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1、完形填空专项练习题完形填空专项练习题一、高中英语完形填空1阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I was five foot ten and weighed between 340 and 360 pounds; the exact number depended on whether you took my weight before or after one of my big meals. I knew that I needed to 1 . At every 2 , just make sure that at least h

2、alf your plate is full of fruits and 3 . And my doctor suggested I start with 20 minutes of easy exercise twice a day. Something you can enjoy, like taking a walk. And I suggest that you go to 4 a dog. A dog is a good partner, she said. Plus, you live in an apartment, which means the dog has to be w

3、alked. So you walk your dog twice a day, and that will be your 5 . Ive never owned a dog. What about a cat? I asked. Have you ever seen anyone 6 a cat? My friend Casaundra said she had the 7 dog for me. There he was: a large black-and-white dog with a big round body. He looked up at me and then 8 hi

4、s head with a clear look of 9 . Like, Really? This loser? I suppose I looked at him the same way. I named him Peety, and we took it 10 , just as my doctor had suggested. Peety weighed 75 pounds when a healthy 11 for him was more like 50 pounds. But on our first walk together, Peety took the lead. We

5、 made it halfway down the 12 and then came back. Luckily for me, he didnt walk very fast. You could 13 hear my footsteps on the sidewalk as I 14 each leg forwardthump, thump, thump, like the giant from Jack and the Bean Stalk. The next day we made it to the 15 of the block. Soon he would 16 me aroun

6、d the block. Over the next weeks, Peety kept 17 harder and harder on the leash(束缚). There were times when I couldnt 18 , even though Id dropped five pounds a week 19 I started the plant-based eating and walking. We walked together for nearly five years, until Peety died of cancer. Hed come into my l

7、ife, and simply by being here, he 20 me. And in that moment, I felt like the two of us could have done anything.1. A. listenB. changeC. eatD. continue2. A. momentB. schoolC. mealD. cross3. A. meatsB. chickenC. vegetablesD. bread4. A. shelterB. touchC. followD. calm5. A. surpriseB. shortcomingC. comm

8、andD. exercise6. A. petB. loveC. loseD. walk7. A. strangeB. meanC. perfectD. grateful8. A. pointedB. droppedC. offeredD. nodded9. A. disappointmentB. appreciationC. excitementD. determination10. A. highB. slowC. deepD. hard11. A. surveyB. itemC. weightD. mind12. A. mountainB. riverC. roadD. block13.

9、 A. actuallyB. luckilyC. fluentlyD. extremely14. A. swungB. controlledC. relaxedD. matched15. A. startB. endC. partD. centre16. A. beggedB. liftedC. struckD. lead17. A. pullingB. flyingC. dancingD. blowing18. A. settle downB. keep upC. give inD. set out19. A. unlessB. beforeC. sinceD. whether20. A.

10、trappedB. judgedC. buriedD. rescued【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)C;(4)A;(5)D;(6)D;(7)C;(8)B;(9)A;(10)B;(11)C;(12)D;(13)A;(14)A;(15)B;(16)D;(17)A;(18)B;(19)C;(20)D; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者因为超重,听从了医生的建议,每天通过遛自己的狗Peety一起减肥的故事。 (1)考查动词。句意:我知道我需要改变。A. listen“听”;B. change“改变”;C. eat“吃”;D. continue“继续”。根据上文“I was five

11、foot ten and weighed between 340 and 360 pounds; the exact number depended on whether you took my weight before or after one of my big meals.”可知作者体重超重,结合下文医生给出的建议可知作者需要作出改变来减少体重。故选B。 (2)考查名词。句意:每顿饭,确保你的盘子里至少有一半是水果和蔬菜。A. moment“时刻”;B. school“学校”;C. meal“一餐”;D. cross“交叉”。根据下文“at least half your plate”

12、可知是指吃每顿饭的时候,故选C。 (3)考查名词。句意:每顿饭,确保你的盘子里至少有一半是水果和蔬菜。A. meats“肉”;B. chicken“鸡肉”;C. vegetables“蔬菜”;D. bread“面包”。根据上文fruits and可知医生告诉作者每顿饭盘子里至少有一半是水果和蔬菜。故选C。 (4)考查名词。句意:我建议你去狗狗收容所。A. shelter“收容所”;B. touch“接触”;C. follow“跟随”;D. calm“冷静”。根据下文“Plus, you live in an apartment, which means the dog has to be wa

