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1、七年级英语上册阅读理解点解析Word版附答案word1七年级英语上册阅读理解点解析(Word版附答案)(word)1一、七年级英语上册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析)1根据短文理解选择答案。D Laura is at the airport(机场). She waits for her plane. Her plane is to Berlin, and it is 4 hours away. Laura walks around the shops. After an hour she wants to go to the bathroom. But she doesnt find it.

2、“Where is the bathroom?” she says. She starts asking other people. Laura says to a man,“Excuse me, sir, could you please tell me where the bathroom is?” The man says, “You mean the restroom,right?” Laura says, “No, I mean the bathroom.” “Well, the restroom is over there.” He says and walks away. Lau

3、ra doesnt understand(明白). She asks a woman, “Excuse me, madam, could you please tell me where the bathroom is?” “The restroom is over there,” the lady answers and walks away. Laura is confused. “Whats wrong? I need to use the bathroom and they tell me to rest!” Then Laura gives up(放弃). She feels tir

4、ed and thinks she needs to rest. She walks to the restroom. Now she is surprised. She realizes(意识到) the restroom is the name for a public(公共的) bathroom!(1)Laura will go to_. A.the airportB.the shopC.a restaurantD.Berlin(2)Laura asks _where the bathroom is.A.a boyB.a man and a womanC.two menD.nobody(

5、3)Whats the meaning of the underlined(加下划线的)word “confused”?A.兴奋的B.明白的C.迷惑的D.发怒的(4)Which of the following is TRUE(正确的)?A.It needs one hour to Berlin.B.The man doesnt tell,where the bathroom is.C.Laura finds the bathroom at last.D.You cant buy things at the airport.【答案】 (1)D(2)B(3)C(4)C 【解析】【分析】本文通过一

6、个故事讲述文化差异产生的误解。细节理解。根据第一段She waits for her plane. Her plane is to Berlin可知劳拉在机场等去柏林的航班。故选D。细节理解。根据第二段Laura says to a man和第三段She asks a woman可知答案是B。词义猜测。根据句意:劳拉感到:怎么啦,我想上厕所他们却告诉我去休息。因此confused意思是“感到困惑”,故选C。细节理解。根据最后一段可知劳拉最后明白了restroom就是公共厕所,故选C。2阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。B A group of children

7、meet in the library each week during lunchtime. They are famous as the Miss Margaret Fan Club. Every Thursday, the twelve members of the Miss Margaret Fan Club make their way to the study center in the back of the library. The first Thursday they met, Miss Margaret greeted them with a little talk. W

8、elcome to the first meeting of the writing club! she said. During the school year, we will meet here to work on story writing. At the end of the year, I will put all of your stories together in a book. Miss Margaret gave a pencil and two pieces of paper to each student. Now, your first homework is t

9、o think of a character. Now, try to think about an interesting person. When you think of this person, write down all the details(细节)about him or her in your head. (1)What is the club about? A.WritingB.PaintingC.ReadingD.Swimming(2)What will the children do at the end of the year? A.They will travel

10、aroundB.They will buy pencilsC.They will meet new peopleD.They will make a book(3)What is the childrens first homework? A.To help a personB.To try a new thingC.To write a personD.To make a new friend(4)What does the underlined wordcharactermean? A.StoryB.BookC.PlaceD.Person【答案】 (1)A(2)D(3)C(4)D 【解析】

11、【分析】短文大意:这篇短文写的是玛格丽特小姐粉丝俱乐部每周进行写作的故事。(1)细节理解题。根据Welcome to the first meeting of the writing club!欢迎写作俱乐部的第一次聚会。可知它是关于 写作的。故选A。(2)细节理解题。根据At the end of the year, I will put all of your stories together in a book.在年末,我将把你所有的故事放在一本书里。可知她要把你的故事制成一本书。故选D。(3)细节理解题。根据Now,your first homework is to think of

12、a character.character是人物的意思。故选C。(4)细节理解题。根据Now,try to think about an interesting person.现在,尽量去想一个有趣的人。可知character是人物的意思。故选D。【点评】快速浏览全文,了解大概内容。特别注意开头和结尾,以及文章的标题,这样会对文章有个更深的理解。细读原文,抓住时间、地点、事件、人物、原因、经过,并做出标记,这样有些问题就会迎刃而解。根据题意选出最佳答案,有些可以直接根据原文找出答案。有些时候可以用排除法,根据文中内容直接排除那些无中生有的或者太绝对的答案。最后如果时间允许,可以再通读原文,检查

13、自己的答案。3阅读理解E Have you watched the TV show Home With Kids(家有儿女)?You may hear many people make the sound of Hahahahaha! when something funny happens. But every time, the laughter(笑声) sounds the same. This is canned(录音的) laughter. US sound engineer Charley Douglass made it in the 1950s. He recorded(录音)

14、 different kinds of laughter. When editors needed certain laughter, he just pressed the play button(按钮). Canned laughter was popular during that time. When audiences(观众) heard it, they laughed with the actors. But about 10 years later, some people thought canned laughter sounded silly. They wanted r

15、eal laughter because it is more vivid(生动的)。Some famous sitcoms, such as Friends and the Big Bang Theory (生活大爆炸),use this kind of laughter. The Big Bang Theory sells tickets to audience around the world. They can join the live recording. All the laughter you hear is from the real audience! So which k

