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1、英语专业本科学年论文大纲安徽工业大学英语专业本科学年论文大纲一、指导思想学年论文是英语专业实践环节重要教学手段之一,目的在于检查学生对基础阶段所学课程和专业知识的掌握情况,提高他们综合运用知识的能力,同时为从事毕业论文写作打下良好基础。二、论文基本要求1、 选题范围:在指导教师的指导下,学生根据所学课程和各自的兴趣与能力,选择适合自己的学年论文题。内容可涉及西方语言文化、教学法、翻译、英美文学、商务英语和法律英语等。2、 篇幅及构成:1500-2000英文单词。学年论文构成成分及排序如下:(1)封面;(2)目录;(3)标题(title):首字母大写,介词、冠词和连词小写,但第一个词是介词、冠词

2、或连词的首字母需大写。(4)英文提要(abstract)及关键词(key words)(5)中文摘要及关键词100字左右的英文摘要和200字左右的中文摘要; 3-5个关键词。摘要内容为文章中心论题和写作意图,关键词需涵盖标题中主要词汇。(6)正文(body):包括引言(introduction)和结论(conclusion);(7)参考文献(Bibliography):不少于6条,其中至少一条为英文文献;(8)学年论文成绩评定表。 3、 打印格式:(1)A4纸打印,1.5倍行距,论文题目居中,3号黑体字,小标题小3号黑体字,正文小4号字。英文字体为TIMES NEW ROMAN,中文为宋体。(

3、2)参考书目按英文的书目在前,中文的在后,英文按姓的首字母顺序,中文按姓的首字母顺序排列。英文书名用斜体表示,中文书名置于书名号内。每个条目中应按作者/编者-书名-出版地-出版社-时间的顺序来写,用出版的时间,而非印刷的时间。若封面标有第几版需注明。引用网页文章、杂志文章、编著作品和译本的写法见范例。参考书目部分与正文间隔一行。(3) 论文中出现的引言如超过句子单位,需另起一行,用小一号字体或斜体。其它所引单词用斜体。引言后需标明(作者:页码,跨页的标出PX-PY)三、论文评分标准:由指导教师评定,成绩分为优秀、良好、中等、及格、不及格、零分六个等级:写作态度、观点、思路、语言表达、论证、格式

4、、英文书写等考查点。 优秀(90分100分):1. 写作态度认真,按期圆满完成学年论文。2论文观点明确,语言表达流畅,论证充分全面,逻辑严密,结构层次清楚。3论文整体水平高,有独立分析问题、解决问题的能力。4. 书写工整,格式及标点规范 良好(80分-89分):1. 写作态度认真,按期完成学年论文。2. 论文观点明确,语言表达清楚,论证比较充分,逻辑较严密,结构层次较清楚。3. 基本上具有独立分析问题、解决问题的能力。4. 书写工整,格式及标点规范。中等(70分-79分)1. 写作态度认真,基本完成学年论文。2. 论文观点清楚,所引用材料能说明论点,用词较准确,结构层次一般。3. 有一定分析问

5、题、解决问题的能力。4. 书写工整,格式及标点规范。及格(60分-69分):1. 写作态度基本上认真,基本完成学年论文。2论文观点较清楚,所引用材料基本能说明论点,但论述有个别错误或表达不清楚,逻辑欠严密。3具有一般的分析问题、解决问题的能力。4. 书写不够工整,存在个别的用词不当或生造词语。不及格(60分以下,不含零分):1. 写作态度不认真,未按时完成学年论文。2. 论文观点不明确,不集中,逻辑混乱。语言表达不清楚。3基本上不具备分析问题、解决问题的能力。4. 书写潦草。生造词语及语病较多。格式及标点不规范。零分:学年论文中发现基本上抄袭他人成果者,一律以零分计。附1:选题举例(一)I.

