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1、图表作文写作技巧Good afternoon, everyone, I am a sophomore student from class2 of business am very glad you will listen to my speech 图表作文写作技巧描述数据变化的高分句型以上升趋势为例: 上升: 动词:increase,rise,grow,jump,climb,goup,soar,shootup,surge,rocket 名词:anincrease,arise,(a)growth,ajump,asurge 下降: 动词:decrease,drop,fall,decline,go

2、down,dip,plung.以上升趋势为例:上升:动词: increase, rise, grow, jump, climb, go up, soar, shoot up, surge, rocket名词: an increase, a rise, (a) growth, a jump, a surge下降:动词:decrease, drop, fall, decline, go down , dip, plunge, collapse, plummet名词:a decrease, a drop, a fall, a decline变化程度:副词:Steeply sharply slight

3、ly dramatically significantly marginally形容词:Steep sharp slight dramatic significantl marginal句型演练:1. _v. +adv.例如:The house price increased sharply.2. There be a/ _.例如:There was a sharp increase in the house price. experience/ see/ show/ undergo/ witness a/anadj.n. .例如:The house price exper

4、ienced a sharp increase.图作文又可分为三种:圆形图作文、曲线图作文和条状图作文。(1) 圆形图作文圆形图(Pie chart)也称为饼状图或圆面分割图。圆形图因为比较形象和直观,各部分空间大小差别容易分辨,所以常用来表示总量和各分量之间的百分比关系。整个圆表示总量,楔形块表示分量。有时圆形图还有数值表,两者结合可把各分量表示得更准确、清楚。例如:This is a pie chart of the average weekly expenditure of a family in Great Britain. As can be see from the chart,

5、the main expenditure of an average British family is spent on food, which accounts for 25% of its total expenditure. The next two significant expending items are transport and housing, which are 15% and 12% respectively. If we take into account clothing and footwear, which makes up 10%, the four ess

6、entials of life, that is, food, transport, housing, and clothing and footwear, amount to 62% of the total expenditure.(2) 曲线图作文曲线图(Line graph)也称为线性图或坐标图。曲线图最适合表示两个变量之间关系的发展过程和趋势。一般来说,曲线所呈现的形状比某一点所代表的变量的值更有意义。曲线图有横轴和纵轴。一般先看横轴所代表的数量或时间等,然后再看纵轴所显示的意义。同时必须找出线条所反映的最高或最低的变化。例如:这个曲线图的横轴代表1990年的不同的月份,纵轴代表交通

7、事故的数量。从交通事故曲线图上可知,前八个月的交通事故的数量有升有降。曲线图在八月份升到了最高点(39),此后一直呈下降的趋势,十二月份降到了最低点(16)。可见,1990年的交通事故的数量总体上呈下降的趋势。(3) 条形图作文条形图(Bar graph)也称为立柱图或圆柱图。条形图由宽度相同但长度不同的条块代表不同的量。当要比较几个项目或量时,常用不同颜色来区分。条形图主要用来表示:1)同一项目在不同时间的量;2)同一时间不同项目的量。阅读条形图时,要先看图例,再看横轴、纵横各代表什么量,每一个刻度所代表的值是多少,最后找出图中各长条所表示的数据及各长条间的相互关系。例如:左边的条形图的横轴

8、代表时间,纵轴代表期望寿命(Life Expectancy),这一条形图想要体现的是同一项目(期望寿命)在不同时间的量。右边的条形图的横轴也是代表时间,纵轴是代表婴儿的死亡率(Infant Mortality),这一条形图想要体现的也是同一项目(婴儿的死亡率)在不同时间的量。左边的条形图表明1990年的人均期望寿命比1960年的人均期望寿命长20岁,而1990年的婴儿死亡率比1960年的婴儿死亡率下降了50%。第二节 图表作文的出题形式我们先来看几个四(六)级考试中的图表作文的例子。例1 题目:Changes in Peoples Diet (1991年6月四级试题)Study the fol

9、lowing table carefully and your composition must be based on the information given in the table. Write three paragraphs to :1. state the changes in peoples diet (饮食) in the past five years;2. give possible reasons for the changes;3. draw your own conclusions.You should quote as few figures as possib

10、le.例2 题目:Car Accidents Declining in Walton City (1991年6月6级试题)Remember that your composition must be written according to the following outline;1. Rise and fall of the rate of car accidents as indicated by the graph;2. Possible reason(s) for the decline of car accidents in the city;3. Your prediction

11、s of what will happen this year.Your composition should be no less than 120 words and you should quote as few figures as possible.例3 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Health Gain in Developing Countries. Your composition must be no less than 120 words and

12、you should base your composition on the following instructions (given in Chinese):1. 以下图为依据描述发展中国家的期望寿命(life expectancy)和婴儿死亡率(infant mortality)的变化情况2. 说明引起变化的各种原因从以上例子可见,图表作文一般在题目中给出作文的标题和一个或几个统计表格、圆形图、曲线图或条形图,有时还用英文或中文提纲的形式给出提示,要求我们:1)用文字描述图表,客观解释图表中所传递的信息,并找出某种规律或趋势;2)就图表中所反映的某种趋势或问题分析其原因或后果。第三节


