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本文(湖南省长沙华夏实验小学小升初20篇完形填空精品资料含详细答案解析.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、湖南省长沙华夏实验小学小升初20篇完形填空精品资料含详细答案解析湖南省长沙华夏实验小学小升初20篇完形填空精品资料(含详细答案解析)Dear Sammy,Im 1 I cant go to the sports center with you today. Your grandmother is not feeling 2 . I have to take her to the hospital. Let me 3 you the way to the sports center.When you walk out of our 4 , turn left. Its Bridge Street

2、. Walk past the police station and the City Fountain. Then 5 can see a bridge over a river. Cross the bridge. At the other side (边) of the 6 , turn right. There is a new post office 7 your left. The sports center is next to the post office. You cant 8 it. At 3:00 p.m., Ill 9 you at the sports center

3、. Lets have some ice cream after you finish 10 . Have fun. Mom1Asad Bsorry Ctired Dbusy2Ahappy Bwell Cquiet Dwarm3Asay Bspeak Ctell Dread4Aschool Bhouse Coffice Dhospital5Ayou BI Cwe Dthey6Astreet Bpark Criver Dlibrary7Ain Bon Cat Dfrom8Amiss Bsee Cforget Dvisit9Acall Bremember Cmeet Dwatch10Areadin

4、g Bwriting Csinging Dplaying【答案】1B2B3C4B5A6C7B8A9C10D【解析】【分析】文章是妈妈告诉塞姆怎么去体育中心。1句意:我很抱歉今天不能和你去体育中心了。A. sad 伤心的; B. sorry 对不起; C. tired累的; D. busy忙的;根据Your grandmother is not feeling_2_. I have to take her to the hospital.奶奶感觉不好,我不得不送她去医院,不能陪你去,所以应是感觉抱歉;故选B2句意:你奶奶感觉不好。A. happy 幸福; B. well 好; C. quiet

5、安静的; D. warm暖和;根据I have to take her to the hospital我不得不送她去医院,可知是感觉不好;故选B3句意:让我告诉你去体育中心的路。A. say 说; B. speak 说; C. tell告诉; D. read读;根据句意排除D;say to sb对某人说,speak to sb对某人说,tell sb告诉某人;故选C4句意:当你走出我们的房子,左转。A. school学校; B. house 房子; C. office 办公室; D. hospital医院;根据结尾Mom,可知是妈妈写的,应是从我们的房子出发;故选B5句意:然后在河上你能看见一

6、座桥。A. you你; B. I我; C. we 我们; D. they他们;根据When you walk out of our _4_, turn left可知是你;故选A6句意:在河的另一边右转。根据Then _5_can see a bridge over a river. Cross the bridge.可知是河的另一边;故选C7句意:在你的左边有一个新邮局。根据on ones left在某人的左边;故选B8句意:你不会错过它。A. miss 错过; B. see 看见; C. forget 忘记; D. visit参观;根据The sports center is next to

7、 the post office.可知是不会错过;故选A9句意:在下午3点,我在体育中心见你。A. call 打电话; B. remember记住; C. meet遇见; D. watch观看;根据Lets have some ice cream after you finish_10_. 你做完运动后让我们去吃冰激凌;可知是见你;故选C10句意:你做完运动后让我们去吃冰激凌。A. reading读; B. writing写; C. singing 唱; D. playing玩;根据sports center.可知是玩运动;故选D点睛:根据前后文语境,结合时态,语态,词性,短语,句型,词义辨析

8、和主谓一致,选出正确的选项。例如:小题10 句意:你做完运动后让我们去吃冰激凌。A. reading读; B. writing写; C. singing 唱; D. playing玩;根据sports center.可知是玩运动;故选DMothers Day is coming. So what do you think is the best 1 for Mothers Day? 2 your mother a present is a good idea. You can 3 a present, such as a scarf, some flowers. But if you buy

9、an expensive present, your mother will think that it is a waste (浪费) of 4 .Another good present is a handmade (手工制作的) card. You can 5 something like “Mum, I love you!” on it. It cant cost (花费) you 6 money, 7 it has a special meaning. You can try to make your 8 different. For example, you can paste (

10、粘贴) a 9 of you and your mother on it. Your mother must be very 10 when she sees the card and the photo.1Apresent Bmonth Cplace Dsubject2ASending BAsking CPainting DCalling3Asell Bsave Cbuy Ddraw4Atime Bmoney Clife Dlove5Awrite Bsee Cuse Dhear6Atoo many Btoo much Ctoo little Dtoo few7Afor Bbut Cso Do

11、r8Acard Bbag Cmoney Dflower9Abook Bpen Cphoto DCD10Asad Bhappy Ctired Dcute【答案】1A2A3C4B5A6B7B8A9C10B【解析】本文是关于母亲节买礼物的话题。1由“_2_ your mother a present is a good idea”及“But if you buy an expensive present”可知,这里应选present(礼物)。故选A。2句意:给你妈妈邮寄一份礼物是个好主意。send“邮寄”,符合语境。故选A。3句意:你可以买一份礼物,比如一条围巾、一些花。buy“买,购买”,符合语境

