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创新设计学年高中英语同步精练必修4 Unit 2 Section Ⅱ 人教版课标通用.docx

1、创新设计学年高中英语同步精练必修4 Unit 2 Section 人教版课标通用Unit 2 Working the land Section Learning about Language 课时精练(人教版必修4,课标通用).短语填空(be) confused about,reduce to.,wash off,build up,lead to,in addition,turn to,focus on/upon, of/from.,make comments on/upon1.There is no doubt that stress can _ physical illn

2、ess.2We will _ three main topics.3Im still a little _ what happened.4By losing weight,her weight has _ 98 jin.5If you have any questions,you can _ me at any time.6I dont want to _ other peoples privacy.7We would like to _a world _ violence for children.8These exercises are good for _ leg strength.9T

3、here was an earthquake and,_,there were tidal waves.10It was hard to _ the dirt.答案1.lead to2.focus on/upon3.confused about4reduced to5.turn to6.make comments on/upon7keep,free of/from8.building addition10wash off.单项填空1(2013长沙高一检测)This is a _ problem,which can be seen from her _ look.Aconfusin

4、g;confusing Bconfused;confusingCconfusing;confused Dconfused;confused答案C考查confuse的用法。句意:从她那困惑的表情可以看出这是一个令人困惑的问题。confused困惑的;迷惑不解的;被弄糊涂的,表示人的内心感受;confusing使人困惑的;令人迷惑的;使人混乱的,表示事物的特点。因此选C。2With the pressure _,she was off work for weeks because she couldnt stand it any more.Apicking up Bmaking upCbuildi

5、ng up Dputting up答案C考查短语辨析。句意:随着压力的增加,她几个星期没上班,因为她再也忍受不了了。pick up拾起,捡起;make up弥补,编造;put up 张贴,搭起;build up逐渐增强。由句意可知应选C项。3All her energies are _ upon her children and she seems to have little time for anything else.Aaimed Bfocused Cguided Ddirected答案B句意:她把所有的精力都倾注在她孩子身上,几乎没有时间关注其他的事情。focus与介词on或upon连

6、用,意为“集中(注意力、精力等)于”。aim常与介词at连用;guide意为“带领”时,常与to连用;direct“指导”。故选B项。4(2013唐山高一检测)The cars give off a great deal of waste gas in the street.Yes,but Im sure something will be done to _air pollution.Areduce Bremove Ccollect Dwarn答案A考查动词辨析。句意:汽车在街道上释放出大量的废气。没错,但我相信会采取措施减少空气污染的。reduce减少;remove移开;collect 收

7、集;warn警告。5They are working hard to _sorghum and peanuts _ from being destroyed by pests and chemicals.Akeep;free Bhunger;disturbingCequip;sunburnt Dskim;super答案A句意:他们正在努力保护高粱和花生免遭害虫和化学物质的破坏。 from.使免遭侵害。6(2013杭州高一检测)Having been ill in bed for nearly a month,he had a hard time in _the exam.Ap

8、ass Bto pass Cpassed Dpassing答案D句意:卧病在床接近一个月,他很困难地通过了考试。have a hard time in doing sth做某事有困难。所填空处作介词in的宾语。7_ to the party made us very much disappointed.ANot Jacks coming BJacks not comingCJack coming DJack not coming答案B考查动名词的复合结构作主语。动名词的否定形式要将not放在动名词之前,故A项可排除。当动名词复合结构作主语时,动名词前必须使用名词所有格或形容词性物主代词,而不可

9、用名词普通格或宾格代词代替,故C、D两项也可排除。8Can you give some explanation about the accident caused by the sons of the rich yesterday?_.ANo comment BNo doubtCNo use DNo wonder答案A句意:你能解释一下昨天富二代引起的意外吗?无可奉告。no comment 无可奉告;no doubt 毫无疑问;no use 没用;no wonder 不足为奇。根据句意应选A。9(2013郑州高一检测)People seldom realize the voice needs

