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1、上海高考英语知识点汇总考试终于不用发愁啦上海高考英语知识点汇总,考试终于不用发愁啦 小优寄语As the proverb goes ,failure is the mother of success.Therefore,we have to cope with a large variety of tough.Only in this way can we make self become more and more powerful.正如谚语所说,失败是成功之母,因此,我们必须应对各种各样的困难,只有这样我们才能使自己变得越来越强大。高考考前知识清单语法部分冠词:能在300字左右的文章中,理

2、解,辨析应填入的部分为不定冠词,定冠词。1. 一般语法部分会考一个冠词题目。2. 后为一名词,且后面部分句子结构完整。3此空格技巧为填不出单词的情况去分析有无特指。代词:能在整篇文章中去分析句子中缺少相应的指代词。1. 一般考察对象为形容词性物主代词。2. 前后有相应的提示词,如him,人名等。It 句型的考察,一般考察强调句,以及it 指代前文单词。形容词:能在句子中进行分析,通过前后句子辨别空格为比较级或者最高级。1. 考察最高级一般_ 前有the.2. 比较级的考察要注意前后两个句子的中文意思。3. And, or等词前后一致。后面有than 提醒。副词:能在文章中去理解此空格需要一个副

3、词。1. 一般位于句首,句末。2. 副词修饰句子,副词,句子。句末副词修饰前文中有一定距离的动词。情态动词:能在300字的文章中,分析出作者的感情色彩。能对文章中作者语气的揣测。(想了解更多教育资讯,马上点标题下方蓝字关注。每日与您不见不散!)1. 一般前面为主语,后面为动词,后者副词加动词。2. Could have done, should have done 等的考察。Have to 等加强语气的掌握。非谓语动词现在分词:能对高考常见固定搭配的再现。现在分词作伴随状语的运用。表示主动,后置定语的运用。做主语的掌握。1. 分词作状语句型为:, (动词原形)。2. 后置定语考察一般为:主语为

4、人,单个单词放后面表示主动。3. 句子开头为动词时,装换为ing 放句首做主语。4. 高考常见接ing 的搭配总结:admit 承认 advise 建议 allow 允许 appreciate 感激 avoid 避免consider 考虑 delay 推迟 deny 否认 discuss 讨论 dislike 不喜欢 enjoy 喜爱 escape 逃脱 excuse 原谅 fancy 设想 finish 完成 forbid 禁止 forgive 原谅 give up 放弃 imagine 想像 keep 保持 mention 提及 mind 介意 miss 没赶上 pardon 原谅 per

5、mit 允许 practise 练习 prevent 阻止 prohibit 禁止 put off 推迟report 报告 risk 冒险 stop 停止 suggest 建议 understand 理解 end up 结束 devote to 致力于过去分词:能在短文中去分析,理解,辨认出过去分词作被动的用法。能在文章中理解过去分词的一些固定搭配。1. 考察一般为_ 前面主语为物,后面接过去分词表示被动意义2. 过去分词还表示完成意义。3. 常见的固定搭配:Have sth done、Make sth done、Let sth done、Need sth done不定式:能在文章中再现不定式

6、的搭配。能在文章中去理解不定式做主语的用法。能在文章中对不定式表示将来的掌握。1. 不定式放句首做主语。一般用ing 形式代替。2. 不定式放在名词,代词后面表示将来要完成的动作。3. 不定式放在动词后面表示目的。4. 接不定式做宾语的常见搭配:afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事agree to do sth. 同意做某事arrange to do sth.安排做某事ask to do sth. 要求做某事beg to do sth. 请求做某事care to do sth. 想要做某事choose to do sth. 决定做某事decide to do sth. 决定做某事

7、demand to do sth. 要求做某事determine to do sth. 决心做某expect to do sth. 期待做某事fear to do sth. 害怕做某事help to do sth. 帮助做某事hope to do sth. 希望做某事learn to do sth. 学习做某事manage to do sth. 设法做某事offer to do sth. 主动提出做某plan to do sth. 计划做某事prepare to do sth. 准备做某事pretend to do sth. 假装做某事promise to do sth. 答应做某事refus

8、e to do sth. 拒绝做某事want to do sth. 想要做某事wish to do sth. 希望做某事aim to do sth. 打算做某事fail to do sth. 未能做某事long to do sth. 渴望做某事happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做某事struggle to do sth. 努力做某事时态1. 现在完成时考察通常有recently, nowadays 等时间词。2. 过去完成时的考察,主要是在从句中,主句为过去时,从句动作发生在主句之前,应用过去完成时。在主将从现的句子中,出现before,

9、 after, as soon as ,when 等被动语态: 能在300字的文章中理解被动意义。1.一般后面有by+主语。2. 句子的主语为物,且无生命。3. 容易与过去分词表被动混淆。固定搭配:能再现高考考纲中的一些常见的固定搭配。1. 固定搭配的考察一般_ 后面有介词出现。2. 语感读出来的固定搭配。3. 常考的固定搭配:举例: (具体见考纲后面单词)have the ability to do sth. 有能力做某事above allbe absorbed intake into accountin advanceadd up toafter allall the wayask for

