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1、医学英语之电话预约大全2完整篇doc医学英语之电话预约大全(2) 约翰逊大夫:他有没有发烧呢? Dr. Johnson: Does he have a fever? 李太太:哦,对了。今天早上他烧到了39度。 Mrs. Lee: Yes, he does. This morning his temperature was 39 degrees in centigrade. 约翰逊大夫:哎呀,那太糟了。 Dr. Johnson: Well, that s too bad. 李太太:大夫,比尔究竟怎么了?他整天哭。劝都劝不住。 Mrs. Lee: What s wrong with Bill? H

2、e cried all day long. I just can t stop him. 约翰逊大夫:他出麻疹了。 Dr. Johnson: He has the measles. 李太太:出麻疹?天啊!你现在可以来看他吗? Mrs. Lee: Measles? Oh, dear. Can you come and see him now? 约翰逊大夫:今天上午我得给病人动手术。下午我可以来。 Dr. Johnson: I m going to have an operation this morning. But I can come this afternoon. 李太太:谢谢你,约翰逊大

3、夫。 Mrs. Lee: Thank you, Dr. Johnson. 约翰逊大夫:记住,不能让他抓那些红斑。 Dr. Johnson: Remember, you must keep him from scratching the spots. 李太太:我不会让他抓的。下午见,大夫。 Mrs. Lee: No, no. I won t let him do that. See you then, doctor. 约翰逊大夫:再见。 Dr. Johnson: Goodbye. 单词Words spot n. 斑点 shoulder n. 肩膀 fever n. 发烧,高烧 temperatu

4、re n. 温度 centigrade n. 摄氏 measles n. 麻疹 operation n. 手术 scratch vt 抓,搔 短语 Phrases all over one s body 周身,全身 39 degrees in centigrade 摄氏39度 all day long 整天,一天到晚 have an operation (on sb) 动手术 keep sb from doing sth阻止,防止 句子 Sentence Patterns Can I speak to Dr. Johnson, please? 请问约翰逊大夫在吗? What s the mat

5、ter with you? 你怎么啦,李太太? What s wrong with Bill? 比尔哪儿不舒服? I m going to have an operation this morning. 今天上午我得给病人动手术。 Remember, you must keep him from scratching the spots. 记住,不能让他抓那些红斑。 相关单词 (人体部位 第二部分) Related Words (Human Organs part two) neck 颈部 windpipe 气管 gullet 食管 shoulder 肩膀 armpit 腋窝 nipple 乳

6、头 chest 胸部 navel 肚肌 abdomen 腹部 private parts 阴部 pudendum 女外阴 back 背 waist 腰 hip 臀部 buttock 臀部 collarbone 锁骨 rib 肋骨 backbone 脊骨 shoulder joint 肩关节 shoulder blade 肩胛骨 breastbone 胸骨 elbow joint 肘关节 pelvis 盆骨 kneecap 膝盖骨 bone 骨头 skeleton 骨架 sinew 腱 相关短语Related Phrases be fully engaged 日程安满,没有空闲 as early

7、 as possible 尽早 spare sb a few minutes 给某人抽出点时间 operate on sb 动手术 run a temprature 发高烧 stop somebody from doing 阻止某人做某事 day and night 夜以继日 相关表达方式 Related Expressions Dr. Johnson is fully engaged today. 约翰逊大夫今天已经排满了。 Anytime this week except Wednesday will be all right for me. 本周除了星期三以外其他时间都行。 Would

8、2: 00 tomorrow afternoon be convenient for you? 明天下午两点您方便吗? That suits me perfectly. 这个时间对我来说十分合适。 Would you schedule the diagnosis as early as possible? 能把诊断的时间安排得尽量早一些好吗? Can you spare me a few minutes this afternoon? 今天下午你能抽出点时间吗? Dr. Johnson will be expecting you at 9: 00 a. m. in his office. 约翰

9、逊大夫早上九点将在他的办公室等你。 Can you make it any other time the day after tomorrow. 你能把它安排在后天的另外一个时间吗? As the appointment book indicates, Dr. Johnson will be free only on the morning of the 5th. 从预约簿来看,约翰逊大夫只有在10 号上午有空。 I wonder if I could come to see Dr. Johnson this afternoon? 今天下午我能来找约翰逊大夫看病吗? Can you come

