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1、实用英语语法专项训练及模拟试题综合1概要第一部分 实用英语语法专项训练第一章 名词和名词词组(含名词属格)I. Multiple choices.Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section, each of which is supplied with four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to choose the one answer that best complete the sentence.1. The room was small and contai

2、ned far too _.A. many new furniture B. much new furniture C. many new furnitures D. much new furnitures2. The department purchased_ to improve the working conditions there. A. a new equipment B. a new piece of equipment C. new equipments D. new pieces of equipments3. In the United States, presidenti

3、al elections are held once _.A. every four year B. every four years C. four every year D. four every years4. At least we are required to write five_ every year.A. theses B. thesis C. thesises D. pieces of thesis5. A hammer_ a means of driving a nail.A. was B. is C. are D. were6. He has given a serie

4、s of _ of his loyalty and sincerity.A. proof B. prooves C. proofs D. proofes7. He was eager to make some extra money, since during these years he could hardly live on his _.A. wages B. little wage C. wage D. few wage8. The police _ the house attempting to find some traces of the questioned.A. is sea

5、rching B. search C. searching D. searches9. After ten years, all these youngsters became _.A. growns-ups B. growns-up C. grown-up D. grown-ups10. All the _ got a rise last month without any expectation.A. woman doctors B. women doctors C. women doctor D. woman doctor11. The police put the criminal _

6、.A. in a iron B. into a iron C. in irons D. into a pair of iron12. Some _ from the countryside want to find jobs in the city.A. youth B. youths C. a youth D. the youth13. Ten years have passed, I found my mother had_.A. a little white hair B. a few white hairsC. much white hair D. some white hair14.

7、 “Did _ go to the party?”A. many John friends B. many Johns friendC. many of Johns friends D. many friends of John15. This shop sells_ and sometimes other fashionable things.A. mens clothing B. man clothesC. clothing of men D. mans clothing16. _ receives only a small portion of the total amount of t

8、he suns energy.A. The surface of the earth B. The earths surfaceC. The earth surface D.The surface earth17. “What can I do for you?” “I want _.”A. two dollars worth of candy B. two dollars worth of candyC. dollars worth of candy D. two dollars-worth candy18. Numerous materials are available to _.A.

9、today of designers B. todays of designersC. todays designers D. today designers19. John has a _ daughter.A. five-years-old B. five-year oldC. five year old D. five-year-old20. I had my hair made at _ near the department store.A. the barber B. the barbers C. the barbers D. the barbers II. Identify th

10、e one underlined part that is wrong. 21. His arguments, comparatively speaking, have a firm basis. A B C D22He was employed as a consultant on the base of three weeks. A B C D23. They designed a new type of TV device. A B C D24. There are so many convenient kitchen sets in this specialty. A B C D25.

11、 The harvest to the crops was serious because of the storm. A B C D26. He invested his money in stocks at an adventure. A B C D27. They have got everything ready for the three days voyage in the mountains. A B C D28. When the couple went to the party, they were in their best clothing. A B C D29. Sev

12、eral articles of clothes were found in the suitcase. A B C D30. Our university received a gift of a million dollars. A B C DIII. Give the plural of :31. sit-in 32. clothes hanger33. woman driver 34.information office35. gentleman farmer 36. saving bank37. evening dress 38. great aunt39. take-off 40.

13、 passer-byIV. Fill in the blanks with the cues in the brackets, using a countable or uncountable noun in its proper number.41. They grow their own _. (carrot)42. Good stew(炖菜) must contain _.(carrot)43. _is refreshing in summer. (beer)44. They had two _.(beer)45. Rich men live in _.(luxury)46. A ref

14、rigerator is _here. (luxury)47. _travels faster than sound. (light)48. Do you have _ in the corridor? (light)49. _ is its own reward. (virtue)50. Her _ were well-known. (virtue)【参考答案与解析】I. Multiple choices.1.【B】furniture 是表总称的物质名词(也有的书称为集合名词),没有复数形式,也不能与不定冠词连用,含义上永远是单数。即使前面有some 修饰,也不能用复数。例如:Ive jus

