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1、基本句型蔡基刚I 文章开头句型A 对立法1. when asked about, most people say2. when it comes to , some people think3. There is a public debate today4. now, it is widely believed5. many of us believe that6. to the general public7. now a lot of people feel8. in reaction to the idea, some people say9. is a common way of ,

2、 but is it a wise one10. these days we often hear about11. We are often shown these days.B 现象法12. recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern13. Recently the problem has been brought into focus14. Many nations have been faced with the problem15. one of the searching questions facing or world is

3、 16. one of the biggest issues many people talk about is 17. Now most dangerous for our society is .18. Inflation is another bitter truth we have to face now19. an acute shortage of is now under way20. here and there across the country21. Now in many big cities22. with the rapid development of 23. N

4、owadays there is a growing tendency24. In recent few years there is a sudden increase25. Any visitor to this city would be surprised26. whenever you see, you cannot helpC 观点法27. Nothing is more dangerous than28. nowhere is history has the issue been more visible29. it is time we exploded the myth30.

5、 perhaps we should rethink the idea31. Now people are beginning to realize32. Now there is a growing awareness33. We might marvel at the progressD 引用法34. one of the great early writers said35. “knowledge is power.” Such is the remark of 36. “” thats how one official complained.37. “” the same idea i

6、s voiced by38. “” how often we hear such words like those.E 比较法39. for years it had been viewed as., but now40. people used to thing but things are different41. several years ago, people, now42. After a good many years of efforts, people begin43. It is a traditional way to.but now the pendulum44. Th

7、roughout our lives.45. In recent years, there is a steady shiftF 故事法46. Last Sunday I. The story is not rare.47. Once in a street the problem has drawn public attention48. I have a friend who such a dilemma we often meet49. Once upon a time the story still has a realistic significance50. A factory w

8、orker whoG 问题法51. Should ? Opinions vary greatly52. What do you thing?53. Why? Many people pose the question like this54. Why. of all the complaintsII 文章结尾句型A. 结论性55. From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion56. The evidence upon all sides points to .57. In summary, it is import

9、ant.58. in conclusion, I would like to say59. The real lesson to be learntB. 后果性60. We must search for a quick action, because if.61. Obviously, if we ignore the problem, it is likely62. any person who ignore the warning would63. We need to take a second look at, otherwiseC. 号召性64. It might be time

10、to take the warning65. It is time that we urged an end to66. it is necessary that steps should be taken67. there is no doubt that attention must be paid68. Obviously if we are to, it is essentialD. 建议性69. it is hoped that efforts be made70. in short, we should71. what we need is 72. it is high time

11、here are a few examples73. While it cannot be solved immediately, still there are ways74. awareness of the problem is the first step75. If we are to succeed as a peopleE. 方向性76. many solutions are being offered here77. there is no easy method, but might be helpful78. No easy method is at hand, but.

12、Might be the first step79. Ones first reaction to such suggestions80. What will happen to? One thing is certain81. To is not an easy job, and it requires a different outlook82. It is clear that the task demands great efforts83. We have done but we will achieve more if84. True, there may be questions

13、 we can not answer85. the great challenge today is 86. We may have a long way to go before87. There is no better time to start than88. It remains to be seen whether.F. 意义性89. Following these methods may not, but the pay-ff might be worth the effort90. Certainly but it will91. The importance cannot b

14、e overemphasized92. Anyhow it has a far-reaching influence93. To participate in is an experience94. The problem is something no one can avoid95. We are now entering a new ear which calls fro96. Anyhow, whether it is good or not, one things is certainG. 引言性97. “”98. Edison is right in saying.99. A lo

15、ng time ago, a great man said100. , says a great man.101. If we want to achieve our success102. I agree with the writer103. as Lincoln once remarkedH. 提问性104. if we consider , is it105. Can anyone really doubtI. 故事性106. Years ago, I heard a storyIII 原因结果句型A 基本原因107. There are many reasons for108. Wh

