explained it again _(我们才理解)the sentence.(sense)解析:考查倒装。Not until从句置于句首,主句部分倒装。“理解”应表达为make sense of.答案:did we make sense of10They soon realized that,unless carefully _(处理),the situation would become even worse.(deal)解析:考查句子省略。“处理”应表达为deal with;本句的主、从句主语一致,即they与deal with有语态上的被动关系,故使用过去

13、分词。答案:dealt with.完形填空Words:360难度系数:建议用时:12(2011年皖南八校联考)One day I pulled up to my apartment building and noticed there was a father and daughter _1_ some things from a moving truck.Normally Im shy away from contact with _2_.That particular day,though,something was in me;I cant explain _3_,but I felt

14、like I should just help these people,even _4_ something as seemingly unimportant as unloading a truck.So I _5_ and introduced myself,welcomed them to the town,and asked them to give me a(n)_6_ to put some proper shoes on.After I had flipflops(夹趾拖鞋)on,I went over and helped them move all of their _7_

15、 into the apartment.After we finished,we talked some and I got to know my new _8_.It might seem unimportant,but it seems like people are less _9_ and friendly to their neighbors these days;I wanted to _10_ that,at least in my small _11_ block.So we did talk,and theyre from Florida,just like me.At th

16、at _12_ time in my life,I was going through a really difficult _13_ with my girlfriend of 7 years.I didnt feel like helping anyone or doing anything _14_,but I figured why not?And Im glad I did.Also,as _15_ would have it,their daughter is my age(college student)and we each had a mutual(相互的)_16_in on

17、e another.This developed into a friendship,and in the coming months,probably more.The _17_ was the act itself,though.I got to know my new neighbors and made some new friends in the _18_.And I felt really good about it.Since then,Ive tried _19_ my comfort zone to perform other unplanned acts of _20_.

18、So far,so good.Id encourage everyone else to do the same!1A.stealing BburdeningCunloading Dpacking解析:选C。根据下文from a moving truck及something as seemingly unimportant as unloading a truck可知是从车上卸东西。2A.teachers BstrangersCfriends Dparents解析:选B。新来的邻居,应该属于陌生人。句意:通常我都不愿意和陌生人接触。3A.which BwhyCwhat Dwhen解析:选C。根

19、据前文something was in me所以本空格内应该是指something。句意:我内心有某种东西,我不能解释是什么(东西),故用what。4A.with BaboutCfor Don解析:选A。此处的介词,应该和前边的动词help构成搭配,意思为“帮助某人某事”。help somebody with something是符合这个意思的固定搭配。此题难点在于很多同学看不出与动词help的联系。5A.came up Bcame onCcame out Dcame back解析:选A。come up来,走近。come on祈使语气跟我来!来吧!快点来!进步,发展;come out出来;(花

20、)开出,(书等)出版;come back回来,想起来,复原,恢复。6A.moment BhandChour Dbreak解析:选A。根据句意:给我点时间去换鞋。7A.treasure BgoodsCfurniture Dbelongings解析:选D。treasure珍贵的东西;goods货物;furniture家具;belongings所有物、财产、行李。根据语境,新搬来的邻居,应该包含所有物。8A.neighbors BgirlfriendCstudents Dclassmates解析:选A。根据句意可知应该是和新邻居交谈。 BafraidCcurious Dlucky解析:

21、选A。be open to是“愿意接受的”意思。10A.change BacceptCreceive Dobserve解析:选A。句意:我决定改变这种情况。 BschoolCapartment Dcompany解析:选C。apartment block意为“公寓大楼”,句意:至少在我这个公寓大楼里要改变这种现状。12A.particular BcommonCnormal Dusual解析:选A。根据上文照应“Normally Im shy away from contact with _2_.That particular day,though,something was i

22、n me”可知是在叙述那particular day发生的事情,所以答案为particular。13A.breakout BbreakupCbreakthrough Dbreakdown解析:选B。breakup分离,分手,分裂。14A.primitive BpositiveCmeaningless Dimportant解析:选B。根据文章意思可知作者由于失恋不愿意去帮助别人或者去做一些积极向上的事。15A.luck BaccidentCsuccess Dresult解析:选A。as luck would have it为固定词组“碰巧”。16A.choice BhabitClove Dint

23、erest解析:选D。根据后面介词in可知答案首选interest。17A.award BchanceCreward Dprize解析:选C。reward回报。句意:但是回报正是这个行为本身。 BprocessCprogram Ddirection解析:选B。in the process在这过程中。19A.expanding BdecreasingCreducing Dclosing解析:选A。comfort zone“一个让人感觉舒适而满意的环境”这里指,自己的交往范围。expand扩大(范围等);使增加;扩张;使膨胀。20A.success BcourageCkindnes

24、s Dconsideration解析:选C。acts of kindness意为“善举”。.阅读理解Words:455难度系数:建议用时:7Isaac Stern was more than a great violin player.He was one of the most honored musicians in the world, an international cultural ambassador.And he was also a teacher and activist.For more than sixty years, Mr.Stern performed excel

25、lent music.He performed in concerts around the world and on recordings.Isaac Stern was born in 1920 in Ukraine.His parents moved to California the following year.He began taking violin lessons after hearing a friend play the instrument.Later, he began studying music at the San Francisco Conservatory

26、(旧金山音乐学院)He progressed quickly.When he was sixteen, he played with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra.The next year, he performed in New York and was praised by music critics.Isaac Stern became one of the busiest musicians of his day.He played more than one hundred concerts a year.He also became o

27、ne of the most recorded musicians in history.Isaac Stern also supported artistic development and freedom.In 1979, Isaac Stern visited China.He met with Chinese musicians and students.He taught them about classical Western music.His visit was made into a film.It is called From Mao to Mozart:Isaac Ste

28、rn in China.It won an Academy Award for best documentary film.In 1984, Isaac Stern received the Kennedy Center Honors Award for his gifts to American culture through music.He expressed his thoughts about the part that music plays in life.He said music is an important part of a civilized life.He said

29、 people need music as much as they need bread.Isaac Stern died in 2001 at the age of eightyone.He was a major influence on music in the twentieth century.He leaves the world richer with his many recordings.【解题导语】本文主要介绍了著名的小提琴演奏家Isaac Stern的一些经历。1What did Isaac Stern think of music?ANecessary.BDifficult.CEntertaining. DInteresting.解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段的最后两句话“He said music is an important part of a civilized life.He said people need music as much as they need bread.”可知。2The passage mentioned Isaac Sterns visit to China mainly to _

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