10、_.Many people over 65 sound much older than they are.Alooking after Bto look afterClook after Dto be looking after答案A考查非谓语动词。句意:人们很少意识到声音也需要保护。很多65岁以上的人听起来要比实际年龄大。need doing 常用主动形式表示被动意义。相当于need to be done。10(2013宝鸡高一检测)We firmly believe that war never settles anything.It only _ violence.Aruns into

11、Bcomes fromCleads to Dbegins with答案C考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们坚信战争不会解决任何问题,它只会引发暴力。lead to有“导致”之意,由句意知应选C项。run into撞上;come from来自;begin with以开始,三者均与句意不符。11Since you didnt agree with him,why didnt you raise objections at the meeting?Well,now I regret _ that.Ato do Bnot to doCdoing Dnot doing答案D考查regret 的用法。句意:既然

12、你不同意他的话,为什么不在会议上提出反对呢?噢,现在我后悔没那样做了。regret后接动名词作宾语表示“后悔做了某事”。因此选D。12As an adult,he still remembers _ to visit the Forbidden City.Ato take Bto be takenCtaking Dbeing taken答案D考查remember 后接非谓语动词作宾语。句意:当他成年时,他仍记得被带去参观紫禁城的情景。remember doing sth记得做过某事。13In my mind,_that famous university will be the only wa

13、y to become a worldclass writer.Aattending BattendedCattend Dhaving attended答案A考查非谓语动词作主语。句意:我认为,上那所名校将是成为世界一流作家的唯一途径。动词ing形式在句中作主语。14Which do you like better,swimming or skating?I _ swimming to skating.Aenjoy Blike Cprefer Dlove答案C考查动词词义辨析。句意:游泳和溜冰你更喜欢哪一个?我喜欢游泳胜过溜冰。”prefer(doing) sth to(doing) sth“

14、与(做)某事相比,更喜欢(做)某事”,为固定搭配。15_,I think the movie is moving,interesting,and worth spending time on.AIn order BIn peaceCIn return DIn summary答案D句意:总的来说,我觉得这部电影既感人又有趣,值得花时间去看。in summary“总的来说;概括起来”,符合题意。in order井然有序;in peace 和平地,和睦地;in return作为报答,作为回报。.完成句子1因此,骑上我们的自行车,一起为打造一个低碳城市而勇挑重担吧。Therefore,lets tak

15、e the responsibility _ _ _ a low carbon city by riding bicycles.2我很遗憾的告诉你我不能去看望你了。I _ _ _ you that I cant go to see you.3集中注意力开车是很重要的,尤其是在这样结冰的路上。_ _ your driving is very important,especially on such an icy road.4他盖上了桌子,使它远离灰尘。He put a cover on the table _ _ _ _ _ dirt.5中央电视台经常邀请著名专家评论国际局势。Famous ex

16、perts are often invited to CCTV _ _ _ international situations.答案1.tobuildup2.regrettotell3.Focusingon4.tokeepitfreefrom5.tocommenton.完形填空Dear editor,Im a student in a common agricultural university.As you know,few people think _1_ of an agricultural university,especially which is not _2_.It is ten

17、times _3_ difficult for a graduate from our university to _4_ a satisfactory job than for those who _5_more respected subjects at a famous university.Most graduates from our university can _6_ to be treated coldly.Last year a _7_ from our university attended a talent fair (人才招聘会) _8_in Guangzhou.He

18、joined a queue to _9_ in his recommendation (推荐) form for an interview.When his _10_ came,the interviewer asked him,“Which university did you graduate from?” When the graduate told him the _11_of our university,the interviewer said with a sneer,“What?Ive never heard of that university.Go!Next!”He wa

19、ved his hand _12_even taking a look at his recommendation form and took no notice of the graduates request for a chance to show his skills and _13_.Another interviewer told the graduate,“Sorry,if you had graduated from Peking University,we would take you on.”How _14_ the graduate was!I wondered what

20、 these employers _15_wanted:the name of a famous university _16_ knowledge and technology?It is true that _17_ students from common universities dont have the same abilities as those students from key ones on the whole,but that doesnt _18_ that all of us are less able students.Im _19_ that we are go