10、here tomorrow morning at 10:00 ? 明天早上10点你能来吗? I m afraid Dr. Johnson is occupied this afternoon. 恐怕约翰逊今天下午没有空。 Will you be free the day after tomorrow at 4:00 p.m.? 后天下午4点你有空吗? 医学英语之电话预约大全Telephone Appointment 对话 1: (为自己预约) Dialogue One (make an appointment with the doctor for oneself) 值班护士:早上好,这里是约

11、翰逊大夫办公室。有什么需要帮忙的吗? Clerk: Good morning. This is Doctor Johnson s office. What can I do for you? 雷德太太:是的。 我是雷德太太。我想本周预约看病。 Mrs. Reed: Yes, this is Mrs. Reed. I d like to make an appointment to see the doctor this week. 值班护士:好的。恐怕约翰逊大夫本周星期一和星期二都已经被预约满了。 Clerk: Well, let s see. I m afraid he is fully b

12、ooked on Monday and Tuesday. 雷德太太:星期四怎么样? Mrs. Reed: How about Thursday? 值班护士:抱歉,星期四也已经预约满了。雷德太太,星期三你方便吗? Clerk: Sorry, but I have to say he is also occupied on Thursday. So, will Wednesday be O.K. for you, Mrs. Reed? 雷德太太:星期三我得上班。顺便问一下,约翰逊大夫星期六有空吗? Mrs. Reed: I have to work on Wednesday. By the way

13、, is Dr. Johnson available on Saturday? 值班护士:我们周末不上班。 Clerk: I m afraid the office is closed on weekends. 雷德太太:那么,星期五如何? Mrs. Reed: well, what about Friday? 值班护士:星期五。 让我查一下。 太好了,约翰逊大夫本周星期五下午有空。 Clerk: Friday. Let me have a check. Oh, great. Dr. Johnson will be available on Friday afternoon this week

14、. 雷德太太: 很好。谢谢你。到时我会来的。 Mrs. Reed: That s fine. Thank you, I ll come then. Words appointment 5pRintmnt n. 预约 fully adv. 完全地,充分地 book vt 预定,预约 occupy vt 占据 available adj 可以见到的,有空的 check n. vt检查,查看 Phrases would like to 想要 make an appointment 预约 have to 不得不 by the way 顺便问一下 be available 有空,可以见到 see a d

15、octor 看医生 Sentence Patterns What can I do for you? 需要我帮忙吗? I d like to make an appointment to see the doctor this week. 我想本周约见大夫。 I m afraid he is fully booked on Monday and Tuesday 恐怕他周一,周二已经预定满了。 Is Dr. Johnson available on Saturday? 约翰逊大夫周六有空吗? Will Wednesday be O.K. for you, Mrs. Reed? 雷德太太,星期三你

16、看如何? Dr. Johnson will be available on Friday afternoon this week. 约翰逊大夫本周周五有空。 Related Words body 身体 head 头部 brain 脑 skull 颅骨 hair 头发 forehead 前额 temple 太阳穴 eyebrow 眉毛 eye 眼睛 ear 耳朵 cheek 面颊 nose 鼻子 bridge of the nose 鼻梁 nostril 鼻孔 mouth 口 lip 嘴唇 throat 喉咙 Adam s apple 喉结 tonsil 扁桃体 tongue 舌头 tooth

17、牙齿 gum 牙龈 palate 腭 incisors 门牙 molar 磨牙 premolar 前磨牙 chin 下巴 jaw 下颌Related Phrases be occupied 没有空 be free 有空 check the appointment book 查预约簿 make it 10:00 tomorrow morning 定在明天早上10点 reschedule the consultation 重新安排会诊时间 cancel the appointment 取消预约 be available 有空 Related Sentence Patterns I wonder i

18、f I could come to see Dr. Johnson this afternoon? 今天下午我能来找约翰逊大夫看病吗? Can you come here tomorrow morning at 10:00 ? 明天早上10点你能来吗? I m afraid Dr. Johnson is occupied this afternoon. 恐怕约翰逊今天下午没有空。 Will you be free the day after tomorrow at 4:00 p.m.? 后天下午4点你有空吗? Just a moment, please. I will check the ap

19、pointment book. 稍等片刻,我得查一下预约簿。 Let s make it 10:00 next Monday morning. 那我们就定在下周星期一上午10点吧。 I m afraid we ll have to reschedule the consultation. 恐怕我们得重新安排这次会诊时间。 I m sorry I ll have to cancel the appointment I made with Dr. Johnson this morning. 非常抱歉,我不得不取消今天上午与约翰逊大夫的预约。 The doctor will be available next Monday afternoon. 大夫下周星期一下午应该有空。

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