16、y? For one thing109. it is no easy ob to advance the reasons110. It is fairly easy to identify the reason111. The answer to this problem involves many factors112. The reasons are varied. They include113. Thanks to114. The increase mainly stems from the fact115. Partly because, partly because116. Not

17、 because, but because117. Not come from., but from118. One may attribute the change to119. One tends to view the trend as a response to120. one may trace this problem back to121. thats the reason why122. a number of factors could account for the success123. A number of factors, both individual and s

18、ocial, affect124. These factors, coupled with the growth of, lead to.125. Many factors weigh heavily for126. The factors that contribute to include.,.B 另一原因127. among the most important reason cited by people is 128. One of the most popular reasons is129. part of the explanation is 130. This is due

19、to several factors131. another important reason is 132. Also playing a part is133. is also responsible for the change.134. Of course, the growth is not the sole reason for135. some people suggest that the fault is ,136. We may look into every possible reason except137. It is only the surface explana

20、tion for138. We may blame., but the causes go far deeper.C 后果影响139. There are a number of effects140. The effect is evident141. It will exert a profound influence142. It may cause a sweeping change143. The influence has not been confined to.144. It leaves some serious consequences145. It may give ri

21、se to a host of problems.146. The immediate result it produces is147. Is the net resultIV 比较对照句型A. 两者比较148. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages149. Although A enjoys a distinct advantage150. There are several advantages151. The effect of comparison is heightened by152. when the advantages

22、and disadvantages weighed153. A means nothing when is mentioned154. Indeed, A carries much weight when compared with155. Serious as the problem may be, it pales into insignificance156. A may e but it suffers from the disadvantages.157. For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages158

23、. Obviously, it has both negative effects and positive effects159. there are advantages and disadvantages 160. Like anything else, it ahs its faults161. However, it is not without weaknesses.162. But is it all good? When considering the drawbacks163. Nothing can equal164. Nothing is more than165. mo

24、re than is possible to166. more than would167. is more, thanB. 两者相同168. A is not any more than169. A is not less. than B is170. Just as A, so B171. the same is true of 172. like173. A and B have several things in common174. A bears some resemblances to B175. A is as much as B176. AB177. ASo/Nor is B

25、178. is like.C. 两者不同179. While on the one hand180. A, whereas B181. A and B differ in several ways182. Both, but they differ in183. What A views , B may see184. But the same cannot be applied to185. In the past, but now it is no longerV 批评驳斥句型A 直接驳斥186. Although, I doubt whether the argument bears a

26、nalysis187. Although the popular belief is , a study indicates188. Although the inclination is laudable, one may wonder189. Although it is widely felt., it is unlikely190. Many people, but this claim may be doubted191. Most of us have been under the illusion.192. People tend to think. There is no mo

27、re reason to believe than there is to think that193. They may be right in asserting194. In all the debate over. one fact is overlooked195. it is true, but one point is being left out196. It is true that., but this is not to say197. You may say it probably will198. Some people suggest.but what these

28、people fail to understand is199. Some people say. But this doesnt hold200. There is an element of truth, but201. A close examination would reveal how202. Closer scrutiny shows the claim may not be merited by203. At first thought, it may seem, but on second thought.204. Logical as these arguments205.

29、 For all the claim, it is a common knowledge206. as opposed to., facts challenge the opinion207. It is a common belief208. We have been brought up to believe209. people end to cling to the idea210. They argue that, and that211. Some people argue that but the opposite is usually the case212. some peo

30、ple assume that. Quite the contrary213. there are those who hold that and on the other hand, 214. People object to the idea.B 批评分析215. to claim that is far from being proved216. to suggest is exactly as if you217. such proposal are an assault on the value218. If one advocates, it is no good being disturbed219. It makes no sense to argue for., but object to220. the main problem with this view is 221. the obvious flaw in the idea is 222. Too much emphasis placed on. may overlook223. In many cases

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