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1、叉车安全操作程序 叉车安全操作程序1.PURPOSE 目的 This procedure provides the minimum requirements for the safe operation of forklift trucks. It enhances the safety of all personnel involved in the operation of forklift trucks, and also others who may be working in close proximity to forklift trucks. 本程序提供最基本的叉车安全操作要求。

2、旨在提高叉车操作人员以及叉车附近其他工作人员的安全性。 2.SCOPE 范围 This procedure applies to all forklift truck operations on the terminal regardless of the ownership of the forklift trucks. 本程序适用于库区范围内所有叉车操作(无论何方所有)。 3.DEFINITION 定义 3.1.Qualified Forklift Operator is an operator who has undergone the required training on fork

3、lift operations and has the license issued by the interrelated authority. 合格叉车操作人员指经相关叉车操作培训并拥有相关管理部门颁发的证书的操作人员。 3.2.Flammable Liquids refer to products with flash point below 37.8OC. 易燃液体指闪点低于37.8OC的产品。 4.RESPONSIBILITIES 职责 4.1.It is the responsibility of the forklift operator to conform to the st

4、ipulated safety requirements on use of forklift. 叉车操作人员有责任遵守与叉车使用相关的安全要求。 4.2.It is the responsibility of the line managers / supervisors to ensure that only trained operators are authorized to operate a forklift. 直接主管负责确保:只有经过培训的有资质的人员才能操作叉车。 They shall also ensure that the forklift supplied by con

5、tractor are periodically maintained and serviced. If the forklifts are to be used for handling of flammable liquid in drums, they should be installed with spark arresting devices such as arrestors, flame arrestor, air-start device, etc. In short, these forklifts shall be designed for use in Class 1

6、Division 2 (or Zone 2) Classified Hazardous Areas (refer to SHE-SWP-16). 并应确保承包商提供的叉车接受定期维修和保养。若叉车用于桶装易燃液体搬运,应安装阻火设备如阻火器、火焰防止器、气动装置等。简而言之,叉车应适用于危险区域分类1级2分区(参见SHE-SWP-16)。 4.3.Contractor who supplies the forklifts is responsible to make the necessary arrangements for any forklift repair or periodic s

7、ervicing and inspection by the manufacturer so as to upkeep the safe operability of the forklift trucks. 提供叉车的承包商负责就制造厂家叉车维修或定期保养、检查服务进行必要的安排,以维持叉车的安全可操作性。 5.SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 安全要求 5.1.All forklift trucks must only be operated by qualified operators. 只有有资质的人员才能进行叉车操作。 5.2.Forklift trucks should be

8、 suitable for use in Class 1 Division 2 (or Zone 2) Classified Hazardous Areas if they are used for handling of flammable liquids in drums. The maximum exhaust surface temperature should be about 200OC (IEC T-Code). 若用于桶装易燃液体搬运,则叉车应适合在危险区分类1级2分区(参见SHE-SWP-16)中使用。最大表面释放温度应为200OC(IEC T-编码)。 5.3.All tr

9、affic rules and warning signs on the terminal are to be strictly obeyed. 严格遵守库区所有交通规则和警示标记。 5.4.If there is a need to operate a forklift in hazardous areas, other than the roadways and Drum Yard / Warehouse, the appropriate Hot Work Permit must be obtained from CCR. 若有必要在危险区内而非道路上或桶堆放场/仓库内进行叉车操作,则必须

10、从中控室取得热作业许可证。 5.5.Load limits of the forklift trucks must be stenciled on the mast of each truck where it is clearly and readily visible to the operator. 叉车荷载极限必须印在叉车升降架上方以便操作人员清楚看到的位置。 5.6.Before operating the forklift truck at the beginning of the day, the operator must inspect the forklift truck

11、to verify that it is in a good and safe working conditions. 在每天开始叉车操作前,操作人员必须对叉车进行检查,以确定其处于良好、安全的工作状态。 5.7.The operator must be alert and cautious when operating the forklift truck. He must watch for other vehicles, equipment, obstacles, road surface conditions and pedestrians. 操作人员在叉车操作时必须保持警觉和谨慎。操

12、作人员必须注意其它车辆、设备、障碍、路面状况和行人。 5.8.No passenger is allowed to ride on the forklift truck. 叉车不许搭载乘客。 5.9.The operator shall face in the direction of travel. 操作人员应面对行驶方向。 5.10.The operator shall keep the mast tilted back with forks 150 to 300 mm above the ground while traveling loaded or unloaded. 行驶中无论有无

