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1、雅思分类词汇合集 Education1. parenting / upbringing 家长对孩子的教育2. schooling 学校对学生的教育3. awareness= sense= recognition 意识4. cultivate= develop= nurture= foster 培养5. creative 有创造力的6. physical 身体的7. psychological 心理的8. peers 同龄人 pl.9. motivation 动力10. motivated 有动力的11. adapt to sth.= adjust oneself to sth.= become

2、 accustomed to sth. 适应12. discipline 纪律;学科(统称)13. indiscipline =misbehaviour= mischief不遵守纪律的行为14. stimulating 令人思维活跃的15. memorise 记忆16. acquire= obtain= attain= gain= have access to knowledge获得知识17. grasp 对于某种知识或技能的掌握18. physical growth/ development 身体的发育19. mental development 智力的发展20. emotional dev

3、elopment 心理的发展21. promote= encourage= contribute to 促进(某种发展)22. attend school 上学23. innate 先天就具有的24. help students to sharpen/hone their skills 帮助学生提高某种技能25. single-sex school 只有男生或女生的学校26. humanities 人文科学27. social sciences 社会科学28. natural sciences 自然科学29. engineering 工程学30. basic sciences 基础科学31.

4、generalist 通才(但并非对每个领域都钻研得很深入)32. specialist 专才33. well-rounded= versatile 全面发展的34. curriculum 学校所提供的各个科目的统称,学校的科目设置35. a course 具体的一门课36. a wide range of= a wide variety of 广泛的,多种多样的37. theoretical knowledge理论知识38. scientific experiment 科学实验39. provide inspiration for sb./ sth. 提供灵感40. a positive r

5、ole model 正面的榜样41. an arduous task 辛劳的任务42. teaching method= a teachers approach to teaching 教学方法43. educationalists 教育专家44. homework/ assignment 作业45. be proficient in 对(某种技能)掌握得非常熟练的46. job/ employment/ employable/ employability/ marketable skills 就业技能47. recruit/ recruitment 招聘48. fresh graduates

6、 刚毕业的学生49. highly specialized knowledge and skills/ expertise 很专业的知识与技能50. instill into students 灌输(某种观念)51. give students motivation to do sth./ motivate students to do sth. 给学生动力52. expectations (家长或教师的)期望53. pursuit= aspiration= ambition (学生自身的)志向、追求54. competitive 竞争非常激烈的55. self-confidence 自信56

7、. respect students individuality/ respect individual differences in the classroom 尊重学生的个性57. focus on sth. = concentrate on sth 集中精力于事物58. apply/ application 应用(知识或技能)59. combine= integrate 结合60. think independently 独立地思考61. encourage students to think critically 鼓励学生用辩证的眼光看问题62. have a good grasp(=

8、command) of 很好地掌握某方面的知识63. evaluate teachers performance= students appraise 评价老师的教学64. students feedback= students input= feedback from students 来自学生的反馈65. kindle= spark= stimulate 激发(兴趣、想象力等)66. equations 方程式67. formulas 公式68. theorems 定理69. laws 定律70. stifle(= extinguish= constrain) childrens crea

9、tivity 抑制孩子们创造力的发展71. demotivate/ reduce students enthusiasm for learning 减少学生的学习积极性72. frustrate students= make students feel frustrated 带给学生们挫败感73. complain about sth./ complaint about sth. 抱怨74. creat/ beget undue stress 产生不必要的压力75. assign students to different classes based on their academic abi

10、lities= divide students by academic performance 把学生们按不同的学习能力或学业表现分班76. personality/ character traits 性格特点77. adversity/ hardship/ adverse circumstance 逆境78. interpersonal skills 人际交往的能力79. communication skills沟通能力80. participate in sth./ participation in sth. 参加、参与81. extra-curricular activities= no

11、n-academic activities 课外活动82. athletic 擅长体育运动的83. sportsmanship 公平竞争的运动员精神84. perseverance 毅力、顽强的意志85. disruptive/ unruly students 违反纪律的学生86. behavioural problems 行为问题87. youth crime= juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪88. moral values 道德观念89. integrity 正直的品格90. a positive attitude towards life= a positive o

