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高考英语冲刺绝密档案经典句型300例重点句型 高考.docx

1、高考英语冲刺绝密档案经典句型300例重点句型 高考2014高考英语冲刺绝密档案:经典句型300例(重点句型)1. According to 依照/根据 2. Am I allowed to 我可以吗 3. As matter of fact 实际上 4. As far as Im concerned 就我而言 5. As far as I know 据我所知 6. As I just mentioned 正如我刚才提到过的 7. As I see it 在我看来 8. As is known to us all 众所周知, 9. As long as 只要 10. But for. 若不是因为

2、;如果没有 11. Can you believe (that) 你相信吗 12. Can you imagine 你能想像吗 13. Could you please explain 你能解释一下吗 14. Cant we. 难道我们不能吗 15. Could you do me a favor and. 能否请你帮我一个忙 16. Do you by any chance know. 你(碰巧)知道吗 17. Do you enjoy doing. 你喜欢做吗 18. Do you happen to know. 你(碰巧)知道吗 19. Do you have any good ways

3、 to. 你有没有的好办法 20. Did you know (that). 你知道吗 21. Do you know if (whether). 你知道是否 22. Do (Would) you mind doing. 你介意做吗 23. Do (Would) you mind if. 如果你是否介意 24. Do you realize (that). 你有没有意识到 25. Do you think it is possible to. 你认为可能吗 26. Do you think it necessary to. 你认为有必要吗 27. doesnt make sense 没有道理/

4、没有意义/不清楚 28. Dont be afraid of.不要害怕 29. Dont take it for granted that.别认为理所当然 30. Dont waste time doing.不要浪费时间做 31. Dont you think that.难道你不认为吗 32. Excuse me for.请原谅我 33. For one thing For another一方面;另一方面. 34. From my point of view在我看来, 35. From where I stand从我的立场来说 36. Generally speaking总的来说 37. Ha

5、rdly when.一就. 倒装句型 38. Have you considered doing.你有没有考虑过做 39. Have you decided.你决定好了吗 40. Have you ever been to.你曾经去过吗 41. Have you thought about(of) .你有没有想过 42. Havent you heard of .难道你没听说过吗 43. How are you getting on (along) with. 进展如何/与相处如何 44. How are you going to.你打算如何 45. How does sound(听起来)怎么

6、样 46. How long will it take you to.要用多长时间 47. How should I.我该如何 48. I absolutely agree with我完全同意 49. I absolutely agree with我完全同意 50. Im grateful for.我对特别感激 51. I am planning to我打算 52. I am very pleased to have this opportunity to.我很高兴有机会 53. I apologize for.我为道歉 54. I believe (that)我相信 55. I believ

7、e we should.我认为我们应该 56. I cant imagine.我无法想像 57. I cant stand it when.我无法忍受 58. I didnt expect to.我没想到 59. I didnt mean to.我不是有意 60. I didnt realize.我不知道.俄没意识到 61. I (dont) feel like.我(不)想 62. I dont get very excited about.我对不怎么感兴趣. 63. I dont know how to.我不知道如何 64. I dont see (that).我看不出/我认为不. 65.

8、I dont think it is necessary to.我认为没有必要 66. I dont think its right to.我认为是不对的. 67. I doubt that if (whether).我怀疑/我不相信 68. I dream of.我梦想 69. Im dying to.我渴望.俄盼望 70. I feel very honored to.我觉得很荣幸 71. Im fed up with.我厌倦了.我受够了 72. Im sick and tired of.我对感到厌烦. 73. I find it hard for me to.我发现对我来说很难 74.

9、I hate to disagree with you, but.我不想跟你有不同意见,但是 75. I have confidence in.我相信.我对有信心. 76. I have nothing to do with.我与无关. 77. I have no experience in.我在方面没有经验 78. I havent (done). for a long time我很久没有了 79. I insist that.我坚决要求 80. I insist on (doing)我坚持 81. I intend to我打算 82. I like nothing better than.

