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1、主系表结构完整归纳主系表结构 句型 SVSC(1) 主语+be+表语(句词/代词) 用法 在本句型中,名词或代词作表语,名词或代词可带附加成分,要注意主谓一致和时态问题 佳句背诵 Im a college student. It must be a grammar mistake. 人类居住的唯一家园是地球。The only home for man to live on is the earth. 失败乃成功之母。Failure are the mother of success. 所有这些词典都对我帮助很大。All these dictionaries are great help to

2、me. 门口那辆摩托车不是我的。The motorcycle at the gate is not mine. 倘若我是你,我就采纳他的建议。If I were you , I would follow/take his advice. 句型 SVSC(2) 主语+be+形容词(+介词短语) 用法 在本句型中,形容词作表语。用于本句型的形容词有:一般形容词,pleasant,fine,busy,warm,absent,rich,angry,different等;多数形容词后有固定的介词搭配。表语形容词,如:ready,sure,certain,sorry,present, content,fo

3、nd,alive,awake,asleep,alike,alone,afraid,ashamed,aware等。跟of介词短语的形容词,如forgetful, doubtful, proud, full, free, short, careful, capable。跟of介词短语,用来描述人的品行或特点的形容词,如good,clever,kind,nice,foolish,silly,cruel,important, careless, stupid, right, unwise, rude,wrong,naughty等。 佳句背诵 be rich in , be busy with, be

4、responsible for, be angry with, be different from, be fond of, be welcome to My Chinese host was very hospitable. 中国自然资源丰富。China is rich in natural resources. 王先生正忙于备课。Mr Wang is busy preparing for his lessons. 他对他儿子学习上的进步感到自豪。He is very proud of his sons progress in study. 他们缺少时间和钱。They are short o

5、f time and money. 你真糊涂,竟然相信他说的话 。Its very foolish of you to believe what he said. 他总是助人为乐。He is always ready to help others. 句型 SVSC(3) 主语+be+现在分词 用法 在本句型中,现在分词作表语,大部分这类词已被看做形容词,它们用来修饰说明表示物的主语,用于本句型的现在分词有:amusing(有趣的), boring(令人烦恼的的), disappointing(令人失望的), charming(迷人的), inviting(引人注目的), comforting(

6、令人鼓舞的), confusing(混淆的), exciting(令人兴奋的), embarrassing(令人为难的), discouraging(令人气馁的), disturbing(烦恼的), fascinating(迷人的),interesting(有趣的), surprising(惊人的), missing(丢失的,迷失的), promising(有前途的), puzzling(令人迷惑的), shocking(骇人听闻的),striking(引人注目的), pleasing(令人高兴地), touching(动人的), worrying(令人担心的)等。 This poem is

7、very moving. His speech was very boring. undefined 佳句背诵 这个童话很有趣。This fairy tale is very interesting. 这个小伙子真讨人喜欢。The young man is very charming. 这场追猎扣人心弦,可惜狐狸还是跑啦。The hunt was exacting,but the fox escaped. 他的话使人相当泄气。What he said was rather discouraging. 他发现的情况使他相当惊讶。He was astonished at what he found

8、. 我放在桌上的英语书不见啦。My English book on the desk is gone. 句型 SVSC(4) 主语+be+形容词+that从句 用法 在本句型中形容词作表语,连词that引导的从句在下列形容词后作宾语:sure, aware, careful, certain, determined等。that引导的从句在下列形容词后作状语:sorry, happy, glad, proud, satisfied, disappointing, pleased。 佳句背诵 Well quiet sure that he will succeed. Im very glad th

9、at you were able to come. 我恐怕他不能来开会了。Im afraid that he wont be able to come to the meeting. 他很高兴他得到了上大学的机会。He was very glad that he had got the opportunity to go to college. 我们决定把这项工作提前完成。We are determined that the work should be completed ahead of time. 他没有接收邀请,我们都很失望。We were very much disappointed

10、 that he had not accepted the invitation. 句型 SVSC(5) 主语+be+过去分词(+介词短语) 用法 在本句型中,过去分词作表语,且常常带介词短语,介词一般固定固定,不可随便选用。用于本句型的过去分词有:常见代词about分词:excited, pleased, puzzled, shocked, worried。常见带介词at分词:amazed, disappointed, dissatisfied, amused, annoyed,astonished, delighted, excited, displeased, pleased, shoc

