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本文(届浙江名校新高考研究联盟Z20联盟届高三第三次联考英语试题docx.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、届浙江名校新高考研究联盟Z20联盟届高三第三次联考英语试题docx2020届浙江名校新高考研究联盟 (Z20联盟)2020届高三第三次联考英语试题(待公布)附复习资料查询更多试卷答案解析,微博搜索:答案家族微信搜索:高中生家族送一些复习试题资料给大家,希望对你有所帮助!第I卷第部加听力(共幡艮満分旳分弟一节听下By段对话。曲段对话后有一亍小SL从迪中所给的A B. C三亍选项中选f选项.井 标在试卷的bRK, Cari Cl By bijSI2.rhat w i the WOlIlan do t?A.BUy me gifts. Tk C IeaJIl the houe. C. CtOk dLn

2、ner.3- Whftt Iine IS h rnw?扎 7订工 B. 7:30. C. 7:50.4. When did the man Ieaeh the classroom?A.en 0】LiHlIiteS fter Ihe CIas begf.R. 丁Cil nnEe belbrc, Lhe clsC. %Ti.eri Ibe ClS -Ms L er.5f We did TPfn JDg, He IoSt k friend 1s IP(XLB.Ile Ient a nexv LPlxl to ha ft,Letd.CI HC borrowed a new iPod frm hi転 f

3、riend第二节听下面予段时话AB毎段对话贱迪白后有儿个小题从题中所给的A. B. Ci项中选Ul 嚴佳选项井标在试卷的柿应ij听擁段对话或fedfi.你将冇时间阅就各个小魏.每小a5i 听完后-孑小题将出,杪却的作客时间 f段对话或独白两圄听F面一啓对话-回答第6利第7两个小題.6.WJlat CiOCS IhC woman think Of Clinl Easmood?/L Humorous. B. BOrg. C- HdindSOls Can be hanniul.Fin(Ung YOUr Element Wrinen by Ken RObinSOnIhlS WOrId Often Wa

4、ntS US to follow a Certain Iife plan. If you dont know What your PaSSiOn is. it just means you havent discOVerCd it yet Or maybe it just disappeared CarIy In life. ThiS book Wili help find OUt how you Can get away from IhC worlds StriCt rules and find your real PaSSiOn in life.21. U hoSe book Can he

5、lp you if you Canet StOP worry ing about things?A.AmV MOrinS B. Ken RobinsonsC.DaIeCarnegies D. Cla)IOnChnStenSenS22 If OnC Of your friends docsn*t know how to balance his Work and life, you CCilId suggest him reading .A.ThIrteen ThIngS MentaIIy StrOng PeOPle Dont DoB.IIOW Win VOU MeaSUre Your IJteC

6、.Finding YOUr ElemenlD.HOW to StOP WOrrJ Ing and Start LiVIng23.What S the best title Of this passage?A.FOUr Bks IntcreSt YOU B. FOUr Bks OCCUPy YOUr FrCe TImeC.FOUr BOOkS HdP VoU ReIaX D. FOUr BOoIC5 Change Y(Xlr IjfeBTUVaIu, a Iiny COUntn, in Ihe PaClfiC Ocean, has asked for help as It fears It VV

7、ln be SWallOWed UP by Ihe sea.StOrmS and huge WaVeS are a COnStant threat and none Of Tuvalus nine IittIC islands IS more than five meters above Sea le,el. Salt Water is already CntCrIng Ihe CoUntryM drinking Water supply, as Well as HnmAging PIJmK that PrrWllIc fhit JnUl Vrgrlable Without Ilrgmt he

8、lp, the COIlnlrv, dsy Are nmhay that it WilI have SUnk another 24Cm by 2050. CennIry 遽o. St. Marks SqUare. Ihe IOWeSt POInt In the City. flooded about nine times a year. NOWadaySe It happens more than IOO limes. UTiile VPenICe IS SIOWIy Slnking Where It stands. TUVaIU*s rising Sea ICVCl is CaUSCd by

9、 global wanning.ThC average global temperature has increased by almost O. 5 CCntigrade degrees OVCr the PaSt CCntUr),.and SCiCntiStS CXPCCt it to rise by CXtra 1.3 degrees OVCr the next IOO years.VKannCr WCather makes glaccrs(冰川)melt, adding more Water to the OCCan- IilC WannCr temperatures also mak