10、 sth介词:考察介词最基本的意义。考察介词引起的固定搭配。1. 基本意义如: off 表示关。 On 表示开。2. 固定词组见考纲。 如: at the speed of连词简单连词:考察作者前后句之间的衔接所需要的关系。1. 一般后面的句子为完整的句子。技巧为:翻译前后两个句子,理解前后两个句子的语义。2. 有些固定句型:It is +时间段+ beforeNot until 2复杂连词:对两个单词引起的复杂连词的再现。1. 常见的两个,三个单词引起的复杂连词.In case ofNo matter whatAs ifAs thoughEven thoughEven ifBecause o

11、fNot only but alsoAs well asNot but No sooner thanHardly whenSo thatAs long asAccording toNeither norBoth andEither or 从句定语从句通常_ 前面为名词或者物。 若人为who, 若物为 which宾语从句通常前面为动词或者介词。 有时还考察whom.同位语从句前面一半有the fact, 等表示笼统概念的词语。表语从句前面为is /are,后面通常填that.状语从句时间状语从句的运用1. 通常从句子的时态去判断。2. 固定句型如主将从现。3. 分析两个句子之间的动作顺序。条件状

12、语从句1. 经常考察 if, unless, as soon as等单词。2. 条件状语从句中时态的运用。会结合现在时,过去完成时一起考察。强调句:强调句固定句型的记忆1. It is+强调的部分+that / who 虚拟语气:考察虚拟语气与名词性从句的结合。虚拟语气省略。一些固定单词虚拟语气运用。1. 常见的接should do 的单词:Suggest, advice,request, order,Insist,ask,determine, commond,Demand, desire,intend,Recommend,require.2. Were, should, 等提前。其他1. W

13、ith, without 引起的独立主格。1. Without 表示没有。2. 经常的搭配: With +名词短语。2. 倒装:全部倒装、部分倒装全部倒装的:1. 副词here 开头2. There be 句型3. 谓语动词为come, go, be.4. 副词now, then.部分倒装:1. Only , so 开头2. 频度状语,地点状语,时间状语开头。3. So, neither 句型。祝愿句型。1. There be 句型较简单。词汇前缀1. 十一选十的文章中对词性的判断。1. 常见的前缀:anti- = againstauto- = self;personallyco- = tog

14、etherdis- = 不、无、相反dis- = 取消、除去、毁dis- = 加在含有“分开”、“否定”等意义的单词前,作加强意义dis- = 分开、离、散dis- = 有时作di-,en- = 表示“置于.之中”、“登上.”、“使上.”en- = make or cause to be,“使成某种状态”、“致使.”、“使之如.”、“作成.”en- = 用.来做某事、“饰以.”、“配以.”en- = 家在动词之前,表示“in”,或只作加强意义il- = (用在l之前)不、无、非il- = (用在l之前)加强或引伸意义im- = (用在b,p,m之前)intoim- = (用在b,p,m之前)不

15、、无、非im- = (用在b,p,m之前)加强意义,或表示“使成.”、“饰以.”、“加以.”in- = 不、无、非in- = 内、入in- = 加强意义,或表示“使.”、“作.”inter- = 在.之间、.之际inter- = 相互mis- = wrong;wrongly;unfavorablemulti- = manynon- = 非non- = 不non- = 无out- = 外、出out- = 胜过、超过out- = 过度、太甚out- = 除去over- = 过度、太甚over- = 在上、在外、从上、越过over- = 颠倒、反转post- = afterpre- = 前pre-

16、= 预先re- = 回、向后re- = 再、重复、重新re- = 相反、反对sub- = 下sub- = 次、亚、准sub- = 稍、略、微sub- = 副、分支、下级sub- = 接近sub- = 更进一层、再sub- = 用于化学名词,表示化合物成分含量少的super- = 超super- = 上super- = 过度、过多tele- =远距离的,远的un- = 相反动作、取消、除去un- = 不un- = 无un- = 非un- = 未un- = 由.中弄出后缀1. 十一选十中对后缀的判断,以确定空格处填的单词词性。1. 名词后缀:-ability, -ibility 表”能,性质”-a

17、l. n. = the action of, the person of表动作,人,事物-an, -ian, -arian表各种年龄,派别,主义,职业的人-ee. n. = one who receives 表动作的承受者-er/-ar/-ur/-eer/-ier. n. = doer;device for-hood. n. = condition;state 表身份,状况,性质-ion/ation. n. = action of;process of-ism. n. = doctrine;belief 表示主义,行为,学,派-ist. n. = 1)believer in. 2)expert

