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1、最新职称英语考试基础词汇重点解析十五套职称英语考试基础词汇重点解析一 英语单词记忆法1 借助单词读音记忆法;例如:reply (v.) 回答,答复 evil (a.) 邪恶的,恶魔的 spirit (n.) 幽灵,亡灵 - reply (e在闭音节中通常发/i/ , /i/-e;y在开音节中通常发./ai/);-evil(e在evil中也发/i/, i 在evil中没有发音);-spirit(i 在闭音节中的发音通常是/i/); (补充:单词音节通常对应的发音)2 借助单词构词法记忆单词;一部份英语单词的拼写和其对应的词义应该理解成是“约定俗成”的关系,需要考生进行强行记忆,例如:water:

2、水 work:工作 sky:天空 boy:男孩 girl:女孩 doctor:医生单词构成法帮助寻找一些单词之间的相互关系,并对单词形成理性地记忆,例如:beauty(美丽) - beautiful(美丽的)(beauty是名词,根据形容词的构词原则,把y变成 i再加上ful 构成其对应的形容词beautiful )例如:aside, aboard(put/leave. aside(把。放在一边/部考虑。); aside from.(除了);get aboard(上车/船/飞机)“a-”(在,到)+ Side(边/侧面)= aside(在旁边/到。的一边); “a-”(在,到)+ board(

3、板)= aboard(在(到)船上/飞机上/车上); 合成法构成的单词举例:workday = work (工作)+day(日子) - workday(工作日);workforce = work (工作)+ force(力量) - workforce(工作力 ?全体工作者)提示:在根据构词法推测出的单词含义牵强,费解的情况下,要借助字典准确地弄清楚单词的含义。3 联想记忆法:例如:man(男人)- woman(女人)(联想:妇女除了上班以外,还得做家务事,所以妇女要做的工作比男人做得工作多, 因此需要在man的前面在加上wo (rk);例如:adapt (使适应,改编)/ adopt(采用,收

4、养)(这两个单词的拼写差别在第3个字母上,adapt的第3个字母是a; adopt的第3个字母是o。 联想:要“适应”一个新的环境,需要从头做起, a这个排列在字母列表中的第一个字母就是“头”, 意味着“开始”,所以“使适应,改编”所对应的单词拼写应该是adapt; 剩下的adopt就是“采用,收养”)。 职称英语核心词汇推荐(30单词): abandon v. 抛弃; ability n. 能力;本领; (pl.) 才能;(the ability of doing sth./ the ability to do sth./做的能力 )able adj. 能的;有能力的(be able to

5、do sth./能够., 得以.);abnormal adj. 不正常的,反常的;about prep. 在附近;在周围;关于adv. 附近, 周围,到处;above prep. 在之上;超过adv. 在上面;向上adj. 上面的;上述的;abroad adv. 到国外;在国外(at home and aboard/在国内外; get aboard/上船/车/飞机);absent adj. 缺席的;心不在焉的;缺乏的(be absent from./缺席.) ; absolute adj. 绝对的;完全的;确实的;absorb v. 吸收(液体);吸取(知识);承担;使专心;使全神贯注(be

6、absorbed in./)全神贯注于.) ;abstract adj.抽象的;abundant adj. 丰富的, 充足的(be abundant in./在.方面丰富);academic adj. 学术的,理论的accelerate v. 加速; 催促, 促进;accept v.接受;承认;access n. 进入;通道;使用; 接近(have gain, get, obtain access to/得接近; 得会见; 得进入; 得使用);accident n. 意外; 偶然事故 (by accident/偶然地);accomplish v. 完成;实现; according to按照;

7、根据.所说; 随.而;account n. 报导; (书面或口头)报告;账目;原因;理由 v. 说明(理由等)(on account of./ 因为.);takeinto account/考虑到.), 顾及.) ;accumulate v. 积累, 存储, 蓄积(财产等), 堆积;accurate adj.准确的;精确的;accuse v. 控告;指控(accuse sb. of / 指控某人。犯了罪 );accustom v. (与to连用)使习惯于(get/be/become/ accustomed to ./习惯了.);ache n. 疼痛 v. 疼痛;achieve v. 完成(功绩等

8、), 实现(目标, 目的等);achievement n.完成;达成 ;成绩;成功;acknowledge v. 承认;认为;对表示感谢 ; acquire v. 学得(知识等), 养成(习惯等); across prep. 在对面,在另一边在或从的另一边, 穿过;越过, 碰上,接触(across the street/街的对面; a bridge across a river/横跨河两岸的桥;come across sb./ 遇上某人; put ones idea across/传达某人的意见; get a message across / 了解一信息)词汇例题:(2002年B级词汇题)Th

