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1、江西省瑞昌市七年级英语下学期期中试题人教新目标版江西省瑞昌市七年级英语下学期期中试题七年级英语一、听力劇试(20分)A)诸听下閒段对话=每密对话后有一小題,从屢中所给的A.B.C三个选项中透出最隹 建项。听完毎段对话后.你都将有W秒钟的时问画答有关小锤和他读下-空坯塚庄对话伐 两遍。(第1 V小题每小題0乐第57 小題每小麽1分))L Where Tina from?A.America. B. AustraEia,2 Hew does the boy go home every day?A.By bus. B By bile伏)3. Whafs Nick doing now?A.Doing h

2、omework.C. Playing ping-potng.)4. What does the boy冷 nwdhfjT want to be?A. A shop a$S!tzu3:t.C, A bank clerk -)5 Why Joes lhe boy like clcphanls?A. Because they are friendly and smart.C. Because they are 1az) 6. Hnw many boya are running37Ar Three:. B“ Tivo.尸.When i$ Kate birthday?A. On July 29th, B

3、. On July 19th-)8. 环h拭 does the womAn mean?A.Mike is a good student because he is never hte for whool.B.Mike is not a good student because he i always hie for school.匚 Mike is not a gacui student because he 浊 iMjmrtiraieB Late for school.第1頁(和卷共g页)E)请听下面3段对话或独白每段对话或独白后有几个小題.从題中所给的A.B,C三令 选项中选出摄隹选项=听

4、毎段时话或独占前,你将有时间阅读各个小题.每小題5秒钟;禹完 后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间*毎段对话或独白读两邁;(每小題1分)请昕第1段材料,回答第9J0小般。 ( )9. at a Wu Yifans job?A.Hes a doctor. B- Hes a teacher. C, HeTs an actor.)10. S hat can Wu Yifan do?B. She u watching TV.G Bob.C. Lnitreiing.C. In Tianjin”G By train.C. At S:3Q.A, One hour请新第2段材料,回菩第11至第13小题)11- Wh

5、at ia Jenny doin?A. She h whing the clnthes,C.She i$ cooking.( )12h Xlio dflesn*t want to play iennis?扎 John. B, Jenny.( )13. What Joei Jenny think of【his TV show?A. Baring. B. B&d.请听第3段材料,回答第14至第17小題。( )14. When? dw$ Sam work?A. In $hanhai. B. In Beijing.( )15. How does Sam go to work every day?A.

6、By bus. B, By subway.( )16. Tien does Sani Ieitc home even momirig?A. Al 6:Q0. B. At 6:3O,( )17. How long does it take Sam to get to school?B.Two and a half hour%.C.Two houra.t)请听下面-段独白,根据独白内容完成下列旬子.每午空格不超过3个单词:听独白前 弥将有50秒钟的时间阅读句子內容独白读两遍(每小聽1分)!8+ Amy and her parents are at home on afternoon.19.Amy

7、is firom * hut now 让e lives in Beijing.20.Amy docsn today.21.Look! Amy computer games.22* Amy and her parents aJJ love 第2頁(农基共E藤)二、单项填空代分请風读下底各小酸从匿中所给的A.B.C.D四牛选项中选出可安填人空白处的最佳选臥(毎小覇1分))25, Where is Judy?at lhe mall.三、完矗壇空(勿分)A)请先阅读下面短丈輩握茸犬意.然后从各小题所踽的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出可以 填人相宜空白处的毘佳透项b(每小題1分)Hi, nrr name

8、i$ Jtm. I have q 邸xsd 31 - Ht$ namt 治 Pt!er. He is & 32 Every day ittakes him hit of tilfiA to get 10 sclwd. Tlie nMd 3壬 JWt flat (平的)h he cant ride h bike toschool- He often 34 there by bug or on fooL He must 3 very early ev3 getting()35.A.get upB* take a walkC. go GUID.get lost()琳A.breakfutB, lunc

9、hL dinnerD.supper()37.扎in the manninga. in die afternoonC. in the cvcniugaat night()38.A.speaksB, talksC. sayD.telk)39.扎andB. butC OTP80()40.A.artB musicC. sporuD.cheaaR;请先阅读下面短文,拿握其大意,然石用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空毎个词限用 -次。(毎小题I分)like I because tidy walk before be ptay dishDear Sally tHow are you? Im happy Lhat

10、 you can do the things you 41, . at home. 1 never havehn, 42. there are loti of rules in my family. My parents 43, strict. I have to getup nt &ix oclock every rnaming. And I have g make my bed 44. = before breakfasL and then的 to schouL I csi)Tt play with my rrienda after school I have to do 45. _ ho

11、mework. After dinner I hsve to take the dog far a 46, in the park, cant watch TV on school nights. Ihag ta 47. the violin for an hour. I caztt go to bed late. I hdvt to be in bed48. r,-jne oclock. On weekends 1 have to clean my room and do the 49. . I also 血样 to go toLeam the violin on Sundays. Im 5

12、0- tired. Can you help me?YourebLisa第4页(本峯奘8页)匹、阅读理解(贮分)A)请阅读下面短文*根据短文内容从每小題所给的A.B.C.D四亍迅项中适出燉蛙选顼=(毎小題2分)Ylntid Shopping CentreOpen hours ; 8 ;00 mm, 10 ;00 p. m. ( Mon. F ri.)8-00 &. m. 12100 p- m. ( Sat- 一Sun.)ucdtint (折扣):5% for shoppers with tnemberahip cards (会员卡)in every shop Children Centre c

13、an Iwk. after children for parents.Price: 30 every child (Children over 6 are free.)Address: No. 256, Haicang Street, New Town (Belwjn Happy Restatirani and Ntwiown Parit)Bus; No. 23, No. 19 p No.7 二 ( )51. When can we shop in Yintdi Shopping CenLre?A. At 10:30 p, m. uki Monday*. B. At 7 :00 a. m. on Fridays. 0 At 12 :00 p. m, on

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