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1、听说风暴一答案122Test1: Part BQ1:十六路公共汽车多长时间去那里一次?How often does the NO.16 bus go there?A1:Every fifteen minutes.Q2:有其他公共汽车可以载我去那里吗?Are there any other buses that can take me there?A2:Yes, the NO.2 bus also goes to the railway station.Q3:我在哪儿能坐二路公共汽车呢?Where can I take the NO.2 bus?A3: The bus stop is not f

2、ar from the museum. Get off at the museum and go straight on, you can easily find it.Q4: How much shall the woman pay for the tickets? A4: 4 YuanQ5: How high is the minimum height for buying a ticket? A5: 1.1 meters.Q6: Where will the woman go first? A6: The museum.Q7: Where shall the woman take the

3、 No.2 bus? A7;near the museum station.Q8: How often does the No.16 bus go to the railway station? A8: Every fifteen minutes.Part C Retelling the storyTwo travelers suddenly found themselves facing a bear. One of them quickly climbed up into a tree. The other, seeing that he would be attacked, fell f

4、lat on the ground immediately, pretending to be dead. For he had heard that a bear wouldnt touch a dead body. Not surprisingly, the bear smelt him all over and left him. The other traveler came down from the tree and asked his friend what the bear had whispered in his ear. He answered that the bear

5、gave him this advice: Never travel with a friend who deserts you at the approach of danger.Test 2 Part BQ1:两位谈话人之间是什么关系? What is the relationship between the two speakers?A1: They are strangers.Q2:女士关于芝加哥说了些什么?What does the woman say about Chicago?A2:It is windy.Q3:Patty 小姐是谁? Who is Miss Patty?A3:

6、She is a dance teacher.Q4: What is the man doing? A4: He is looking for a job.Q5: Why should the man check with Miss Patty?A5: Because she knows everything going on in the town.Q6: Who named the woman? A6: Her motherQ7: Where is the man from? A7;ChicagoQ8: What does Miss Patty do? A8: She teaches da

7、nce.Part C Retelling the story Mike, a 14-year-old American boy, was described as a hero for he saved the life of a girl in another country. Mike was a school boy interested in computers. One day he was sending an e-mail to a friend on the internet. Suddenly he received a message from Finland saying

8、: Help! Pain! Help!” The boy ignored the message at first, but when it kept coming he realized that someone was in trouble. He replied and discovered that the sender was a 20-year-old student called Louise, who was ill and alone in a university library. There was no phone around her, her only way of

9、 communicating with the world was by e-mail. Mike contacted the Texas police who called the police in Finland. Soon an ambulance rushed to the university and Louise was saved. Test 3 Part BQ1: 北京最好的季节是哪一个? Whats the best season in Beijing?Q2:北京的冬天怎么样? What about the winter in Beijing?A2:It is rather

10、 long, but the cold is not severe. The temperature seldom gets as low as ten below zero centigrade. On the whole, it is quite pleasantQ3: 我喜欢寒冷的天气。你呢?I prefer the cold weather. What about you?A3: I like hot weather. I enjoy swimming in the summer.Q4: When did the woman come back from Beijing?A4: She

11、 has been back since last Saturday.Q5: What does the woman think of the spring in Beijing?A5: She thinks its not very pleasant because its very windy and dusty.Q6: Whats the weather like in autumn in Beijing?A6: Its neither cold nor hot, slightly windy, and very sunny.Q7: Whats the weather like in w

12、inter in Beijing?A7;It is rather long, but the cold is not severe. The temperature seldom gets as low as ten below zero centigrade. On the whole, it is quite pleasantQ8: Why does the woman like hot weather?A8: Because she enjoys swimming in the summerPart C Retelling the storyIt happened when I was

13、a teenager. My father took me to the circus. When we were standing in line to buy the tickets, a family with eight children standing ahead of us caught our attention. The children were well-behaved, although judging from what they wore, the family was not rich. They were talking excitedly about thin

14、gs they were gong to see. The father proudly told the ticket lady he wanted ten tickets altogether. But his lips quivered when she told him the price. It was obvious that he didnt have enough money. How could he tell this to the kids? At that moment, my dad pulled out a 20 bill from his pocket and d

15、ropped it on the ground. Then he picked up the bill and said to the man,,“Excuse me, sir, this fell out of your pocket.” The man knew what was going on. He took the money with tears in his eyes. My father and I didnt see the circus that night, but we didnt care.Test 4 Part BQ1:英国的轨道共有多长?How long is

16、the track in Britain?A1: Its over 13000 miles。Q2:根据男士的观点,英国的道路情况怎么样How are the roads in Britain according to the man?A2:They are good on the whole。Q3: 英国的高速公路什么时候会超过1000英里?When will there be over 1000 miles of motorways in Britain? A3: In 5 years。Q4: What does the man say about air service in Britai