11、ked, surprised。 常见带介词against分词:arranged, prepared。常见带介词for分词:prepared, celebrated, pressed。常见带介词in分词:absorbed, dressed, celebrated, disappointed, delighted, lost, embarrassed, engaged, experienced, interested。常见带介词on分词:founded, based, bent, set 常见带介词to分词:devoted, lost, engaged, known, related,marrie

12、d。常见带介词with分词:excited, bored, delighted, disappointed, satisfied, displeased, dissatisfied, equipped, pleased 句型 SVSC(6) 主语+特殊联系动词+表语 用法 常见的“特殊联系动词”可分为三类: 表示“变成某种状态”意义的系动词:become, come, fall, get, go, grow, make, prove, run, shine, turn, out, wear, work 表示“保持某种状态”意义的系动词:continue, die, go, hold, keep

13、, lie, live, remain, rest, return, sit,stand, stay 表示“自己感觉或令人感觉”意义的系动词:appear, feel, look, seem, smell, sound, taste 佳句背诵 Her ideal has come true. Why do you keep silent? 你的手摸起来很凉。Your hand feels cold. 所有的树叶都变黄了。All the leaves have turned yellow. 他们在讨论中全都保持沉默。They all remained silent in the discussi

14、on. 句型 SVSC(7) 主语+be+形容词+不定式 用法 在本句型中,形容词作表语,表语后直接用动词不定式。不定式所表示的动作是有句中的主语所进行的。用于本句型的形容词有:able, fit, likely, afraid, foolish, lucky, slow, angry, fortunate, mad, anxious,free, nice, stupid, polite, sorry, brave, glad, sure, careful, grateful,thankful, certain, quick, unable, clever, good, ready, craz

15、y, unwilling, willing, wonderful, content, happy, cruel, rude, curious, sad, worthy, due, kind, selfish,wrong, eager, excited, disappointing, pleased, astonished, puzzled, bored, satisfied, frightened, shocked, surprised, delighted, worried等 佳句背诵 Im very glad to know you. They are all determined to

16、settle in the countryside. 他很勇敢,闯进了那着火的房子。He was very brave to break into the burning building. 他非常仔细,把每一个细节都核实过了。He was careful enough to check up every detail. 战争中的勇士愿意为国捐躯。The brave fighters at war were ready to die for their country. 他下决心再也不见她了。He was determined not to see she any more. 全世界人民都渴望

17、和平。People all over the world were anxious to have peace. 句型 SVSC(8) 主语+be+形容词短语+不定式 用法 在本句型中,在形容词后用不定式,动词不定式修饰形容词,表示程度或结果。主要有四个句型:”too+adj.+to do sth.”结构,表示“太以致不能”。”adj.+enough+to do sth.”结构,表示“够以致能”。”so+adj.+as to do sth.”结构,表示“如此以致能”。”very/rather+adj.+to do(vt.)”结构,表示“很做”,主语是不定式的实际宾语。 佳句背诵 Hes too

18、 young to go to school. Hes old enough to know the world. She is very pleasant to talk with. 这些柱子(pillars)太细,支撑不住屋顶。These pillars are too thin to carry the roof. 这篇文章他翻译起来太难了。The article is too difficult for him to translated. 他很富裕,买得起那辆豪华(luxury)车。He is rich enough to buy that luxury car. 他不是傻子,他不会

19、相信那种事。He was not so stupid as to believe that. 他很容易相处。He is quite easy to get along with. 他气得说不出话来。He was angry to say a word. 句型 SVSC(9) 主语+be+介词短语 用法 在本句型中,介词短语作宾语,说明主语的情况。有些介词短语已成为固定的短语,不能随意变动。 佳句背诵 Everything is in good order. All the workers are on strike. 那条铁路正在修建中。That railway is under construction. 李明的父亲失业四年了。Li Mings father has been out of work for four years. 全班学生都反对这个计划。All the students in the class are against the plan. 他们是同一国籍。They are of the same nationality.

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