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1、全新版大学英语单词详解Book2Unit2Unit 2 ValuesText A A Life Full of Riches1. (L. 2) confront: vt. 1) (of a problem, difficulty, etc.) face (sb.) threateningly * The difficulties that confront us seem insuperable.* A major difficulty that confronts international students is how best to judge the quality of a pro

2、gram in a foreign university.2) (of a person) face and deal with (a problem, difficulty, etc.)军人必须面对危险和死亡。(=A soldier has to confront danger and death.)* Astronauts have to confront the unknown. be confronted with: be brought face to face (=The prisoner was confronted with his accusers.) * conclusio

3、ns that can be confronted with experience2. (L. 3) donation: n. money or goods given for a good cause* The hospital receives a good deal of money in donations.他们对慈善事业慷慨捐助。(=They made a generous donation to charity.)Collocation:a blood donation 献血make/give a donation 捐赠promise a donation 允诺捐助3. (L. 5

4、) confusion: n. a state of uncertainty about what sth. means, etc.* The enemy retreated in great confusion.他们的突然到来打乱了我们的计划。(=Their unexpected arrival threw our plan into confusion.)Collocation:covered with confusion 非常慌张in confusion 乱七八糟,处于混乱状态throw into confusion 使狼狈,使慌乱N.B.: 该词的动词为confuse,confusin

5、g意思是“令人困惑、迷惑的”, confused意思是“糊涂的、混杂的”。4. (L. 5) curiosity: n. a strong desire to know about sth. * Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did you pay for your car?(=We burned with curiosity over what was in the box.)Collocation:from/out of curiosity 在好奇心驱使下in open curiosity 公然出头过问与自己无关的事Curiosity kil

6、led a cat. 好奇伤身。5. (L. 7) stammer: v. speak with a tendency to repeat rapidly the same sound or syllable* Its cruel to make fun of people who stammer.他结结巴巴地道了谢。(=He stammered his thanks.)6. (L. 10) deny: vt.1) say that sth. is not true * There is no denying the fact that Japan began to invade China

7、as early as the early 1930s. 2) refuse to admit or accept(=He denied knowing anything about their plans.)7. (L. 10) fill out: add information such as your name and address in (a form or document)* It took me quite a while to fill out the questionnaire.请把附表填好。(=Please fill out the attached blank.)8.

8、(L. 11) fall into: belong to (a particular group of things that have similar qualities) 理事会成员们意见相左,分成自由和保守两个阵营(=The council members disagreed, falling into liberal and conservative camps.) * All whales fall into two groups, those with teeth and those without.9. (L. 13) nothing more than: only, just(

9、=Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.) 这只不过是个杜撰的故事而已。(=It is nothing more than a made-up story.)10. (L. 19) attain: vt. succeed in achieving, esp. after a lot of effort 我决心不惜任何代价达到目的。(=Im determined to attain my purpose at any cost.)* She attained her ambition of becoming a p

10、ilot.Collocation:attain ones goal 达到目的attain the age of 有岁了attain the top of a moutain 到达山顶CF: get, gain, obtain & attain这四个词都是动词,都有“得到”、“获得”之意。get是最普通的用语,可指通过任何方式的获得,多用于口语中。例如:* She got the highest score in fancy rope jumping. 她在花样跳绳中得分最高。gain多指在竞争中获得,所得的东西往往是有用的或是所期待的。例如:* I hope you will gain the

11、 victory this time. 我希望你这次获得胜利。obtain是书面语,指靠他人或自己努力而得到,强调结果或目的。例如: * By this method, we obtained a good result. 我们用这种方法获得了好结果。attain强调达到完美的地步。例如:* Such a condition is very difficult to attain. 这样的情况是很难达到的。11. (L. 16) minimal: adj. very small in size or amount; as small as possible 暴风雨只造成极轻微的损失。(=The

12、 storm did only minimal damage.) * The Ford CEO offered to work for a minimal salary of one dollar a year. N.B.: 该词的动词为minimize。反义词为maximal。12. (L. 21) cherish: vt. love (sth./sb.) very much and protect them(=Riding horses with my mother when I was a kid has become a cherished memory.) * She cherish

13、ed the child as though he were her own.Collocation:cherish fond dreams of 做的美梦cherished desire 夙愿cherish a deep love for 热爱13. (L. 21) fabricate: vt. make up (a story, a piece of information, etc.) in order to deceive people * Have you ever lied a little, or fabricated a story about yourself, to imp

14、ress someone you meet the first time?她缺席的借口显然是瞎编的。(=The excuse for her absence was obviously fabricated.)14. (L. 22) tickle: v. 1) amuse and interest * The comedian tickled the crowd with his jokes. * It tickled her to think that her boss would dress up as a clown at the New Year party.2) move ones

15、fingers on a sensitive part of anothers body in a way that makes them laugh * She tickled the boys feet and made him laugh. 婴儿喜欢轻轻呵痒和紧紧拥抱。(=Babies like to be tickled and hugged.) 15. (L. 25) vital: adj. very important, necessary, or essential(=This point is vital to my argument.) * The leaders vital

16、 and cheerful manner filled his men with courage.Pattern: be vital to 对极为重要16. (L. 25) well off: rich, or having enough money to live well * The Communist Party of China will lead the Chinese people in building a well-off society. 如果他年轻时多努力一点,现在就能过得舒服些。 (=If he had worked harder when young, he would

