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1、英语周报17期答案英语周报17期答案【篇一:周报23期答案】=txt第23期 module 6 unit 18 lessons 1 2 评估试题参考答案及部分解析 【参考答案】 1-5 bacac6-10 cbccb11-15 caabc 16. 6 / six17. native18. times 19. hours 20. books 21-25 bddcd 26-30 cabdb 31-35 adcda 36-40 dbcad41-45 cbadc adbab 46-50 dbbdc51-55 adbca66-70 ccdbb71-75 cadfe 56-60 bdacc 61-65 o

2、ne possible version: man or nature man is creative and powerful. during the long history of human beings, the world has been completely changed by man with new inventions and huge projects. however, compared with man, nature is definitely more powerful. earthquakes, typhoons, volcanoes and so on hap

3、pen so frequently that we have to believe that everything that man created can be destroyed by nature and many of them can never be recovered. whats more, mans destruction of nature causes more powerful natural disasters. so no matter which is more powerful, man and nature have to treat each other a

4、s friends and live in harmony. 【部分解析】 单项填空: 21. b。考查冠词。in the eyes of sb. = in sb.s eyes 在某人眼中,在某人看来;have an eye for 对?有眼力 / 眼光,对?有鉴赏能力。句意为:在老师看来,琳达很有艺术鉴赏力。 22. d。考查形容词辨析。be consistent with .与?一致。be popular with .受到?的欢迎;be familiar with .对?熟悉;similar不与介词with搭配。答语句意为:我们都不喜欢汤姆。他言行不一致。故正确答案为d。 23. d。考查

5、非谓语动词。see . as .表示“把?看作?”。很明显,play与see之间构成一种被动关系,故要用过去分词。often seen as an activity for younger children是过去分词短语作定语。 24. c。考查介词搭配。with 在本句中表示“随着”。 句意为:众所周知,佳酿越陈越醇。 25. d。考查名词辨析。range 范围,幅度。field 领域,田地;limit 限制,限度;reach 伸手可及的距离。 “在政府的责任范围之内”我们可以说within the area / range of the governments responsibility

6、,但不可以说within the reach of the governments responsibility。故正确答案为d。 26. c。考查动词辨析。take 除表示“花费(时间)”外,还可表示“需要(精力、耐心、勇气等)”,常用句型为:it takes sth. to do sth.。cost 除表示“花费(金钱、时间)”外,还可表示“使付出(代价), 使丧失”,常用句型为:it costs sb. sth. to do sth.。故正确答案为c。句意为:“你真勇敢。在会议上提出反对意见是需要很大的勇气的。” “嗯,但我现在后悔当时那样做了,这样或许会使我丧失加薪的机会。” 27.

7、a。考查短语动词辨析。die out(多指物种的)灭绝或(风俗、习惯等的)消失;die off 相继死去,先后死亡。die away(多指声音、光线、风等)逐渐减弱,逐渐停止,逐渐消失;die down (多指火、兴奋、光线等)逐渐变弱,停止,逐渐暗淡,逐渐消失。根据以上分析可知正确答案应为a。28. b。考查动词command。command后接that从句时,从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即“should +动词原形”(should可省略)。 29. d。考查形容词辨析。accessible易接近的,可进入的,可到达的。admirable令人钦佩的;acceptable可接受的;avail

8、able可得到的,可利用的。根据句意“乘坐公交、地铁和专用出租车在90分钟内应该可以从上海任何地方到达世博园区”可知,正确答案为d。 30. b。考查短语动词辨析。turn down 将(音量等)调低,拒绝。turn up 将(音量等)调高,出现,露面;turn off 关闭;turn on 打开。根据was always ready to help people in trouble可推知,b项符合语境。 31. a。考查交际用语。not really 不完全是。not likely 不太可能;not simply 不仅仅; not nearly 远不及,完全不。句意为:“你父母一定很担心你

9、。”“不完全是这样。我毕竟不是小女孩了。” 32. d。考查句型。“so + be / 助动词 / 情态动词+主语”表示“某人或某物情况也是这样”;“so +主语+ be / 助动词 / 情态动词”表示“?的情况确实如此”,对某人所说的内容作进一步肯定。再根据第一句中的助动词has可知正确答案是d。句意为:“戴维在这次考试中犯了一些错误。” “确实如此。” 33. c。考查动词辨析。refresh sb.s memory of .表示“使某人回忆起?”。其他选项不能与memory搭配。 34. d。考查would和used to的辨析。would 和used to都可表示过去经常进行而现在不再

