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1、八年级上练习题八年级上练习题Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?Sectin A一根据汉语意思及汉语提示完成句子。1.When I was_ _( 度假 ),he often phoned me.2.Mike,I have_ _( 重要的事 )to tell you.Please wait for me.3.Look!This is_ _(我父母的 )new computer.They bought it yesterday.4.Did your mother_ _(去购物 )with your younger sister?5._ _ _(相当多)peopl

2、e went to the cinema last night.二按要求改写句子,每空一词。1.The boy went to New York last summer.(改为一般疑问句)_ the boy_to New York last summer?2.The girl told me something new just now.(改为否定句)The girl_me_new just now.3.Mr. Brown often puts his book in his car.(用yesterday改写Mr. Brown_his books in his car_.4.Jim did

3、something special last Sunday. (改为一般疑问句)_Jim_ _special last Sunday?5.We visited a volleyball player at the school?(就画线部分提问)_ _you_a volleyball player?Section B一 根据句意,用所给动词的适当形式填空。1 My father decided _(visit )Hainan Island with my mother this weekend.2 The little girl is not very well.She doesnt feel

4、 like _ (eat) anything.3 On Sunday I enjoy_(stay)at home with my parents.4 My brother and I _ (try )to move the big table,but we cant.5 The girl forgot _ (bring ) her homework this morning.6 John takes part in many school _ (activity.)7 How _ (wonder ) it was to be here with her!8 We had a most _(en

5、joy) journey last month.二、根据所给英文提示,把下列句子翻译成英语。1.昨天我们玩得很开心。_2.你是什么时候到达上海的?_3.你想看电影吗?_4.由于大风我们不能去海滩了。_5.我没有足够的时间和你玩。_6.她是一个多么漂亮的女孩啊!_Self check一单项选择1.The bag is_heavy that I cant carry it by myself.A.very B.too C.quite D.so2.Tell the boy_his hands before meals.A.not to wash B.not wash wash D.wash

6、3.Who likes eating the candies?_.They are too hard.A.No one B.Anyone C.Someone D.Every one4.I think its important to _what he did there last night.A.look at B. look for C.find D.find out5.If you keep_for her,you will be late for school.A.wait wait c.waiting D.waited二、根据句意及汉语提示写单词,注意形式的变化。1The g

7、irl_(不喜爱)the boy.He talks much but does little.2.Some_(鸭子)are swimming happily in the river.3.I had nothing for I am very_(饥饿)now.4.There are many_(差异)between the red computer and the black one.5.The two young men went to Shanghai as_(trade).语法巩固练习一、 单项选择。1. Yang Liwei,a famous astronau

8、t_to Foshan in March,2012.A.comes B.came C.come D.was coming2.Where were you last Saturday? I_in the capital B.will be C.was D.have been3.Hello! Im very glad to see you. When_you_here?A.did;arrive B.will;arrive C.have;arrived D.are;arriving4.They_some trees in the park yesterday.A.will p

9、lant B.are planting C.planted D.plant二、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Tom and Mary_(come) to China last month.2. Mike_(not go)to bed until 12 oclock last night.3. Mary_(read) English yesterday morning.4. Tom_(begin) to learn Chinese last year.5. My mother_(not do) housework yeaterday.6. There_(be) a telephone cal

10、l for you just now.单元综合题一、单项选择1. How was you day off? Pretty good! We_the history museum.A. visit B.visited C.are visiting D.will visit2. Mike caught a cold yesterday,_he had to stay at home.A. because B.but C.or D.so3. There are_apples in the box.We need to buy some.A.few B.a few C.little D. a litt

11、le4.The story is quite_.We dont like it. A.bored B.boring C. exciting D.relaxing5.I think you should finish your homework by_.A.myself B.yourself C.herself D.himself6.Sam,do you have_to tell us today? No,nothing.A.anything important B.somthing important C.important anything D.impotant something7.My

12、teacher got angry with me_my mistakes in my homework.A.because B.since D.because of8.Some word puzzles in this book are_difficult that few students can solve them.A.such C.very D.quite Unit 2 How often do you exercise?Section A一、根据汉语意思及汉语提示完成句子1.How often do you_(锻炼 )? Every day.2.My fathe

13、r_ _( 几乎不 ) watches TV.He doesnt like it.3.The boy goes to the movies_ _ _( 一周一次 ) 4.Please be quiet. The girl_ _( 不得不 )study for a test tomorrow.5. This Sunday I want to _ _ _( 看电影 ). Would you like with me?二、根据句意,从方框内选择适当的词组完成句子。How often,twice a week,how about,hardly ever,on weekends1.I go shoppi