13、lked.”可知医生建议作者去收容所领养一只狗来将遛狗当做自己的锻炼。故选A。 (5)考查名词。句意:你每天遛狗两次,这就是你的锻炼。A. surprise“惊奇”;B. shortcoming“缺点”;C. command“命令”;D. exercise“锻炼”。根据上文“And my doctor suggested I start with 20 minutes of easy exercise twice a day.”可知作者需要锻炼,而每天遛狗两次刚好可以作为锻炼。故选D。 (6)考查动词。句意:你见过有人遛猫吗?A. pet“爱抚”;B. love“爱”;C. lose“失去”;

14、D. walk“步行,溜”。根据上文作者提出想养一只猫,医生提出猫不能像狗一样出门去溜,故选D。 (7)考查形容词。句意:我的朋友Casaundra说她有一条最适合我的狗。A. strange“奇怪的”;B. mean“刻薄的”;C. perfect“完美的”;D. grateful“感激的”。根据下文“for me”可知作者的朋友对作者说有一天很适合作者的狗,perfect for固定短语,对来说最理想。故选C。 (8)考查动词。句意:他抬头看了看我,然后垂下头,明显是失望的表情。A. pointed“指出”;B. dropped“落下,下降”;C. offered“提供”;D. nodde

15、d“点头”。根据下文“This loser? I suppose I looked at him the same way.”可知狗看到作者很失望,因此是低下了头。故选B。 (9)考查名词。句意:他抬头看了看我,然后垂下头,明显是失望的表情。A. disappointment“失望”;B. appreciation“感激”;C. excitement“激动”;D. determination“决心”。根据下文“Like, Really? This loser? I suppose I looked at him the same way.”可知作者和狗都对彼此有点失望。故选A。 (10)考查形

16、容词。句意:我给他起名叫Peety,我们按照医生的建议慢慢来。A. high“高的”;B. slow“缓慢的”;C. deep“深的”;D. hard“困难的”。根据下文作者遛狗的过程可知他们在慢慢按照医生的建议来锻炼。故选B。 (11)考查名词。句意:Peety的体重是75磅,而他的健康体重应该是50磅。A. survey“调查”;B. item“项目”;C. weight“重量”;D. mind“思维”。根据下文“for him was more like 50 pounds”可知是在说明Peety的健康体重。故选C。 (12)考查名词。句意:我们走了半个街区就回来了。A. mountai

17、n“山”;B. river“河流”;C. road“道路”;D. block“街区”。根据下文of the block可知第一天作者和狗走了半个街区。故选D。 (13)考查副词。句意:你实际上甚至可以听到我在人行道上的脚步声,我把每条腿向前甩动砰、砰、砰,就像杰克与豆茎里的巨人。A. actually“真实地”;B. luckily“幸运地”;C. fluently“流利地”;D. extremely“非常”。根据下文“hear my footsteps on the sidewalk”可知作者走得非常艰难,甚至都能实际听到在人行道上的脚步声。故选A。 (14)考查动词。句意:你甚至可以听到我

18、在人行道上的脚步声,我把每条腿向前甩动砰、砰、砰,就像杰克与豆茎里的巨人。A. swung“摇摆,甩”;B. controlled“控制”;C. relaxed“放松”;D. matched“匹配”。根据下文“each leg forwardthump, thump, thump”可知作者行走艰难,只能将腿向前甩动。故选A。 (15)考查名词。句意:第二天,我们走到了街区的尽头。A. start“开始”;B. end“尽头”;C. part“部分”;D. centre“中心”。根据上文“We made it halfway down”可知第一天走了半个街区,第二天走到了街区的尽头。故选B。 (

19、16)考查动词。句意:很快他就会带我去附近的街区。A. begged“恳求”;B. lifted“举起”;C. struck“罢工,打击”;D. lead“导致,带领”。根据下文“me around the block”可知Peety开始带着作者去附近的街区。故选D。 (17)考查动词。句意:在接下来的几个星期里,Peety越来越用力地拉着那条皮带。A. pulling“拉”;B. flying“飞”;C. dancing“跳舞”;D. blowing“吹气”。根据下文“harder and harder on the leash”可知Peety越来越用力地拉着那条皮带。故选A。 (18)考查

20、动词短语。句意:有几次我跟不上了,尽管自从我开始以植物为主的饮食和散步以来,我每周已经减掉了5磅。A. settle down“定居”;B. keep up“保持,跟上”;C. give in“屈服”;D. set out“出发”。根据上文Peety越来越用力拉皮带,以致于作者好几次跟不上。故选B。 (19)考查连词。句意:有几次我跟不上了,尽管自从我开始以植物为主的饮食和散步以来,我每周已经减掉了5磅。A. unless“除非”;B. before“在之前”;C. since“自从以来”;D. whether“是否”。本句为时间状语从句,表示自从以来。故选C。 (20)考查动词。句意:他走进

