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1、最新上海中考英语核心词汇梳理及语法分类练习2C1. care v. 介意,在乎,关心【短语】take care of照料,照管:Ill take good care of him. 我会好好照顾他的。1) The old should be taken care of in our society.The old should be _ _ in our society. looked afterThe old should be _ _ in our society. Cared for2) 在护士的悉心照料下,那些生病的小孩已经好多了。Those sick children were mu

2、ch better under the care of the nurses.2. catch (caught, caught) v. 捉,抓住:捷足者先登。_The early birds catch the worm. 【短语】 catch up with 赶上:如果你想赶上他,你必须更加努力工作。_If you want to catch up with him, you must work harder.3. chance n. 机会Do you really think I have another chance? 你真的认为我还有一次机会吗你成功的机会很大。_You have a

3、good chance of success. 【短语】by chance偶然地,意外地无意中地I met my classmate by chance when I was walking along the street. (同义句转换)I _ _ _ my classmate when I was walking along the street. happened to meet4. change v. 变换,变更,改变His speech changes my whole life. 他的话改变了我的一生。1) When British people go out, they lik

4、e to take an umbrella with them because of the _ weather. (change) changeable2) If you dont like this shirt, you can _ another one. (change) exchange5. cheap adj. 便宜的1) The red camera costs 1,500. The black camera costs 2,000.The black camera costs _ _ the red one. more than2) The price of the compu

5、ter is 5,330. The price of the digital camera is 2,000.The price of the computer is _ than _ of the digital camera. higher, that3) An HTC is 2300 yuan. An iphone is 4999 yuan. HTC is much _ _ iphone. cheaper than6. chemistry n. 化学:This is the beginning of the science of organic chemistry. 这是有机化学的开始。

6、The _ teacher is now in the _ lab.A. chemistry, chemical B. chemical, chemistryC. chemistry, chemistry D. chemical, chemical7. choose (chose, chosen) v. 选择,挑选:1) 他被选为班长。_He was chosen as monitor. 2) Everyone should be responsible for his own _. (choose) choice8. city n. 城市:1) Shanghai is one of the

7、most beautiful _ in the world. (city) cities2) All the _ in Shanghai should help to do something for the environment protection. (city) citizens9. clean v. 把弄干净,擦干净 adj.干净的,清洁的:She helped me clean my desks. 她帮我把桌子擦干净了。 【短语】 clean up 清除,收拾干净:My mother has help me clean up my room. 妈妈已经帮我把房间收拾干净了。1) W

8、as she made _ the classroom?A. cleans B. clean C. to clean D. to cleaning2) All the students got together to make our classroom _.A. cleaning B. clean C. to clean D. cleaned10. close v. 关,闭 closed adj. 关着的1)有点儿冷, 把窗户关一下好吗?_It is a little cold, would you please close the window?2)有点儿冷, 就让窗户关着吧!_It is

9、 a little cold, please keep the windows closed!3) How long _ the post office _?A. did, open B. has, been open C. has, open D. has, closed11. come (came, come) v. 来:【与come有关的短语】come in 进来,进入 come on 来吧come true 实现come up with 找到;提出(答案,解决办法等) He came up with a new suggestion. 他提出了一个新的建议。12. comfortabl

10、e adj. 舒适的,舒服的1) The room is so hot that all of us feel _. (comfortable) uncomfortable2) The Teddy Bear gave much _ to these homeless children. (comfortable) comfort13. complain v. 抱怨,发牢骚1) The supermarket has received a lot of _ about the quality of their products. (complain) complaints2) Granma Wa

11、ng always _ that her health is poor. (complaint) complains3) 毕业班的学生经常向他们的父母抱怨那无休无止的考试。The graduates usually complain to their parents about the endless examinations.14. confident adj. 有自信的;确信的 confidence n. 自信1) They were _ in everything they did. confident2) Im sure that you can beat him if youre f

12、ull of _. confidence3) _ is the key to success. Confidence15. cost (cost, cost ) v. 花费(金钱,时间等)1) Im interested in animals, so I _ every Saturday working in an animal hospital.A. pay B. cost C. take D. spend2) Meimei is leaving for Beijing by air, no matter how much it _.A. pays B. costs C. spends D.

