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1、人教版九年级英语Unit1词汇句型语法与练习附作文两篇Unit 1.How do you study for your test?必诵词汇 /句型(一) for (a math/an English)tes复习迎考(数学,英语);2.1 isten to tapes听磁带; listen to music 听音乐; English movies看英文电影;4.memorize new words 记住新单词; in groups以小组的形式(工作,学习);6.make vocabulary lists 制作词汇表; aloud大声朗读;8.

2、study/learn English学英语;*1.-How do you study for a test?尔如何复习迎考?-How do you study for an English test?-I study (En glish)by:(通过-形式)liste ning to tapes 听磁带 read ing aloud 大声朗读working in groups/work with a group 以 小 组 形 式 合 作 working with friends 和朋友合作memorizi ng new words 记住新单词ask ing the teacher for

3、help 向老师求助by making vocabulary lists 制作词汇表maki ng flashcards 制作抽认卡*2.-How do you learn/study English?你如何学英语?-I learn/study En glish by 通过-形式:watchi ng En glish movies*3.-How does Maria study En glish玛利亚如何学习英语? 玛利亚通过听磁带学习英语*4.(1)Do you learn English by watching English-language videos? 尔通过看英文 语言的视频学习

4、英语吗?(2)-Do you ever practice conversations with friends? 尔曾经和朋友一起练习会话吗?-Yes,it improves my speaki ng skills是的,它能提高我的会话技巧(3)*What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 大声朗读练习发声如何啊?*Why not read aloud to practice pronunciation?何不大声朗读来练习发声呢?(4)-Have you ever studied with a group ?尔曾经参加过小组学习吗?

5、-Yes,Ihave.I have learned a lo学到很多 that way 那种方法.是的,那种方法我学到许多东西。必背词汇 /句型 (二):1.look up 查阅单词,查阅工具书(1)Please look up 查阅(单词,工具书)the new words in the dicti on ary.(2)Please don t look up every new words in the dictionary when you read articles文 章.2.practice doi ng sth 练习做某事(1)Tony practices speaking Eng

6、lish every night.(2)Jenny usually practices playing the piano on weekends.3.regard-as-把-当作Uncle Wang is very kind,he regards me as his daughter.4.*Don t laugh at others when they (are in trouble/get into trouble).5.have problems/difficulty (in)doing sth 做某事有困难hake sentence造句; make complete sentenee造

7、完整的句子;get on with sb 与某某相处;(1)T ony has trouble gett ing on with his classmate托 尼和同学相处不好。(2)1 have trouble (in) mak ing complete sen te nces我不会造完整的句子。(3)I have great trouble( in )learning math and I m so worried.Could you help me? the math test 数学考试不及格;don t/didn t pass the exam考试没通过;(1

8、)I was unhappy this time,because I failed this math test;(2)I failed this middle exam 期中考试=I didn t pass 没有通过 this middle exam7.(1)It s very important for students to take notes in class. 对于学生来说在课堂上做笔记很重要。(2)I usually take notes in grammar class.8.learn from sb向某某学习(1)We should learn from Leifeng. (

9、2)I think I should learn from you.(3)We should learn from each othei互相学习 proud of sb=take pride insb对某某弓丨以自豪:(1)I m proud of my father ,because he is a great scientist.(2)We chin ese people are very proud of LiuXia ng,he is a great playe运动员。10.make a mistake=make mistakes犯错; make lots of mistak

10、es.犯了许多错误; Communicate with sb 与某某交流; improve speaking skills 提高讲话技巧; Improve listening skills 提高听力技巧;(1)You shouldn t be afraid of 害怕 making mistakes,communicate交流,交谈 with others 别人,and 那E么 you ll improve your speaking skills.(2)Listening to tapes can improve your listening skill(3)I failed 失败,不及格

11、this Chinese test,because I made lots of mistakes.(4)I failed this English test,because I made lots of mistakes in grammar.11.To begin with-later on-一开始 -随后- ;12.end up (with)结束,以-而收场;end up doing sth结果-*The Tv en ded up with a sad en di ng这电视以一个悲剧的结局而收场。*He en ded up sayi ng n oth ing结果他什么也没有说。13.b

12、e impressed by对-留下深刻印象*I was very impressed by his good-looki ng我对她漂亮的外貌印象很深 useful有用的;be helpful有帮助的,有益的。(1)English is very useful and important in our daily life 在日常生活中 .(2)Making conversations with others can be helpful in our English study.15.try my best尽我最大努力(1)Studying grammar is very bor

13、ing,but I will try my best to study it.(2)I will try my best to study English sb doi ng sth看见某人正在做某事Fin d/fou nd sb doi ng sth发现某人正在做某事;(1)We watched him playing basketball when we saw him yesterday.(2)When he arrived at the office 办公室, he found 发现 all the workers working. 当他到达办公室的时候,发

14、现所有的工作人员在工作。17.It doesnt matter 不要紧,没关系。*It doesn t matter to me what you do你做什么对我不重要18.instead取而代之的是;in stead of代替,而不是;(1)He likes playing the guitar =He doesn t like playing the violin,he likes playingthe guitar instead(2)Could you go to the airport机场 to meet my mother of me代替我?I m busy now.(3)The

15、y went to the Great Wall of visiting Paris last month.=Last month,they didn t visit Paris,they went to the Great Wall instead.补充材料 longer=not any longer不再; No more=not any more不再;(1)Jenny is no longer a doctor now=Jenny is not a doctor any longer.(2)Tonny doesn t get to school late ang more=Tony

