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1、四川省乐山市三年中考英语试题分类汇编全集词汇运用及完成句子2019第一节 词汇(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)根据下列句子的句意、汉语提示或英语解释,写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式;每空一词。71. Could you please speak more (慢慢地)? Im afraid I cant quite follow you.72. Its so hot here. Would you mind (打开) the windows for me?73. The worlds longest cross-sea bridgethe Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao

2、 Bridge is considered as 74. The workers are angry that they havent got their (money given for doing a job) for the last month.75. After so long without any word from David, Mary was starting to (give up) hope.第二节 完成句子(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示完成句子;每空一词。76. He followed his doctors advic

3、e to live on some low-fat food. (对划线部分提问) advice he follow to live on some low-fat food?77. Read the book carefully, and you will not make mistakes. (改为同义句) read the book carefully, you will not make mistakes.78. 出发前,记得给我打个电话,以便我知道什么时间来接你。Remember to give me a call before you set off so that I can k

4、now when to you .79. 请帮我开一下电脑好吗?我要发一封邮件。Would you please the computer? I need to send an email.80. 暑假快到了,我迫不及待想和家人去旅游了。Its almost summer vacation. I just cant to go holiday with my family.第三节 完成短文和对话(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)A) 阅读下面短文,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。One day, Mr. and Mrs. Smith are celebrating thei

5、r 81 (sixty) birthday. They got 82 (marry) 30 years ago.During the party an angel (天使) turns up. “Youve been such a 83 (love) couple for 30years. I will give you one wish each,” the angel says.Mrs. Smith wants 84 (travel) around the world. The angel waves her wand (手杖) and boom (隆地一声)! Mrs. Smith ha

6、s the tickets in her hand.Next, it is Mr. Smiths turn. He thinks for a moment. “Well, Id like to have a woman 30 years 85 (young) than me,” he says shyly.The angel lifts up her wand, and boom! He turns 90.B) 阅读下面对话,在空白处填入恰当的内容。A: Excuse me, have you been waiting long?B: About ten minutes.A: Do you k

7、now whether the No. 7 bus 86 ?B: Not yet. Im waiting for the bus myself. Its also a little late. A: Good, thanks.B: You are 87 , are you?A: No, Im a stranger. Im from Germany. B: Wow, your English is very good. 88 A: Nine months.B: Just nine months? Thats excellent.A: Thank you, but therere still a

8、lot for me to learn. B: How long are you going to stay in this country?A: Another two months. Then Ill have to 89 Germany to start work.B: My daughter went to Germany five months ago. She is a doctor, you know. A: Really? What does she think of Germany?B: Its beautiful. She likes it very much. A: Oh

9、, look! Here comes 90 .第一节 词汇(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)71. slowly 72. opening 73. wonders 74. pay / salary 75. lose第二节 完成句子(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)76. Whose; did 77. If you 78. pick; up 79. turn on 80. wait; on第三节 完成短文和对话(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)81. 60th/ sixtieth 82. married 83. loving / lovely 84.

10、to travel 85. younger86. has gone by / passed by 87. not a local 88. How long have you learned English?89. go back to / return to 90. the bus2018第一节 词汇(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据下列句子的句意、汉语提示或英语解释,写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式;每空一词。71. Tom, take out the rubbish. Mum will be _ (发疯) if she sees this mess.72. During the next

11、few days, I have decided to have a good rest by taking a walk or seeing a film. I really need to _ (放松).73. To sing an English song _ (正确地), I listen to the CD again and again, and check every word in the dictionary.74. I couldnt help laughing loudly when I heard such a _ (humorous) story.75. Tiango

12、ng , Chinas first space lab, _ (come back) to the earth after finishing its job on April 2 this year.第二节 完成句子(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示完成句子;每空一词。76. The newly-opened supermarket had something on sale last Sunday. (改为一般疑问句)_ the newly-opened supermarket _ anything on sale last Sunday?77.

13、They will study abroad after they finish high school. (改为同义句)They wont study abroad _ they _ high school.78. 他们一大早就动身去伦敦旅行了。They _ _ for London on a holiday early in the morning.79. 我们应该在扔掉废物前进行分类。We should divide the waste into different groups before _ it _.80. 有人担心将来机器人会取代人类。Some people worry tha

14、t robots will take the place of humans _ the _.第三节 完成短文和对话( (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)A)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。A husband and wife were driving down a country road on their way to visit some friends. As they came to a muddy (泥泞的) part of the road, their car 81 (break) down.They tried to get the car

15、out by themselves, but it didnt work. Then they saw a farmer 82 (come) down the road. He was driving some oxen (牛). He stopped when he saw the couple was in trouble. He said he would pull the car out of the mud for $20 (130 yuan). They agreed and minutes 83 (late) the car was free.The farmer turned

16、to the husband and said, “You know, youre the 84 (ten) car Ive helped out of the mud today.”The husband looked around at the large land and asked the farmer, “When do you have time to plow (犁) all your 85 (field) ?At night?”“No,” the farmer answered, “I put the water in the hole at night!”B)阅读下面对话,在

17、空白处填入恰当的内容。A: Id like two tickets for the movie on Friday, please.B: 86 , madam?A: Its Dark and Stormy Night.B: Im sorry, that show is 87 .A: Well, how about Saturday or Sunday?B: Yes, we do have tickets for that movie on those days.A: Are there 88 left for the middle row for Saturday?B: Yes, but th

18、ey are not next to each other.A: Oh, thats a pity. We prefer to 89 .B: In that case, we still have some seats together in the front or at the back.A: The front row sounds good. 90 ?B: 25 dollars in total.A: Ok, Ill take them.第一节 词汇(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)71. mad/ crazy 72. relax 73. correctly / right

19、 /properly 74. funny 75. returned第二节 完成句子(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)76. Did; have 77. until / before; leave 78. set off /out79. throwing; away /out 80. in; future.第三节 完成短文和对话( (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)81. broke 82. coming 83. later 84. tenth 85. fields86. Which show/ movie/ film/ one 87. sold out 88.

