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1、七年级英语下册全册同步练习打包60套新版人教新目标版Unit 1 Can you play the guitarPart 1 Section A(课前)自主预习,扫清障碍 一、Section A单词预习。1吉他 guitar 2唱歌 sing 3游泳 swim 4跳舞 dance 5画画 draw 6国际象棋 chess 7说(某种语言) speak 8参加 join 9俱乐部 club 10讲述 tell 11故事 story 12写作 write 13演出 show 14交谈 talk 二、Section A 重点短语及目标句型预习。1Can you swim? 你会游泳吗?Can表示能力

2、,意为 “能,会”你会唱歌吗? Can you sing? 2Can you play the guitar?play弹,演奏(乐器) play(演奏)+ the + 乐器例如:弹吉他 play the guitar Tom会弹钢琴。Tom can play the piano .3You are very good at telling stories. 你很擅长讲故事。(1)be good at sth./doing sth. 擅长(做)某事Tina擅长舞蹈。Tina is good at dancing .(2)tell stories 讲故事他的爷爷经常给我们讲故事。His grand

3、pa is good at telling stories .4You can join the art club. 你可以加入艺术俱乐部。join+加入某个组织Jessica将参加英语俱乐部。Jessica will join the English club .5Bob wants to join the English club. Bob想参加英语俱乐部。want to do sth. 想做某事Sandy想加入音乐俱乐部。Sandy wants to join the music club .三、Section A语法学习。( A )1Kelly can play _ guitar bu

4、t she cant play _ chess.Athe;/ Bthe; the C/; the Da;/ ( B )2Tom is good at English, he can help me _ my English.Aof Bwith Cabout Dfor( A )3London is a beautiful city, I want _ it someday.Ato visit Bvisit Cvisits Dgoing( B )4Miss Black is good at _. She wants to _ the music club.Asing; join Bsinging;

5、 join Csing; joins Dsinging; joining( D )5Mary can _, so she wants to join the _ club.Aswims; swim Bswims; swimming Cswimming; swim Dswim; swimming四、短文填空。Do you like sports? If you are a sports fan, welcome to 1 our sports club. In the sports club, we have many different games, we can also have grea

6、t 2 . Here, you can make 3 with other people. They are 4 at different sports. For example, Allan is a P.E. teacher. He can 5 tennis very well. If you are 6 in tennis, he would like to help you. Jack is the teacher of the club. Hes tall and strong, he can run very 7 . Next month, our school will have

7、 a sports 8 . Everyone in sports club feels 9 about it. We all 10 to be No.1 in the game, so we are busy preparing for it. Would you come to sports meeting and enjoy the games with us ?1 join 2 fun 3 friends 4 good 5 play 6 interested 7 fast/ quickly 8 meeting 9 excited 10 want 五、完形填空。Tom is an Amer

8、ican boy. Hes tall and healthy, he likes 1 sports very much. 2 is his favorite, he often watches NBA on TV. He thinks the games are great. Tom often plays basketball with his friends on 3 . One day, he went to the 4 with his friends, they had a basketball game with boys in No.2 Middle school. They p

9、layed very well, but at last they lost the game. They felt very 5 . After the game, Tom sits down and 6 with his friends. Then, a man walks to them. Wow! The man is a great basketball 7 in the city, many people knows him. Hes 8 with his students. Some of the basketball players in CBA are his student

10、s. The man says Tom plays very well. He asks him to 9 the city basketball club. Its really a piece of good news for Tom. He will make new 10 and become a good player in the club. ( C )1Aplay Bplays Cplaying Dplayer( A )2ABasketball BFootball CVolleyball DBaseball( D )3Aspring Bsummer Cweekend Dweeke

11、nds( C )4Aclub Bpool Cplayground Dclassroom( B )5Ahappy Bsad Cexcited Dinterested ( D )6Aspeak Bspeaks Ctalk Dtalks( A )7Ateacher Bteachers Cplayer Dplayers( B )8Aangry Bgood Cbusy Dfree( D )9Atakes part in Btake part in Cjoins Djoin ( B )10Afriend Bfriends Cgame Dgames Unit 1 Can you play the guita

12、rPart 2 Section A(课后)问题引导,自主探究一、听填信息(Section A 2d Role play)。Jane: Hi, Bob. What club do you want to 1 join ?Bob: I want to join a sports club.Jane: Great! What sports can you play ?Bob: 2 Soccer .Jane: So you can join the soccer club. Bob: What about you? Youre very good at telling 3 stories . You

