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1、大学英语四级第二套真题和答案解析06290715462016年12月大学英语四级试题(第二套)(请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two opti ons upon graduatio n: one is to take a job in a company and the other to go to a graduate schooY ou are to make a choice betwe

2、e n the two. Write an essay to expla in the reas ons for your choice. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Section ADirections In this sect ion, you will hear three n ews reports. At the end of each n ews report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report an

3、d the questions will be spoke n only on ce. After you hear a question you must choose the best an swer from the four choices marked A, B), C). Then mark the corresponding letter on theAnswer sheet1ith a sin gle line through the cen tre.Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just hea

4、rd1. A) To satisfy the curiosity of tourists. C) To en able tourists to visit Goatlsla nd.B) To replace two old stone bridges. D) To improve utility services in the state2. A) Coun tless tree limbs. C) Lots of wrecked boats and ships.B) A few skelet ons. D) Millio ns of coins on the bottom.Questions

5、 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard3. A)It suspe nded diplomatic relati ons with Libya.B) It urged tourists to leave Tunisia immediately.C) It shut dow n two border cross ings with Libya.D) It launched a fierce attack against Islamic State.4. A) Advise Tun isia n civilia ns on

6、how to take safety precauti ons.B) Track dow n the orga ni zati on resp on sible for the terrorist attack.C) Train qualified security pers onnel for the Tun isia n gover nment.D) Devise a monitoring system on the Tunisian border with Libya.Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just

7、heard.5. A) An en vir onmen t-frie ndly battery. C) A pla nt-powered mobile phone charger.B) An en ergy-sav ing mobile pho ne. D) A device to help pla nts absorb sun light.6. A) While sitti ng in their scho ols courtyard. C) While solvi ng a mathematicalproblem.B) While play ing games on their phon

8、es. D) While doing a chemical experime nt.7. A)It in creases the applicati ons of mobile phonesB) It speeds up the process of photos yn thesis.C) It improves the recepti on of mobile phon es.D) It collects the en ergy released by pla nts.Section BDirections: In this sect ion, you will hear two long

9、con versati ons. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoke n only on ce. After you hear a questi on, you must choose the best an swer from four choice marked A , B), C) and D) .Then mark the corresponding letter anAnswer shee

10、tl with a sin gle line though the cen tre.Question8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8. A) He visited the workshops in the Grimsby pla nt.B) He called the woma n and left her a message.C) He used sta nd-i ns as replaceme nts on all li nes.D) He asked a tech nician to fix the b

11、roke n producti on line.9. A)Itis the most moder n producti on line. C)It has stopped work ing completelyB) It assembles super- in tellige nt robots. D)It is going to be upgraded soon.10. A) To seek her permissi on. C) To request her to retur n at on ce.B) To place an order for robots. D) To ask for

12、 Toms phone nu mber.11. A) She is on duty. C) She is on sick leave.B) She is hav ing her day off. D) She is abroad on bus in ess.Question12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passagou will hea

13、r three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A B), C) and D) .Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the cen tre.Questions 16 to

14、18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A) She in herited her family ice-cream bus in ess in Billi ngs.B) She loved the ice-cream bus in ess more tha n teachi ng primary school.C) She started an ice-cream bus in ess to finance her daughters educatio n.D) She wan ted to have an ice-cream

15、truck whe n she was a little girl.17. A)To preserve a traditi on. C)To help local educati on.B)To amuse her daughter. D)To make some extra mon ey.18. A)To raise money for bus in ess expa nsion. C)To allow poor kids to have ice-cream too.B)To make her truck attractive to children. D)To teach kids the

16、 value of mutualsupportQuestions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19. A)The reas ons for impos ing taxes. C)The various burde ns on ordinary citize ns.B) The various serious money can buy. D)The function of money in the modern world.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage yo