6、Literature: 1) 解读麦田里的守望者中霍尔顿的心理世界Psychological study of Holidens image in The Catcher in the Rye2) 浅析卡斯特桥市长男主人公的悲剧命运An Analysis of the Tragic Fate of Hero in The Mayor of Caster Bridge3) 浅析嘉莉妹妹中摇椅的象征意义An Analysis of the Symbol of Rocking Chair in Sister Carrie the Up and Down of Life4) 试探简爱中的哥特式女性主义

7、The exploration on the Gothic Feminism in Jane Eyre5) 浅析呼啸山庄中窗的意象An Analysis of the image of window in Wuthering Heights6) 黑色幽默在第22条军规中的体现及分析The Reflection of black humor and its analysis in Catch-227) “新女性”形象比较:简爱与嘉莉妹妹The Comparison of the Two “New Women” Images: Jane Eyre and Sister Carrie8) 傲慢与偏见

8、与简爱中女主人公形象、性格的比较研究A comparative study of the Images and Characters of the Female roles in Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre9) 试析红字中的艺术特色An Analysis of the artistic character of The Scarlet Letter10)由草叶集看惠特曼的死亡哲学Whitmans death philosophy in Leaves of Grass11)困境重生鲁宾逊漂流记中鲁宾逊性格浅析Rebirth from the Predica

9、ment-an Analysis of Robinson Crusoes Character12)论喜福会中象征主义手法在主题阐释中的作用Symbolism for Conveying the Theme in Amy Tans Joy Luck ClubII. Language and Linguistics3) The Understanding and Translation of English Verbs 4) About Transform of Parts of Speech in Translation 5) On the Words and Expressions Belit

10、tling the Female 6) A Contrastive Study of Proverbs in Chinese and English7) The Effectiveness of the Figures of Speech 8)On English Affix System 9) On Parallelism in English Speech10) On Business Correspondence Writing, 12) Social Linguistics and Language Teaching and Learning13) On Humor in Englis

11、h language III. Translation:1) The Cultural Differences and Translating Methods of the English/Chinese Idiom 2) On Some Translating Features of Western Movies Names 3) On the Main Methods of Translation4) Choice of Correct Words in Translation5) The Understanding and Translation of Attributive Claus

12、esIV. English Teaching and Learning:1) Personality Factors to the Success of Foreign Language Learning2) Communicative Approach to Second Language teaching and learning 3) The Importance of Communicative Competence in Second Language Learning4) Mother Tongue Influence on the Learning of a Foreign La

13、nguage 5) On the Teachers Main Role and Students as a Center in the Classroom6) The Function of Grammar in English Language Study 7) Developing the Students Cultural Understanding through the ForeignLanguage Teaching8) Effects of the Learners Motivation in the Foreign Language Learning论文选题举例(二)一英语及发

14、展史 1 英汉性别歧视语言的对比分析管窥2 英国英语和美国英语语言用法上的不同3 汉语中的英语外来语研究4 跨文化交际与中国特色英语5 VOA特别英语和标准英语的话语基调研究6 语言的负迁移现象与中国式英语的产生7 英语的全球化与语言的多样性、英语在信息化社会中的重要性及作用8试论圣经文化在英语语言中的渗透二语义、词汇、词义1英语词汇学习的误区及对策2. 广告英语的突出形式及其语义信息3. 试析汉语流行语的社会文化4. 汉英颜色词及其文化内涵比较5. 网络英语新词的构成与语义特征6色彩文化中西语义比较三语法、构词法1英语复合词的内在句法、语义及认知构建2英汉语中比喻的文化异同3论三大语言学流派

15、对英语名词化的探究4论英语称谓语的语用特征5商务英语中名词动词化现象研究 四英语写作、修辞及翻译1美国总统言论中的政治委婉语2英语报纸词、句特征3关于英语中圣经词汇的泛化及其汉译4 论翻译中语境的制约功能5谈英语习语及其汉译7. 论英汉翻译中的外来词译法附2:学年论文格式安徽工业大学外国语学院英语专业学 年 论 文 (此处写论文题目,用小二号宋体加黑) 专 业 (使用三号宋体加黑,下同)姓 名 学 号 成 绩 指 导 教 师 2010年 11月 ContentsAbstract.i摘 要. iii1 Introduction.12 The Origins of Chinese English