12、utlook on life 积极的人生态度91. a valuable member of society 社会的有用成员92. promote the students physical and emotional(= mental= psychological= intellectual) development 促进学生身心健康93. psychological soundness(= well-being= welfare) 心理健康94. aptitude= talent 学习能力(先天的)95. skill 学习能力(后天的)96. youngsters= youths= ado

13、lescents 青少年97. impart/ inculcate knowledge传授知识98. instill high moral values 灌输高尚的道德观99. give the students inspiration 给学生以灵感100. teaching/ pedagogical methodology 教学法101. adaptability 适应能力102. students grasp/ command of what has been taught 学生对老师所教知识的掌握103. force-feed the students 填鸭式教法教学生104. stud

14、ents should not be treated as passive receptacles of predigested ideas 薛恒不应该只是被动接受知识的容器105. learn things by rote 死记硬背106. memorise for memorisations own sake 为了记忆而记忆107. a sense of obligation(= duty= responsibility) 责任感108. follow sth. blindly(= indiscriminately) 盲从109. mould ones character 塑造某人的性格1

15、10. dampen/ sap the students enthusiasm= frustrate the students 打击学生的积极性111. segregate students 把学生分开教育112. peer pressure 来自其他同学的压力113. team spirit 团队精神114. learn things through understanding 在理解的基础上学习115. syllabus 具体一门课的内容116. A school is society in miniature 学校是社会的缩影117. contribute to societal wel

16、lbeing(= welfare) 为社会健康发展作贡献118. arts 艺术119. liberal studies= arts 文科120. sciences 理科121. applied sciences 应用科学122. primary-level education 小学教育123. secondary-level education 中学教育124. tertiary-level education 大学教育125. vocational education(= training) 职业教育126. young juveniles 青少年127. during their for

17、mative years 他们的成长年128. vulnerable children 脆弱易受伤害的孩子129. unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality 不能区分幻境和真实130. anti-social behaviour 反社会行为131. modern epidemic(=disease) 现代流行病132. still remains a matter of concern 仍然是一个让我们堪忧的问题133. must be treated with caution 必须重视对待134. improve cognitive

18、skills 提高认知能力135. improve interpersonal skills 提高人际交往能力136. instill the healthy competition 灌输良性竞争意识137. instill the sense of cooperation 灌输合作意识138. enhance their creativity and imagination 加强创造力和想象力139. provide opportunities for a holistic(=overall=comprehensive) lifestyle 提供全方面风格的机会140. enhance th

19、eir talents 加强先天的学习能力141. develop their multiple- intelligence 发展多元智力142. effective, efficient and a pragmatic(=practical) way 学以致用143. experiential learning 经验主义学习144. hands-on experience 动手经验145. peer support= peer coaching 同龄之间的帮助146. adverse effects= disastrous repercussions 负面影响147. peer pressu

20、re 同龄之间的压力148. suffer from separation anxiety 遭受分离焦虑149. parents play a pivotal role in 家长起着重要的作用150. parents should set the tone(= example) for their childrens behaviour 家长应该为他们孩子的行为设定榜样151. children are swept into the maelstrom of their parents lifestyle 孩子们被卷入家长生活习惯的漩涡中, 被父母影响152. has profound an

21、d long term effects 有深远和长远的影响153. one-sided intellectual 单边智力发展 Media1. paparazzi 狗仔队2. mass media 大众媒体3. entertainment 娱乐4. journalism 新闻业5. journal 期刊6. the latest news 最新消息7. exclusive news 独家新闻8. news agency 新闻社9. news blockout 新闻封锁10. news censorship 新闻审查11. freedom of the press 新闻自由12. coverag