14、ng with my mother on Sunday._you,Mike?I never go shopping.2.How often do you read English books?_.3.What do you usually do _? I stay at home and watch TV.4.The son is old enough.His mother_worries about him.5._does your mother have dance lessons? Every day.三、按要求改写下列句子。1.The boy dance lessons twice a

15、 week.(就画线部分提问)_ _ _the boy _dance lessons?2.He does housework once a day.(改为一般疑问句)_he_housework once a day?3.Her mother may be a nurse in the hospital(改为同义句)._her mother_a nurse in the hospital.4. The boy will be back in three days. (就画线部分提问)_ _will the boy be back?5.Last night I went to the movies

16、 with my friends. (改为同义句)Last night I_ _ _with my friends. Section B一、单项选择。1._boy students are there in your class? There are twenty-six.A.How many B.How much C.How often D.How soon2._the boy is young,he can read books in English.A.If B.When C.Although D.about3.My brother is good_dance.He thinks its

17、 very interesting.A.for D.about4.The old man wanted the young man_ some delicious B.bought buy D.buying5.The doctor told me_the medicind three times a B.drink C.get D.take二、根据句意用适当的词完成句子,每空一词。1.Our teacher wanted us_finish the homework before school.2.Watching TV

18、too long is not good_our eyes.3.Ten percent_the students in our class come from the big city.4.I dont know the answer_the question.Please tell me.5.Do you like eating hamburgers? No,I dont them_all.They are junk food.Self Check一根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1.A_he is young,the boy can write many English words.2.Ea

19、ting fruit and vegetables is good for our h_.3.There is something wrong with my teeth.I have to see a d_.4.My sister eats l_than I. So I am fatter than she.5.My father is a w_. He often writes something for magazines.二、用所给短语翻译下列句子。1你一个月至少应该看一本书。(at least)_2每天我都要花费一个多小时做作业。(more than)_3他知道这个问题的答案。(th

20、e answer to)_445%的学生在家看电视。(percent of)_5周末你经常做什么?(on weekends) _语法巩固练习一单项选择。1.I_ride a bike to school. But this morning I took a taxi because I got up late.A.never B.sometimes C.hardly ever D.usually2.Miss Zhou is very popular with the students. Yes. Her classes are_lively and interesting.A.always B

21、.sometimes C.hardly D.never3._do you visit the old man? Once a week.A.How soon B.Hoe often C.How long D.How many times4.How often does Lara play the trumpet? _Once or_a week. Im not sure.A.May be;twice B.Maybe;twice C.Maybe;two times D.May be;two times二请用英语翻译下面的句子。1她几乎什么都没吃。_2你多长时间读一次英文报纸。_3我每年两次去上海

22、拜访我的舅舅。_4你经常几点钟起床?_5周末迈克几乎不看电视。_单元综合题。一、根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. There is a big_(different)between Chinese and English.2. Eating vegetables and fruit can help us keep in good_(healthy).3. My parents often go to work_(two) a day.4. You are much_(good) at English than me.5. Make sure this meat cooks for a

23、t_(little) an hour.二、选词填空。Always ,often, every day,never,sometimes,haredly ever6. I cant swim,so I_ go to the river to swim.7. The boy student_gets up at five thirty,seven days a week.8. How_does your father rest at home? Every Sunday.9. It_rains in the dessert.Its usually sunny and dry.10. Some of

24、my classmates have bad eating habits. They eat junk food_.三、按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。1 Lucy usually cleans the cage every two days.(就画线部分提问)_ _ _Lucy usually clean the cage?2 2.I want to buy two bags of apples. (就画线部分提问)_ _applesa do you want to buy?3.She wants to do something useful for the 16th Asian Games.

25、(改同义句)She _ _ _something useful for the 16th Asian Games.4.Mike goes to school library twice a week. (改一般疑问句)_Mike_to the school library twice a week?5.Every day the boy eats much junk food at school. (改同义句Every day the boy eats_ _ _junk food at school.四、 根据汉语提示完成英语句子,每空一词。1. 你多久去锻炼一次? 一个星期一次。_ _do

26、you go swimming? Once a week.2. 他几乎从来不在八点前起床。He_ _gets up before eight oclock.3. 这个问题的答案错了。The_ _the question is wrong.4. 我问他有关自由活动的情况。I asked him something about his_ _ _.5. 迈克是来自纽约的一位18岁男孩。Mike is_ _boy from New York. Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister. Section A 一、单项选择1.I think math is more difficult_English. B.than D.of2.This apple is_than that one. A.big B.bigger C.biger D.more big3.The mother walked into the room_becuse she didnt want to wake he

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