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精品高中英语人教版 选修7教师用书Unit 2 SectionⅢ Learningab.docx

1、精品高中英语人教版 选修7教师用书Unit 2 Section Learningab人教版英语精品资料Section_Learning_about_Language_&_Using_Language.Read the text and then choose the best answers.1Who was Isaac Asimov?AAn American scientist and writer who got his PhD in physics in 1948.BA Russian scientist and writer who married twice.CA RussianAm

2、erican writer and scientist who became a fulltime writer in 1958.DAn AmericanRussian writer and scientist who had two children.2What was Asimov best known for?AHis mystery stories.BHis science fiction stories.CHis science and history books.DHis books about the Holy Bible and Shakespeare.3Which of th

3、e following statements is WRONG?AAsimovs talent for writing became obvious at the age of 12.BHe began having his stories published in science fiction magazines in 1939.CHe published his first novel in 1950.DHe published his first science book in 1953.4In which book did Asimov develop a set of three

4、“laws” for robots?AThe Foundation trilogy.BI, Robot.CIn his first novel.DIn his first science book.5What might happen in the world where there were robots if Asimovs three laws didnt exist?AMaybe robots will harm or injure human beings.BMaybe robots will disobey human beings.CMaybe robots will contr

5、ol the world.DAll of the above.答案:15CBABD.Read the text carefully and fill in the form.A BIOGRAPHY OF ISAAC ASIMOVBirth and deathborn on 2 January, 1920 in Russiadied on 6 April, 1992 in 1New_YorkWorkBeforeworkingas a writerworked in his parents 2.candy storeworked as a(n) 3.junior chemist at the Ph

6、iladelphia Navy Yard4.taught biochemistry at Boston University School of MedicineAs a writerwrote many mystery stories, 5.science_and_history books, and books about the Holy Bible and Shakespeareworks of 6.science_fiction:_the Foundation trilogy & I, Robot(一)词义匹配1digitalAusing a system in which info

7、rmation is recorded or sent out electronically in the form of number, usually ones and zeros2talent Ba feeling of liking and caring about someone or something3affection Cthe story of a persons life written by sb. else4staff Dthe people who work for an organization, especially a school or business5bi

8、ography Eto end your marriage to sb. legally6divorce Fa natural ability to do sth. well7bound Gcertain or likely to happen, to do or be sth.答案:15AFBDC67EG(二)根据词性和汉语意思写出单词8receiver n收件人;接收机;电话听筒receive vt.收到9obey vt.& vi.服从;顺从disobey vt.& vi.(反义词)不服从;违抗10imagination n想象(力);创造力imagine vt.想象;料想;猜想11the

9、oretical adj.理论(上)的;假设的theory n理论12assessment n评价;评定assess v评价;评定13junior adj.较年幼的;资历较浅的;地位较低的n.年少者;晚辈;等级较低者senior (反义词) adj.资格较老的;地位较高的 n较年长者1bound教材原句Who said that making a robot so much like a man was bound to cause trouble?谁说把机器人造得这么像人一定会引起麻烦?(1)adj.一定的;密切相关的;有义务的;受约束的be/feel bound to do sth.一定会

10、做某事;有义务做某事be bound by sth. 受某事约束be bound up with/in sth. 与某事密切相关/忙于某事If you cant get on well with your classmates, its bound to affect your study.如果你和同学们相处不好,这肯定会影响你的学习。We are_bound_to_do what we can to help the disabled.我们有义务尽力帮助残疾人。Henrys problems are_bound_up_with his mothers death when he was te

11、n.亨利的问题与他10岁时母亲就去世了有关系。(2)adj.正旅行去的;准备到的He missed the express train (that/which was) bound for Shanghai.他错过了那辆开往上海的快车。2junior教材原句In 1942 he joined the staff of the Philadelphia Navy Yard as a junior chemist and worked there for three years.1942年他成为费城海军造船厂的一名初级化学师,并在那里工作了三年。(1)adj.较年幼的;地位较低的He held a

12、 junior position in the company.他在这家公司担任低级职务。junior to sb.比某人小;比某人的地位(级别或职位)低He is three years junior to me. He is_junior_to me by three years.他比我小三岁。(2)n.年少者;晚辈;等级、地位较低者Of the two officers, James is the junior.在两位官员中,詹姆斯是年龄较小的那位。be . years ones juniorbe ones junior by . years be junior to sb. by .

13、years比某人小岁She is four years my junior. She is my junior by four years. She is junior to me by_four_years.她比我小四岁。形象记忆点津junior, senior, superior等本身含有比较的意味,故没有比较级和最高级;表示比较时,不与than而与to搭配。Though Jack looks younger than Ann, hes senior to her.虽然杰克看上去比安年轻,但他比她年长。3talent n天才;特殊能力;才干教材原句It was when Asimov wa

14、s eleven years old that his talent for writing became obvious.早在阿西莫夫11岁的时候,他的写作才华就已经显露出来了。Writing poems is one of his many talents.写诗是他很多才华中的一个。(1)have a talent for对有天赋;拥有天赋show a talent for 表现出才能(2)talented adj. 有才能的;聪颖的My brother showed_a_talent_for music when he was very young.我弟弟在很小的时候就表现出音乐才能。H

15、e has a talent for singing at an early age.很小的时候,他就有唱歌的天赋。Lionel Messi is considered the most talented football player in Europe.莱昂内尔梅西被认为是欧洲最有才华的足球运动员。 点津talent的同义词是gift; talented的同义词是gifted。.单句语法填空1Children are bound to_meet (meet) with difficulties as they grow up, so their parents dont have to w