10、进行的动作,但是would只能用来描述动作,used to既可以用来描述动作还可以用来描述状态。 35. a。考查表语从句的引导词。what引导表语从句时,可以在从句中充当主语或宾语;that也可引导表语从句,但在从句中不充当任何成分;which不可引导表语从句;how可引导表语从句,但不可充当主语,只能充当状语。该从句缺少主语,故正确答案为a。 完形填空: 作者的好友melody因为养猫而常患皮肤病,所以想把猫送走,但一开始找不到领养的人家。最后通过大家的努力,终于为猫找到了新主人。 36. d。根据melody often had skin trouble because of the c

11、at可知,melody因为猫常患皮肤病,所以她“决定(decided)”把猫送走。 37. b。根据but及下文为猫找归宿的语境可知,没人愿意“接受(take)”一只十岁的老猫。 38. c。melody没有“选择(choice)”,只好让猫安乐死。 39. a。这里是指再“尝试(try)”着找一家有时帮助办理动物领养的宠物医院帮忙。 40. d。melody告诉了作者她的“计划(plans)”。 41. c。因为还没有到让猫安乐死的日子,所以这里还是在假设,故选c项。 42. b。这里选b项,表示“可能存在的(possible)”领养者。 43. a。这里应该是指作者的丈夫也“加入(join

12、ed)”到了寻找领养人家的队伍中来。 44. d。根据but及luckily的语境可知,到星期一作者他们“仍然(still)”没有找到愿意领养的人家。 45. c。作者应该是建议melody“联系(contact)”那家动物诊所。 46. d。根据后文语境可知,那个好心的女人“同意(agreed)”帮忙照看taffy三个月,同时继续寻找愿意领养的人家。 47. b。根据上文的end the cats life可知,因为找到了暂时愿意照看的人家,所以taffy至少今天不用“死(die)”了。 48. b。找到了愿意收养的人家,anna应该是非常“兴奋地(excitedly)”把这个消息告诉了作者

13、。49. d。因为那个女人已经有一只猫了,故这里需选d项,表示“虽然(although)”。 50. c。那个女人愿意收养猫,这是“好心行为(kindness)”。 51. a。对于那只猫来说,suzanne是它“新的(new)”主人。 52. d。作者那天应该很高兴,所以脸上带着很大的“笑容(smile)”。 53. b。根据后文的im not ignoring the bad及but转折的语境可知,这里是指人类对彼此做那种很“不好的(terrible)”的事情。 54. c。根据the bad does not outweigh the good及上文语境可知,这里是指“好心的行为(goo

14、d)”。 55. a。经历这件事,作者应该是“相信(believe in)”人类善良的一面。 阅读理解: a 篇 一位美国儿童文学作家介绍了自己成为作家的过程和生活。 56. b。词义猜测题。作者在毛衣批发商店工作了一年之后,被解雇了,因为他对毛衣的热情不足,故选b项。 57. d。细节理解题。根据第三段的it wasnt until 1989 .devote myself fully to writing可知,作者在1989年成为了专职作家。 58. a。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的i never talk . is finished. i spent two . until it was

15、finished可知,作者在写新书的时候,喜欢保密。 59. c。细节理解题。根据第一段all the kids . my college years可知,作者的sideways stories from wayside school这本书基于他在大学时的教学经历,故选c项。 b 篇 61. a。细节理解题。根据第三段的played by the pianists right hand和第四段的schubert uses the piano to imitate the water flowing可知,这两首歌曲都有钢琴伴奏。 62. d。细节理解题。第三段的后半部分描写的是gretchen

16、at the spinning wheel这首歌曲对纺车声音的模仿,联系第四段的schubert uses the piano to imitate the water flowing in the stream可知,舒伯特的音乐可以模仿现实世界中的声音。 c 篇 本文向我们介绍了火山的一些基本知识。 64. a。写作手法题。根据第三段的imagine shaking a soda bottle until the gas inside blows the cap off, and you can understand something of how a volcano erupts可知,作

17、者在说明火山怎样喷发时打了一个比方。 65. b。细节理解题。根据第三段末三句if the magma is runny . then the eruption is explosive可知,火山喷发是否是爆发性的,取决于岩浆是否粘稠。其中的runny的意思是“松软的,有流动倾向的”。 66. c。细节理解题。根据第五段的the largest pyroclasts are called blocks可知,block是最大的火山碎屑,故选c项。 d 篇 本文介绍了允许读者进行互动的新型电子书浏览器。 67. c。细节理解题。根据第二段的electronic readers allow chil