16、ind of laughter do you like? (1)Who made canned laughter? A.A filmmakerB.An editorC.An engineerD.A doctor(2)What do we know about canned laughter? A.It was first made in the US.B.It helped the audience laugh at the actors.C.It was built in a can.D.It was popular in the 1980s.(3)Canned laughter is no

17、t popular anymore because _. A.real laughter is more vividB.some famous sitcoms dont use itC.audiences do not laugh when they hear itD.canned laughter sounds silly(4)We can tell from the story that _ used canned laughter. A.FriendsB.The Big Bang Theory C.Home With kidsD.Harry Potter【答案】(1)C(2)A(3)D(

18、4)C 【解析】【分析】本文开始以家有儿女为例,引出了录音笑声,讲述了它的由来,效果。并介绍了它在十年之后变得不再流行,另一种更真实,生动的笑声配音出现。(1).细节理解题 根据文中第二段第一行US sound engineer Charley Douglass made it in the 1950s.可知是一个工程师制作的录音笑声。故选C。(2).细节理解题 根据文中第二段第一行US sound engineer Charley Douglass made it in the 1950s.可知录音笑声首先是在美国制作的。根据第三段When audiences(观众) heard it, t

19、hey laughed with the actors.可知观众是和演员一起笑,而不是嘲笑演员。可排除B。C项是错误表达。根据Canned laughter was popular during that time.可知Canned laughter在1950s流行,可排除D。故答案选A。(3).细节理解题 根据第四段some people thought canned laughter sounded silly.可知录音笑声不再流行是因为人们认为它很傻。故选D。(4).细节理解题 根据文章第一段可以看出家有儿女是运用了录音笑声。D没有提到。由第四段such as Friends and t

20、he Big Bang Theory (生活大爆炸),use this kind of laughter.可以看出这两个不是使用的录音笑声,而是生动的笑声。可排除A B,故选C。【点评】本题是说明文体的阅读理解,细节理解题为主,在阅读全文的基础上,在文中找出对应的语句,在细节上加以分析,得出正确答案。一定的词汇量是做对此类题的前提。4阅读理解 For a 6-year-old kid, what he or she wants most may be delicious food and enough playtime. Sometimes we think children only hav

21、e some simple wishes. _ , a 6-year-old girl in the kindergarten(幼儿园) surprised her teacher. An Internet user Katt has a little sister called Peyton. Last week, Katt shared her sisters teachers note(便条) online.Mrs. Petree shared Peytons act of kindness(善良). It really touched many peoples hearts. Here

22、 is the thing. Peyton did very well in class and the reward(奖赏)she chose was to sit with a friend at lunch. The teacher thought for sure who Peyton would choose. But Peyton picked a little boy who never got picked for anything. What a surprise! Mrs. Petree said kids learned to be kind when they saw

23、Peytons kindness. After that, other kids started to play with the boy. The boy is very different now and hes more and more outgoing After reading the note, Katt thought her little sister was great and that she would make the world better one day.(1)Which word can be put in ? A.AlsoB.ThenC.AgainD.How

24、ever(2)Where did Katt share Peytons story? A.In a newspaper.B.On TV.C.On the Internet.D.In a storybook.(3)What did Mrs. Petree think of Peyton? A.She was quiet and shy.B.She was kind and nice.C.She wasnt as good as other kids in her class.D.She was the best student in the kindergarten.(4)What can we

25、 know about the boy? A.He is short and shy.B.He is hardworking.C.He had few friends.D.He was outgoing.(5)What does the story want to tell us? A.Kindness can make the world better.B.Children are too young to think of others.C.Its good for kids to play with others.D.Children in the kindergarten are ki

26、nd.【答案】 (1)D(2)C(3)B(4)C(5)A 【解析】【分析】文章大意:对于一个6岁的孩子来说,他或她最想要的可能是美味的食物和足够的娱乐时间。有时我们认为孩子们只有一些简单的愿望。幼稚园的一名6岁女孩令老师大吃一惊。一个网络用户Katt有一个叫Peyton的小妹妹。上周,凯特在网上分享了她姐姐的老师的笔记。读过这便签后,凯特认为她的小妹妹很棒,总有一天她会让世界变得更好。 (1)细节理解题,根据文中的Sometimes we think children only have some simple wishes. _ , a 6-year-old girl in the kind

27、ergarten(幼儿园) surprised her teacher有时我们认为孩子们只有些简单的愿望,幼儿园的个6岁女孩让她的老师感到惊讶,可知是转折关系,故答案是D。 (2)细节理解题,根据文中的第2段 Katt shared her sisters teachers note(便条) online. 可知Katt在网上分享了她姐姐的老师笔记,故答案是C。 (3)细节理解题,根据文中的第2段Mrs. Petree shared Peyton s act of kindness. Petree太太分享了Peyton的善行,可知应该是认为Peyton是善良的,故答案是B。 (4)推理判断题,

28、根据文中的第2段After that, other kids started to play with the boy在那之后,其他的孩子开始和那个男孩起玩. 可知那个男孩之前几乎没有朋友,故答案是C。 (5)主旨大意题,根据文中的第三段Katt thought her little sister was great and that she would make the world better one day. Katt认为她的小妹妹很棒,总有天她会让世界变得更好,可知结合全文,是善良会让这个世界变得更美好,故答案是A。 【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题、逻辑推理题和主旨题几种常考题型,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;逻辑推理题需要联系上下文,按照一定的逻辑推理方式推断出需要的信息;主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。5阅读下面短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

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