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1、工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准,是行业行政法规,即国家环境保护部 2008年第 44 号文件。为贯彻中华人民共和国环境保护法和中华人民共和国 环境噪声污染防治法,防治环境噪声污染,保护和改善生活环境,保障人体健 康,促进经济和社会可持续发展,现批准工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准和 社会生活环境噪声排放标准两项标准为国家环境噪声排放标准,并由国家环境 保护部与国家质量监督检验检疫总局联合发布。1概述2 环境保护部公告3 环境噪声排放标准1.概述编辑工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准 GB12348-2008,是行业行政法规,是为防 治环境噪声污染,保

2、护和改善生活环境,保障人体健康,促进经济和社会可持续发 展,而制订的环境噪声排放标准,是由国家环境保护部与国家质量监督检验检疫总 局联合发布的。2.环境保护部公告编辑(2008 年第 44 号) 关于发布工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准、社会生活环境噪声排放标 准两项国家污染物排放标准的公告发布部门:发布日期:2008 年08月19日实施日期:2008 年10月01日 ( 中央法规)为贯彻中华人民共和国环境保护法和中华人民共和国环境噪声污染防治 法,防治环境噪声污染,保护和改善生活环境,保障人体健康,促进经济和社会 可持续发展,现批准工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准和社会生活环境噪声排 放标准两项标准

3、为国家环境噪声排放标准,并由我部与国家质量监督检验检疫总 局联合发布。3.环境噪声排放标准编辑 为贯彻中华人民共和国环境保护法和中华人民共和国环境噪声污染防治 法,防治工业企业噪声污染,改善声环境质量,制定本标准。本标准是对 GB 12348-90工业企业厂界噪声标准和 GB 12349-90工业企 业厂界噪声测量方法的第一次修订。与原标准相比主要修订内容如下 :将工业企业厂界噪声标准 (GB12348-90) 和工业企业厂界噪声测量方 法(GB12349-90)合并为一个标准,名称改为工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准修改了标准的适用范围、背景值修正表 ;of the contract must

4、be /; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle th

5、e pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative

6、procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit

7、 personal loans. As described in the Banks credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting,

8、loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrowers application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow c

9、ontrol application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms

10、补充了 0 类区噪声限值、测量条件、测点位置、测点布设和测量记录 ; 增加了部分术语和定义、室内噪声限值、背景噪声测量、测量结果和测量 结果评价的内容。本标准于 1990 年首次发布,本次为第一次修订。本标准自实施之日起代替工业企业厂界噪声标准 (GB12348-90)和工业企业厂界噪声测量方法 (GB12349-90)。本标准由环境保护部科技标准司组织制订。本标准起草单位 : 中国环境监测总站、天津市环境监测中心、福建省环境监测 中心站。本标准环境保护部 2008 年 7 月 17 日批准。本标准自 2008 年 10 月 1 日起实施。本标准由环境保护部解释。工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准1

11、. 适用范围本标准规定了工业企业和固定设备厂界环境噪声排放限值及其测量方法。本标准适用于工业企业噪声排放的管理、评价及控制。机关、事业单位、团体 等对外环境排放噪声的单位也按本标准执行。2.规范性引用文件本标准内容引用了下列文件或其中的条款。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其有效 版本适用于本标准。GB 3096 声环境质量标准GB 3785 声级计电、声性能及测试方法GB/T 3241 倍频程和分数倍频程滤波器GB/T 15173 声校准器GB/T 15190 城市区域环境噪声适用区划分技术规范GB/T 17181 积分平均声级计3.术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本标准。3.1工业企业厂界环境噪声

12、industrial enterprises noise指在工业生产活动中使用固定设备等产生的、在厂界处进行测量和控制的干扰 周围生活环境的声音。3.2A 声级 A-weighted sound pressure level用A计权网络测得的声压级,用 A L表示,单位dB(A)。of the con tract must be /; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specificatio

13、n interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account man

14、agers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling,

15、 account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Banks credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process descripti

16、on and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the

17、 borrowers application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the B

18、ank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准3.3等效声级 equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level 等效连续 A 声级的简称,指在规定测量时间 T 内 A 声级的能量平均值,用LAeq,T表示,(简写为Leq),单位d