18、 of 从事工作的人-ity n. =表行为,性质,状态(想了解更多教育资讯,马上点标题下方蓝字关注。每日与您不见不散!)-ty. n. = condition of being-ment. n. = 1)result of. 2)agency of. 3)state of表行为,状态,性质-ness. n. = condition or quality of being 表状态,性质-logy/-ology. n. = study of-ship. n. = state of 表状态,状况,身份,技艺,技能-sion, -ssion. n. =-ure. n. = 1)act or fact

19、 of. 2)result of being动词后缀-en v.= 使变成-fy. v. = make;reinforce 使成,使化-ize. v. = make or cause to become 以方式对待,化 realize实现形容词后缀-able. a. = inclined to be;likely to be done可的,能的-al. a. = inclined to be;connected with;pertaining to具有性质的-ant, -ent. a. =表 “的”-ful. a. = full of-ic/ical. a. = relating to;res

20、embling-ish. a. = having the quality of-ive. a. = inclined to;having the quality of有性质的,有作用的-less. a. = without 没有的-like. a. = having the quality of 有性质的,像的-ly a. =如的,有特性的-ous/-ious. a. having the quality of-some. a. = full of-ward a. =-y. a. = full of 充满,包含副词后缀-ly ad.=-ward, -wards ad. = 表方向其他-ing.

21、 a. = having the quality of-ed.过去分词作定语 = 1)filled with;having the characteristics of. 2)done by翻译常考题型1.动名词,不定式做主语、形式主语的句型2.形式宾语:心里的词语+it +adj+to do sth3.成语翻译:直译、意译4.倒装句翻译:部分倒装5.从句翻译:定语从句、宾语从句6.固定句型与搭配的考察7. 强调句的翻译8. 同位语从句翻译9. 非限制性定语从句翻译高考翻译常考句型一览表:1.As is known ( to us all ), 2.It seems that sb./sth.

22、3.It (so)happened that sb./sth.4.There seems to be5.It (suddenly) occurred to sb that 6.It is said / reported that sb./sth.7. It is no good / use doing 8. It is hard to imagine /say / believe9. It takes sb. some time to do sth.10. When/Whenever it comes to sb./sth/doing sth, 11. It (still) remains a

23、 question whether 12. It matters a lot / little whether/who/how13. You make it a rule to do / that14. keep / bear sth in mind15. take sth. for granted16. see to sth.17. I would appreciate it (very much) if you could do sth.18. It wont be long before 19. It is up to sb. to do sth.20. It was+强调部分+ tha

24、t 21. not until 直到才22. The first time +从句 23. no sooner than / hardly when24. n. / adj. / adv. + as / though + S + V25. However / No matter how + adj. / adv. + S + V,26. The more the more 27. There is no / not much point in doing 28. Chances are that 可能29. since / now that 既然30. It is / has been som

25、e time since (过去式)31. Those who32. He is the only one of the students who has passed the exam33. 倒装 全部倒装 部分倒装Only +状语(短语/从句)34. 祈使句,and / or +陈述句35. not but36. Word came that 37. The reason why / for was / is that .38. What impressed / struck us most was thatWhat matters (to sb.) is that39. With the

26、 development / improvement / rise / increase / advance / help of 40. Contrary to ones wish / expectation / what people (had) expected / thought41. cannot /never too / cant enough - 怎样也不过分-42. not necessarily 未必-43. take into consideration / account作文开头开头常见模板: 1 表达观点型:The discussion about _ is a very

27、 controversial one. Those who criticize (/oppose/object to/are against) _ contend (/argue/hold) that _, but people who advocate (/favor/are for) _, on the other hand, maintain (/assert/ claim) that _. From the personal perspective, I maintain (/hold/believe) that _.2. 赞同不赞同型:When it refers to _, the

28、 discussion of this issue among individuals and in society as a whole has come into vogue during the last decade. It is commonly accepted that _; however, I disagree with the statement. I maintain (/hold/believe) that _. (I partly approve this claim and there are several reasons and instance as foll

29、ows supporting my view.) 3. 优点缺点型:Just a few years ago, the idea of _ seemed far-reaching for most Chinese. Now, however, we are all aware that everything has two sides. _ is no exception in its development. With the advert and popularity of _, its advantages and disadvantages have been a subject of

30、 discussion.4. 讨论双方观点型:_ now plays such an important role in so many peoples lives that it is essential for us to try to decide whether it is a blessing or a curse. Peoples opinions are divergent on such a complex and controversial topic. Advocates maintain that _. Opponents, on the other hand, cont

31、end (argue/insist) that _. Obviously, both sides have over-simplified this issue. Actually, its value to people and society depends on how it is used. 4. 解决方案型:According to a(n) survey (/investigation/analysis/statistics/report) released (/conducted/made) by _, there is a growing (/increasing/declining) number of _ who (/which) _.To be specific, _. (What amazes us most is that _.) Among count

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