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1、完整word版广东省广州市九年级英语下册Unit1Unit4系统复习无答案广东省广州市九年级英语下册U1-U4系统复习【Part 1 9上Unit1-4复习】巩固练习1、单项选择1. One afternoon he found _handbag. There was _ “s” on the corner of_ handbag.A. a, an, the B. a, a, the C. an, an, an D. the, a, a2. Thank you for_ me _some water.A. to help, carry B. to help, carrying C. helpi

2、ng, carrying D. helping, carry3. After _, you can see a special tree on the side of the road.A. a 10-minute bike ride B. a 10 minutes bike C. 10 minute bike ride D. a 10-minutes bike ride4. It was very _ the maths problem.A. clever of you working out B. clever for you to work out C. clever of you to

3、 work out D. clever for you working out5. No one can be sure_ in a million years.A. what man looks like B. what will man look like C. what man will look like D. man will look like what 6. Jacks words made him_.A. happily B. to launch C. crying D. angry7. Jack asked me_.A. if sally will come tonight

4、B. that they would hand in the papers on time C. how heavy was the box D. what was wrong with Jane8. My mother with two brothers _gone to Beijing.A. is B. are C. has D. have9. Li Ming spent half an hour _ his computer yesterday.A. in B. repair C. to repair D. repairing10. Could you _your brother_?A.

5、 stops, from getting into trouble B. stopped, to get into trouble C. stop, from getting into trouble D. stop, gets into trouble11. -What kind of restaurant do you want to go for dinner, jack? -We _it. I want to have Chinese food. But Jane wants to eat pasta.A. havent agreed on B. have agreed to C. d

6、idnt agree with D. agree on12. My grandmother often has _food, so shes in a very good_.A. healthy, healthy B. healthy, health C. health, healthy D. health, health13. - How beautiful your iphone is!-Yeah, it is _ as my old one.A. as twice expensive B. twice as expensive C. twice as more expensive D.

7、as twice cheap14. All the flowers in the garden not only grow_ but also smell_.A. good, good B. well, well C. good, well D. well, good15. Anns parents are very strict with her. She _ to be hard-working, positive and helpful.A. asks B. asked C. is asked D. is asking2、语法填空Frank W. Woolworth was born i

8、n Rodman, New York in 1862. His family was very poor and often there was not enough food_1_. So, Frank decided he_2_ something else instead of_3_ a farmer. He took business training to find a job. As a result, he got a job as a salesman in a large city.It was not long before Woolworth realized that

9、he had a natural skill for_4_ goods to attract the consumers interest, but he also learned something_5_ after that. One day his boss told him to sell odds and ends(小商品) for as much as he could get. A fresh idea came into his mind. He put all these goods on one table with a sign. It said: FIVE CENTS

10、EACH. People pushed to buy the goods and the table _6_soon.Soon after, Woolworth opened his own store, selling things for five and ten cents. This is the beginning of the famous “five and ten store”. But he had _7_lesson to learn before he became successful. That is, if you want to make money by sel

11、ling goods at a low price, you have to buy them in large numbers_8_ from the factory. For example, Woolworth once went to Germany and placed an order for knives. The order was so large_9_ the factory had to keep running 24 hours a day for a whole year. In this way, the price of the knives was cut do

12、wn by half._10_ 1919, Woolworth had over 1,000 stores in the USA and Canada, and opened his first store in London. His name became famous throughout the world. He always ran his business according to strict rules, of which the most important was “THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT ”.1. A. eating B. ate C.

13、 to eat D. to eating2. A. will do B. would do C. did D. had done3. A. being B. be C. been D. to be4. A. display B. to display C. displaying D. displayed5. A. importance B. importantly C. more importantly D. more importantly6. A. clear B. was cleared C. was clearing D. be cleared7. A. other B. others

14、 C. the other D. another8. A. directly B. direct C. directed D. directing9. A. this B. that C. what D. which10. A. at B. in C. on D. by三、单词拼写1.To tell you the t _.I dont know who locked the door.2.Its very b_of her to save a little boy from the fire!3.Amy works hard in her class, so she often gets t

15、he c_answers to the homework.4.Simon made a big m_in the English exam yesterday, so he didnt pass it.6.You make such a silly mistake.You should try your best to a_doing it again.7.Dont t_strangers because you dont know them well.8.On a crowded bus , you should offer your s_to those in need.9.He is h

