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1、初中常用短语和习惯用法初中常用短语和习惯用法常用的习惯用语、固定搭配和句型1、有一点,一会儿 a bit ( of )2、一些,少量 a few3、大量,许多 a great deal of + a lot of4、一种,一类 a kind of5、尤其,首要 above all6、一些,许多 a number of7、加到 .、一张(块,片等) a piece of9、根据,按照 according to n. 10、毕竟,终究 after all11、再三地,反复地 again and again12、在. 年纪 at the age of.13、与某人看法一致 agre

2、e with sb.14、同意做某事 agree to do sth.15、允许做某事 allow doing sth.16、允许某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth.17、课后 after class18、各种各样的 all kinds of.19、到处,遍及 all over20、行了,好吧(病)好了 all right21、一就 as soon as22、再要几个,另外的 another + 数词 + 名词= 数词 + more +名词23、到达 arrive in (at) = get to = reach24、和.一样 asas25和.不一样 not as (so) a

3、s26、让某人做某事 ask sb to do sth.27、让某人不做某事 ask sb not to do sth.28、要求.(请求.) ask for29、好像,仿佛 as if = as though30、只要,长达 as long as31、通常,象平常一样 as usual32、也,还有 as well33、在.开始,初期 at the beginning of.34、在. 末端 at the end of.35、一组,一群 a group of36、名胜 a place of great interest37、其结果 as a result38、由于.的结果 as a resu

4、lt of39、在周末 at weekends40、一年到头 all the year round41、至少 at least42、.和都. both.and43、骄傲,自豪 be proud of ( be the pride of )44、闯入 break into45、打断,中断,折断 break off46、损坏, break down47、闯入,打断,插嘴 break in48、引来,引进,吸收 bring in49、忙于什么 be busy with sth50、忙于做某事 be busy doing sth.51、花钱买东西 buy sth. for money52、顺便说一下

5、by the way53、到.末为止 be the end of.54、向.借东西 borrow sth. from sb. = borrow sb. sth.55、小心 be careful = look out = take care56、靠近,离很近 be close to sth.57、虐待某人 be cruel to sb.58、对某人要求严格 be strict with sb.59、对某事要求严格 be strict in sth.60、乘飞机(火车,轮船,汽车等) by air ( train,ship,bus )61、能,会做某事 be able to do sth.62、即

6、将,正要做某事 be about to do sth.63、偶然,意外地 by accident = by chance64、害怕. be afraid of sth.65、害怕做某事 be afraid to do sth.66、单独,独自 be alone67、和某人生气 be angry with sb.68、对某事生气 be angry at (about ) sth.69、对.有害处 be bad for.70、打败某人,打赢某人 beat sb at sth.71、因为 because of72、忙于什么事 be busy with sth.73、忙于做某事 be busy doi

7、ng sth.74、到.末为止 by the end of.75、有足够的.做某事 be + adj. + enough to do sth.76、以知名 be famous as77、以.著名,广为人知 be famous for78、是满的 be filled with = be full of78、擅长于. be good at.79、对.有好处 be good for80、对.和善 be good to.81、对某人有帮助的 be helpful to sb.82、意见一致 be in agreement83、对.感兴趣 become (be) interested in84、迟到 b

8、e late for.85、不久 before long = soon86、由.制成的 be made of.87、有.制成的 be made from88、被制成什么 be made into89、由于错误,误会 by mistake90、独自地,单独地 by oneself91、对.感到满意 be satisfied with.92、与.相似 be similar to sth (sb.)93、对某人来说确实如此 be true for sb.94、习惯于 be used to doing sth.95、被当作.使用 be used as.96、在. 很弱 be weak in.97、值得

9、做. be worth doing sth.98、务必,一定要 be sure of (to do sth )99、与.不同 be different from100、继续做什么 carry on = continue doing sth101、执行 carry out102、赶上 catch up with = keep up with103、把. 变成. change.into104、改变主意 change ones mind105、检查,核对 check out106、打扫干净 clean up107、(天气)放晴 clear up108、来自.,出生 come from.= be fr

10、om.109、实现 come true110、想出(主意等) come up with111、开花,显影,出版 come out112、快点,来吧,跟上来 come on113、过来,顺便来访 come over to .114、把A与B相比较 compare A with B115、把.与连接 connect.to116、与有联系,与某事有关 be connected with117、花多少钱买 sth. cost sb. money118、用. 覆盖 cover.with, be covered with.119、考虑做某事 consider doing sth.120、砍伐 cut do

11、wn121、切断,隔绝 cut off122、提倡,号召,需要 call for123、打电话 call up124、照顾(病人) care for125、报到,登记 check in126、回来 come back = be back127、进入,进来 come in128、共计,达到 come to129、上升,上来,抬头 come up130、切碎,齐根切掉 cut up131、情不自禁做某事 cant help doing sth.132、等不及做某事 cant wait to do sth.133、日日夜夜 day and night134、处理,对付 deal with135、决定

12、做什么 decide to do136、依靠,取决于 depend on137、先后死去 die off138、死光,灭绝 die out139、尽最大的努力 do ones best = try ones best140、扫除,买东西 do some cleaning (shopping )141、穿上盛装 dress up142、穿衣服 be (get) dressed143、放下 drop off144、顺便走访(某人) drop in145、干家务活 do housework146、互相 each other147、吃光 eat up148、或者或者. eitheror.149、鼓励某

