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1、大学英语听力原文及答案doc大学英语听力原文及答案 【篇一:全新版大学英语 (第二版 )听说教程 2 听力原文】class=txtunit 1 sports part alistening strategy identifying numbers numbers appear very often in every kind of listening material.the ability to catch the exact numbers spoken in english is animportant but difficult skill for a chinese learner.

2、 a good way isto practice over and over again the pronunciation of thenumbers, particularly the different ways to say thirteen andthirty, fourteen and forty, etc. it also helps to practice writingdown the numbers you hear quickly in numerical forms,without translating them into chinese. youre going

3、to hear apassage about michael jordan, a retired american professionalbasketball player. listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing numbers. michael jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. hewas born on feb.17, 1963, in brooklyn, new york. he is 1.98meters tall and weighs

4、 216 pounds. jordan joined the chicagobulls team for the 1984 season. in the 1986 season he shot3041 points, the third highest score ever. he was named nbaslam dunk champion( 扣篮冠军 )in 1987 and won the mostvaluable player award in 1988, an honor repeated four times inthe next ten years to 1998. jorda

5、n guided his team to win sixnba championships during the 1990s, scoring 45 points duringthe sixth and last game of the 1998 nba finals. in 1999, he wasnamed the greatest north american athlete of the 20th century.jordan left the nba at the beginning of the 1993-1994 nbaseason to pursue a career in b

6、aseball. since his baseball gamewasnt quite as good as his basketball games, he finally gave itup to rejoin the bulls in 1995. yet, after playing for five moreyears, he once again announced his retirement in 1999. but hereturned for two more nba games in 2001 as a member of thewashington wizards.ti:

7、unit 1 part b listening tasks a conversationwhy dont you join me at the gym sometime?exercise 1 listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to thequestions you hear. peter: hi laura. where are you heading with that big bag? laura: hi, peter. im off to the gym. ive got to stay in shape, y

8、ouknow. i try to go three times a week, but im busy so i cantalways make it. peter: i know more women who work out than men. whats themain reason you work out? for your health, or to look good? laura: to be honest, for both. with women, good looks arealways a very important consideration. peter: if

9、they werehonest, most men who work out would admit that they also doit to look better, and not merely for health reasons. laura: how about you? do you get any regular exercise? peter: i do a lot of walking, for exercise and enjoymentsometimes ten to twenty kilometers at a time but i never go tothe g

10、ym like you do. laura: well, walking is good exercise. how about sports? laura: i play tennis fairly regularly with my friends, andsometimes go swimming and cycling by myself. peter: oh, i forgot about that. i go cycling sometimes too. and ioften go swimming on vacation, but only recreationalswimmin

11、g. laura: why dont you join me at the gym sometime? i can getyou a guest pass. peter: well, maybe someday, but im pretty lazy about thingslike that.questions1. what do you know about peter?2. where might the two speakers be having this conversation? speaking taskspair work listen to the following co

12、nversations and repeat after therecording. then role-play them with your partner. conversation 1a: whats your plan for this evening? b: well, theres a good game at the stadium but i havent got aticket yet. a: im going to the gym. would you like to come along? i canget a guest pass for you. b: thats

13、wonderful. id always wantedto work out in the new gym. thank you very much.conversation 2 a: hi, xiao wang. fancy meeting you here! how are you doing? b: cant complain. im busy with my experiments in the lab. butafter work i often play some sports a: like what? b: like swimming, running and sometime

14、s tennis. a: tennis? thats my favorite game. say, whatre you doing thisweekend?b: nothing particular. i guess ill probably just work in the lab.a: come on. you need to relax. what about a game of tennis?b: ok. conversation 3a: are you doing anything special tomorrow, bob?b: not really. why do you as

15、k? a: some of us are going motorcycling. would you like to joinus?b: motorcycling? ive never done that. isnt it a bit dangerous?a: maybe, but its really exciting.b: i enjoy jogging. its more relaxing.a: thats a good form of exercise. it can help you stay in shape.b: yes, its also safer. now make sim

16、ilar conversations according to the givensituations. use the structures and expressions above in yourconversations where appropriateti:unit 1 part c test your listening youre going to hear five short conversations. listen carefullyand choose the right answers to the questions you hear. 1. w: i like