9、e childs abnormal behavior puzzled the doctor. A. funny B. frightening C. repeated D. unusual分析: abnormal = ab+ normal (正常的, 普通的) unusual (非同寻常的)= un + usual (通常的, 普通的) normal和usual是近义词, 而且构词方式相似,如果把D这个选项替换成划线词, 这样搭配结构含义是:“奇怪的举止”, 这个搭配含义通顺,所以判断答案是D。小结:解题思路:单词构成结构的分析和搭配结构的含义。(2003年综合C级完型题)The great n

10、ewspaper war Up until about 100 years ago, newspapers in the United States appealed only to the most serious readers. They used no illustrations and the articles were _51_ politics or business.51. A. about B. in C. with D. ofA 分析:介词是一种依附性的词汇,常常出现的固定的搭配结构中,所以注意空格两端的搭配:空格前面说“文章是”, 空格后面是“政治或商业”, 因此“关于”

11、这个含义放在空格中恰当, A和D是可能的选项, 因为空格所在的结构是放在be动词的后面充当表语, 在A和D这两个选项中能这样使用的只有A. Of 在表示“充当”这个含义的时候,往往是以介词短语的形式直接跟在名词的后面作这个名词的定语。如: a picture of him; a history of Russia; a story of war and bravery; 小结:介词是词汇和完型题中常考察的词类,当被选项中出现介词时,要注意借助空格所在的搭配结构判断答案范围。同时在复习中要注意具有详尽含义的介词在具体使用上的差异。职称英语考试基础词汇重点解析二 职称英语核心词汇推荐(30单词):

12、act v. 行动,做,起作用,扮演角色 n. 行为,法令;(act on: 遵照行动, 奉行)action n. 行动;行为( take action /采取行动)active adj. 活跃的;积极的activity n. -ties 活动;行动(social activities /社会活动) actual adj. 实际的; 真实的;actually adv. 实际上;真实地;adapt v. 使适应;使适合;改编;改装( adapt oneself to sth. /适应.)add v. 加,增添(add up to/ 总计为,总数达) in addition/加上, 又, 另外;i

13、n addition to/加上, 除.外;additional adj.附加的, 另外的; 补充的address n.收信(件)人的住址 v. 对.讲演或发表演说; (address a meeting 向大会致辞)adequate adj. 足够的,恰当的,胜任的 (be adequate for.胜任)adjust v. 调整;调节;使适合;使适应(adjust oneself to sth./ 使自己适应.)admire v. 赞美;赞赏;(admire sb. for sth./因而钦佩某人)admit v. 让.进入, 使获得(某种地位或特权), 承认(事实、错误等) (admit

14、 sb. into the university/获准入大学; admit sb. to hospital/把某人收治入院);adopt v. 采用, 采纳adult n. 成年人advance v./n. 提高(物价等), 增加(数量、价钱等), 提前, 加速, 拨快(时针) (in advance/ 预先)advantage n. 优势, 长处, 利益, 便利 (take advantage of/ 利用,欺骗)adventure n. 冒险, 惊险活动 advertisement n. 广告(= ad)advice n. 劝告, 忠告, 劝告,(a piece of advice/ 一条

15、意见; give advice /提出忠告; take ones advice /接受忠告)advise v. 建议, 提意见, 通知, 告知( advise sb. to do sth./ 劝某人做某事,advise sb. that./通知某人某事 )advisable adj. 明智的, 可取的affair n. 事情件, 常用复 事务, 事态(affairs of state/ 国务; foreign affairs /外交事务 )affect v. 影响, 对.起作用反应, 感动, 患(病) afford v. 常与can, could, be able to 连用 担负得起费用(损

16、失、后果等)( cant afford to buy sth./ 买不起.)afraid adj. 常作表语 怕, 害怕, 口恐怕( be afraid of/害怕, 担心; Im afraid/口大概, 恐怕, 担心)Africa n. 非洲After prep. 在。以后,adv. 以后, 后来conj, 在以后Again adv. 再一次, 又一次 again and again再三地, 反复地l 词汇题例题解析:1 We are to advise you that the matter is under consideration.Ainform B. suggest C. reco