19、B(A)。除特别指明外,本标准中噪声值皆为等 效声级。根据定义,等效声级表示为 : Leq=101g1/T?010dt 式中 :LA t 时刻的瞬时 A 声级 ;T规定的测量时间段。3.4厂界 boundary由法律文书 (如土地使用证、房产证、租赁合同等 )中确定的业主所拥有使用权( 或所有权 ) 的场所或建筑物边界。各种产生噪声的固定设备的厂界为其实际占地的 边界。3.5噪声敏感建筑物 niose-sensitive buildings 指医院、学校、机关、科研单位、住宅等需要保持安静的建筑物。3.6昼间 day-time 、夜间 night-time 根据中华人民共和国环境噪声污染防治法

20、,“昼间”是指 6:00 至 22:00之间的时段 ; “夜间”是指 22:00 至次日 6:00 之间的时段。县级以上人民政府为环 境噪声污染防治的需要 (如考虑时差、作息习惯差异等 ) 而对昼间、夜间的划分另有 规定的,应按其规定执行。3.7频发噪声 frequent noise指频繁发生、发生的时间和间隔有一定规律、单次持续时间较短、强度较高的 噪声,如排气噪声、货物装卸噪声等。3.8偶发噪声 sporadic noise 指偶然发生、发生的时间和间隔无规律、单次持续时间较短、强度较高的噪 声。如短促鸣笛声、工程爆破噪声等。3.9最大声级 maximum sound level 在规定测

21、量时间内对频发或偶发噪声事件测得的 A 声级最大值,用 Lmax 表 示,单位 dB(A) 。3.10倍频带声压级 sound pressure level in octave bands采用符合 GB/T3241 规定的倍频程滤波器所测量的频带声压级,其测量带宽和 中心频率成正比。本标准采用的室内噪声频谱分析倍频带中心频率为 31.5HZ、63HZ 125HZ 250HZ 500HZ 其覆盖频率范围为 22HZ,707HZ3.11稳态噪声 steady noiseof the contract must be /; Seven or one copy of the contract, eac

22、hcontract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave c 第 3 页 共 8页 ontract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the preloan investigation, contract

23、s and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation)

24、called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in t

25、he Banks credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, c

26、redit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrowers application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1

27、. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 在测量时间内,被测声源的声级起伏不大于 3dB 的噪声。3.1

28、2非稳态噪声 non-steady noise 在测量时间内,被测声源的声级起伏大于 3dB 的噪声。3.13背景噪声 background noise 被测量噪声源以外的声源发出的环境噪声的总和。4.环境噪声排放限值4.1厂界环境噪声排放限值4.1.1工业企业厂界环境噪声不得超过表 1 规定的排放限值。表1工业企业厂界环境噪声排放限值单位:dB(A)时 段 边界处声环境功能区类型 昼间 夜间0 50 4055 4560 5065 5570 554.1.2夜间频发噪声的最大声级超过限值的幅度不得高于 10 dB(A) 。4.1.3夜间偶发噪声的最大声级超过限值的幅度不得高于 15 dB(A)

29、。4.1.4工业企业若位于未划分声环境功能区的区域,当厂界外有噪声敏感建筑 物时,由当地县级以上人民政府参照 GB 3096 和 GB/T 15190 的规定确定厂界外区 域的声环境质量要求,并执行相应的厂界环境噪声排放限值。4.1.5当厂界与噪声敏感建筑物距离小于 1m 时,厂界环境噪声应在噪声敏感建筑物的室内测量,并将表1中相应的限值减10dB(A)作为评价依据。4.2结构传播固定设备室内噪声排放限值 当固定设备排放的噪声通过建筑物结构传播至噪声敏感建筑物室内时,噪声敏 感建筑物室内等效声级不得超过表 2 和表 3 规定的限值。表2结构传播固定设备室内噪声排放限值(等效声级)单位:dB(A

30、)房间类型 时段噪声敏感A类房间B类房间建筑物环境所处功能区昼间 夜间 昼间 夜间 类别0 40 30 40 30 of the contract must be /; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers,

31、accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the preloan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties,

32、qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Banks credit policy, marketing a

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