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1、写作题目 1.“永不言弃”一直被认为是一种积极的生活态度,是个人成功的关键因素2. 但是,也有人认为适当的放弃才是明智的选择3. 你对此的看法及理由My View on “Never give up” It is widely accepted that “Never give up”, a strong and positive life attitude, is the key for individual success on the grounds that permanent persistence may boost our confidence, strengthen our w

2、ill, and provide us a second chance for success when we are in hardship. However, others argue that sensible abandonment is more precious than blind persistence because the wise one should choose the most suitable area for himself or herself. Passive as giving up sounds alike, it represents a more m

3、ature and realistic mentality. If those opposing this attitude can take into consideration of its benefits, then this may seem acceptable in our lives. In my opinion, we need to learn to give up timely. The most immediate reason is that we should adjust our aim carefully in order to go ahead continu

4、ously. Sometimes, to give up those unrealistic targets is essential for success. Besides, the attitude “Never give up” exhausts us both mentally and physically. Only through learning to give up can we lead a pleasant and relaxing life. Finally, the temporary compromise means a new start, a beginning

5、 bringing new hopes, expectations and opportunities for us. 1.有人认为大学期间恋爱的影响不好2.有人却认为大学期间恋爱没有什么不好3.你的观点My Opinion on Campus Love On campus, lovers can be found here and there. Some people think too much intimacy has a bad influence. It takes lovers too much time and energy. Furthermore, their intimac

6、y can distract their own as well as other students attention from study. Campus should be a place for study and should maintain an atmosphere of learning. On the other hand, other people believe it is acceptable. Pursuing love is all right to students on campus and intimacy is a natural expression o

7、f love. Some scholars of law hold that friendship and appropriate intimacy are an important part of student development. In my opinion, what all people should do is just leave it as it is. University students are adults, and they can handle their own affairs well enough. However, they have to admit

8、that school is a place where people receive an education and their main task is to study. Therefore, students are expected to behave themselves in proper ways.1. 目前假文凭现象屡见不鲜2. 这种现象造成的危害3. 我们应该怎么做How to Eliminate Fake Diplomas? There has been a serious epidemic of fake diplomas in some big cities rec

9、ently. Usually a certificate of Bachelors Degree costs about 200 yuan, which is really cheap compared with the 4 years of hard work and the pretty big sum of fees involved in normal ways of getting the diploma. The victims of fake diplomas are first of all employers, who pay high salaries but do not

10、 get real talents. People who have genuine diplomas are also hurt greatly. They have honestly spent 4 or even more years and great energy working hard in schools, but cannot get any advantage in job hunting. To combat the epidemic, practical ability and individual personality should be recognized as

11、 important factors of excellent job performance. Besides, effective measures supported by advanced IT technology should be introduced and taken to help employers distinguish genuine diplomas from fake ones.1. 时下电视选秀节目非常流行2. 有人认为选秀很好,能给普通人展示自己的机会3. 我的观点 On TV Show TV has been one medium of communicat

12、ion that has connected millions. And it is this link that makes talent hunt shows on the tube amazingly influential. Young faces conveying disappointment or even overwhelming joy have become a common sight on as many channels as your remote allows you to surf. Some people have their applausive opini

13、ons on TV shows. The advantages of the shows are quite clear. For one thing, in terms of business, the increasing popularity of talent shows has helped the channels in generating huge income by way of advertising and promotions. For another, the TV shows can make the common people have opportunity t

14、o show their talents fully. Personally, I side with the opinion above. It is a wonderful feeling and a great way to relax for me to watch talent shows and see ordinary people like myself become famous and win cash prizes. As long as talent shows are entertaining and inspiring us, there is great sens

15、e in keeping and encouraging their existence.1. 现在大学生宿舍几乎人手一台电脑2. 有些人认为会促进学生的学习,有些人认为会影响学生的学习3. 你的看法Computers in Students Flats Nowadays, an increasing number of students flats have computers installed inside. Computer presents a vivid world in front of students. But there is no complete agreement a

16、mong people concerning the effects of computers in students flats. Some people contend that computers in students apartments will have a bad influence on their study. Influenced by each other, students will become indulged in computer games or surfing the Internet without paying more attention on st