17、playing basketball, volleyball and table tennis. whatabout you?m: well, tennis is my favorite sport. q: what sport does the man like?2. w: you dont like boxing very much, do you?m: its far from being my kind of sport.q: what does the man mean?3. w: i think yesterdays football game was quite exciting

18、.what about you, john?m: you said it. but it was a bit long.q: what does the man think about the football game?4. w: do you like to play chess? m: i like the game, but i dont play it often enough. im afraid imnot a very good chess player. q: what does the man mean? 5. m: i knew the names of all the

19、football players and the datesof all the games in my high school days. but recently i havefailed to keep up with football.w: now you are busy with your golf games.q: what do you know about the man from the conversation? unit 2 food and drinkspart alistening strategylistening between the lines people

20、 do not always say directly what they mean. very often,we have to listen between the lines. the english languageoffers many ways for people to imply, rather than directly state,their meaning. to find out what a speaker really means, we canrely on such things as the context, the meaning of an idiom,a

21、nd the intonation used. for example, if someone says i havean essay to write in answer to an invitation to go somewhere,we can infer from the context that he cannot accept theinvitation. and if someone says andrew passed with flyingcolors in reply to an inquiry about how andrew did on a test,we can

22、infer from the meaning of the idiom to pass with flyingcolors that andrew did very well on the test. often, intonationalso helps to reveal the real meaning of a message. forexample, he is very clever said with an ironic tone means justthe opposite. you are going to hear eight short conversationsbetw

23、een two speakers. listen carefully and write down yes or no to each of thefollowing questions. 1. m: have you ever been to that big restaurant opposite theschool gate?w: yes, many times. whenever my friends come to visit me, ill take them there toeat.2. w: is there something wrong, sir? m: my wife a

24、nd i have been kept waiting for nearly an hour forour meal. 3. w: where is the cake i made this morning? m: we ate it, mom. can you make another one for us?4. w: i hear you like chicken very much. m: next to beef.5. m: have you tried this wine before?w: no, never. its my first time, but its really t

25、o my taste.6. w: john, do you want a soda? m: soda? i think it tastes like medicine. 7. w: why, the fish is left almost untouched. m: well, it would be good if it were less salty. 8. m: hi, sue, would you like to eat out tonight? w: oh, id really like to, but my sister may come to visit me thiseveni

26、ng.ti:unit 2 part b listening tasks a conversationwhat about dining out? exercise 1 listen to the conversation and complete the followingsentences.peter: hi, kate.kate: hi, peter. how have you been?peter: oh, ok, i guess. and you? kate: not too bad. we havent seen each other for a while, havewe? pet

27、er: no, we havent. so that makes me ask. do you have anyplan for this saturday?kate: no, not yet, i dont think so. why? peter: what do you think about getting together and going outto dinner this weekend? kate: that would be great. do you haveany particular place in mind? peter: well, i think id lik

28、e to eat something thats not too heavy.ive been eating a little too much lately. kate: me too. peter: i love italian food, but maybe we should skip that thistime. they always seem to serve so much food in italianrestaurants, and you end up eating more than you wanted to. kate: chinese food would be

29、good. peter: yes, or maybe some japanese sushi. that style uses alot of natural flavors, and not much oil or cream or heavysauces. kate: yes, either of those choices would be good. lets justmeet on saturday night, and decide then where to eat. peter: thats fine by me.speaking tasks pair work listen

30、to the following conversations and repeat after therecording. then role-play them with your partner. conversation 1(at the school canteen) a: what a crowd!b: this is the worst time. the morning classes are just over.everybody is hungry and rushes here to have lunch. a: thats true. im starving and i

31、cant wait. id rather not stand ina long line.b: why dont we have some fried noodles?a: noodles are sold at no. 2 box. no queue there, you see.b: thats great. (at no. 2 box)counter hand: what can i get you?a: one plate of fried noodles, please.b: make it two.counter hand: ok. two plates of fried noodles. anything else?a: how much is the tomato soup?counter hand: its free. it goes with the noodles.a: i see. (to b) do you want any soup?b: yes.a: (to counter hand) two bowls of soup, please.conversation 2(at a fast food restaurant) counter hand: what can i do

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