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1、应聘电脑工程师 求职面试英语口语对话辅导材料应聘电脑工程师应聘电脑工程师,主要考察你的技术能力,以及对最新软件的掌握和了解。计算机行业发展很快,所以一个人的学习和接受能力很重要。正如电脑分硬件和软件,电脑工程师也分硬件工程师和软件工程师。硬件和软件有很大的区别,所以面试前要为自己定位。本单元对硬件和软件工程师的面试分别举了例子。BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达1) Why don?t you begin by telling me something about yourself?你就从谈谈你自己开始吧!2) What made you decide to get into c

2、omputers?什么使你决定搞计算机这一行?3) After I did my engineering degree, I began to specialize in computer technology.读完工程学位后,我就开始专攻计算机技术。4) I?d like to start this interview with some questions.我们开始面试吧,首先问你几个问题。5) I think my background meets the requirement of this position.我想我的背景符合这份工作的要求。6) Yes, can you tell

3、me what?s my responsibility in this position?有,你能告诉我这份工作我的职责是什么吗?7) You would be responsible for the development of software products.你将负责软件产品的开发。8) I have worked on about every system that is out right now.我用过目前市面上的所有系统。9) I have hands-on experience in system development including system analysis a

4、nd design.我有系统开发的实际操作经验,包括系统分析和设计。CONVERSATIONS 会话(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)Dialogue 1I: Why don?t you begin by telling me something about yourself?A: What do you want to know?I: The usual, you know, something about your background and experience and anything personal that you feel is pertinent.A:

5、Well, I was born in Shanghai and went to school there, right up through college. My father is a lawyer, and my mother is a teacher.I: Sounds as if you come from a professional family.A: That?s right. One of my sisters is a doctor and the other one teaches at a university.I: What made you decide to g

6、et into computers?A: Oh,nothing in particular, I guess. I always liked mathematics and tinkering with machines.I: Now what about your experience? How long have you been working with computers?A: More than five years now. After I did my engineering degree, I began to specialize in computer technology

7、 and I even had my own company for a while.I: It certainly sounds impressive. Why don?t you have your credentials sent to me and I?ll show them to the board? We?ll probably get back to you in a week.A: Thanks very much.I: 你就从谈谈你自己开始吧!A: 你想知道些什么?I: 一般的情况,你的背景啦、经历和你觉得任何与此有关的个人情况。A: 好吧。我出生在上海,在那儿上学,一直到

8、大学毕业。我父亲是个律师,母亲是个教师。I: 这么说你出自于一个职业家庭。A: 是的。我姐姐是医生,另一个姐在大学任教。I: 是什么让你决定搞计算机这一行的?A: 我想没什么特殊的原因。我一向喜欢数学和摆弄机器。I: 那再谈谈你的经历吧。你干计算机这行有多久了?A: 五年多了。读完工程学位后,我就开始专攻计算机技术,甚至有段时间我还建立了自己的公司。I: 这真不错。你何不把你的证件寄给我,我拿给董事会看看?一个星期之内,我们可能会和你联系。A: 非常感谢。Dialogue 2A: Excuse me. I have an appointment with Mr. Li at nine. May

9、 I come in?I: Yes, come in please. I am Mr. Li. You must be Mz Liu, right?A: Yes, I am Mz liu. Thanks.I: I?d like to start this interview with some questions. Why do you think you are qualified for this position?A: According to your advertisement, you want an experienced software engineer. I think m

10、y background meets the requirement of this position.I: Then tell me something about your background.A: My major was computer science when I was at college, and I am quite familiar with Visual C+ and Java language.I: Well, what do you think about the development in computers?A: The developments in so

11、ftware are going ahead very quickly and more and more problems are resolved by software. In some regions, the hardware is completely replaced by software. So I think the software industry has a great future.I: Have you ever designed any programs concerning network?A: Yes, I have designed some progra

12、ms for the network with Visual C+ and I have passed the test for programmers - MCSE.I: Have you got anything to ask me?A: Yes, can you tell me what?s my responsibility in this position?I: Yes, of course. You would be responsible for the development of software products.A: I see. This is my advantage

13、.I: Good. Have you got any other questions?A: No.I: Ok, I will contact you in a week. See you.A: Thank you, bye-bye.A: 打扰一下,我和李先生九点钟有个约会,我可以进来吗?I: 请进,我就是李先生,你肯定是刘小姐吧?A: 对,谢谢。I: 我们开始面试吧,首先问你几个问题。你为什么认为你能胜任这份工作?A: 从你们的广告上得知,你们需要一位有经验的软件工程师。我想我的背景符合这份工作的要求。I: 那说说你的背景吧。A: 我大学时的专业是计算机科学。我精通VC+和Java语言。I:

14、那你认为计算机行业将来的发展如何?A: 软件将会发展很快,而且越来越多的问题依靠软件解决。在某些领域,硬件会完全被软件所取代,所以我认为软件前景可观。I: 你设计过有关网络方面的程序吗?A: 是的,我用过VC+设计过一些网络程序,而且我还通过了一个程序员考试MCSE。I: 你有什么问题要问吗?A: 有,你能告诉我这份工作我的职责是什么吗?I: 当然可以了,你将负责软件产品的开发。A: 哦,那是我的优势。I: 太好了。还有别的问题吗?A: 没有了。I: 那好,我们会在一周内和你联系的。再见。A: 谢谢你。再见。Dialogue 3I: Tell me something about your w

15、ork experience.A: Well, I have been in the computer engineering field for 6 years now. I am familiar with both hardware and software and with hands-on experience in system development including system analysis and design.I: What systems have you worked on?A: I have worked on about every system that

16、is out right now.I: Do you feel comfortable with the new system by MicroCom?A: I am not as familiar with it as I am with some of the older systems. But I am a fast learner and I can master it in a short time.I: What do you consider your strenghts?A: I am knowledgeable and levelheaded.I: 说说你的工作经验吧。A:

17、 好的,我到现在为止已经在计算机工程行业工作6年了。我对硬件和软件都很熟悉,并具有系统开发的实际操作经验,包括系统分析和设计。I: 你用过什么系统?A: 我用过目前市面上的所有系统。I: 那你觉得Microcom公司的新系统如何?A: 我对它并不像对其他老系统那样熟悉,但我学得很快,我能短时间内掌握它。I: 那你认为你有什么长处?A: 我知识丰富、头脑冷静。experienced 有经验的,老练的 professional 职业(性)的;专业的in particular 特别;尤其 engineering 工程学,工程degree 学位;程度 be replaced by 被什么取代resol

18、ve 解决 advantage 优势system 系统 analysis 分析master 掌握,精通 levelheaded 头脑冷静的,明智的最基本的几个计算机用语是:system(系统)、hardware(硬件)、software(软件)、program(程序)、network(网络)。1) What made you decide to get into computers?go intowork with你为何决定干电脑工作这一行?2) I think my background meets the requirement of this position.experiencecapability我认为我的 背景 满足这个职位的要求。经验能力3)I am familiar with hardware and software.database programmingnetwork knowledgecomputer networking我熟悉 硬件和软件。数据库编程网络知识计算机网络

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