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1、年级小学英语重点内容可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式一年级英语上册Unit 1 School词汇:ruler尺子,pencil铅笔,schoolbag书包,teacher教师, I 我, have有句子:I have a (book). Whats your name? My name is Show me Stand up. Sit down. Close your eyes. Open your eyes. Unit 2 Face词汇:face脸,nose鼻

2、子,mouth嘴巴,eye眼睛, ear耳朵, this这个, is是, my我的 句子:This is my (face). Touch your (face).Unit 3 Animals词汇:dog狗, bird鸟, tiger老虎, monkey猴子, cat猫, what什么, it它 句子:Whats this? Its a ( cat). Act like a (cat). Unit 4 Numbers词汇:one一, two二, three三, four四, five五, six六, seven七, eight八, nine九, ten十 句子: How many ( rule

3、rs) are there? There are ten (rulers).Unit 5 Colours词汇:red红色, black黑色, blue蓝色, yellow黄色, green绿色, colour颜色句子: What colour is it? Its ( black). Show me (black). Guess. Whats this? Its a ( pencil ). Unit 6 Fruit词汇:apple苹果, pear梨, orange柑橘, banana香蕉, do(助动词), you你, like喜欢, Yes 是的, no 不是 句子: Do you like

4、 ( apples )? Yes, I do. Choose a number.一年级英语下册Unit 1 Classroom词汇:chair椅子, desk书桌, blackboard黑板, in在里面, on在上面, Under在下面, where哪里, the 放在名词前,特指人、事、物句子:Where is the(book)? Its on/in/under (the desk)。 Put your (book)in/on/under the ( desk).Unit 2 Room词汇:light灯, bed床, door门, box箱子、盒子, near靠近, behind在背后句

5、子:Whats ( behind) the (door) ? ( A chair). Unit 3 Toys词汇:car小汽车, ball球, plane飞机, doll玩具娃娃, bear玩具熊, train火车, can 能, sure当然, sorry对不起句子:Can I have a (car )? Sure. Here you are. / Sorry, no.Unit 4 Food词汇:noodles面条, vegetables蔬菜, egg鸡蛋, fish鱼、鱼肉, chicken鸡、鸡肉, rice米、米饭, hungry 饥饿的, want想要, and和句子: Im hu

6、ngry. I want ( noodles). Do you like (rice) ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Unit 5 Drink词汇:juice果汁、蔬菜汁, milk牛奶, water水, tea茶叶、茶, thirsty口渴的, thanks感谢 句子: Do you want ( tea) ? Yes, please. / No, thanks.Unit 6 Clothes词汇:shirt衬衫, T-shirt T恤衫, skirt裙子,短裙, dress连衣裙, socks短袜, shorts短裤, your你的,你们的句子: I like your

7、 ( shirt). Put on your shirt. Look at my / your dress. Its red. I like my red dress.二年级英语上册Unit 1 My family词汇:father 父亲;爸爸, mother 母亲;妈妈,brother 兄;弟,sister 姐, grandmother (外)祖母, grandfather (外)祖父,who 谁,he 他, she 她句子: Whos he? 他是谁? He is my (father). 他是我的爸爸。 Whos she? 她是谁? She is my (mother). 她是我的妈妈。

8、Unit 2 Boys and girls词汇:classmate 同班同学,friend 朋友,woman 女人,girl 女孩,man 男人, boy 男孩, look 看; 瞧, his 他的, name 名字, her 她的, or 还是句子: Whats his name? 他的名字是什么? His name is (Panpan). Whats her name? 她的名字是什么? Her name is (Candy).Unit 3 My friends词汇: big大的, tall 高的,pretty 漂亮的;可爱的, thin 瘦的,short 矮的 handsome英俊的,

9、 new 新的, does (助动词)句子: What does he look like? 他长得什么样? He is (tall). 他的个子高。 What does she look like? 她长得什么样? She is (pretty). 她很漂亮。Unit 4 In the Community词汇:bookshop 书店, zoo 动物园, school 学校, supermarket 超市, park 公园,hospital 医院, go 去, to 向;朝句子: Where are you going? 你打算去哪里? Im going to the (zoo). 我打算去动

10、物园。Unit 5 In the park词汇:grass 草,tree 树,flower 花;花朵,boat 小船, lake 湖, hill 小山句子: There is a boat on the lake. 在湖里有一条小船。 There are (trees) in the park.在公园里有很多树。Unit 6 Happy Holidays 词汇: Christmas 圣诞节,Father Christmas 圣诞老人,Christmas tree 圣诞树, too 也;又, present 礼物, card 贺 卡;明信片, New Year 新年, merry 高兴的;愉快的

