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1、英语白皮书UNIT 4 1.In many cultures people who were thought to have the ability to _dreams were likely to be highly respected.A. interpret B. intervene C. inherit D. interfere2. The United States is trying to_ the serious problems created by the energy crisis.A. put up with B. submit to C. comply with D.

2、 cope with3. Children are too young to realize how important their daily _ is.A. habit B. routine C. practice D. custom4. Doing part-time jobs can enrich your social experience, but_, it may also result in waste of your study time.A. therefore B. howeverC. conversely D. consequently5. He was totally

3、 _ by what the liar said just now.A. taken out B. taken in C. taken away D. taken up6. John told Mary about her husbands car accident in a _ of distinct regret.A. tone B. tune C. word D. voice7. You cant totally _ on your past experience to draw such a hasty conclusion.A. lie B. lean C. rely D. stre

4、tch8. She was rather irritated by his _ on her new books.A. remark B. judgment C. critic D. declaration9. Applicants will be called for an _ after they hand in their applications.A. appointment B. apartment C. interview D. attraction10. Her boyfriend removed his hat and out his arms to embrace her.A

5、. lengthened B. handed C. stretched D. prolonged11. Everyone must _ the application on Jan. 1st.A. suppose B. submit C. project D. employ12. The writer doesnt like to communicate with_.A. critics B. crimes C. crickets D. crackers13. Language games are usually intended to encourage students_.A. inten

6、tion B. interaction C. internet D. interception14. Nowadays people are all fed up with those meaningless TV_.A. communications B. commerceC. commercials D. commuters15. Get in the car. There is enough _ for you.A. place B. seat C. spot D. room16. My sister was _to whatever people speak of her.A. sen

7、timental B. sense C. sensitive D. sensation17. People spent a lot of time_ this old building.A. refreshing B. restoring C. to refresh D. to restore18. After his father was put into prison, the boy experienced a lot of _from his classmates.A. praise B. abuse C. flattery D. criticism19. 1 was _ at the

8、 way he wont even listen to other peoples suggestions.A. annoying B. annoyed C. bothering D. bother20. I will buy everything _ when I go shopping in the supermarket.A. out of sight B. in the sightC. in sight D. on sight21. What _ her _from the other candidates for the job was thatshe had a lot of or

9、iginal ideas.A. set; apart B. let; outC. set; off D. let; aside22. Overall, she is an easy-going girl, but _ she is bad-tempered.A. at the same time B. at one timeC. at times D. at no time23. After I watched the _ film, I was_ by it deeply.A. moving, moving B. moved, movedC. moving, moved D. moved,

10、moving24. She takes care of the boy carefully as though he _ her own son.A. is B. were C. has been D. will be25. When people talk about the cities of the US, the first _ comes intotheir mind is New York.A. city B. of them C. one D. that26. _, he packed his tools and left.A. Finished B. Being finishe

11、dC. Finishing D. His work finished27. I remember _ for the job, but 1 forget the exact amount.A. to be paid B. be paid C. being paid D. paid28. I found _ for him to invite the leader to the party.A. its difficult B. difficultC. it difficult D. it had difficult29. I arrived at the foot of a hill, and

12、 in front of_ lay a river.A. which B. where C. whom D. it30. Father made a promise _ I passed the examination he would buy me a bicycle.A. that B. if C. whether D. that if31.The football game comes to you _ from New York A1ive Balive C1ively D1iving32.Many people like white color as it is a _ of pur

13、ity Asymbol Bsign Csignal Dsymptom33.This research has attracted wide _coverage and has featured on BBC televisions Tomorrow World Amessage Binformation Cmedia Ddata34.During the process,great care has to be taken to protect the _ silk from damage Asensitive Btender Cdelicate Dsensible35.With proper

14、 lessons,you could _ a lot of habits when playing the piano Akeep up Bpick up Cdraw up Dcatch up36.All the key words in the article are printed in_ type so as to attract readers attention Adark Bdense Cblack D. bold37.He will surely finish the job on time _ hes left to do in his own way Ain that Bso

