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1、110雅思写作范文2015.1.10雅思写作范文雅思140315写作task2例文 洛阳大华雅思给您供应个教案,仅供参考友爱的小烤鸭们,关注下2021年上半年雅思写作的一个考试状况及下半年的趋势分析吧。 知己知彼方能百战不殆哦O(_)O 一考情分析 小作文考试类别1月9日-6月28日(共24次) 首先用一张表格呈现以下上半年的阅读考情 小作文考试题型 依据所绘制出来的表格,不难得出几个结论: 首先,在图表题中,相比静态图(12.5%)而言,动态图(62.5%)的考试消失比例依旧占了绝大部分。 其次,数据题(75%)依旧占主导地位,但是非数据题(25%)的比例较往年有所上升。 流程图和地图题在去

2、年分别才消失3次,今年才截止到6月,两者都已经打破往年规律,以分别消失3次的频率让许多考生措手不及。 最终,其它数据题型的考查相对稳定,虽然柱图和饼图的考查较往年相比有所下降,但柱图和线图依旧是图表类作文的重中之重。 二 小作文真题分类汇总 表格 1The table shows changes of population in Australia and Malaysia from 1980 to 2002. 动态图(140222) 2The table below shows the number of people (millions) taking part in five diffe

3、rent physical activities between 2001 and 2009. 动态图(140524) 3The following table shows the income and expenditure of City Hall in a three-year period. 动态图(140213) 4The table below shows the statistics on age, income and poverty in three states in USA in 2000. 静态图(140109) 地图题 1 The maps show changes

4、that took place in a city from 1960 to now. 变迁题 (140517) 2. The maps below show a village park now and ten years ago. 变迁题(140621) 3. The diagram below shows the present college and its plan in 2021 for proposed development. 变迁题(140301) 柱图 1. The bar chart below shows the share of the world productio

5、ns between 1840 and 2000 in three continents. 动态图(140315) 2. The charts below show temperature and rainfall in an Equatorial Climate and a Mediterranean climate. 动态图(140515) 3. The bar charts below show the percentage of males watching and participation in six sporting activities, including rugby, f

6、ootball, basketball, badminton, fishing, horse and racing. 静态图(140424) 4. The bar charts below show four ways of dealing with rubbish by burnt, biologically treated, recycled and landfill in Netherlands, Italy, Spain and UK. 静态图 (140313) 5. The chart below shows the aid from six developed countries

7、to developing countries from 2008 to 2021. 动态图(140607) 6. The bar charts below show the percentage of film released and ticket sales in 1996 and 2001. 动态图(140426) 综合题 1. The bar chart gives us the information about the life expectancy in Japan, United States, Korea and Indonesia and the table shows

8、us the change in the life expectancy between 1953 and 2008. 静态柱+动态表(140628) 2. The line graph shows the average price of tickets at a theater and the bar chart shows the average percentage of tickets sold. 动态线+静态柱(140118) 线图 1.The line graph shows the quantity of goods transported by four different

9、modes of transport in an European country from 1980 with projection until 2021. 动态图(140412) 2. The line graph shows the percentage of students following different types of courses in a college in 1985 to 2005. It also shows a forecast of 2021. 动态图(140201) 3. The graph below shows the number of overs

10、ea visitors who came to the UK for different purpose between 1989 and 2009. 动态图(140619) 4. The line graph shows the change of government spending on retirement pensions, education and health from 2001 and projected to 2051. 动态图(140405) 5. The line graph below shows the percentage of good quality wat

11、er in four countries between 1950 and 2000. It also predicts the further proportion of good quality water in 2021. 动态图(140215) 流程图 1. The diagram shows how to make soft cheese.(140510) 2. The diagram shows the process of recycling glass bottles to make new ones.(140111) 3. The diagrams below show th

12、ree methods companies choose to recruit new employees.(140308) 三、大作文真题汇总分类 政府类: 1. Towns and cities are attractive places. Some suggest the government should spend money putting in more works of art like paintings and statues to make them better to live in. Do you agree or disagree? 单边(140213) 社会类:

13、1. Some people believe that the best way to produce a happier society is to ensure that there only small differences between the richest and the poorest members. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 单边(140201) 2. An increasing number of people change their careers and places of residence several