21、ing to try to do as well as those from key universities.We will _20_the employers with our skills.So give us a chance.Yours,Li Hua1.A.lowly Bhighly Clittle Dgreatly答案B从下句可得此答案。联系全文我们可以知道,人们对农业大学,尤其是非名牌农业大学并不看重,空前的few决定了其他答案不能入选。2A.wellknown BbeautifulCimportant Dskillful答案A从第三段中的“Sorry,if you had gr

22、aduated from Peking University,we would take you on.”我们得知,招聘者看重的是大学的名气,而不是技能的重要性。从全文来看可排除其他选项。3A.greater Bless Cfewer Dmore答案D本空承接上句而来,“很少有人看得起农业大学,尤其是非名牌农业大学”,因此我们大学的毕业生找工作更加困难。A、C不能修饰形容词比较级。B项与语意相反。4A.accept Bfind Cchange Dfollow答案Bfind a job意思是“找工作”。通读全文,我们可以知道,作者谈论的是大学生找工作难的问题,而不是接受工作或改变工作,因此A、C

23、不合题意。 BunderstandCchange Dfollow答案A作者在此将农业大学与有着令人尊敬的专业的著名大学相比。从空后的respected subjects可得此答案提示。6A.need Bwish Cexpect Dhope答案C“预计我们大学的大多数毕业生都会被冷漠对待”,从下文一名大学毕业生的求职经历,作者作出如此预测,其他选项不合题意。7A.teacher Bgraduate Cparent Dprofessor答案B从后文“Which university did you graduate from?”When the graduate.我们得知,去求职的

24、是一名毕业生。本文讨论的是非名牌、非热门专业大学生就业难的问题,因此A、C、D不合题意。8A.held Bbuilt Chad Doffered答案A“在广州举办的人才招聘会”。held在这里为过去分词作定语,意思是“举办”。B、D与人才交流会不能连用。have也有“举办”的意思,但不能用于被动结构。9A.give Bshare Clet Dhand答案D联系上下文我们可以得知,这名毕业生要参加求职面试,因此他首先要递交(hand in) 他的面试推荐表。give in意思是“屈服,投降”;share in 意思是“分担”;let in 意思是“让进入”,都不符合题意。10A.time Btu

25、rn Cchance Dinterview答案B由前文的He joined a queue.我们知道,他是站在求职者的队伍中排队等候,因此作者说“当轮到他时”。11A.address Btelephone Cname Dnumber答案C从后文“What?Ive never heard of that university.”我们得知,这名毕业生告诉他的是作者学校的校名,而不是地址或电话。12A.with Baway Cup Dwithout答案D他甚至没有看一眼推荐表。从空后的even可以得到此答案提示。A项与语意相反,B、C两项都是副词,后面不能接doing作宾语。13A.books Bs

26、ubjectsCrequest Dknowledge答案D按照常规,面试者应该注重学生的技能和学识。14A.pity Bsurprised Cangry Dsorry答案C听了这番话,生气是正常的。15A.really Bcertainly Cfinally Dproudly答案A由空后问句可知,作者想知道面试者想得到的究竟是什么。16A.or Band Cbut Dso答案A这里表示选择。17A.much Bsome Cmany Dmost答案B要得到本空的答案,我们首先要弄明白作者的态度;作者对面试者拒绝农业大学的毕业生感到极度气愤。他认为农业大学的毕业生并不比名牌大学的毕业生能力差。因此

27、他认为,从总体上来说,只有少数的农业大学毕业生不如名牌大学的毕业生。C、D有较大干扰性。但根据作者的态度来看都不如B合适。18A.explain Bmean Csay Dtranslate答案B弄明白第17空的答案此题便随之迎刃而解。some students并不能代表all of us。say的主语一般是人。19A.practical Bpopular Clucky Dsure答案D“.we are going to try to do as well as those from key universities.”是作者确信的内容。20A.impress Bwarn Cprove Ddis

28、appoint答案A“我们要用我们的技能给雇主留下深刻印象。”C有一定干扰性,空后的the employers 决定了C不正确;impress sb 意思是“给留下深刻印象”。.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Upon their arrive,we gave the American students a warm welcome but a boy named Tim was to stay with my family for the weekend.While they were introducing them,I already recognize

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