16、umorous. He has a s_of humour.10.Professor Zhang will give a l_on how to protect the Earth in our university.11. These are Lilys own p_things.Dont touch unless you are allowed.12. There are many interesting e_in our school,such as the singing competition,thecooking competition,and so on.13.Would you

17、 m_if I open the window?.14.I often s_my ideas with my parents because they always support me.15.He was so hungry that he had a big m_after work.16. He is so c_that he often makes mistakes?17.Mike didnt work hard,so he f_his exam last week.18.Children h_taking part in the boring activities.19.T_he g

18、ot up this morning , he arrived at school on time.20.Can you stop making the a_noise ?I want to sleep.四、完成句子1.国王命令士兵把这个工匠送进了监狱。 The King ordered the solders to_ the maker _ _.2.他打开袋子,发现里面装满了礼物。 He opened the bag and found that it_ _ _ gifts .3.学生和家长对这所学校的老师很满意。The students and found that it _ _ _ gi

19、fts.4.记者有责任确保新闻的真实性。Reporters are responsible for _ _ the news is real.5.牛奶已经溢出来了。The milk has_ _ _ you to lend me your book .6.我的回答让你失望了吗?Did my answer _you_ ?7.我们轻而易举地赢得了比赛。We won the match_ _.8.我丝毫不知道他的计划。 I_ _ _ about his plan.9.要加校篮球真的不容易。_not easy to _ _ the school basketball match.10.莉莉不知道她有麻

20、烦了。 Lily doesnt know that she is_ _ . 11.我对游博物馆没兴趣。I_ _ _ _. 12.这种衣服过时了。The kind of the clothes_ _ _ _ .13.孩子们应该在家帮着做家务。Children should _ _ the housework.14.虽然Sam 有点调皮,但他的爸爸对他很有耐心。Although Sam is a bit naughty, his father_ _ _ _.15.我的父母不在家。他们出差去了。My parents are not at home.They_ _ _ .16.我很久没收到我表弟来的信

21、了。I havent_ _ My cousin for a long time .17.你不应该嘲笑他,他已经尽力了。You shouldt _ _ him.He has tried his best .18.如今,很多女孩子都在节食。Nowdays, many girls _ _ _ _.19.小汤姆把卧室搞得一团糟。Little Tom_ _ _ in the bedroom.20.你的坏习惯会让我受不了的。Your bad habits will_ _ _.【Part 2 能力大爆发】1、阅读第一节 阅读理解Most of us probably live without vegetab

22、les, but a world without chocolate? Now that would be hard! According to chocolate makers it could happen if we dont act soon. There are two main causes of the chocolate shortage - chocolates growing popularity and less production of cocoa, the plant from which chocolate is made. With more and more

23、people in India and China loving chocolate, not much can be done about the first cause. Therefore, the only thing we can do is to increase cocoa production. However, new plant diseases and little rain in Ivory Coast and Ghana, the worlds largest producers, have reduced cocoa production by 40 percent

24、 in the past 10 years. Whats worse, many cocoa farmers in Africa and other cocoa-producing countries like Indonesia and Venezuela are changing to easier-to-grow crops such as corn or rubber. This way, the farmers can make more money. To prevent more farmers from changing, researcher s at the newly o

25、pened International Cocoa Control Centre, in the UK, are trying to create new cocoa plants that are stronger and faster growing. But first they must make sure the new plants are safe to grow. This takes a long time. First, each new plant is stored at the Control Centre for six months to make sure it

26、 is healthy. It is then planted in the Centres fields, studied and tested for another two years. Only after scientists are certain that theyre disease-free, will the plants be sent to farmers in West Africa or wherever else they are needed. To create new stronger types of cocoa, scientists at the Ce

27、ntre are combining the best parts from different cocoa plants. Though the world is facing a serious chocolate sho rtage, there is now hope!1. The first paragraph tells us that_. A. chocolate is healthier than vegetables B. the world could soon be without chocolateC. people love vegetables more than

28、chocolate D. its not necessary to eat so much chocolate 2. In which countries has chocolate become more popular in recent years? A. Venezuela and Indonesia. B. Ivory Coast and Ghana. C. Indonesia and China. D. China and India. 3. Cocoa farmers are choosing to grow rubber and corn because these crops_. A. can make them more money B. need less rain to grow C. can be planted more times each year D. are not damaged by plant diseases 4. How long does it take scientists at the Centre to make sure a cocoa plant is safe to grow? A. 6 months. B. 12 months. C. 24 months. D. 30 months. 5. Wha

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