13、负重,操作人员应将前叉后倾,车叉距离地面150至300 mm。 5.11.The operator shall check for adequate overhead and lateral clearance before entering and during subsequent maneuvering in any building, plant facility or congested area. 在进入任何建筑、装置设施或密集区域之前及之后操作中,操作人员应检查上方及侧面距离是否足够。 5.12.The operator shall sound the horn at junct

14、ions, corners and in areas where vision is being obstructed. 在交叉口、转弯处以及视线受阻区域内, 操作人员应鸣喇叭。 5.13.The operator shall drive slowly and cautiously in the following circumstances. 在以下情况下,操作人员应缓慢、谨慎驾驶: when making a turn 转弯时 when reversing 倒车时 driving over a hump 凹凸不平地面行驶时 driving up or down a ramp 上下坡道时 d

15、riving on a wet, slippery or uneven surface 湿、滑、不平地面行驶时 driving in narrow roads 狭窄路面行驶时 driving in high noise areas or where vision is obstructed 高噪音区或视线受阻区域内行驶时 driving in close proximity to potentially hazardous area 危险区附近行驶时 5.14.The operator shall travel in the reverse mode if the load being car

16、ried obstructs the forward view. 若所载重物阻碍前方视线,操作人员应倒行。 5.15.The operator must always ensure that load limits are not exceeded. He shall not carry a load if it is not properly secured or if it extends above the carriage backrest unless no part of the load can possibly slide back towards the operator.操

17、作人员必须确保不超出荷载极限。若重物未适当固定或伸出货物安全架,操作人员不得承运,重物任一部分没有向后滑向操作人员的可能时除外。 5.16.The operator shall avoid making sudden stops/start and also, running over loose objects and holes which may be present in the path of travel. 操作人员应避免急停急起,并避免在有松软物体或有坑的路面上行车。 5.17.Forklift truck shall not be used as a working platf

18、orm for people. It shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which it was designed. 叉车不得用作人员工作平台。除设计目的外,不得将叉车用于其它用途。 5.18.No personnel is allowed to stand or walk under the elevated portion of the forklift truck whether loaded or not. 无论有无重物,任何人不得在叉车抬高部分下站立或行走。 5.19.Collisions, damages o

19、r near misses shall be reported to the Shift leader immediately. 若有碰撞、损害或未遂事故,应立即报告当班领班。 5.20.No forklift operation is allowed on flatbed trailers or lorries, except for stuffing of containers. 叉车不得在平板拖车或卡车上进行操作,集装箱装货时除外。 5.21.In case of an incident involving spillage of flammable liquid, the operat

20、or should attempt to switch-off the forklift engine and notify CCR. 若易燃液体泄漏引发事故,操作人员应尽量关闭叉车发动机,并通知中控室。 5.22.Prolong operation of engine-driven forklift trucks in poorly ventilated areas must be avoided. 必须避免内燃机叉车在通风不良区域内长时间作业。 5.23.Whenever left unattended, the operator shall park the forklift truck

21、 in a location that does not obstruct safety or fire protection equipment and roadways. The following actions need to be done. 离开叉车前,司机应将叉车停在对安全或消防设备与通道无妨碍的位置。需采取以下措施: a.the forks lowered and tilted forward so that the fork tips touch the ground. 降下前叉,以便前叉能接触地面。 b.the functional control in neutral m

22、ode 控制开关在空档状态。 c.the parking brake engaged 使用停车制动。 d.the ignition or key switch turned off 关闭点火或钥匙开关。 5.24.While operating the forklift truck, the operator must put on safety shoes. Hearing protection device needs to be worn too. 进行叉车操作时,操作人员必须穿上安全鞋,并使用必要的听力保护用品。 5.25.Hoses may be carried by a forkl

23、ift truck if they are properly enclosed within a pallet box which is secured to the forklift truck. Carriage of hoses hanging from the forks is extremely unsafe and is not allowed.如果使用叉车运输软管,使用可固定的托盘来运输是安全的。不允许使用叉车直接运送软管。 6.BATTERY CHARGING AND REFUELING 充电及加油 6.1.Re-charging of batteries for electr

24、ic forklift trucks must be done in an approved area where adequate safety and ventilation facilities are available. 电动叉车必须在指定区域内进行电池充电。指定区域应具备足够的安全与通风设施。 6.2.Refueling of engine-driven forklift trucks must be done at the fuel dispersing area, with the engine switched-off. 内燃机叉车必须在加油区进行加油,且加油时关闭发动机。

25、7.MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION 维修与检查 Contractor who supplies the forklifts will ensure that all forklift trucks are repaired when necessary, and also inspected and service by the manufacturer periodically. Maintenance records will be filed and kept accordingly. 提供叉车的承包商将确保叉车制造厂商对所有叉车进行必要的修理、定期检查和保养。维修记录要存档、保存。

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