21、了我的生活,就在这里,他拯救了我。A. trapped“诱捕,受困”;B. judged“判断”;C. buried“埋葬”;D. rescued“拯救”。根据上文可知Peety帮助作者减肥,拯救了作者。故选D。 【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,连词,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。2完形填空 I could have easily gone through life without getting to know one of the most romantic feelings

22、-love for a dog. For at least ten years my 1 had been suggesting that we get a dog. There were several reasons why the idea 2 . We had noticed that, on our block, couples with no children as a rule 3 one large or two small dogs. So we got one puppy 4 we too had no children. He flew into the house wi

23、th the 5 of a Formula 1 (一级方程式赛车). In several minutes he ran over all the house, 6 from my shoulder onto the bed, and ended up in the 7 , where my wife washed him with motherly 8 . From that day on, the invisible(看不见的) 9 for the love of the new member of our household began at my home. He seemed to

24、10 that at once. Most of the meals that my wife had 11 for him with greater care than those for me-he didnt 12 look at. Every evening I went out walking with him. I could not know who was walking whom 13 one evening, when, tired from work, I 14 the walk. The dog was very angry and dragged me out. La

25、st night our dog pulled me by the ear with his teeth, 15 me up in my dream, and dragged me into the kitchen to make me turn off the 16 which had disturbed(干扰) his sleep. I meekly(乖乖地) 17 that I had forgotten to switch off the light, but that was not 18 . He looked at me like a teacher at a pupil who

26、 repeatedly makes 19 . Now we finally know whos the 20 at home, and for twenty years we had seriously argued whether it was my wife or I.1. A. wifeB. sonC. husbandD. daughter2. A. came up withB. came outC. came upD. came on3. A. keptB. roseC. carriedD. invited4. A. ifB. unlessC. sinceD. before5. A.

27、speedB. shapeC. costD. race6. A. climbedB. jumpedC. coveredD. stopped7. A. yardB. streetC. bathroomD. kitchen8. A. worryB. careC. identityD. power9. A. signalB. workC. warD. truth10. A. doubtB. understandC. wonderD. dislike11. A. reachedB. searchedC. lookedD. prepared12. A. evenB. stillC. everD. yet

28、13. A. whileB. becauseC. untilD. as14. A. gave inB. gave upC. gave awayD. gave out15. A. brokeB. wokeC. pickedD. packed16. A. waterB. heaterC. cookerD. light17. A. hopedB. consideredC. admittedD. decided18. A. enoughB. goodC. badD. true19. A. plansB. mistakesC. decisionsD. faces20. A. bossB. memberC

29、. adultD. child【答案】(1)A;(2)C;(3)A;(4)C;(5)A;(6)B;(7)C;(8)B;(9)C;(10)B;(11)D;(12)A;(13)C;(14)B;(15)B;(16)D;(17)C;(18)A;(19)B;(20)A; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者和妻子所养的一条小狗的故事,从文章的字里行间中可以感觉到作者对它浓浓的爱。(1)考查名词。A.wife“妻子”;B.son儿子;C.husband丈夫;D.daughter女儿。根据下文的“ where my wife washed him ”可知,我们这里,没有孩子的夫妇通常会养一两只小狗,

30、所以我妻子至少建议了我十年,说要养只狗。故选A。(2)考查动词短语。 A.came up with 提出,想出;B.came out 出现,出版;C.came up走近,被提出;D.came on 来吧;快点。根据上下文可知,妻子建议我很久说要养只狗,这个观点被提出是有几个原因的。故选C。(3)考查动词。A.kept“饲养”;B.rose上升;C.carried携带;D.invited邀请。根据上下文可知,我们这片儿,就像规定一样,没有孩子的夫妇会养一只大狗或两只小狗。故选A。(4)考查连词。A.if如果;B.unless除非;C.since“因为”;D.before在.之前。根据上下文可知,

31、这个街区的不成文规定是没有孩子的夫妇会养狗,所以我们也养了一只小幼犬,因为我们也没有孩子。故选C。(5)考查名词。A.speed“速度”;B.shape形状;C.cost费用,代价;D.race种族,比赛。根据上下文可知,小狗刚到家里来的时候,他以一级方程式赛车的速度飞奔进房子里。故选A。(6)考查动词。A.climbed爬;B.jumped“跳”;C.covered覆盖;D.stopped停止。根据上下文可知,小狗刚到家就快速的把整个家里跑了个遍,还从我的肩膀上跳到了床上。故选B。(7)考查名词。A.yard院子;B.street街道;C.bathroom“浴室”;D.kitchen厨房。根据下文“ where my wife washed him ”可知,小狗把家

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