16、and Chinglish.12.1 The origin of Chinese English .12.2 The origin of Chinglish.23 The Features and Application of Chinese English.3 3.1 The features of Chinese English .3 3.1.1 Pronunciation.3 3.1.2 Vocabulary.3 3.1.3 Sentence structure.4 3.1.4 Paragraph structure .54 Conclusion.13Bibliography.14Chi

17、nese English and Chinglish Abstract: Chinese English is a variety of English to describe those thingsand phenomena unique to China. It is a product of combination of Englishand Chinese culture. Chinglish is not idiomatic English. It shows interferenceand influence of Chinese and contains many mistak

18、es made by Chinese in theprocess ofleaning English as a foreign language. It is an interlanguage. ChineseEnglish has its features in pronunciation, vocabulary, sentence structure andparagraph structure, and is applied widely in the translation of economic andpolitical terms, proverbs, epigrams and C

19、hinese two-part allegorical sayings.Key Words: Chinese English; Chinglish; Chinese characters摘 要:中国英语是英语与中国特色文化相结合的产物,是对具有中国特色的事物的英语表达,是英语的一种变体,并已经得到了国际的认可。中国式英语不是惯用英语,而是中国人在学习英语的过程中,受母语的影响产生的一些不恰当表达。它具有个体性特征,是一种过渡语。中国英语在发音、词汇、句子结构、语篇结构方面都有它自己的特征,运用于术语、谚语、警句、歇后语等。关键词:中国英语 中国式英语 中国特色 1 Introduction N

20、owadays, more and more scholars pay attention to Chinese English. Since Ge Chuansou put forward Chinese English firstly in 1980, different opinions have been offered. Some take Chinese English as China English, while some take it as Chinglish. Due to the differences in cultures, geographies, environ

21、ments and traditional custom of China and English-speaking countries, most of the researchers agree that Chinese English is a language to describe those things and phenomena unique to China. It is a variety of English (孙骊 1989:16-18). Popularly used to expose the culture in China, Chinese English ha

22、s its own features in pronunciation, vocabulary, sentence structure and paragraph structure. Because of the economy and policies unique to China, the terms and phrases referring to them could not be translated to very idiomatic English. And under the influence of Chinese culture, proverbs, epigrams,

23、 and two-part allegorical sayings have Chinese characters. 2 The Origins of Chinese English and Chinglish2.1 The origin of Chinese English Since Ge Chuansou put forward Chinese English firstly in 1980, scholars have great controversy about the concept. Due to different histories, cultures, politics,

24、 environments, etc., some advocate that the internationalism of English should bring into localism (Lin Qingyun 1998:11-15). While some hold that it is not wise to take Chinese English as 5 ConclusionChinese English is a language to describe those things and phenomena unique to China. It is a variet

25、y of English, used to expose the culture of China. Chinglish is not idiomatic English, but “speech or writing that shows the interference and influence of Chinese” (Deng Yanchang 1983:3). It contains many mistakes made by Chinese in the process of learning English as a foreign language. It is an int

26、erlanguage. The paper discusses the origins and applications of Chinese English and Chinglish, and tells the differences between them. The paper also suggests some ways to avoid Chinglish. These include learning more about the cultures of China and English-speaking countries, paying more attention t

27、o English idiomatic expressions, and reading extensively to ensure enough exposure to authentic expressions in a variety of meaningful contexts. Bibliography1. Bassnett, Susan. Translation Studies. ( Third Edition) Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2004.2 Nida, E.A. Language, Cultu

28、re and Translating. Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.3. Oxford Advanced English Chinese Dictionary. The Commercial Press & Oxford University Press, 1997.4. 罗伯特L索尔索. 黄希庭等译. 认知心理学,北京: 北京教育科学出版社,1990。5. 柯平,鲍川运. 世界各地高校的口笔译专业与翻译研究机构J. 中国翻译, 2002(4): 65-68.6. XXX(作者).浅谈电影片名翻译,7. XXX(作者).篇名N. 报纸名,刊登日期.学年论文成绩评定论文题目(English)作者xxx 工作时间段工作进程汇报 指导教师评语指导教师签字等级

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