15、t bought some new furniture.若要表示“数”, 可用much, little, a little, a lot of, lots of 等修饰。2.【B】equipment 是集合名词,不可数。一件设备:a piece of equipment;一套设备:a set of equipment.3.【B】every 与基数词、序数词、other 和few 连用,表示时间和空间的间隔,表示“每;每隔”。例如:He comes here every three days.“他每三天/每隔两天来这儿一次。”在every four years 中,year受前面的four制约了

16、,所以加s(复数要求),可以理解为every管不着year了。4.【A】thesis ,“毕业或学位论文”,它的复数形式是不规则变化:theses.5.【B】means,表示“方式,方法,工具”的时候, 是个单复同形的名词。当means做主语时,其谓语的数须根据句意来定。All possible means have been tried. “所有可能的办法都已经试过了”。 Every possible means has been tried. “每种可能的办法都已经试过了。”6.【A】当proof表示的证据是物品时是可数名词;当证据是言论和行文时是不可数名词。7.【A】wage(s)(经常

17、用于复数),这个词用来指体力或机械工人、仆人、商店店员、职工等的工资。通常指一周,(甚至一天)一付的工资。例如:邮递员又罢工了。他们要增加工资。 The Postmen are on strike again. They want higher wages.而wage的单数形式常用作定语和某些短语中。例如:wage labor,“雇佣劳动”或“雇佣劳动力”。 8【B】集合名词police, family, group 作主语时,若强调一个整体时,谓语动词用单数形式;若强调集体中一个个成员时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如:The class is to have its picture taken

18、this afternoon.今天下午全班照相。This class is studying now. Mr. Smith is teaching them.这个班级的同学都在学习,斯密斯先生教他们。9.【D】grown-up, “成人”,是复合名词,复合名词的复数形式通常是把最后的那个词变为复数形式,例如:boy-friends, break-ins ,travel-agents.10.【B】当复合名词的第一个词是woman或man时,复合名词的两个部分都要变为复数形式。例如:men drivers, women drivers.11.【C】in irons 是固定搭配,“被监禁、上镣铐、带

19、着镣铐”。12.【B】 youth, 青年,是可数名词,要用复数形式。13.【B】当hair 指一整头头发时,是不可数名词,而当hair指一根根头发时是可数的。例如:My hair is black. He has three white hairs.14.【C】名词的双重所有格的基本形式为:不定冠词或表示数量的词+of+名词所有格,也就是说当a,an,this, that, these, those, some, any, no, every, such, another, which, what等与名词共同修饰一个名词时,用“a(this,some)+名词+of+s所有格。15.【A】cl

20、othing是不可数名词,mens clothing,男服。16.【A】英语名词所有格有两种:s属格和of 属格。s属格由名词后加s 或构成,多用来表示有生命的人或动物。由介词of 加名词构成的所有格,多用来表示无生命的事物。17.【B】当表示值多少钱的东西时,可以用s属格。例如:1s worth of stamps, ten dollars worth of ice-cream. dollar 是可数名词,其复数形式的所有格是dollars.18.【C】表示时间时,可以用s属格。例如:a weeks holiday, todays paper, tomorrows weather 等等。19

21、.【D】 “five-year-old”,是作为一个整体来修饰daughter的,是形容词的词性,表示“岁”,要有连字符,而且要去掉years后面的s. “five years old”是名词词组,不能做定语修饰daughter.20.【C】at the baber,在理发店。这个名词所有格省略了后面的shop.类似的例子还有:the bakers/the butchers/the chemists/the florists等等。 II. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong.21.【D】base“基础,基地”,指具体事物的基础,常指工业