17、nA4: Its not as important as the rail and road transport。Q5: Why do some people still prefer travelling by sea?A5: Because it provides a better opportunity to enjoy the sea scenery。Q6: What does the woman say about sea travel in Britain today?A6: It has become less important。Q7: How are the rosds in

18、 Britain according to the man?A7;They are good on the whole。Q8: How long will the motorways be in Britain in 5 years? A8: Over 1000 miles。Part C Retelling the story Happiness is important for everyone. Money and success alone do not bring happiness. Happiness depends on ourselves. Try to enjoy the s

19、imple things in life, foe instance, reading a good book, listening to music, or spending time with close friends. Be active. You can forget about your problems when you are involved in some activity. Help others. People feel good when they volunteer to do meaningful things for others. So we can make

20、 our own happiness.Test 5 Part BQ1:您想要什么样的沙拉调味料,法式的,日试还是其它的?What kind of salad dressing would you prefer, French, Japanese, or others?A1: French, please.Q2:您需要什么种类的汤?What kind of soup would you like?A2:Id like to have the sliced duck soup with mushroom.Q3: 您想喝点什么吗? Would you like something to drink?

21、Q4:How many times has the man been in the womans country? A4: Once onlyQ5: Who will have the meal with the man? A5: His friend.Q6: What vegetables does the man want to come to with the steak?A6: Some French fried potatoes and carrots.Q7: What kind of salad dressing would the man like? A7:French.Q8:

22、What kind of drink does the man order? A8: Whiskey.PartC:A mouse and a frog happened to be close friends.One day the frog wanted to play a trick on the mouse.He tied the mouses leg to his own and gradually moved towards the pond. Then he jumped into the pond, pulling the poor mouse into it, too. Bei

23、ng unable to swim, the mouse was soon drowned and his boy floated on the surface. A hawk dove down and grabbed the dead mouse, carrying it back to his nest. The frog, still tied to the leg of the mouse, was also eaten by the hawk.Test 6 Part BQ1: 我们要买多少桔子 ?How many oranges should we have? A1: A doze

24、n will be enough.Q2: 难道你不认为我们应该写个购物清单更好吗Dont you think its better to make a shopping list? A2:Good idea.Q3: 我们应该自己带袋子或篮子吗? Should we bring our own bags or baskets?A3: Take the two baskets in the kitchen then.Q4: What will the woman do tonight? A4: She will go to a party。Q5: What kind of juice will t

25、he two speakers have? A5: Grape juice.Q6: How much is the cheese? A6: About 30 to 50 RMB。Q7: How many oranges will they have? A7:A dozen.Q8: What will they take with them? A8: Their own baskets.PartC: One day I had coffee in a coffee shop after shopping. I put my chocolate on the table and went to g

26、et my coffee. When I came back, I found a young man sitting next to me. The young man looked very odd with dark glasses and torn clothes, and hair colored bright red at the front. I was very surprised to see hed been eating my coffee and ate the chocolate. The man seemed troubled, and took a second

27、piece of the chocolate. I seized the last piece of chocolate. The man left and said I was mad. I felt very embarrassed, but felt even worse when I found that what I had been eating was the young mans chocolate, not mine.Test 7 Part B Q1: 谁将是我们的组长 ?Who will be our group leader?A1: I think you can do

28、well in that position.Q2: 有时间限制吗?Is there any time limit?A2:Yes, 3o minutes for the first part, and another 40 minutes for worm digging.Q3: 如果两个组发现的动植物数量相等怎么办?What if the two groups identity the same numbers of Plants and animals ?A3: Then you should dig worms together.Q4: What is the man likely to

29、be? A4: He may be a teacher.Q5: What will the winning group do? A5: They will relax.Q6: How does Kate want to get out of worms digging?A6: She wants to bring a doctors note on Monday.Q7: Who does the man think should be the girl groups leader? A7:Kate.Q8: How long will the worm digging last? A8: For

30、 40 minutes.PartC Bobs brother gave him an expensive car for Christmas. A boy admired his car very much, so Bob gave the boy a ride. When the boy learned that the car was a present from Bobs brother, he was really surprised, and said he wanted to be brother like that. Then he asked Bob to drive in f

31、ront of his house. Bob thought the boy wanted to show his neighbors what a great car he was in. But Bob was wrong. The boy carried his little disabled brother out. Pointing at Bobs car, the boy promised that he would buy such a car for his disabled brother someday. Bob was deeply moved, he lifted th

32、e disabled boy and his brother into his car. The three began an unforgettable ride.Test 8 Part B Q1: 中国人为什么避免用数字4 ?Why do Chinese people avoid using number four?A1: Because it sounds like death in Chinese.Q2: 数字8为什么在中国很受欢迎?Why is the number eight popular in China?A2:Because it sounds like the word for prosperity in ChinaQ3:在中国哪个数字与婚礼有关系?Which number has something to do with weddings in China? A3: Nine.Q4: What does the n

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