20、 any seats / tickets89. sit together 90. How much (are they/the tickets)2017第四部分:写作(共四节,满分5分)第一节词汇(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 根据下列句子的句意、汉语提示或英语解释,写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式每空一词。71He used to be a manager who ran a hotelBut now he worked as awriter(作家)【考点】R1:翻译填空【分析】他曾经是一家经营酒店的经理,但现在他是一名作家【解答】答案:writer根据题干He used to be a m

21、anager who ran a hotelBut now he worked as a(作家)可知句意为:他曾经是一家经营酒店的经理,但现在他是一名作家不定冠词a+可数名词单数writer,作家,名词故填:writer72I didnt hear the phone because it was toonoisy(吵闹的) in the supermarket【考点】R1:翻译填空【分析】我没有听到电话,因为超市里太吵了【解答】答案:noisy根据题干I didnt hear the phone because it was too(吵闹的) in the supermarket可知句意为:

22、我没有听到电话,因为超市里太吵了was是个系动词,后面跟形容词形式noisy,形容词,吵闹的故填:noisy73I dont want towaste(浪费) my time talking with herIts like playing the lute to a cow【考点】R1:翻译填空【分析】我不想把时间浪费在和她说话上,就像是在对牛弹琴【解答】答案:waste根据题干I dont want to(浪费) my time talking with herIts like playing the lute to a cow可知句意为:我不想把时间浪费在和她说话上,就像是在对牛弹琴wa

23、nt to表示想做某事,后面跟动词原形waste,动词,浪费故填:waste74He dropped out of school at an early ageNow heregrets(feel sorry) doing that【考点】3A:单词填空【分析】他很小就辍学了,现在他后悔做了那件事【解答】答案:regrets根据He dropped out of school at an early ageNow he(feel sorry) doing that,他很小就辍学了,现在他后悔做了那件事句子中now表示现在,一般用于一般现在时,主语是he,谓语动词应该用第三人称单数形式;feel

24、 sorry感到抱歉,这里用regret表示,意思是后悔故填regrets75Im hoping to take aholiday (a time ofrest from work or school) in Europe at the end of thismonth【考点】3A:单词填空【分析】我希望这个月底能到欧洲度假【解答】答案:holiday根据Im hoping to take a(a time of rest from work or school) in Europe at the end of this month可知我希望这个月底能到欧洲度假这里a time of rest

25、 from work or school意思是下班或上学的休息时间,这里应该是假期,这里用holiday表示,名词,假期,单数故填holiday第二节完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。76It will be 20 years since Hong Kong returned to China on July 1,1997(就划线部分提问)How manyyears will it be since Hong Kong returned to China on July l,1997?【考点】IF:句型转换【分析】香港自1997年七月一

26、日回归中国以来将有二十年了香港自1997年七月一日回归中国以来,将有多少年了?【解答】答案:How many考查划线部分提问根据20 years20年,可知对数量提问用疑问词组how many多少,后跟可数名词复数,how much后跟不可数名词故答案是How many77If you want to become thinner,youd better eat less before you go to bed(改为同义句)If you want toloseweight,youd better eat less beforegoing to bed【考点】IF:句型转换【分析】如果你想变瘦

27、,最好在睡觉前少吃点如果你想减肥,最好在睡觉前少吃点【解答】答案:lose; going考查同义句第一个空,become thinner变瘦,可以表达为lose weight减肥,不定式to后用动词原形lose第二个空,原句before连词,后跟从句同义句中它是介词,后跟动名词going答案是lose; going78中国终于有了自制的航空母舰,这确实值得骄傲China has owned its first homemade aircraft carrier finallyThats really something to beproudof【考点】R3:汉译英【分析】proud of【解答

28、】答案:proud of考查汉译英原句中缺少值得骄傲,可以表达为be proud of,因此答案是proud of79大卫的成功不是偶然的,那是他艰辛努力的结果Davids success didnt comeby accidentIt was the result of his hard work【考点】R3:汉译英【分析】by accident【解答】答案:by accident考查汉译英句意:大卫的成功不是偶然的,那是他艰辛努力的结果根据题干Davids success didnt come_It was the result of his hard work可知需要翻译的短语是偶然的短

29、语的英文表达是by accident,是固定短语故答案为by accident80电视剧人民的名义自三月份开播以来受到数百万人的欢迎The TV series In the Name of People has become popular amongmillions of peoplesinceit was shown in March【考点】R3:汉译英【分析】millions;since【解答】答案:millions;since考查汉译英句意:电视剧人民的名义自三月份开播以来受到数百万人的欢迎根据题干The TV series In the Name of People has beco

30、me popular among_of people_it was shown in March可知需要翻译的短语是数百万的和自以来millions of 是上百万的意思,是固定词组since自以来,和后面接的是it was shown in March三月份的时候,是一个时间点,所以用since故答案为millions;since笫三节完成短文和对话81A)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空One day a man bought a lot of coconuts(椰子)and put them all on his horseHe was moving them to his (81)friends(friend) houseOn the way,the man met a boyHow long would it take to get to the house?he asked the boyIf you go (82)slowly(slow),the boy said,you will get there very soonBut if you go fast,it will take you all dayWhat a funny reply!said the manHe did not l

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