14、 times during their life. Is it a positive or negative development? 单。 2021年11月03日雅思小作文题目和范文 (源自洛阳大华雅思题库)Some people believe that many people who work for creative arts such as painting, theatre and music should be supported financially by government. Others think that artists in creative arts shoul

15、d be supported by other sources instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.IntroductionVisual and auditory arts play a key role in education and entertainment, making these fields integral aspects of our society among all ages. Nevertheless, there is a controversial division about whether

16、 these areas ought to receive, or if they are even deserving of, any public funds.BodyThe arts form an intrinsic part of a country and have an ability to maintain traditional culture, as long as it is prevented from being absorbed by modern or foreign influences. As a result, government should inves

17、t funds into these historical types of art in order to educate its citizens and preserve their existence. There are ancient paintings, theatrical arts and musical instruments that ought to be housed and conserved in museums. The destruction of these precious pieces of art could signify a considerabl

18、e loss of culture, whereby future generations will miss out on them.Artists and their outputs ought to adhere to the economic principles of supply and demand, whereby the necessity for their work is dictated by the need from society. Nevertheless, there are artists, dramatists and musicians who are

19、relatively wealthy and do not require subsides from government to survive. As society evolves, perhaps certain genres of art are not needed anymore and it would be economically unfeasible to keep them afloat using taxpayer dollars. Instead, programs that have immediate impacts on the lives of citize

20、ns must be focused on, including education, healthcare and social services.ConclusionFrom my perspective, only art forms that are deemed nationally significant ought to receive government funding. In this way, it would be fair for a host of other industries who cannot easily obtain financial assista

21、nce.。 2021年雅思A类大作文都考了哪些类话题 2021年雅思A类大作文真题汇总2021.1.10 职业进展/青年问题The leaders or directors of organizations are often older people. But some people say that young people can also be a leader. What do you think?2021.1.17 环境Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be controlled stric

22、tly, others say that people are free to make as much noise as they wish. Discuss.2021.1.29 旅游Currently, some scientists or travelers like to travel to remote natural environment such as South Pole. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?2021.1.31 环境爱护Some people argue that too much attention a

23、nd too many resources are given to protection wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2021.2.7 旅游Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, not local people. Why? What can be done to attract local people?2021.2.12 社会平安/交通驾驶Some people think that the age

24、 limit for driving should be increased in order to make driving safer. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2021.2.14 社会/科技/手机/吸烟The use of mobile phones is as antisocial as smoking. Smoking is banned in certain places, so mobile phones should be banned like smoking. To what extent do you agree o

25、r disagree?2021.2.28 训练/职业进展Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages?2021.3.12 城市/环境Some people think that it is more important to plant more trees in open area which in towns and c

26、ities than build more housing. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2021.3.14 训练Some working parents believe childcare centres can provide best care for children, others think other family members like grandparents can do. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2021.3.21 社会问题(名人效应)Some peop

27、le believe that the support of famous people for international aids organization helps draw attention to important problems. Others believe that celebrities can make the important problems less important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2021.3.28 科技进展/训练Some people think that the increa

28、sing use of computers and mobile phones for communication has had a negative effect on young peoples reading and writing skills. Do you agree or disagree?2021.4.11 职业进展/老年人问题Nowadays, more and more old people who need employment have to compete for the same job with young people. What problems will

29、be caused? What would be the solutions for it?2021.4.18 训练Some people think only students who achieve the best academic results should be rewarded, others think it is more important to reward students who show improvement. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2021.4.25 犯罪/青少年问题Young people w

30、ho commit crimes should be treated the way as the adults by authorities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2021.5.9 环境/生活方式/科技进展Developments in technology are causing environmental problems. Some people believe that it brings solution for everyone to accept a simpler way of life. Others think

31、that technology will solve these. Discuss on both views and give your opinion.2021.5.16 训练Some people think that in order to continuously improve the quality of education, high school students should be encouraged to evaluate and criticize their teachers. Others feel that this would result in a loss

32、 of respect and discipline in classrooms. Discuss these two views and give your opinion.2021.5.21 社会家庭In the most part of the world men and women are deciding to have children later in their life. Why do you think this is happening? What effects does this development have to the social and family?20

33、21.5.30 旅游业Many people believe that international tourism is negative to their countries. Why do they think so? What can be done to change the negative sides in international tourism?2021.6.6 社会责任Some people prefer to help or support directly in the local community for people who need it, however, others prefer to give money to the nations or international chari

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