17、udy. However, others maintain that computers in students apartments will promote their study. If they encounter some problems about study, they can log on the Internet and search for related information without going to ask for their teachers frequently. For my part, it is of great importance for st

18、udents to make proper use of the computers in dorms. While students enjoy the convenience of computers, they should be alert to problems of computers. Addicted to playing games or surfing aimlessly on the Internet will do much harm, both mentally and physically. In that case, any attempt to use comp

19、uter for study will end up as nothing but an empty dream.1. 信息安全问题日益重要2. 信息安全事故可能导致的危害3. 如何做到信息安全Information SecurityHuman beings are stepping into the information age. The information industry develops increasingly, so do the hackers, trick-playing teens, exploring children, fraudsters, and serious

20、 white-collar criminals. Thus, information security becomes an impending important issue.In case of information breach, the victims a government department, an organization or an institution, or a company, will inevitably suffer great or small loss. Government may be threatened with national securit

21、y. Companies may lose opportunities to develop new projects. And the publics and users confidence will be damaged. Then how to deal with this issue? Technology is only a partial solution to information security. Whats more important is that organizations and companies should promote the awareness on

22、 information security to its staff. However, since no system can ever be 100 percent secure, a prevention-only approach to information security management is not enough. Companies and organizations should adopt a dual approach to information security management by combining prevention and detection

23、techniques.1. 当今,各种媒体非常发达,人们通过媒体购物相当普遍起来2. 媒体购物给人们带来很多方便,同时也暴露出其弊端3. 我的看法Media and Shopping-on-line With numerous technological advances, various kinds of media have been well developed. As a result, an increasing number of people are fond of purchasing goods with the help of media, such as newspape

24、rs, radio stations, TV stations and the Internet. As we know, every coin has two sides and shopping via media is no exception. On the one hand, it saves much time, money and effort to purchase goods through media since you dont have to go to the shops in person. Besides, you can choose what you want

25、 from an enormous variety of goods on display. On the other hand, you may be cheated sometimes by the false information and suffer a considerable loss. As far as I am concerned, shopping via media brings great benefits to our life and our economy on the whole. At the same time, we need strengthened

26、supervision over the information released via media. In this way, we can reap more benefits from shopping via media and reduce the possible harm to a minimum.越来越多的大学毕业生面临着很大的压力他们毕业后的选择主要有出国深造继续读研或者自己创业或工作谈一下自己的看法 The prospect of uncertainties is putting a heavy strain on a growing number of college

27、graduates. A major decision facing these freshmen of the real world is to choose a suitable life path. Some are bent on furthering their education abroad or going to post-graduate school, with the aim of acquiring more knowledge or increasing their chances of finding more gainful employment after th

28、ey return home or graduate. Others decide to plunge themselves into the tight job market. Still others, who are in the minority, intend to set up their own business because they are more ambitious than their peers. These are tough choices. Next June, I will say good bye to my college days. Although

29、a couple of options lie ahead of me, I have made up my mind to land a job with one of the big companies in some affluent areas, such as Yangtze Delta, Canton and so on. I was born into an impoverished urban family. My parents are laid-off and have been working feverishly to fund my college education

30、. As a grown-up, I have to shoulder more responsibilities and strive to lighten my parents load. 网络和谐问题1随着社会和经济发展,网络成为了每个人必不可少的获取信息的工具2但是,在网络上也出现了一些不和谐的因素,如垃圾信息,黄色网站,虚假新闻,网络炒作等。3如何采取措施制止和消除这些现象。The advent of the Internet ushered in a new era of interpersonal communications and business operations. U

31、ndoubtedly, the Net is revolutionizing the daily lives of the people who have an access to it. The primary reason behind the Internet boom roots in its multifunction. It provides a vehicle for Netizens to shop, search, publish blogs and browse Web Pages. A range of problems lurking behind the frenzy

32、 of Internet impressively stand out. A vast majority of Internet users mail boxes are saturated with junk mails, an issue which sparks strong criticism and generates the loss of corporate productivity. Its not alone. Porn websites lure a growing number of young peoples visits. False news via the e-mail, BBS and chat room increasingly poses a threat to the social prosperity and stability. To crack down them, we should push for a more effectively tough law. We should join our forces to launch a nation-wide campai

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