22、e 新闻报道13. do reportage on 报导14. hit the headlines 上头条15. issue 出版、发行16. newsstand 报摊17. free-lancer writer 自由撰稿人18. chief editor 总编19. editorial 社论20. newsworthy 值得报道的21. barometer 晴雨表22. the barometer of public opinion 舆论的晴雨表23. live broadcast 直播24. quiz show 智力竞争节目25. game show 游戏节目26. variety sho

23、w 综合节目27. talk show 脱口秀28. sitcom 情景喜剧29. soap opera 肥皂剧30. movie star 电影明星31. movie king 影帝32. movie queen 影后33. affair 绯闻34. celebrity 名人35. fame 名声36. rise to fame 声名鹊起37. fan 粉丝38. invade ones privacy 侵扰了的隐私39. misleading 误导性的40. cheating 欺骗性的41. popularity 知名度42. scandal 丑闻43. sensational 轰动的44

24、. prevalent 普遍的、流行的45. imperative 重要的、必要的46. audience ratings 收视率47. propaganda 宣传48. be abducted by 受诱导49. purify ones soul 净化心灵50. live in virtual would 生活在一个虚拟世界中51. be a great comfort to somebody 对来说是一个巨大安慰52. meet different tastes 满足不同口味53. provide somebody with something 给提供54. follow the fash

25、ion blindly 盲目追逐时尚55. commit crimes 犯罪56. be inconceivable to somebody 对来说是难以想象的57. impressive 给人印象深刻的58. right to know 知情权59. in the disguise of 打着的幌子60. endanger social stability and safety 危害社会稳定和安全61. information era 信息时代62. keep one informed about something 使人们了解63. audience/viewers 观众64. have

26、unhealthy and harmful effects on对有不良影响65. information-explosion society 信息爆炸的社会66. influential 有影响的67. revolutionize the way we acquire information 彻底改变了我们获取信息的方式68. blessing 福69. curse 祸70. various thrilling programs 各种各样激动人心的节目71. poor-quality programs 低质量节目72. ever-accelerated 不断发展的73. exaggerate

27、 夸张74. enjoyable 令人享受的75. fashionable 时尚的76. electromagnetic radiation 电磁辐射77. psychological illnesses 心理疾病78. isolated 孤僻的79. unimaginative 缺乏想象力的80. unsociable 不好社交的81. deprive somebody of ones imagination and creativity 使丧失了想象力和创造力82. jeopardize ones health 危害健康83. be exposed to了解到接触到84. find its

28、 way into every family 进入千家万户85. global village 地球村86. indulge in沉溺于87. be addicted to 对上瘾88. be fascinated by 被所吸引89. be dependent on 依赖90. second-hand information 二手信息91. go astray 误入歧途92. embark on the criminal road 走上犯罪道路93. irresistible 无法抵制的94. hallmark 标志95. create topics of discussion 制造交谈话题

29、96. critical thinking 批判性思维97. powerful means of communication 有力的交流工具98. main cause 主因99. tempting 有诱惑力的100. reliable 可靠的101. family attachment 家庭归属感102. mutual understanding 相互了解103. alienation of affection 感情疏远104. be sick of 对厌倦105. generation gap 代沟106. exchanges of feelings 感情交流107. emotional

30、bond 感情纽带108. strengthen family ties 加强家庭纽带关系109. be detached from reality 与现实隔绝110. distinguish right from wrong 明辨是非111. edifying 有教育意义的112. couch potato 电视迷113. be harmful to 对有害114. imitate 模仿115. inexpressible 难以形容的116. physical and mental health 身心健康117. stimulate ones imagination and creativi

31、ty 激发某人想象力和创造力118. unwholesome lifestyle.不健康的生活方式119. a great deal of information 大量的信息120. disinteresting 令人索然无味的121. accurate 准确的122. prevalent= ubiquitous= pervasive 无处不在的123. objective= balanced 客观的124. biased= unobjective= skewed 不客观的125. celebrity 名人126. journalists 记者127. the press 新闻界128. coverage of sth. 对于某事的报道129. cover 报道130. misleading= misrepresented

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