17、 be well off now.)17. (L. 26) emotional: adj. connected with peoples feelings(=His emotional language reduced many of the audience to tears.)* Nature has programmed us all with both physical and emotional needs.18. (L. 26) pursuit: n. the act of looking for or trying to find 我们为追求幸福生活而努力工作。(=We work

18、 hard in pursuit of happy life.)* He exercises every day in pursuit of health.Collocation:daily pursuits 日常事务educational pursuit 教育事业pursuit of profit 追逐利润in ones pursuit of happiness 追求幸福19. (L. 26) out of place: feeling uncomfortable or not suitable in a particular situation* Your jokes are out of

19、 place on such a solemn occasion.在正式的舞会上,我感到局促不安,很不自在。(=At the formal party I felt very awkward and out of place.)20. (L. 34) in contrast to: when a contrast is made to * In contrast to her sister, she is very tall.(=In contrast to his brother, he is always considerate of others.)21. (L. 35) consequ

20、ence: n. a result of sth. that has happened * Jimmy experienced severe headache as a consequence of heavy drinking the night before. 这样一种错误可能导致灾难性的后果。 (=Such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous consequences.)Collocation:as a consequence 因而,结果in consequence 因此,结果in consequence of 的结果,因为的缘故,由于o

21、f consequence 有势力的,重要的take the consequences 自食其果,承担责任CF: effect, result & consequence这三个词都是名词,都有“结果”之意。effect表示由某种原因直接产生的某一结果或状况。result表示某一事件的发生或某一行为所造成的结果,有“最终的结果”之意。consequence表示由于逻辑推断得出的结果,或由于某种原因、一些必要的条件而造成的结果。(Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary

22、.1. The dilemmas that parents find themselves in today is a _ of changes in society. (=consequence)2. I tried to persuade him, but with little or no _. (=effect)3. One of the _ of this illness is that you lose your hair. (=effects)4. It represents the _ of ten years labor. (=result)5. The high level

23、 of unemployment has produced harmful social _. (=consequences)22. (L. 36) commercial: 1. n. an advertisement on TV or radio* TV commercials today are more imaginative than they were 20 years ago.2. adj. relating to business * He left the commercial world to become a government official. 商业函件(=comme

24、rcial correspondence)23. (L. 39) focus: v. concentrate (ones attention, etc.) on (sth.); concentrate (on sth.) (=You should focus your attention on your work.)* The only way to attain your goals is to stay focused and work hard.24. (L. 41) affluent: adj. rich enough to buy things for pleasure 自然资源丰富

25、的土地(=land affluent in natural resources) * In an affluent society people can afford to strike a balance between work and life.CF: rich, wealthy & affluent这三个词都是形容词,都有“丰富”、“富有”之意。rich意为“有钱的”、“富有的”,其程度超过正常需要的,语气强烈;形容人时,指拥有大量金钱、财产,其引申义为“富于”。例如:* The rich get richer while the poor get poorer. 富人更富,穷人更穷。

26、wealthy指人、家庭或国家富有、安康、富裕;语气较缓,程度可大可小。尤指拥有大量财产、财富。例如:* Some wealthy people are likely to be philanthropists. 有些富人往往是慈善家。affluent意为“富裕的”、“富足的”,尤指家庭和社会,在这一点上相当于wealthy,是较正式用语。例如:* Its our duty to build an affluent and civilized society in the new century. 在新世纪建设一个富裕文明的社会是我们的义务。25. (L. 43) genuine: adj.

27、real, true 他真心诚意地愿意帮助我们。 (=He has a genuine desire to help us.)* It appears to be genuine, but I have my suspicions about it.CF: real, true & genuine这三个词都是形容词,都有“真的”、“真正的”之意。real普通用语,指真实的或与事实相符的。true强调客观事实与实际情况相符合,兼有real的含义。genuine指真实性是有据可查的。(Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the words above. Cha

28、nge the form where necessary.1. It is _ that the earth is round. (=true)2. Is this a _ Ming vase? (=genuine)3. This is a story of _ life. (=real)4. A mirage is not a _ object. (=real)5. _ silver (=genuine)26. (L. 45) go through: experience (sth. difficult or unpleasant)* Hes amazingly cheerful consi

29、dering all that hes gone through. 孩提时代, 他经历了一个又一个的艰难困苦。(=When he was a child, he went through one hardship after another.) (Directions:) Choose the appropriate translation for the expression “go through” in the following sentences.A.检查、审查、搜查B.完成、做完C.遭受、经历D.看完D 1. How long will it take to go through

30、the book?C 2. Im flattered that you went through all this trouble just for me.A 3.They went through our luggage at the customs.B 4. With great concentration she went through the movements.27. (L. 47) linger: vi. 1) last or continue for a long time * Before leaving Suzhou, we took a last lingering lo

31、ok at the beautiful view.(=The beautiful melody is lingering in my mind.)2) take a long time to leave or disappear * He lingered outside the school after everybody else had gone home.CF: stay, remain & linger这三个词都是动词,都有“停留”、“逗留”之意。stay是本组词中最普通的用语。或长期或短期,或永远或暂时地停留。例如:* My car stays in the garage most of the week. 我的车子一周大部分时间都停放在车库里。remain强调维持原来的状态,表示“逗留”时比stay更正式些。例如:* Little of

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