17、mmend D. advance分析: 根据划线词所在的搭配结构(advise sb. that./)判断advise 的含义是“通知”, 所以答案是A。 经验提示:选项A, C和D 上容易设置答案。inform sb. of sth. / inform sb. that./把某事告诉某人recommend sb. to do sth. 劝告某人做recommend that 建议.suggest that.提议.advance sb. sth. 提前给某人.2 As a teacher you have to make use of your methods to suit the need

18、s of slower students. A. adopt B. adjust C. adapt D. acquire分析: 划线部分是短语, 这个短语中有“use(用)”, 依据此而推测这个短语的含义可能与“用”有关系。 A和C拼写形式接近, 所以重点注意(提示: 答案往往出自有关系的被选项中), 空格后出现宾语your methods(你的方法), 与这个宾语能构成通顺搭配的是A (采用), “采用”与“用” 的含义相关 , 因此推断答案就是A。adjust sth. 调试./校准. adjust oneself to ones environment 使自己适应环境acquire st

19、h.(养成,获得) l 在线作业1Pick out the words in the following paragraphs, which are created through word formation, and guess the meanings of the words./挑选出由构词法构成的词,并辨别这些词的含义。选自2002年考题综合类(from Science Fiction )1. Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going, however, may provide a val

20、uable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology.综合类(from Supermarket)2. The other three walls are normally decorated in light colors, giving an impression of cleanliness and brightness.综合类(from A thirsty World)3. Today, in mos

21、t large cities, water is used only once and it eventually returns to the sea or runs into underground storage tanks.4. All wed have to do to make use of the vast amount of sea-water is - remove the salt. This salt-removing process is already in use in many parts of the world.综合类(from Home Schooling)

22、5. There are about 300,000 home-schoolers in the United States.2. Translate the following underlined words into Chinese.(把下列划线词翻译成中文)1. A red traffic light means stop and a green light means go.2. I have had the stove lighted.3. We lit the candle and the candle lit the room. 4. Lets have some light

23、music. 5. The conversation is light and gay.6. He wants the light hat. 7. Many hand make light work. 8. The thesis is about three hundred pages long.9. You can see him again before long.10. The child is longing for home.11. There is no smoke without fire.12. The house is on fire.13. The enemy fired

24、on the town. 14. At the end of a month he was fired for incompetence. 3.Translate the following passage into Chinese (翻译)(来自2002年版职称英语练习资料,C级)The SeaWhat do you know about the sea? We know that it looks very pretty when the sun is shining on it. We also know that it can be very rough when there is a

25、 strong wind. What other things do we know about it?The first thing to remember is that the sea is very big. When you look at the map of the world you will find there is more water than land. The sea covers three quarters of the world.The sea is also very deep in some places. It is not deep everywhe

26、re(every + where). Some parts of the sea are very shallow. But in some places the depth (与deep有关)of the sea is very great. There is one spot, near Japan, where the sea is nearly 11 kilometers (kilo + meters) deep! The highest mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers (kilo + meters) high. If that

27、mountain were put into the sea at that place, there would be 2 kilometers of water above it! What a deep place! 参考答案:1Pick out the words in the following paragraphs, which are created through word formation, and guess the meanings of the words./挑选出由构词法构成的词,并辨别这些词的含义。(from Science Fiction )1. Those w

28、ho are sufficiently(sufficient + ly/充分地) clear-sighted(clear + (sight + ed)/聪明的) to see the way we are going, however, may provide a valuable (valu(e) + able/有价值的)lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably (in + evitable/不可避免地)face as it tries to master its new technology.

29、(from Supermarket)2. The other three walls are normally (normal + ly/通常地)decorated in light colors, giving an impression(impress + ion/印象) of cleanliness (cleanli + ness /清洁and brightness(bright + ness/明亮).综合类(from A thirsty World)3. Today, in most large cities, water is used only once and it eventu

30、ally (eventual + ly/最终)returns to the sea or runs into underground (under + ground/地下的) storage (stor(e)+ age/存储)tanks.4. All wed have to do to make use of the vast amount of sea-water(sea + water/海水) is - remove the salt. This salt-removing(salt +remov(e) + ing/去除盐的) process is already in use in ma

31、ny parts of the world.综合类(from Home Schooling)5. There are about 300,000 home-schoolers (home + school + er + s/在家接受教育的人) in the United States.2. Translate the following underlined words into Chinese.1. A red traffic light means stop and a green light means go. (灯)2. I have had the stove lighted.(点燃)3. We lit the candle and the candle lit the room. (点燃;照亮)4. Lets have some light music. (柔和的)5. The conversation is light and gay.(轻松愉快的)6. He wants the light blue hat.(浅色的) 7. Ma

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