22、基地或军事基地。22.【C】basis “根据,基础”, 指抽象事物,如讨论、推断等依据或根据。on the basis of 为常用搭配,23.【D】set“电视机或无线电的接受装置”;device “发明物,装置”,指做工具的简单的机械装置。24.【C】参见23题解析。25.【A】harvest“丰收”,根据句子意思,应该改为damage“损害”。26.【D】adventure指“冒险活动或经历”;risk“危险,风险”,应改为at risk。27.【C】voyage 指远距离的水上或空中旅行, journey是指时间长,距离较远的陆地旅行。28.【D】clothing “衣服,服装”的总

23、称,是物质名词,只有单数形式。而clothes既指穿戴在人体各部位的衣着,也可表示专为某种场合或年龄的人而设计的衣服,是个复数名词,可同many,these,those连用.根据句子意思,这里应改为clothes.29.【B】解析参见28题。30.【C】gift一般指价值较高的礼物,也可指送给团体的礼品等,present可指一般花销不大的礼品,donation“捐赠,捐款”。这里应改为donation。III. Give the plural of :31.【sit-ins】以“动词/-ed分词+副词”构成复合名词时,在词尾加-s.32.【clothes hangers】以可数名词结尾的复合名

24、词有复数形式,其复数形式把后面的名词变为复数。33.【women drivers】以man或woman 为前缀的复合名词变复数时,前后两个名词均需变为复数。34.【information offices】解析见32题35.【gentlemen farmers】解析参见33题。36.【savings banks】以“动词-ing形式+副词”构成复合名词时,在动词-ing形式后加-s,如:coming-in的复数:comings-in.37.【evening dresses】解析同32题。38.【great- aunts】 解析同32题39.【take-offs】由动词词组变化而来的复合名词,其复

25、数形式往往在最后一个词加-s.例如:forget-me-not.40.【passers-by】如果复合名词是由“动词+er/or+修饰语(副词),它的复数形式通常是在“动词+ er/or”构成的名词上加复数词尾。IV. Fill in the blanks with appropriate determiners or corresponding pronouns.41.【carrots】表示蔬菜、动物等名词是可数的。当carrot表示蔬菜时是可数的。42.【carrot】当carrot 表示餐桌上的食品时,就转化为不可数名词。43.【beer】beer是物质名词,不可数。44.【beers】

26、beer表示具体的个别的事物时,是可数的,two beers, 两杯啤酒。45.【luxury】luxury作抽象名词时时不可数的。46【a luxury】luxury表示具体的事物时是可数名词。 47.【light】light表示“光”的时候是不可数的。48.【lights】light表示“灯”的时候是可数的。49.【virtue】virtue表示“美德”的时候是不可数的。50.【virtues】virtue表示“优点”时,是可数名词。第二章 限定词及代词I. Multiple choices.Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in

27、this section, each of which is supplied with four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to choose the one answer that best complete the sentence.1. He is _ here in town, but I suppose he is _ in his own village.A. no one, some one B. any one, no oneC. nobody, somebody D. anybody, nobody2. Yesterday

28、 morning, I went to _ school, which stood in _ sight of my house, to tellhim about the terrible accident.A. /, the B. the, / C. the, the D. /, /3. They paid _ money for the machine than I expected.A. little B. less C. much D. fewer4. He was on leave _ days.A. the few last B. few another C. few other

29、 D. the last few5. I suppose _ never occurred to you to ask the police for assistance.A. something B. anything C. it D. he6. The government has promised to do _ lies in its power to ease thehardships of the victims in the flood-stricken area. A. however B. whichever C. whatever D. wherever7. Mark pl

30、ays _ violin, while his brother prefers to play _ baseball.A. the, the B. the, / C. /, the D. /, /8. Do they have _ air-conditioners for cooling the rooms in summer?A. many a B. enough C. a great deal of D. a bit of9. _ are letting us use their house while theyre away.A. Some our friends B. Some friends of oursC. Our some friends D. Our some of friends10. The new teacher made _ clear that she would not allow talking in class.A. it B. us C. that D. her11. _ London of Dickens time comes to _ life in his books.A. The, / B. /, / C. /, the D. The, the12. He has be

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