10、我喜欢胜过任何东西 83. I never dreamed of我从未想过 84. I prefer. to我喜欢甚于 85. I prefer to. rather than.我宁愿.而不愿 86. I really want to know.我真的很想知道 87. I set my mind to do sth (on sth)我下定决心. 88. I sincerely hope that.我真诚地希望 89. I strongly advise you to.我强烈建议你 90. I suggest (that).我建议 91. I think this is a good chanc

11、e for you to.我认为这是你.的一个好机会 92. I think it is a good idea to.我认为是个好主意 93. I think it is a waste of money (time) doing.我觉得是浪费金钱/时间. 94. I think its wrong to.我认为是不对的. 95. I think that it is impossible to.我觉得是不可能的. 96. I think you might like to.我想你可能会喜,灯想 97. I think youd better.我觉得你最好 98. I want to exp

12、ress my gratitude to.我要感谢 99. I was impressed by.我被打动了;给我留下深刻印象. 100. I (wonder) was wondering if.我想知道/我在想是否 101. I demanded (that).我要求 102. I wont.unless除非否则我不会 103. I used to.我过去常常 104. I would advise you to.我会建议你 105. I would appreciate it if.如果,我会非常感激. 106. I would like to recommend.我想推荐 107. I

13、would like to. rather than.我宁愿也不 108. I would rather.than.我宁愿,而不愿 109. I wouldnt feel happy if.如果我会不高兴的 110. Id be happy to if youd like如果你愿意,我很高兴 111. Id like to know more about.我想了解更多关于 112. Id like to suggest you do.我想建议你 113. Id like (love) to, but.我很想,但 114. Im (not) certain.我(不)确定 115. Im afra

14、id I wont be able to.恐怕我不能 116. Im busy with (doing).我正忙于 117. Im considering (doing).我正考虑 118. Im convinced that.我确信 119. Im curious to (do) about.我对(做)很好奇 120. Im determined to.我决定 121. Im getting a little concerned about.我对有点担忧. 122. Im interested in.我对感兴趣 123. Im (just) calling to.我打电话来是要 124. I

15、m (not) sure.我(不是)很确定 125. Im not very interested in.我对不是很感兴趣 126. Im occupied (with).我忙于 127. Im really fond of.我的确喜欢 128. Im really (terribly) sorry for.我对感到非常抱歉 129. Ive been thinking about.我一直想 130. I have a desire to.我非常渴望 131. Ive decided to.我已经决定 132. If I did., I would.如果我,我会 133. If I had d

16、one., I would have done.如果我,我就会 134. If I were you. I would.如果我是你,我就会 135. If only.!真希望!若是那该多好啊! 136. If it is possible可能的话 137. If you ask me, I think.如果你问我,我认为 138. If you want to.youll have to.如果你想,你将不得不 139. In a word.总之, 140. In brief (short) .简言之, 141. In conclusion, .最后,.聪之, 142. In general般而

17、言, 143. In my opinion (view)我认为 144. In order to you should.为了你应该 145. In other words换句话说 146. In that case既然那样 147. .is of great importance.很重要 148. Is it convenient for you to.你是否方便 149. Is it OK if如果可以吗 150. Is it possible to.有可能吗 151. Is there a better way to有没有更好的方法 152. Is there any chance you

18、 could possibly你有没有可能 153. Is there anything else that还有别的吗 154. It appears that看来,/ 似乎 155. It depends on whether这取决于是否 156. It doesnt make sense to没有任何意义 157. It doesnt matter whether (if)如果也没关系. 158. It goes without saying that理应如此/不言而喻. 159. It makes a (no) difference (to sb.)(对某人来说)很重要/无所谓 160.

