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1、高二下学期第一学段学分认定考试英语 金乡一中2010/2011学年度第二学期高二第一学段学分认定 英语试题 及试题答案 试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。第I卷(三部分,共105分)第一部分 听力(共两节,20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)第一节 听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What has the man been asked to do A Turn off his r

2、adioB Change the radio stationC Lower the radio volume2.What was the womans weight half a year ago?A.About 115pounds.B.About 135 poundsC.About 160 pounds3.Where did the man have lunch?A. At a restaurantB. In a hotel C. In the open air4.What does the man advise the woman to do about the recorders?A.H

3、ave a look at the appearance.B.Ask for others opinion.C.Check the quality by herself5.Which of the following is true according to the conversation?A.The man is living in Hong KongB.Bangkok had over eight million tourists last year.C.Less than 5 million tourists visited Hong Kong last year.第二节听下面5段对话

4、或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍听第6段材料,回答第6 、7题6.What is the relationship between the two speakers?A.Husband and wifeB.Manager and secretary.C.Householder and babysitter7.What does the woman ask the man to do ?A Raise her

5、 payB Do more houseworkC. Go shopping.听第7段材料,回答第8 至10题。8.What party will the two speakers have?A A dancing partyB. A singing partyC. A dinner party9. Why does the man want to invite the Browns? A. Because they can help him clean up.B. Because they had invited him to their party.C. Because he wants t

6、o have a talk with them.10. What can we learn from the conversation ? A. The party is for the mans birthday. B. The man will invite 50 people to the party. C. The woman dislikes the Browns.听第8段材料,回答第11 至13题。11. How long will the man be away? A. For about 3 days B. For about 3 weeks C. For about 3 mo

7、nths12. What are the two speakers going to do next? A. Buy tickets B. Go shopping C. Go to the lab13. What will the man do in Canada ? A. Do some research. B. Visit some friends C. Go camping听第9段材料,回答第14 至16题。14.Where does the man most probably live now? A. In the city B. In the country C. Not menti

8、oned15. What does the woman think of the man ? A. He always sees the disadvantages of things. B. He cannot bear any hardship in life. C. He pays too much attention to playing.16. What do we know from the conversation ? A. The man likes golf very much. B. The man leaves home at 8:00 every day C. The

9、man enjoys the trip to the country听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. When was O. Henry born ? A. In 1682 B. In 1862 C. In 192618. Where did O. Henry work when first arriving in Texas? A. On a newspaper. B. In a bank C. At a school19.Why was O. Henry sent to prison ? A. Because he was believed to have stolen some

10、 money. B. Because he robbed much money from a bank C. Because he lost some money of a bank20. What did O. Henry mainly writ about? A. Texas and adventures. B. New York and rich peoples life there C. New York and poor peoples life there 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,

11、选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.I was _with him because he kept asking the same silly question. A .annoyed B. worried C. interrupted D. interfered22. She was scared _when hearing the sound of explosion. A. death B. of death C. to death D. with death23.The tobacco, which is used to make cigarettes, was first grown

12、 in _is now part of the United State. Athat B. all C. which D. what24. Hes _ to fail the exam if he doesnt do any revision. A. near B. fit C. bound D. easy25.- Why do you turn back?- Oh, the bridge ahead . A. is being repaired B. is repairing C. is repaired D. is being repairing26. After arriving in

13、 the United States, this 20-year-old Chinese student found it rather difficult to _ living on his own.A. rely on B. adjust to C. depend on D. stick to27. Tom looked at Jenny, with tears _ his eyes, and shouted out the words _ in his heart for years.A. filling; having been hidden B. filled; hidden C.