16、orry about it.2My brother is junior to me by five years.3I foresee a bright future for that talented (talent) young woman.4Her son is a boy full of imagination (imagine)5Her affections (affect) were centered on her cousin.6He made a careful assessment (assess) of the present situation in Japan.完成句子1

17、看天空闪烁的星星,明天天气一定会更好。Look at the shining stars in the sky. The weather is_bound_to_get better tomorrow.2那个是我的弟弟,他比我小两岁。That is my brother, (who_is)_junior_to_me by two years. 3她很小的时候就显示出了伟大的艺术天赋。She showed_a_great_talent_for art when she was quite young.4因为玛丽丈夫的坏脾气,玛丽的妈妈建议女儿与他离婚。 Marys mother advised

18、her to_divorce_her_husband because of his bad temper.1feel pity for sb.同情某人2set aside 将放在一边;为节省或保留(钱或时间)3at one time 曾经;一度4be attached to 喜欢;依恋5in all 一共;总计6be bound to do 一定做7in the present and the past 在现在和过去8as a result (of) 作为(的)结果9help (sb.) out 帮助(某人)摆脱困境10gain/receive a masters degree in chem

19、istry 获得化学硕士学位11take sb./sth.seriously 认真对待某人/某事物12as long as 只要1set aside将放在一边;为节省或保留(钱或时间)教材原句He felt happy when his boss stated that he could set aside some time for exercise.当老板说他可以抽出些时间来锻炼身体时,他感到很高兴。She tries to set aside some money every month.她每个月都尽量存点钱。Try to set aside half an hour every day

20、 for something you really enjoy doing.每天争取留出半小时做你自己真正喜欢做的事情。set down 记下;放下set off 出发;动身;启程;使爆炸set up 建起;设置;安排set out (to do sth.) 出发;开始(做某事)set about doing sth. 着手做某事I have set down everything that happened.我已将发生的每件事记了下来。We set_out_to_paint the whole house but finished only the front part.我们开始粉刷整座房子

21、,但只完成了前面的部分。点津set out与set about都有“开始/着手做某事”之意,但搭配不同。前者后接不定式,后者后接动名词。2in all一共;总计教材原句There were sixty in all.总共有60人。There were in all a hundred persons present.共计有100人参加。The tickets we had bought numbered twelve in_all.我们总共买了12张票。above all 首先;首要的是(强调地位上的重要性)first of all 首先(强调顺序)after all 毕竟;终究at all

22、根本;丝毫all in all 总的说来First of all, let them introduce themselves to us.首先,让他们向我们作自我介绍。Dont be too hard on him. After_all,_he is only 6 years old.不要对他太苛刻。毕竟他才6岁。.单句语法填空1Einstein liked Boses paper so much that he set aside his own work and translated it into German.2How many books have you read in all?

23、3What happened would depend on how strongly the things were attached to the earth.4The city is at the cross of many railways and highways; as a result, it is convenient to transport.选词填空1We also set_aside some meat for elderly people.2He visited, in_all,_ten hospitals in China.3Jenny nearly missed t

24、he flight as_a_result_of doing too much shopping.4There was a temple on the hill at_one_time.5If you cant take your study seriously,_you will fail in the coming exam.1句型展示While some owners were firm with their robots suggestions, others would turn around and walk out of the shop, feeling embarrassed

25、.有些主人坚信他们的机器人的建议,而另一些主人会尴尬地转身走出商店。典例背诵Boys are good at maths while girls are good at language.男孩擅长数学,而女孩擅长语言。2句型展示Among his most famous works of science fiction, one for which he won an award was the Foundation trilogy (19511953), three novels about the death and rebirth of a great empire in a galax

26、y of the future.在他那些最著名的科幻作品中,有一部获奖作品叫做基地三部曲(19511953),由三本小说组成,讲的是未来银河系中一个伟大帝国的灭亡和再生。典例背诵A good student is one who possesses good morality, sound body, perfect knowledge and various abilities.一个好学生要拥有良好的品德、健全的身体、完美的知识和各种各样的能力。3句型展示Use a clear simple style as_if you were writing to younger students i

27、n your school.运用简洁明了的写作风格,就好像你是写给你们学校中低年级的学生那样。典例背诵She talks as if/though she knew all about it.她说话的口气就好像这件事她全都知道了。Among his most famous works of science fiction, one for which he won an award was the Foundation trilogy (19511953), three novels about the death and rebirth of a great empire in a gala

28、xy of the future.在他那些最著名的科幻作品中,有一部获奖作品叫做基地三部曲(19511953),由三本小说组成,讲的是未来银河系中一个伟大帝国的灭亡和再生。one作同位语,代替上文提到的科幻作品(his most famous works of science fiction)中的一部作品。Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, one Ill always treasure.所有这些年过后见到我叔叔是一个令人难忘的时刻,一个我会永远珍惜的时刻。A bridge made of st

29、one lasts longer than one made of wood.石桥比木桥使用时间长。it, one, that, thoseit通常用来指代上文提到过的那个事物,表示特指概念,即指代同一物one表示泛指概念,替代可数名词的单数形式。其复数形式ones也表示泛指概念,用来替代可数名词的复数形式。the one(s)也是替代可数名词,但表示特指概念that既可以用来指代可数名词单数,又可以用来指代不可数名词,表示特指概念,相当于“the名词”结构those替代上文提到的人或物中特指的那些,替代可数名词复数自填助记She has no watch, so I want to buy

30、one for her.There is only one watch of the type in the shop, so I want to buy it for her.The weather here is colder than that in China.These books are better than those on the shelf.单句语法填空1(陕西高考改编)Id appreciate it if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.2(新课标全国卷改编)Theres no way of knowing why one man makes an important discovery while another man, also intelligent, fails.3(重庆高考改编)It was John who broke the window. Why are you talking to me as if I had_done (do) it?4(辽宁

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