13、can join the story telling club and the 4 art club.Jane: 5 Sounds good. But I like to draw, too.Bob: Then join two clubs, the story telling club and the art club.Jane: Ok, lets join now.二、Section A单词拼写与运用。1Mike likes singing, so he wants (想)to be a singer.2Tom is good at sports, he will join (加入)NBA

14、 when he grows up(长大)3Sam is from America, he is good at speaking (讲)English.4His grandpa likes reading story books, he often tells (讲)stories to the kids.5Kelly swims fast, she is a member of the swimming club (俱乐部)6The girl likes listening to stories (story), she will be in story telling club.7We

15、will have a sports (sport)meeting next week. 8In the art club, you can make friends (friend)with different students.9Mr. Black is a teacher from England, he teaches (teach)us English history. 10Susan likes reading very much, she is sure she will be a writer (write)someday.三、Section A重点句型过关。1你会什么运动?(

16、play)What sports can you paly? 2你可以加入讲故事俱乐部。(story telling club)You can join the story telling club. 3Jane会说英语。(speak)Jane can speak English. 4Bob会弹奏吉他吗?(play the guitar )Can Bob play the guitar? 5Lisa想加入游泳俱乐部。(want to join)Lisa wants to join the swimming club. 四、Section A语法过关。( B )1Can you sing?_.

17、But I can dance.AYes, I can BNo, I cant CYes, I do DNo, I dont( D )2_ do you join the sports club ? Because I like playing sports very much.AWhat BWhere CHow DWhy ( B )3_ like to go swimming _ summer.AChildren; on BChildren; in CA child; on DA child; in( C )4She can _ English very well. Look ! She i

18、s _ with a foreigner.Aspeak; talk Bspeaks; talk Cspeak; talking Dspeaks; talking( C )5Miss Brown is good _ music. She can be good _ children in the music club. Aat; at Bwith; with Cat; with Dwith; at( B )6Betty is a clever girl. She can play _ basketball and _ violin.A/; / B/ ; the Cthe; the Dthe;/(

19、 B )7There are many _ in our school. You can have great _.Aclub; fun Bclubs; fun Cclub; funny Dclubs; funny( D )8Mary likes drawing, she can join the _ club.Amusic Bsports Cswimming Dart ( C )9We are busy with the art festival, we want some _ for it.Amembers Bmember Chelpers Dhelper( A )10Nick is a

20、basketball fan, he wants to join the _ club.Asports Bsport Cmusic Dart五、阅读理解。Do you like reading stories? Do you want to be a famous writer like J. K. Rowing . Then welcome to our school Writing Club. There are twenty members in the club. We get together every Tuesday afternoon. Sometimes we meet in

21、 the school library, sometimes in the coffee shop. The activities in the club are colorful. For example, we can share our stories. Sometimes we have a story -writing games. The winner can get some books as presents. We may choose a book to read, everyone must continue to start a new story after read

22、ing the book. Next month, we will have a big party in the club. In the party, we will see the famous writer Guo Jingming. He will share some writing skills. Also, he will show us his new movie Tiny Times(小时代). With his help, I think all the club members can write wonderful stories. If you want to jo

23、in us, please call us at 22863052 or e-mail Lily hot.mail. There are many other activities waiting for you. Hope you can have a great time with us.( B )1How many members are there in the club ? A10. B20. C30. D40.( C )2Where do they meet ?AIn the library and the bookshop BIn the coffee shop and the

24、tea house CIn the library and the coffee shop DIn the bookshop and the coffee shop( C )3How many activities are mentioned(提及)in the passage ?A4. B5. C6. D7.( C )4Who will come to the party ?AJ.K.Rowling. BMo Yan. CGuo Jingming. DHanhan.( B )5What will the famous writer do in the party ?AShow his new

25、 book and share some writing skills.BShow his new movie and share some writing skills.CHave a big meal and share some writing skills.DTalk about his magazines and share some writing skills .Unit 1 Can you play the guitarPart 3 Grammar Focus夯实基础,活用语法一、抄写、朗读并翻译。1Can you swim ? Yes, I can./ No, I cant.

26、抄写:_翻译:_2Can he play chess? Yes, he can. / No, he cant .抄写:_翻译:_3Can Jane and Jill swim? Yes , they can./No, they cant.抄写:_翻译:_4What can you do? I can dance./I cant sing.抄写:_翻译:_5What club do you want to join? We want to join the chess club.抄写:_翻译:_二、Grammar Focus语法过关。( C )1Do you like playing _ ?Yes, I often watch CBAAthe piano Bthe guitar Cbasketba

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