12、。故选C。4由前半句“But if you buy an expensive present”(但是如果你买一份贵重的礼物)可知,这里应选money。a waste of表示“浪费”。故选B。5句意:你可以写一些如“妈妈,我爱您!”的话在上边。write“写”,符合语境。故选A。6句意:它不会花费你太多钱,但是它有种特殊的意义。money为不可数名词,故用too much“太多”。故选B。7句意:它不会花费你太多钱,但是它有种特殊的意义。表示转折用but 。故选B。8由该段首句“Another good present is a handmade (手工制作的) card”可知,这里应选car

13、d。故选A。9由文章最后一句中的“the card and the photo”可知,应选photo“照片”。故选C。10你妈妈看到卡片和照片的时候,她一定会非常高兴的。happy“高兴的”,符合语境。故选B。点睛:完型填空是一卷难度最大的题。它集阅读理解、语法、词法、句法于一体。是考查语言综合运用的能力的一道题。 解题的方法第一要带着空,通读文章,搞清事件发生的背景。紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,充分利用各种线索,语法知识,以及句子之间的关系,词的搭配,结合上下文背景语境,结合句意选择适合语境的选项。The students of Class 3 are 1 going to have a

14、ny classes next week . Theyre going to 2 the farmers 3 their work on the farm . Theyre going to 4 apples . Many students think its 5 better than having classes . Theyre going get up 6 next Monday morning . Theyre going to meet outside the school gate at 7:10 . The farm is 7 near . Theyre going there

15、 8 bus . Theyre going to 9 on their old clothes . Theyre going to work 10 .1Ano Bnot Chaving Dalways2Ado Bhelp Cmake Dgive3Adoing Bwith Cto make Dto doing4Ahaving Bpicking Cpick Dhave5Amore Bmuch Cmany Dlittle6Alatter Bearlier Cearly Dlate7Anot Bquite Cvery Dno8Atake Btake a Cby Don9Awear Btake Cput

16、 Dhave10Ahard Ba little Cheavy Dhardly【答案】1B2B3B4C5B6C7A8C9C10A【解析】文章讲述了3班的学生下周不上课,他们要去农村摘苹果,他们7点半在校门外集合,他们乘公共汽车去那儿,他们穿上旧衣服,努力工作。1句意:3班的学生下周不上课。Theyre going to _2_ the farmers _3_ their work on the farm . 他们要帮农民在农场干活,可知他们将不上课,将来时态be going to结构否定形式在be 后面加not;故选B2句意: 他们要帮农民在农场干活。A. do 做; B. help 帮助; C

17、. make制造; D. give给;根据Theyre going to _4_ apples 他们要摘苹果,可知是帮农民;故选B3句意: 他们要帮农民在农场干活。根据help sb with sth帮助某人做某事;故选B4句意:他们要摘苹果。A. having 有; B. picking摘 C. pick摘; D. have有;根据将来时态be going to后用动词原形,故排除A/B;根据Theyre going to _2_ the farmers _3_ their work on the farm . 他们要帮农民在农场干活,可知是摘苹果;故选C5句意:许多学生认为它比上课好的多。

18、A. more 更多; B. much 许多; C. many许多; D. little小的,少的;根据much +形容词比较级 -的多;little better好不了多少, many不能修饰比较级,more 更多,much和many的比较级;故选B6句意:下周一早上要早起床。A. later 后来,以后 B. earlier 更早; C. early早地; D. late迟的;根据Theyre going to meet outside the school gate at 7:10可知是早起床,没有比较对象,所以用原级;故选C7句意:农场不近。根据Theyre going there _

19、8_ bus 他们乘公共汽车去那儿,可知是不近,否定句在is后加not;故选A8句意: 他们乘公共汽车去那儿。根据这里需要介词,故排除A/B;根据 by +交通工具,on a +交通工具,故选C9句意:他们穿上旧衣服。 A. wear 穿着; B. take带走; C. put 放; D. have有;根据put on穿上,根据句意故选C10句意:他们要努力工作。A. hard 努力; B. a little 一点; C. heavy 重的; D. hardly几乎不;根据 work hard努力工作,故选A 点睛:根据前后文的语境,结合时态,语态,词性,短语,句型,词义辨析和主谓一致,选出正

20、确的选项。例如:小题1 句意:3班的学生下周不上课。Theyre going to _2_ the farmers _3_ their work on the farm . 他们要帮农民在农场干活,可知他们将不上课,将来时态be going to结构否定形式在be 后面加not;故选BLinda comes from the capital of Jiangsu Province. The Youth Olympic Games took place(举行) 1 August 6, 4. Many people live and work in Nanjing. There are 2 sho

21、pping malls in the big city. It is a very beautiful city. 3 is the best season in Nanjing. Its warm and 4 . People like to go out to 5 their holidays in the open air. And its one of the most beautiful 6 in China. There are many interesting places 7 . People can visit Sun Yatsens Mausoleum(中山陵) and t