11、,here 这儿,for(表接受某事物或从某事物中获益的人), thank谢谢, happy快乐的、幸福的 句子: Happy New Year! 新年快乐! You too! 你也是! Here is a card for you. 这张贺卡送个你。 Thank you. 谢谢。 二年级英语下册Unit 1 Playtime词汇: play football踢足球, fly a kite放风筝, ride a bike骑自行车, cant不能, make a modle plane做飞机模型, swim游泳, make a snowman堆雪人 句子: Can you ( play foot

12、ball )? Yes , I can. / No , I cant . Unit 2 Weather 词汇: umbrella雨伞, rainy下雨的, cloudy多云的, snowy下雪的, windy刮风的, sunny晴朗的,weather天气, wow哇, lets 让我们 句子: Its (windy). 介绍简单天气情况。询问和回答天气状况的功能句:Whats the weather like today? Its (sunny).Unit 3 Seasons词汇:spring春天, summer夏天, autumn秋天, winter冬天, hot炎热的, warm温暖的,

13、cool凉爽的, cold寒冷的, favourtite最喜欢的, season季节句子: Whats your favourite season? My favourite season is spring.Its warm /hot /cool/ cold. Unit 4 Time词汇:eleven十一, twelve十二, thirteen十三, fourteen十四, fifteen十五, Twenty二十, thirty三十, forty四十, fifty五十, time时间, playtime游戏时间句子: What time is it ? Its ( twelve ) oclo

14、ck. Its (ten thirty).Unit 5 My Day词汇:get up起床, eat breakfast吃早饭, go to school上学, eat lunch吃午饭, go home回家, eat dinner吃晚饭, go to bed上床 睡觉, when什么时候 every day每天, at在点钟句子: When do you ( get up ) every day? I ( get up ) at ( six ) oclock.Unit 6 My Week词汇:Monday星期一, Tuesday星期二, Wednesday星期三, Thursday星期四,

15、Friday星期五, Saturday星期六, Sunday星期天, today今天句子: What day is it today? / What day is it? Its ( Monday ).三年级英语上册Unit 1 Myself词汇:my(我的) , your(你的), name(名字), new(新的), year(年岁), old(年老的) How old多大, class班级, grade年级, age年龄, dear亲爱的句子:Which class are you in?(你在几班) Im in class one grade six. Unit 2 My Body词汇

16、:body(身体), head(头), hair(头发), arm(胳膊), leg(腿), hand(手), foot/feet(脚), the matter困难、毛病, hurt疼痛, help帮助, bad坏的, bite咬, tongue舌头, kick踢, morning早晨, afternoon下午, summary总结、摘要句子: Whats the matter? (你怎么了? My (leg) hurts. (我的受伤了。)Unit 3 Food词汇:bread(面包), cake(蛋糕), ice-cream(冰淇淋), potatoes(土豆), tomatoes(西红柿

17、, meat(肉), fruit(水果), for当作, cola可乐 shopping list购物单, buy买句子: What do you want for breakfast?(你早餐想要什么?) I want some bread and milk.(我想要一些)Unit 4 Pets词汇:rabbit(兔子), duck(鸭子), chicken(小鸡), snake(蛇), turtle(兔子),small(小的), long(长的),look for寻找, tail尾巴, dance跳舞句子:What does it look like? (它长得怎么样?) Its smal

18、l). It has ( long tail). Unit 5 Clothes词汇: cat(帽子), coat(大衣), shoes(鞋), sweater(毛衣), jacket(夹克), gloves(手套), trousers(长裤),should应该, wear穿, week星期, soon不久, look forward to盼望句子: These are(shoes)(这些是.) What should I wear today?(今天,我应该穿什么衣服?)You should wear (a coat).(你应该穿)Unit 6 Birthdays词汇:January一月, F

19、ebruary二月, March三月, April四月, May五月, June六月, July七月, August八月, September九月, October十月, November十一月, December十二月, birthday生日, first第一, party聚会, delicious美味的句子: When is your birthday?(你的生日是什么时候?) Its in January.(我的生日在)三年级英语下册Unit 1 School Subjects词汇: Chinese语文, English英语, science科学, PE体育, music音乐, art美

20、术, maths数学, computer class计算机课,we我们, that那个, 句子:What classes do you have on ( Monday )? We have ( Chinese and English).Unit 2 My School词汇:classroom教室, library图书馆, toilet厕所, playground操场, floor(楼)层, first第一的, second第二的, third第三的, room房间, our我们的, they他们, chair椅子, desk书桌,blackboard黑板句子:Do you have a (