14、后将各个段落组成文章,注意段与段之间的衔接与过渡;5)检查与修改。图表作文的篇章结构写图表作文时,常采用三段式的谋篇方式。文章的第一段往往分析图表中的数据变化反映什么问题或趋势,概述图表所揭示的信息。第二段分析造成这一问题或趋势的原因。第三段则展望未来的情况或提出解决问题的办法或建议。这一结构可以简单地表述为:第一段:概述图表反映的主题思想第二段:分析产生的原因第三段:展望未来或提出方法或建议图表作文常用的句型(1)常用的开篇句型(即概述图表内容时常用的表达法) According to the table/pie chart/line graph/bar graph, we can see/

15、conclude that 根据该表/图,我们可知 The table/graph reveals (shows/indicates/illustrates/ represents/points out) that 该表/图表明 As we can see from the table As can be seen from the line/bar graph As is shown (illustrated/indicated) in the pie chart 如表/图所示,(2) 描述增减变化常用的句型 Compared with is still increased by The n

16、umber of grew/rose from to An increase is shown in ; then came a sharp increase of In the number remains the same/drops to There was a very slight (small/slow/gradual) rise/increase in 1990. There was a very steady (marked/sharp/rapid/sudden/ dramatic) drop (decrease/decline/fall/reduction) in 1998/

17、 compared with that of last year).好,下面我们来看一篇根据例2的题目要求写的范文。From the graph, we can see that the number of car accidents in Walton city fluctuated during the year of 1990. The first two months of 1990 showed an increasing trend. The rate rose to 32 in March but fell to 26 in June. From June on, the rat

18、e was rising again and reached the peak point 39 in August. After August the rate began to decline remarkably, and eventually dropped to the lowest point 16 at the end of the year. Therefore, its obvious that car accident in Walton city declined in 1990.主题句/概述表格反映的内容(5)反映交通事故的变化情况(6)小结:总结表格数据反映的总趋势T

19、here are several reasons for the decline. First, a new traffic law was made and came into force. It provided that in summer every car must be air-conditioned. As a result, the highest rate in August, when humidity and high temperature make drivers impatient and easily lead to car accidents, dropped

20、steadily. Second, new roads were built and some narrow streets were widened, which quickened the flow of traffic. Finally, the city administration made great efforts to heighten peoples awareness of observing traffic rules.主题句原因/措施一解释措施一/次要辅助采取措施一后的结果原因/措施二原因/措施三With all these new measures, Im sure

21、the rate of car accidents in Walton city will go on falling this year.总结:展望未来的情况小结:这一讲我主要讲了图表作文的类型、出题形式及其写作要领。下面我们进行写作练习。我将给大家一个作文题,请大家根据这一讲的内容,在30分钟内完成。大家在写作的过程中要注意审题,考虑文章的结构、采用的扩展方法、开头的结尾的方法以及文章中的过渡等。练习四:Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition of no less th

22、an 120 words on Changes in Peoples Diet. Study the following table carefully and your composition must be based on the information given in the table. Write three paragraphs to:1. state the changes in peoples diet (饮食) in the past five years;2. give possible reasons for the changes;3. draw your own

23、conclusions.You should quote as few figures as possible.As is shown in the table, there have been great changes in peoples diet between 1986 and 1990. From the table, we can find that grain, formerly the main food of most Chinese people, is now playing a less important role in peoples diet. And the

24、same goes for fruit and vegetables. On the other hand, the consumption of high-nutrition food such milk and meat has increased rapidly.What has caused these changes? There are mainly three reasons (主题句). (6) First, people are much wealthier than before. (7) With higher income, they can afford to buy

25、 nutritious foods. (8) Second, people have realized the importance of a balanced diet to their health. (9) Lack of certain amount of meat or milk, for example, will result in poor health. (10) Finally, owing to the economic reform, meat and milk, which were scarce in the past, are produced in large

26、quantities.(11) Although milk and meat are important to ones health, eating too much rich food may result in obesity and may other diseases. (12)Therefore, people should not only eat a lot of milk and meat, but also enough grain, fruit and vegetable for the sake of their health.如何用英文描述进出口额的变化 export

27、s fell short of their imports. 他们的出口额赶不上进口额。 in the first three months have increased by 10 per cent compared with the corresponding period last year. 第一季度的进口额与去年同期相比增长了百分之十. of foodstuffs accounted for a small proportion of total imports. 食物进口仅占总进口额的一小部份。 377 percent tariff caused imports to dip fo

28、r a while until shippers found a loophole. 377的关税使进口额一度下降但出口商很快找到空子可钻。 imports of products from Hubei totaled US$ million, while imports from Brazil by the Chinese province totaled US$ million. 巴西从湖北进口产品的总价值为3060万美元,湖北从巴西的进口额为亿美元annual import & export volumn 年进出口额“某公司年进出口额超过一亿美元”:The company has an

29、import and export volumn exceeding 100 million US dollars per year.生产指标Hello, everybody! Title of my speech today is: Remember, safety days, life supreme. Friends, when you work every day when your mind is always thinking about security? When you are about to sit in the car throughout other human fa

30、ce, when you think of safety in production today I want to do? When you are illegal in the workplace, the moment, you think because I am a small, small violation will result in accidents while themselves or the lives of workers who are harmed by them? If you have not, then let me remind you, always

31、remember the safety days, life supreme. Human life only once, and everyone wants to laughter grows, every family would like to happiness, the prosperity of every enterprise are willing, however, all this can not do without security, security is the eternal theme of enterprise development, we major coal enterprises in the days of font size, but also the lives of our miners. Without security there would be no stable development of our business, thus there is no security, let alo

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