15、 long as Cin case D. as far as 38.Most of their remarks were kindly _ with tolerance rather than bitterness Areceived Baddressed Cmade Dtaken39.Though he was born and brought up in America,he can speak _ Chinese Asmooth Bfluent Cfluid Dflowing40.Niagara Falls is a great tourist _ ,drawing millions o

16、f visitors every year. Aattention Battraction Cappointment Darrangement41. In a time of social reform, peoples state of mind tends to keep _ with the rapid changes of society.A. step B. progress C. pace D. touch42. _ the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure that they have included all

17、variables and modeled them accurately. A. Even if B. As far as C. If only D. So long as43. My father seemed to be in no _ to look at my school report. A. mood B. emotion C. attitude D. feelings44. In no country _ Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single da

18、y. A. other than B. more than C. better than D. rather than45. After the guests left, she spent half an hour _ the sitting-room. A. ordering B. arranging C. tidying up D. clearing away46. Im sure he is up to the job _ he would set his mind to it. A. if only B. in case C. until D. unless47. Frequentl

19、y single-parent children _ some of the functions that the absent adult in the house would have served. A. take off B. take after C. take in D. take on48. Over a third of the population was estimated to have no _to the health service. A. assessment B. assignment C. exception D. access49._ it or not,

20、his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles. A. Believe B. To believe C. Believing D. Believed50. It has been revealed that some government leaders _ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves. A. employ B. take C. abuse D. overlookUNIT 5 1. _ he works hard, I dont

21、 mind when he finishes the experiment. A. As soon as B. As well as C. So far as D. As long as2. He _ me that hed be waiting for me at the entrance of the park at about seven.A. ensured B. assured C. engaged D. assumed3. The _ goal of the book is to help bridge the gap between research and teaching,

22、particularly between researches and teachers. A. intensive B. concise C. joint D. overall 4. The neighborhood boys like to play basketball on that _ lot. A. valid B. vain C. vacant D. vague 5. The thief tried to open the locked door but _. A. in no way B. in vain C. without effect D. at a loss 6. Mr

23、. Keith was an honest man. He never _ any gifts from people who sought his help.A. contained B. accepted C. received D. attained7. The pilot _ his crippled plane _ in a field.A. bring; back B. bring; out C. bring; down D. bring; off8, His tastes and habits _ with those of his wife.A. combine B. comp

24、ete C. coincide D. compromise9. Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and _. A. sensations B. passions C. emotions D. moods10. Its a pleasure for him to _ his energy and even his life to research work.A.

25、 dedicate B. dictate C. decorate D. direct 11. I am afraid that you have to alter your _ views in light of the tragic news that has just arrived.A. pessimistic B. indifferent C. distressing D. optimistic12. We had to _ a lot of noise when the children were at home. A. go in for B. hold on to C. put

26、up with D. keep pace with13. Many of the scientists and engineers are judged _ how great their achievements are.A. in spite of B. in ways of C. in favor of D. in terms of14. He is a little bad-tempered and will get into a _ if you contradict him.A. angry B. love C. feeling D. passion15. The relation

27、ship between employers and employees has been studied _.A. originally B. extremely C. violently D. intensively16. The patients health failed to such an extent that he was put into _ care.A. tense B. rigid C. intensive D. tight17. The old couple decided to _ a boy and a girl though they had three chi

28、ldren of their own.A. adapt B. bring C. receive D. adopt18. It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _ knowledge.A. extensive B. expansive C. intensive D. expensive19. Its many years since the volcano last _A. burst B. erupt C. blast D. abrupt20. Since the matter was ex

29、tremely _, we dealt with it immediately. A. tough B. tense C. urgent D. instant 21. Tom faced the most _ competition in his life.A. challenging B. charming C. changing D. chatting22. His life was marked _ dreams and tough training.A. on B. in C. with D. to23. She was _ all over when she reached the

30、top of the hill.A. sweet B. sweating C. sweat D. sweaty24. _ what you say, I still believe he is honest.A. In place of B. In favor of C. In terms of D. In spite of25. Classically trained dancers have an unusual _ of movement.A. growth B. grace C. grant D. gratitude26. She has a(n) _ for the handsome boy, but the boy has no idea of that at all.A. emotion B. passion C. passage D. passenger27. No _ of the negotiation between the two countries have been revealed.A. coach B. details C. discovery D. emotion28. He

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