21、a playground)? Yes, we do. / No, we dont. Where is it? Its on the ( first) floor.Unit 3 After School Activities词汇:after school放学后, play sports做运动, draw pictures画画, dance跳舞, play chess下棋, sing songs唱歌, read books读书, really确实, tomorrow明天, wake up叫醒,be back回来句子: What are you going to do after school? I

22、m going to ( play sports). Whats he / she going to do after school? Hes / Shes going to (read books).Unit 4 My Family词汇:family家庭, uncle姑父;伯父, aunt姑母;伯母, cousin堂(表)兄弟, handsome英俊的, beautiful美丽的, lost遗失, water bottle水平, know知道, OK好的, much很多地, welcome受欢迎的句子: Is she your (mother)? Is that man your (fath

23、er)? Yes, she is. / No, he isnt.Unit 5 Family Activities词汇: cooking dinner正在做饭, walking the dog正在遛狗, watching TV正在看电视, watering the plants正在给植物浇水, cleaning the room正在打扫房间, listening to music正在听音乐, feeding the fish正在喂鱼,play with与玩耍, in one hour一小时之后, everyone每人, children孩子们, run跑句子: What are you doin

24、g? What is he / she doing? I am ( cooking dinner). He / She is ( walking the dog).Unit 6 My Home词汇:home家, bedroom卧室, living room客厅, bathroom卧室, dining room餐厅, study书房、学习, kitchen厨房, for rent供出租,sofa沙发句子: Where is (Andy)? Whats he / she doing? He / She is in the ( bedroom). He / She is ( sleeping ).

25、四年级英语上册Unit 1 Sports and Games词汇: running跑步, basketball篮球, roller skating滑旱冰, jumping rope跳绳, ping-pong乒乓球, What about?怎么样? Interesting有趣的, often经常, be good at擅长, late晚句子:Do you often (play hockey)? Yes, I often (play hockey). Im good at it. Yes, I sometimes (play tennis), but Im not good at it.Unit

26、 2 On the Weekend词汇:visit ones grandparents看望(外)祖父母, go to a drawing club去绘画俱乐部, climb a hill爬山, pick fruit采摘水果, play computer games玩电脑游戏, go fishing钓鱼, go to the cinema看电影, on the weekend在周末, fun有趣的, always总是, step踏、踩, paint颜料, evening傍晚, dirty脏的, their他们的, house房子, poor可怜的, hope希望, so那么句子: Do you

27、like ( baseball)? Yes, I do. I also (like jogging). What about you?I like (cycling). Its (interesting).Do you often ( play tennis)? Yes, I often ( play tennis). Im good at it.Unit 3 Transportation词汇:usually通常,by bus乘公交车,by boat乘小船, by ship 乘轮船, by car乘小汽车, by taxi乘出租车, by bike 骑自行车, on foot步行, by sc

28、hool bus乘校车,by subway乘地铁, by plane乘飞机,by train乘火车, garden花园, meeting place集合地点, gate大门,transportation交通, film电影,earth地球、世界,snow雪,theatre剧场,come来,enjoy欣赏句子: How do you usually go to school? I usually go to school (by car). Unit 4 Asking for Help词汇:pen钢笔,knife小刀, eraser橡皮, crayon 蜡笔, scissors剪刀,paper

29、纸, glue stick胶棒, use使用, please请, find找到, Information Centre咨询中心, Excuse me对不起,打扰一下。phone电话,dad爸爸,hamburger汉堡包 句子: Do you have ( pens)? Yes, we do. Do you have (scissors)? Sorry, we dont.Can I use your eraser, please? SorryI dont have oneCan I use your dictionary, please?SorryIm using itCan I use you

30、r eraser, please?SureHere you areMy grandpa is illPlease call _! Whats the weather like? Please call _!Fire! Fire! Please call _! Look! A thief! Please call _!Unit 5 Safety词汇:climb on the window ledge爬窗台, dangerous危险, play with fire玩火, be careful 当心,run down the stairs跑下楼梯, sidewalk人行道, safe安全的, wait for等待,safety rule安全规则,stop停,street街道, 句子: Be careful! Please use Its safe.Dont run down the stairs. Its dangerous! Dont climb on the window ledge.Unit 6 Jobs词汇:nurse护士, cook厨师, doctor医生, farmer农民, bus driver公交司机, police officer警官, taxi driver出粗司机, worker工人,in the future将来, great好极了,job工作,sick有

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