13、人做某事 encourage sb to do sth.150、以. 结束 end with.151、过得愉快 enjoy oneself = have a good time152、喜欢,享受做某事 enjoy doing sth.153、即使 even though = even if154、从那时起,此后一直 ever since155、向某人解释某事 explain sth. to sb.156、向某人解释 explain to sb.157、面对面 face to face158、入睡 fall asleep159、落后,输给别人 fall behind160、从.掉下 fall o

14、ff161、患病,病到 fall ill162、远离 far from163、很远,遥远 far away164、以.喂养某人 feed sb. with(on) sth.165、想要做. feel like doing sth.166、仿佛觉得 feel as if167、用 .填满 fillwith.168、找出,查出 find out169、填充,填表 fill in ( the form )170、做完某事 finish doing sth.171、首先,第一 first of all172、强迫某人干某事 force sb. to do sth.173、忘记干某事 forget to

15、 do sth.174、忘记干了某事 forget doing sth.175、从 到、从现在(那时)起,今后 from now (then )on177、永远 for ever178、例如 for example179、不时,时而,偶尔,有时 from time to time180、落入,陷入 fall into181、修理,修补 fix up182、感觉孤独 feel lonely183、一般地说来 generally speaking184、下来 get down185、上(下)车 get on/off186、相聚 get together187、把 . 还回来

16、 give sth back to sb. = returnto sb.188、屈服 give in189、放弃 give up = stop doing190、继续做某事 go on doing sth.191、去购物/钓鱼/游泳 go shopping/fishing/swimming192、长大,成长 grow up193、养成习惯 get into habit194、帮忙 give sb. a hand.195、妨碍 get in the way of196、与.相处 get along (well) with= get on with.197、开始着手工作 get down to w

17、ork198、收获 get in199、起床 get up200、分发,发放 give out201、走开,离去 go away202、走过,经过,过去 go by203、去散步 go for a walk204、喜欢,酷爱,从事 go in for.205、出去,熄灭 go out206、仔细检查,复习 go over207、浏览,翻阅,通过(考试等) go through208、去野营 go camping209、迷路 get lost210、结婚 get married ( to sb )211、赠送 give away212、碰巧 happen to be213、某人发生什么 happ

18、en to sb.214、有什么事要做 have sth. to do 215、休息 have(take) a rest216、让别人做某事 have sth. done217、让某人做某事 have sb do218、听说 hear of219、收到某人的来信 hear from sb. = get a letter from sb.220、帮助某人做某事 help sb do sth. = help sb. with sth.221、上交,交纳 hand in222、等一会儿(打电话用) hold on223、开会 have ( hold ) a meeting224、赶快 hurry u

19、p = be quick225、最好做某事 had better do sth.226、最好不做某事 had better not do sth.227、分发,发下去 hand out228、感冒 have a cold229、对.有天赋(才干) have a gift for230、做某事有麻烦(困难) have trouble(difficulty) (in) doing sth.231、玩得高兴(玩很开心) have fun with ( doing ).232、不得不,必须 have to = have got to233、请随便吃点. help oneself to sth.234、

20、挂断(电话) hang up235、不出气,屏住呼吸 hold ones breath236、为. 而笑 have a good laugh over.237、滕出时间休息 have.off238、与无关 have nothing to do with239、想象某事(做某事) imagine sth.(doing sth.)240、坚决要求. insist on sth.(doing sth.)241、代替 instead of242、打算做某事 intend to do sth.243、国际贸易 international trade244、采访某人关于某事 interview sb. a

21、bout sth.245、向.介绍., 引见 introduce sb. to sb.246、自我介绍 introduce oneself247、最后 in the end = at last = finally248、在.前面 in front of.249、为了. ,以便 in order to do (in order that = so that )250、按时 in time251、匆忙 in a hurry252、简言之 in a word253、事实上,实际上 in fact254、需要, in need of.255、按顺序 in order256、换句话说 in other

22、words257、当众,公开 in public258、惊奇地,惊讶地 in surprise259、连接起来 join up260、和某人一起做. join sb. in sth261、跳下,跳离 jump off262、跳到.上 jump onto263、刚才;一会儿 just now264、正在那时 just then265、撞倒 knock down266、继续做. keep doing sth.267、使 保持.状态 keep . adj.268、使某人继续做某事 keep sb. doing sth.269、自杀 kill oneself270、吻别某人 kiss sb. good

23、bye271、跪下,屈服 knee on ones knees272、撞上(某人) knock into sb.273、敲(门,窗等) knock on (at).274、知道,听说过 know of275、了解 know about276、留下,阻止 keep back 277、勿踏,勿踩 keep off278、守信(履行诺言) keep ones word279、看,观看 look at280、嘲笑某人(某事) laugh at sb. (sth.)281、导致 lead to282、向某人学习. 技能 learn sth. from sb.283、学习某人 learn from sb284、离开.到.去 leave for.285、把.忘在. leave+介词短语286、把.借给. sb.287、检查 look over288、看起来像 look lik289、照顾,照看 look after290、以.为生 live on.

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