14、 filling; hidden D. filled; hiding28.It is desired that Mr. Li _ his plan . A. carry out B. can carry out C. carries out D. has carried out29.I” ll show you a store _ you may buy all _you need.A. in which, / B. which , that C. where, which D. in which ,what30.It didnt _ him that she would refuse his

15、 invitation. A. happen to B. adjust to C. belong to D. occur to31 He sometimes _ the changes that had taken place in the world since his youth.A. reflected on B. reflects on C. reflected aboutD. reflects over32.-Mummy, Mr Lee said that I had made great progress in my study. -Im glad to hear that . _

16、! A. Hold it up B. Keep it up C. Make it up D. Catch it up33 He enjoys my _ so much that he usually asks me to_ him on the piano when he sings. A. companion; accompany B. company; accompany C. companion; company D. accompany; company34. It is _ that he has been addicted to the drugs and has difficul

17、ty quitting it.A. obviously B. apparently C. possibly D. likely35.The policeman came up to the lonely house with the door_, _there for a while and then entered it.A. open; to stand B. opening; stood C. open; stood D. opened; standing第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,撑握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,

18、选出最佳选项You may not realize it, but you are doing much more than just studying when you are at school. School is also the place 36 you socialize and learn to get along with people. But this is 37 easy. What can you do 38 you just dont like one of your classmates?If you discover that you have problems

19、39 your classmates or friends, the most important thing to learn is tolerance(容忍). Tolerance is the 40 to recognize and respect the 41 in others. We cannot change the way that other people act, 42 it is important to learn to live happily with them. Practicing tolerance will allow everyone to form be

20、tter 43 with each other. Getting to know someone 44 help you understand why they do things 45 from you. It is important to remember that just because something is different does not mean that it is bad. 46 teaches us to keep an even temper and open mind. One thing to 47 is the old saying, “Treat oth

21、ers how you want 48 ”. You would like to be treated kindly by your classmates, so it is 49 to treat them with equal kindness. If you tolerate 50 it does not mean that you have to like it. No one is asking you to 51 who you are or what you believe in. Tolerance just means that you will be 52 of the d

22、ifferences in others and not try to make them change. It is important to 53 tolerance because it will make everyones lives easier. Learn to 54 people for their different abilities and interests. The world is a very 55 place, and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help make a differ

23、ence. 36. A. which B. where C. that D. when37. A. very B. no C. not always D. really38. A. unless B. since C. because D. if39. A. getting along with B. making apologies to C. getting away from D. fleeing from40. A. chance B. benefit C. patience D. ability41. A. imaginations B. thoughts C. consequenc

24、e D. differences42. A. so B. and C. but D. although43. A. moods B. habits C. relationships D. feelings44. A. must B. may C. should D. can45. A. fortunately B. easily C. differently D. attentively46. A. Patience B. Experience C. Tolerance D. kindness47. A. keep in touch B. keep in mind C. keep up wit

25、h D. keep to yourselves48. A. to treat B. being treated C. to be treated D. to be treating49. A. attractive B. important C. desperate D. fantastic50. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing51. A. change B. remind C. promise D. decide52. A. convenient B. respectful C. negative D. considerab

26、le53. A. ignore B. cancel C. prevent D. practice54. A. accept B. receive C. thank D. remember55. A. diverse B. same C. individual D. apparent第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项 AThe advertisement appeared in my e-mail“1-800-Flowers: Mothers Day Madness for just $39.99!” I

27、 almost clicked on it, forgetting that those services would not be needed this year. My mother, Margaret Feiddman, died at the age of 89, and so this is my first Mothers Day without my mom.In my childhood, my mom appeared to be a typical suburban housewife of her generation. She sewed many of my sis

28、ters clothes, including both of their wedding dresses and boys suits for me. And on the side, she won several national bridge tournaments(桥牌锦标赛).My mom left many indelible marks on me. The first was to never lose heart and to be independent. My dad died suddenly when I was 19. My mom worked hard for

29、 a couple of years. But in1975, I won a scholarship to study in Britain and my mom surprised us all by announcing that she decided to go with me. When I met difficulties, she always said: “Youre a man, so never lose heart, never be knocked down, and try your best to pursue(追求) your dreams.”My moms o

30、ther big influence on me is a sense of optimism (乐观). She had taken her knocks. But every time life knocked her down, she got up and kept on marching forward, encouraged by the saying that pessimists(悲观者) are usually right, optimists are usually wrong, but most great changes are made by optimists.Ho

31、w I wish to listen to my mothers words, and give my best regards on this Mothers Day, but I have no chance now! My best friends, treasure(珍惜)your mothers love!56The author mentioned the advertisement to _. Ashow hes tired of the advertisements Bexplain he missed his mother very much Cmake you believ

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