22、he Confucius Temple(夫子庙). People 8 buy many souvenirs(纪念品) there. People often go to the Confucius Temple in the evening 9 its more beautiful than in the daytime(白天). There are different kinds of colour 10 everywhere. People like eating the special snacks there.1Ain Bat Con Dby2Aso much Btoo much Cm

23、uch too Dtoo many3ASpring BSummer CAutumn DWinter4Arainy Bsunny Ccloudy Dsnowy5Atake Bspend Cvisit Dwait6Acity Bcountry Ctown Dcities7Avisit Bvisits Cvisiting Dto visit8Aalso can Btoo can Ccan also Dcan too9Aso Band Cbut Dbecause10Alights Bballs Ctrees Dsofas【答案】1C2D3A4B5B6D7D8C9D10A【解析】Linda来自南京,它是

24、江苏省的省会,是一个漂亮的城市,这里有很多有趣的地方可以去参观,例如夫子庙就是人们经常去的一个地方。1句意:青年奥运会在4年8月6号举行。in 泛指在上午、下午或晚上;在月份、年代前;at 在具体时刻;on 在具体某一天;by通过某种方式。空后August 6指具体的一天,故应选C。2句意:在大城市里有太多购物广场。so much 如此多,修饰不可数名词;too much太多,修饰不可数名词;much too太,修饰形容词;too many太多,修饰可数名词。空后的shopping malls是可数名词复数,故应选D。3句意:春季是南京最好的季节。Spring 春天;Summer夏天;Autu

25、mn 秋天;Winter冬天。根据下句话Its warm.可知,春天的时候天气是温暖的,故选A。4句意:天气温暖、晴朗。rainy 下雨的;sunny晴朗的;cloudy多云的,阴天的;snowy下雪的。根据下句话People like to go out to_5_ their holidays in the open air.可知,应该是在晴朗的日子里人们才能外出,故应选B。5句意:人们喜欢到户外度过他们的假期。take 花费,常用于句型It takes sb.+一段时间+to do sth.;spend度过;visit参观;wait等待,不及物动词。空后的宾语是their holiday

26、s,因此应该是度过假期,故选B。6句意:南京也是中国最美丽的城市之一。city 城市;country国家;town城镇;cities城市,复数。根据文意可知,这篇短文说的是南京,它是一个城市,这句话中使用的句型是one of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数,“最的之一”,故应选D。7句意:有很多有趣的地方去参观。visit参观,动词原形;visits第三人称单数形式;visiting 动名词;to visit动词不定式。这里是用动词不定式作后置定语,修饰前面的名词places。故应选D。8句意:人们也可以在那里买很多纪念品。also can 形式错误,also应放在情态动词的后面;too ca

27、n形式错误,too应放在句末;can also也能;can too形式错误。故应选C。9句意:人们经常在晚上去夫子庙,因为那个时候比白天更美丽。so 因此,所以;and 和,而且;but 但是,表示转折;because因为,表示原因。根据句意可知,这里说的是人们经常在晚上去夫子庙的原因,故应选D。10句意:到处有各种各样的彩灯。lights 灯;balls球;trees树;sofas沙发。根据上文People often go to the Confucius Temple in the evening可知,人们经常在晚上去夫子庙,所以那里应该有很多的彩灯。故应选A。点睛:这篇短文给我们介绍了

28、美丽的南京。短文主题突出,内容比较容易理解。题型是完型填空,考查学生们的语言综合运用能力。做题的时候,应先带空通读全文,掌握大意;第二遍的时候边读边做,注意空前后的固定搭配和上下文的语境提示;最后要再读一遍短文,检查答案。例如第1小题考查了几个表示时间的介词,in应放在年代、月份、季节前;on表示具体的某一天;at后面跟时间点;by指到时候。这个空后面是有年月日,指具体的一天,故用on。再如第8小题,考查我们also和too的用法,他们都是“也”的意思,also谓语句中,放在be动词或情态动词后面、实义动词前面;too常放在句末。因此这个题目应选C。Dear Bill,Thank you 1

29、all of your kindness. I really 2 at your house for a month.Would you like 3 me in China next August? My younger brother 4 his holiday in France next summer, and you can 5 his room! But 6 be too surprised when you see it. Hes crazy(疯狂)about football, so he has many pictures of famous football players

30、 7 the wall. His room is very comfortable, and you will enjoy staying in it.In his room 8 a colour TV. Its not a big one. You can use my brothers CD player, too. I 9 sure you will like China. Say 10 to everyone in your family for me. Write back soon. Your friend, Li Ling1Avery much Bwith Cfor DIn2Alike to stay Blike staying Cenjoyed to stay Denjoyed staying3Avisit Bvisited Cvisiting Dto visit4Ahas Bhad Chave Dwill have5Ause Bborrow Cstay Dlive6Adont Bwont Cm

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