18、dren to interact with texts及第三、五段的内容可知选c项。 68. d。细节理解题。根据倒数第二、三段的larson is working with e-readers for students who have special needs和thats where well really be able to make a big difference可知选d项。 69. b。推理判断题。根据句末的if its done on their computers可以推知,这类学生可能对计算机感兴趣。gadget小器具,小装置;savvy有见识的,懂实际知识的。 70. b

19、。归纳标题题。本文介绍了电子书的应用。在阅读的过程中,学生可以与书中的人物进行互动,从而激发那些不热衷于阅读的学生的兴趣,因此选b项。【篇二:高一第14-16期参考答案】高一英语上学期月考卷三评估试题 听力材料、参考答案及部分解析 【听力材料】 (text 1) m: what was the weather like during your holidays? w: not bad. m: oh, you must have had a good time. w: well, it would have been better if it had been a little bit cool

20、er. (text 2) w: oh, so romantic! look at them! m: yeah. they love each other so much. w: so they do. look at the diamond ring that bill gave to mary. it is so beautiful. m: yeah, it surely is. it must have cost him an arm and a leg. (text 3) m: oh, cathy, where are you going? w: i am going to the mo

21、vie. m: why are you leaving so early? the movie doesnt start until seven. w: i dont want to be late. its a nightmare on the express way during the rush hour. (text 4) w: where is tom? m: he is going to the shore. w: oh, i want to talk with him about the upcoming party. m: well, you will have to wait

22、. he has always been a beach person. w: ok, i see. (text 5) m: hey, lucy. where did you go last night? i called, but there was no answer. w: oh, i went to jessies house to listen to music. m: i heard that she has collected more than 200 classical music records. is that right? w: yes. you said it. (t

23、ext 6) w: hey! whats wrong with the phone? just listen to this strange noise. m: i dont know what it is. it doesnt sound like a dial tone. 1 w: im afraid that the phone must be out of order. lets go next door and use your neighbors phone. m: oh, my next door neighbor is a kind old woman. im sure she

24、 wouldnt mind letting us use her phone. w: by the way, youd better have the phone repaired as soon as possible. m: sure, i will do that. (text 7) w: this is the hilton hotel. may i help you? m: hello, we had reservations for tonight but we need to cancel. one of the people in our party is sick. w: o

25、h, im sorry. your name? m: john thomson. wed like to reschedule for next week. friday if possible. w: friday is very crowded. theres a wedding party. we dont have anything until 9:00 pm. m: mmm, thats too late. w: what about thursday? m: that looks a lot better. w: what time is best for you? m: 7:00

26、 pm. w: ok, mr. thomson. well see you then. (text 8) m: good morning, miss gao. may i ask you some questions? w: good morning, ted. go ahead. m: i have just begun my senior school life. i find my studies so hard. w: oh, what happened then? is there anything i can do to help? m: you see, i find it ve

27、ry hard when learning english, especially the reading. w: english? well, in my opinion, we should practice it more than remembering it. m: i can remember many grammar rules, and usages of idioms and words, but when using them, i cannot recognize the words and their meanings quickly. w: thats indeed

28、a problem. i think you should choose some easy topics to read in the very beginning, and then while reading, try to analyze the styles of the materials, the structures of thetexts, and the patterns of the sentences. after that, get the meanings from the whole texts. m: oh, i see, miss gao. i will tr

29、y that. thank you. w: you are welcome. (text 9) w: bruce, come here and have a look. m: i am coming, lucy. what happened? w: you see theres nearly nothing to eat. have you ever thought about shopping for some food this weekend? m: oh, i forgot it! i am sorry, but what are you thinking about? w: you

30、see we need to prepare a party on sunday. and . m: yes, our celebration for moving to a new house. w: and i am on a diet nowadays. m: you mean you need some special food? w: not too complicated! for the party, we need coke, cakes, bread, fruits and some peanuts, perhaps. m: but what about food for y

31、ou? w: oh, dont think too much about me. i just need less fat and sugar, you remember. m: oh, i see. i will go and buy the food and drinks. but what about wine and beer? w: just forget it! the official has forbidden the selling of the wine for safety reasons. dont you remember? m: er, yeah. i see. (

32、text 10) hello, everyone. so, youre going to australia. well, here are some tips and advice. first, make sure you get a visa before entering the country. every traveler to australia has got to have one. second, its a good idea to buy a guidebook and find out as much about australia as you can before you go. third, when youre in australia, you might co

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