16、 no more gets to school late.2.although,though,even though虽然,尽管,即使(Although he is poor 穷,he is always helpful 乐于助人 to others另S人。(2)Though there are有 some new words in the novel小说,it s easy to read.3.feel lonely 觉得孤独;stay at home alone独自(一人)呆在家;*The old woman has no relatives亲戚,she stays at home alon

17、e all day,but she never feelslonely.4.agree with sb同意某人的看法;disagree with sb不同意某人的看法;(1)I can t agree with you.(2)Nowdays 当今, many kids 孩子 disagree with their least至少:at most 最多*Everyone needs to have 至_ 少 sleep at prese nt/at the mome n此时,现在*I would help you with your housewo

18、rk,but at present 现在 I m not different from 不同于;the same as与-一样;(1)The weather in China is very different from it in Austraila.(2)Tom has the same haircu发型 as Jack does.(3)She is the same age as the little girl.(4)The culture 文化,习俗 in China is different from it in the angry with s

19、b 生某人的气。The English teacher was very angry with Jack,because he was late for school.U1:Five.必背句型(背诵,抄写) 一: (1)把歌唱好的确很难 .Its very difficult to sing well.(2).何不大声朗读来练习发音呢 ?Why not read aloud to practice prounuciation? (3)抽烟太多有害健康 .Smoking too much is bad for your health.(4)多吃水果有益健康 .Eating more fruit

20、and vegetables is good for your health.(5)我认为多做运动运动有益我们的健康 .I think taking more exercise is good for our health.(6)学好英语对我们来说很重要 .Its very important for us to study English well. ()对学生来说学好英语并不难。 Its not difficult for students to study English well.(7)在课堂上做笔记对学生来说很重要 .Its very important for students t

21、o take notes in class.二 1.-你有什么问题吗? Whats your problem?-我在英语学习上有些问题。 I have some problems with my English. 你有什么麻烦呢? Whats your trouble?2.我记不住新单词。 I can tnew words.3.听磁带有助于提高我的听力技能; Listening to tapes helps me to 4.和人交流 ( communicate )对我的讲话技巧有好处;Communicating with others can 会 be helpful 有帮助的,有益的 to

22、my speaking skills.5.看英文电影是把英语学好的最好方法之一。Watching English movies is one of the best ways to study English well.6.首先你应当试图去猜测一下单词的意思,然后如果有必要的话,再在词典里查 阅一下。First you should try to 试图 guess 猜测 the meaning意思 of the new words,then you look them up 查阅 in the dictionary if 假女口 necessary必需,必要.7.英语非常重要而且很有用处 (u

23、seful)English is very useful and important in our daily life.8.学习语法非常无聊,但我会Studying grammar is very boring,but I will try my best to study it.9.我通过自己(独立)处理问题。 I 处理问题 by myself。 我通过向父母求助处理问题: I deal with my problems by asking my parents for help.10.我这次英语考试不及格,因为我在语法上出了许多错。I failed this English test,b

24、ecause I made lots of mistakes in grammar.11. 我相信(be sure)尔的英语很会好起来(be better soon)Im sure you will be better in English.12 我们必须尽最大努力把各门功课学习好。We must try our best to learn every subject well.13.每天努力学习 /工作是我们的责任。Its our duty to 我们的责任 work hard every day.14.我们必须把它视为挑战: We must regard them as challenge

25、s.15.尔完成家庭作业有困难吗? Do you have any difficulties in finishing doing your homework today?16.假如他今天不能完成这项工作,没有关系 /不要紧。It doesn t matter if he cant finish the work today.17.在他的帮助下,我的英语取得很大的进步。 With his help,I made great progress in English.18.我会按照你说的去做的。(do as you say按照你说的做)1 will do as you say.U1 :书面表达:O

26、ne:How to learn English well( 一) 6 years and 的确 love it.English is one of themost important languages in the world.It sfor us to learn it well.How do you study English?Everyone learns English.I think the best way to improve your English is to 提高英语技巧.They 包括 .We should practice练习 them every day.We sh

27、ould 记住 more words and grammar.Readmore English story books or novels 小说.Watch more English TVs or movies.Listen to English tapesSecond you are not afraid to 不害怕 make any mistakes犯任何错误,you speak English as much as possible尽可能多.Third ,you ask the teachers when you don t understand any 知识.Its very goo

28、d for you if you are interested in English.You will find 发现 studying English is interesting and helpful 有益的 .熟能生巧 ”.I hope everyone makes progress 取得进步 .Thanks.Two:How to lear n En glish well(二)How do you study English well?I think listening,speaking,reading,writing are four important ways方法,方面 for

29、English study对于英语学习来说we should ofte nin En glish.做 ,we can improve our talki ng and liste ning skills,we should try to 努力目 as much as possible尽可能 多n this way 用这种方法,we can improve our pronunciation 发音 little 逐渐地.,we should often read English books.When we.We should 猜 测 its first.Then isLastly,we shou

30、ld practice our writing skills 练习写作技巧 .Whenever 无论何时 we have any 有任何想法,we should get拿取 the pen anc立即t is very important not to write in Chinese way不用中文方式写很重要 .坚持用这种方法做 and you II肯 定Three介绍你的学习英语的经验Ihave been learning English for three years.I think my English is good.Some of my classmates think that

31、 English is hard to learn,but I doht think so 我不这样认为。The following 下面的 is my experienee经历,经验 of learning English.First,l listen to the teacher carefully in class and take some notes every class.Then,I read it for an hour every morning so that I can use it freely.Next,I often read some English manazi

32、nes.Finally,I join an English language club.Now if you want to learn English well,you should do like me 像我这样做Unit 1.How do you study for your test?One单词填空一.1.He (study)E nglish by to tapes2.Tony studies English by English movies.3.What about aloud to practice pronunciation?4.She is poor in English,she has t

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