19、 It occurred to me that浮现于我的脑中.我想起 161. It wont do any harm to没有坏处 162. It would be wonderful if要是那就太好了 163. It happened that很偶然 164. It helps if如果的话,将会(对某人)有帮助/好处 165. Its amazing (that)很了不起 166. It is bad to是不好的 167. Its hard to imagine很难想像 168. It is believed that人们认为 169. It didnt (wont) take lo

20、ng before.没多久/不需要多久就 170. It is easier to. than to比.容易 171. It is easy enough to相当容易 172. It is essential that.有必要 173. It is good manners to do是有礼貌的表现. 174. It is high time .现在是的时候了;早就应该了 175. It is hoped that.希望 176. It is important that是很重要的 177. Its long been my dream to一直是我的梦想 178. It is (very

21、/not) likely that.(很/没)有可能 179. It is (not) necessary to是(没)有必要的 180. It is no use doing sth.做某事是毫无用处的 181. It is not unusual for sb to do.某人做不足为奇 182. It is possible (impossible) to是(不)可能的 183. It is dangerous to危险 184. It is (rather) common to do.(相当)普遍 185. It is reported that.据说;据报导 186. lt is r

22、equired that要求 187. It is said that据说 188. It is thought that.人们认为 189. It is (not) true that(不)是真的. 190. It is (very) difficult to(非常)困难. 191. Ifs really a challenge for me to对我来说确实是一个挑战 192. It is (very) useful to很有用 193. It is (was) obvious (clear) that.很明显 194. It seems (seemed) that.好像.似乎 195.

23、It sounds like听起来好像 196. It takes sb some time (money) to do sth.某人花多长时间/多少钱做某事 197. It wasnt until that.直到才 198. It would be wonderful if.如果那就太好了 199. Its not (just) like sb to do sth.的行为不/正像某人的一贯作风 200. lts a bad habit to是一个坏习惯 201. Its a great pleasure to(感到)非常愉快 202. Its customary to.是习惯 203. It

24、s delightful to令人很高兴 204. lts my great honor to是我莫大的荣幸 205. Its (not) good to.(不)好 206. Its our duty to.是我们的责任 207. Its wrong to是不对的 208. Its a shame (pity) that.可惜/遗憾 209. It is (really) unbelievable that(真)让人难以置信 210. It is (will be) difficult to(会)很难 211. Itll do you good to对你有好处 212. Last but no

25、t least最后但同样重要的是 213. Let me explain why让我解释为什么 214. Let me fill you in on.让我来告诉你 215. (Just) let me know if.如果,请告诉我 216. Let me see if.让我看看是否 217. Make sure to do sth定要做某事 218. Maybe its better to.可能会更好一些 219. means a great deal to me对我意义重大 220. My dream (goal) (plan) is.我的梦想/目标/希望所划是 221. My point

26、 of view is that.我的观点是 222. no matter what.无论什么 223. no one can deny that.没有人能够否认 224. no sooner.than.一就 225. no words can express.语言难以表达;难以言表 226. Not until.did.直到才 227. Now that既然/由于 228. On the condition that条件是 229. On the contrary正好相反 230. On (the) one hand on the other (hand)一方面,另一方面 231. One

27、of the is最之一的就是 232. Personally, I think ( believe) (feel).我个人认为/相信/感觉 233. Please dont hesitate to.请随时 234. Please feel free to请随时 235. Please forgive me for请原谅我 236. Please give my best wishes to.请代我问候 237. Recent studies show that.最近研究表明 238. Sb. can do nothing but do.除了做,某人什么也做不了 239. Sb. have n

28、o choice but to do.某人除了做别无选择 240. Sb. look(s) as if.某人看上去好像 241. Something must be done to必须采取措施 242. Sorry to bother you, but很抱歉打扰你,可是 243. Thanks to.由于/多亏 244. The point is.重点/关键是 245. The problem is that问题是 246. The reason why. is的原因就是 247. The secret to.的秘诀是. 248. The way I see it我的看法是 249. This was the moment when就是那个时候 250. That reminds me那提醒了我;那让我想起了 251. There are signs that.有的迹象/征兆.有迹象表明/显示 252. There is no doubt that.毫无疑问 253. There seems to be.看起来好像 254. There used to be.过去曾有;曾经有过 255. Theres

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