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本文(首发山东省日照市莒县届九年级下学期第二次学业水平模拟测试英语试题.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、首发山东省日照市莒县届九年级下学期第二次学业水平模拟测试英语试题绝密启用前首发山东省日照市莒县2017届九年级下学期第二次学业水平模拟测试英语试题试卷副标题考试范围:xxx;考试时间:54分钟;命题人:xxx学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_题号一二三四五六七总分得分注意事项1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)评卷人得分一、单项选择(题型注释)1、One of the best ways for people to keep healthy is to _ good eating habits.AgrowBdevelopCincreaseDfin

2、d2、They are able to talk openly to one another whenever _ of them feels hurt.AeitherBbothCsomeDall3、Could you tell me_ ? Im going to pick you up at the railway station.At 16:30.Awhat time you cameBwhere you come fromCwhen you will come hereDhow you will come4、What do you think of the speech on geogr

3、aphy that Mr. Green gave us?Great! No one does_ in our school.AgoodBbetterCworseDbest5、Most Chinese parents love their kids very much _ they seldom say “ I love you”.AunlessBwhenCuntilDalthough6、 Are you going to have a part-time job after senior high school entrance examination?Yes, I think we shou

4、ldnt always _ my parents since Ive grown up.Adepend onBlook afterCargue withDdress up7、Teresa looks so painful. There _ be something wrong with her.Oh dear! Wed better take her to the nearest hospital at once.AshouldBmayCwillDmust8、 Did you get WeChat red during the Spring Festival?Yes, Its _ the mo

5、st popular way of sending holiday gifts in China now.AwidelyBactuallyCespeciallyDseldom9、-I dont think I can work_ the math problem.-Think hard, and you can come up _ the answer.Aon; toBout; withCat; withDon; for10、Sorry, Im late, but the traffic is too busy today.Well, I know youre late. Dont make

6、any _ for yourself next time.AproblemBlessonCexcuseDreason评卷人得分二、完形填空(题型注释)Carole Gregory, an amazing old woman, is putting movies into her life. She often makes some cakes into the shapes of her favorite _ in movies.The 68-year-old woman comes from England. She makes a living by _ cakes. About mont

7、hs ago, she thought about it _ for a few days and then decided to accept a new challenge after _ one of her favorite movies.“I love this new challenge,” said Carole. “_Ive made thousands of cakes over the years, this is my first time trying to make a change. And I think making it _ a hobby is the mo

8、st fun. Its exciting to put _ into my life!” However, its not an easy job. Sometimes making a movie cake can _ her many days.“Baking (烘焙) a cake is easy,” said Carole. “But it is _ to make the cake into a special shape.”After long hard work, Carole _ lots of great cakes. Among them, the Predator (铁血

9、战士) cake has been the most popular _ so far. Everyone is _ about it and its picture has been viewed over 10,000 times online. “People often ask if Ive ever got bored or wanted to do _ else but Im an artist and I wouldnt change my job”. Carole says.“Now Im looking forward to my next _, and continuing

10、 my hobby. Im thinking about _ to make my cakes better.” When talking about her future plan, Carole seems to be happy.11、AtoysBrolesCcolorsDclothes12、AeatingBbuyingCsellingDshowing13、AseriouslyBquicklyCeasilyDsadly14、AmakingBwatchingCjoiningDproducing15、AUntilBUnlessCBecauseDAlthough16、AbecomeBwaste

11、ClookDlose17、AsportsBmoviesCgamesDvacations18、ApayBcostCsaveDspend19、AdeliciousBusefulCcolorfulDhard20、AthrewBboughtCmadeDfound21、AoneBsomeCitDones22、AsureBcrazyCsorryDworried23、AnothingBanythingCeverythingDsomething24、AjobBhobbyCchallengeDchance25、AwhenBwhatChowDwhere评卷人得分三、阅读理解(题型注释)Advertising is

12、 a highly developed twentieth-century industry. The development of radio, television, cinema, magazines and newspapers has gone hand in hand with the development of advertising. Why is advertising so popular? Is it a waste of money? It has been proved again and again that repeated advertising increa

13、ses product sales. Since it increases production, the price can be reduced. Therefore advertising, instead of making a product more expensive, makes it cheaper.Advertising is now a scientific business. Once managers would say jokingly, “ I know that half of what I spend on advertising is wasted, but

14、 I dont know which half.” Now, all parts of an advertising programs are properly measured and researched.What makes a good advertisement? There have been major changes in advertising in the past sixty years. People read advertisements partly for information and partly for pleasure. Todays advertisem

15、ents often start with a question, or a puzzle, with the purpose of attracting the readers attention. Of course, most advertisements contain information. But this is usually contained in a text that is interesting and often funny. Humor is very important. Sometimes advertisements tell a story, or the

16、 story may be continued over a number of advertisements. However, there is a danger in this. It is possible that the reader or viewer will remember the advertisement but not the name of the product.26、Which of the following can be used in place of the underlined phrase “hand in hand” ?AHere and ther

17、e.BAgain and again.CAs usual.DAt the same time.27、The purpose of advertising is _.Ato increase product salesBto make a product much betterCto spend more moneyDto reduce the production28、What is meant by what managers said in the second paragraph?AManagers spent no money on advertising.BNot all the a

18、dvertisements were well designed.CA11 the managers knew about advertising then.DA11 the money on advertising was wasted.29、An outstanding advertisement_Ais always an interesting story.Bcan not only catch the readers eyes but is full of products information.Cmust starts with a question, or a puzzle.D

19、can make the price of the product low30、What does the writer think of advertising?AUselessBUnnecessaryCWastefulDImportantRead 10,000 books and travel 10,000 miles. Learn as much as you can and do all you can. Travel can teach people more than a textbook. I value the memories I have travelled all ove

20、r the world. There are many reasons why I encourage people to travel, and I know that the experience will make one a better person.I remember when I was traveling that I began to know the world better. The world is not just about me, my small town and home. Although you will meet different people fr

21、om all over the world, you will realize that people are similar in their dreams, hopes and feelings. Enjoy exploring the different cultures, and you will also find that people are different in some of the things they do and how they live. Once you understand their ways, it need not be strange or sca

22、ry. Often we read stories about other cultures in books. Only when we visit their areas, do we find that those stories are something wrong.One thing you may find out is that there are problems all over the world. We cant just get money to send to these areas and hope that will work them out. The wor

23、ld should get involved(干预) and help wherever there are problems. People everywhere should be given a chance. It is so easy to ignore this if one does not travel and explore. One can look around and see that so many people have many challenges worse than ours. One can realize that sometimes our bigge

24、st problems are not that big after all.On your journey you will meet lots of new friends. Talking to strangers and finding about their lives is a great way to spend your time. You will certainly be more confident after having to solve problems and make many decisions along the way.Traveling around a

25、nd seeing so much happening in the world around us is a wonderful experience. If we could all just travel a little more and share our experiences, we would all be better people and the world would be a better place.We all want to travel but our greatest limitations are from within. Seeing the world

26、is not leisure but provides interesting elements that will help us grow and discover ourselves. More than that, it boosts our creativity and recharges our spirit to face life challenges. Thus, it is important to quit making these excuses and hit the road.31、From Paragraph 2, we can learn that_.Apeople should enjoy their lives.Byou will meet different people from all over the worldCtravelling can help us better understand the world.Dpeople in different places have strange living habits.32、The expression “ignore” in Paragraph

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