10、e WaIer CXPand. SO It takes UP more SPaCe. CaUSIng IhC SCa ICVCl to nse. Ibe SCa ICVel has risen 10.25 Cm in Ihe IaSt IOO years. Many SCiCntiStS believe IhaI if the Wanning is not stopped. IhCre WilI be huge Climate ChangCS ThC SCa IcVd COUId rise by OnC meter this CentUn,ShOUId this COme true, the

11、Sea will SWaIlOW UP millions Of homes and the WOrId WIll be flooded Wlth KClimale refugees IOOking tor SomeWhere to live.24.What Can We Inier from Ihe SeCOnd paragraph?A drinking WatCr in TUVAIU has hem destroyedB.all Tuvalus islands arc about five meters above the SCa ICVC)C.TUVaIU is In danger Ofb

12、eIng SWallOWed UP by Ihe SeaD.TUValU IS Often flooded by StOrmS and UraVeS25.Why are TUValU and VeniCe USed as examples?A.because Ihey are facing the trouble CaUSed by global WamUngB.because Ihey are both Sinklng IntO Ihe mud On which Ihey StandC.because Ihey are IhC first PIaCeS SlnkIng into Ihe Se

13、aD because IhCy will disappear In IhC future26.Whal docs MClImatC refugees mean9A.CIImate effect. B. CIImate changes.C. Rare animals. D. PeOPle WhO are forced away from IheIr homeland by climate.27.WhiCh Of IhC following is NOT true according to the passage?A.Tuvalus nine IittIC islands arc ICSS tha

14、n five InCtCrS above the SCa lc,cl.B.The average global temperature has risen by 13 CCntigradC degrees OVer the PaSt IOO years.C.The Warmef temperature CaUSeS Ihe Sea IeVeI to rise.D.There WIlI be huge Chmate ChangeS UnIeSS Ihe WannIng IS stopped.CCItiCS arc IIkCIy to be affected by OVCrheatIng. Iha

15、nkS to SOmcthing CanCd the Urban heal island effect. Cities tend to be Shon Of trees. WhiCh PrOVide shade, and Ihey are coered WIth black PaVCment. WhiCh absorbs heal from Ihe sun. Think Of how it feels to Wear a dark Shirt VenUS a White Shirt On a SUnny day. A black Shirt absorbs light, heating you

16、 UP BUt a while Shirt reflects light, keeping you cool.he average temperature in a city Of a million Or more PeOPIe Can be more than 5 degrees F hoer thanSUrrOUndIng areas. hat CXtra 5 degrees Can turn a hot day from UnCOmIbnablC to deadly. AS temperatures nsc. CltieS WIll be an CSPCCialIy dangerous

17、 PlaCC to be during a heat wave. TO protect PUbliC health. City OfnCiaIS are going to make Ihe City cooler.AS Part Of that Cflbrt LOS AngClCS is COating its roads In COoISeaI. a gray Paint Ihat keeps streets and Parklng IOlS 10 degrees cier than black asphalt(沥 Ilr) . It WlIl helpngelinos SaVe money

18、 during Ihe summer. When air COndltiOning SendS POWer bills soaring. And It Will SflVe IiVeS by IOWerlng temperatures and ImPrOVIng air quality. Hot WeaIhef WOrSenS air POlIUtlOn by turning CAr exhaust IntO smog, WhICh Can make Iife miserable for PeOPIC With asthma ( ft?Itt ) and thc?T Hrcnthing PrO

19、hICmSOf COUrSC L WilI have to do more than Paint OVer a few StrcetS Io CoOl Ofr the city. AngdinoS Win also need to PlAnt more trees and apply vte Palnt to rooftops at IeaSt IhOSe not already CoVered InSolar PAneIs. Uliile LA IS a PlOneer Of reflective StreetSt Other CltIeS hke NeW York, are already

20、 expermeniing With reflective roofs or, Iike MeIbOUme. IOwenng Ihe tnperalure by PIantIng lrees. LA is hardly alone In ItS effort to stay cool.This is an Urgent ChalIenge and t,s much bigger than One PerSOn.* Said MayOr GarCetti In a recent StatcmCnt-41ClImate ChangC is a fact OfIifC that PeOPIe In LOS AngCIeS and CIlieS around Ihe WOrId IIVe With CVCTy day/*28.UrhICh Of IhC following COntnbUtCS to the Urban heal ISIand CffcCI?A- PIantIng InOre IreeS In the StreetS-B.COVenng the StreetS With WhiIe paint.C.APPlying reflective Paint to rftops.D.FUmiS

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