13、 takes3) I spent ten minutes going to school. (同义句转换)It _ me ten minutes _ go to school. took, to16. crowd v. 拥挤大街上人流涌动、车水马龙。_The road is crowded with people and cars.D1. danger n. 危险:I warned him of the danger. 我警告过他说有危险。1) Drink-driving is _. It causes serious traffic accidents. Drivers must never

14、 do it. (danger) dangerous2) 我们都应该遵守交通法规,从而不让自己处于危险之中。_We should obey traffic rules in order not to be in danger.3) 他们竭尽全力脱离了险境。_They tried their best to get out of danger.2. dead adj. 死的:Theres a dead cat in the house. 房里有只死猫。用dead的适当形式填空1) Many people _ from recent car accidents on high ways. died

15、2) The carelessness caused the _ of the driver. death3) My grandfather has been _ for 5 years. dead3. deal n. (口语)协议;交易 v. 处理,解决1) 我们已经与一家意大利公司达成协议。_We have made a deal with an Italian company. 2) 你能告诉我怎么处理这件事吗?_Could you tell me how to deal with the problem?3) The problem is so difficult that nobod

16、y can deal with it. (保持原意不变)The problem is _ difficult for _ to _. too, anybody, solve4. decide v. 决定;决心:The date hasnt been decided yet. 日期还没有定好。1) The family has made a _ that they will go travelling. (decide) decision2) They decided to put off the sports meeting until next Friday because of the h

17、eavy rain. (保持原意不变)They _ _ _ _ to put off the sports meeting until next Friday because of the heavy rain. made up their mind5. deep adj. 深的:The lake is three meters deep. 湖水深3米。1) The well is about _ (三米深), how about the _ (deep) of that one? three meters deep * depth2) The film was very moving. I

18、was _ moved by it. (deep) deeply6. describe v. 描写,叙述 * description n. 描写,叙述:1) 你能用三句话描述他的长相吗?_Can you describe what he looks like within three sentences?2) 西湖的美景美得难以形容。_The scenery of the West Lake is beautiful beyond description.7. develop v. 发展;研制,开发:He developed the little shop into a big store.

19、他把小铺子发展成一个大商店。用develop的适当形式填空1) We are proud of the fast _ in our country these years. development2) China is a _ country, while America is a _ country. developing, developed3) With the rapid _, China is playing an important role in the international society. development 8. discover v. 发现,发觉【词汇辨析】di

20、scover & inventColumbia discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。Edison invented the light bulb many years ago. 爱迪生在很多年之前发明了灯泡。9. drive (drove, driven) v. 驾驶十分钟的车程 ten minutes drive 把某人逼疯 drive sb. crazy10. drop v. 掉下,落下 n. 一滴我的表从口袋里掉了出来。My watch dropped out of my pocket. E1. each pron. 各自,各个 eith

21、er pron. (两者中的)任意一个 adv. 也(不):Each of you will have a book. 你们每个人都会有一本书。I dont enjoy tennis, and I dont much like swimming, either. 我不喜欢网球,也不太喜欢游泳。You can have either the apple or the orange. 你可以吃苹果,也可以吃橘子。1) _ of the students has an English dictionary in our class.A. Every B. Each C. Both D. Everyo

22、ne2) There are many new high rises on _ side of Huaihai Road. What a magnificent view!A. either B. neither C. both D. all3) -When shall we go to the park, this morning or this afternoon?-_ is OK! I am free the whole day.A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. None4) _ John _ Jack may go with you because one

23、 of them must stay at home.A. Neither, nor B. Not only, but also C. Either, or D. Both, and5) Tom has never seen that picture and I havent seen it, _.A. also B. too C. either D. as well6) -Which do you prefer, a cup of tea or a bottle of milk. -I dont like _, thanks. Id like a cup of water.A. either

24、 B. neither C. both D. none7) Linda knows how to do it correctly, too. (变为否定句)Linda _ know how to do it correctly, _. doesnt, either2. easy adj. 容易的:Its easy to get to that place. 到那个地方去很容易。用easy的适当形式填空1) With the help of my teacher, I can work out the problem _. easily2) With the help of my teacher

25、, I found the problems are much _ than before. easier3) Of the three problems, which one do you think seems _. easiest3. education n. 教育,培养用education的适当形式填空1) When nations grow richer, their citizens become more _ and have fewer children. educational2) Our real challenge is to _ the entire child. ed

26、ucate4. encourage v. 鼓励 * encouragement n. 鼓励courage n. 勇气注:没有couragement这个词用encourage的适当形式填空1) Her first success _ her to work even harder. encouraged2) Finally, he succeeded in passing the final examination due to the _ of his parents and friends. encouragement3) We should have the _ to do what we

27、 feel to be right. courage5. end n. 末端,终点 v. 结束:The school is at the end of the street. 学校在街角的尽头。When the concert ended we went home. 音乐会结束后我们回家了。【短语辨析】 in the end at the end of by the end of1) The problem was difficult for most of us, but I did it _. in the end2) The bridge will be built _ next yea

28、r. at the end of3) More than six bridges had been built _ last year. by the end of6. enjoy v. 喜欢;享受乐趣1) 她喜欢独自一人时听音乐。She enjoys listening to music when she is alone.2) We had a good time at the party. (同义句转换)We _ _ at the party. enjoyed ourselves3) Our holidays in Thailand were really _ and unforgettable. enjoyable4) To our gr

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