17、u have just heard.22. A)It is located at the cen ter of the Europea n con ti nent.B) It relies on tourism as its chief source of revenues.C) It contains less tha n a square mile of land.D) It is surroun ded by France on three sides.23. A)Its beauty is frequently mentioned in American media.B) Its ru

18、ler Prince Rain ier married an America n actress.C) It is where many America n movies are shot.D) It is a favorite place America ns like to visit.24. A) Tobacco. B) Potatoes. C) Machi nery. D) Clothi ng25. A)Europea n history. C) Small coun tries in Europe.B) Europea n geography. D) Tourist attracti

19、 ons in Europe.PARTE Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section ADirections In this secti on, there is a passage with ten bla nks. You are required to selectone word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your

20、 choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than on ce.The ocean is heating up. Thats the conclusion of a new study that find

21、s that Earths ocea ns now(26) heat at twice the rate they did 18 years ago. Around half of ocea n heat in take since 1865 has taken place since 1997, researchers report online in Nature Climate Change.Warming waters are known to (27)to coral bleaching(珊瑚白化)and they take up more space tha n cooler wa

22、ters, rais ing se028). While the top of the ocea n is studied, its depths are more difficult to (29)The researchers gathered 150 years of ocean temperature data in order to get better (30)of heat absorpti on from surface to seabed. They gathered together temperature readings collected by everything

23、from a 19th century (31)of British naval ships to modern automated ocean probes. The extensive data source$32)with computer simulations(计算机 模拟),created a timeline of ocean temperature changes, including cooling from volcanic outbreaks and warmi ng from fossil fuel (33).About 35 perce nt of the heat

24、take n in by the ocea ns duri ng the in dustrial era now residents at a (34)of more than 700 meters, the researchers found. They say theyre (35)whether the deep-sea warmi ng can celed out warmi ng at the seas surface.A absorbB)comb inedC)c on tributeD)depthE)emissio nF)excursi onG)exploreH)floorI)he

25、ightsJ)i ndiffere ntK)levelsL)mixedM)pictureN)un sureO)voyageSection BDirections In this sect ion, you are gonging to read a passage with ten stateme nts attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the in formatio n is derived

26、. You may choose a paragraph more tha n once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresp onding letter on Answer sheet 2.The Secret to Raising Smart KidsA I first began to investigate the basis of human motivation-and how people persevere after setbacks-as a

27、psychology graduate student at Yale University in the 1960s. Animal experime nts by psychologists at the Un iversity of Penn sylva nia had show n that after repeated failures, most animals conclude that a situation is hopeless and beyond their control. After such an experie nee an ani mal ofte n rem

28、a ins passive eve n whe n it can effect cha nge-a state they called lear ned helpless ness.B People can learn to be helpless, too. Why do some stude nts give up whe n encoun ter difficulty, whereas others who are no more skilled continue to strive and learn? One answer, I soon discovered, lay in peo

29、plbeliefs about why they had failed.C In particular, attributing poor performance to a lack of ability depresses motivation more than does the belief that lack of effort is to blame. When I told a group of school children who displayed helpless behavior that a lack of effort led to their mistakes in

30、 math, they learned to keep trying when the problems got tough. Another group of helpless children who were simply rewarded for their success on easier problems did not improve their ability to solve harm math problems. These experiments indicated that a focus on effort can help resolve helpless nes

31、s and gen erate success.D Later, I developed a broader theory of what separates the two general classes oflearn ers-helpless versus mastery-orie nted. I realized these differe nt types of stude nts not only explain their failures differently, but they also hold differe nt “ theories of intelligence.

32、 Thehelpless ones believe intelligence is a fixed characteristic: you have only a certain amount, and thats that. I call this a fixed mi nd-set( 思维模式.Mistakes crack their self-c on fide nce because they attribute errors to a lack of ability, which they feel powerless to change. They avoid challe nges because challe nges make mistakes more likely. The mastery-orie nt childre n, on the other hand, think intelligence is not fixed and can be developed throug

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