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实验小学牛津小学英语6B单元知识点整理及要求1 2.docx

1、实验小学牛津小学英语6B单元知识点整理及要求1 2牛津小学英语6B第一单元知识点整理及要求一、熟记本课词组、会听写部分重要词组。1.on Sunday morning 在星期天早晨 2.go for a walk去散步 (take a walk散步)3. be glad to do sth. 非常高兴做某事 4. have a chat 闲谈、聊天5. my classmate 我的同班同学 6. a twin sister 一个双胞胎姐(妹) twin sisters双胞胎姐妹7. look the same 看起来一样,看起来很像8. twenty minutes younger小二十分钟

2、 9. asas 和一样 as old as 与.一样大 10. one day某一天,有一天 11. the only child 唯一的孩子,独生子the only child in your family你家里唯一的孩子 year younger than me 比我小一岁 13. yours or mine 你的还是我的 14. try again 再试一次 15. bigger than 比大 16. heavier than比 重 17. a tall girl 一个高个子的女孩 18. thirteen years old 13岁 19. whose school b

3、ag 谁的书包 20. which school bag 哪一只书包21. want to meet her想要见见她 22. look at Bens family photo看本的家庭照23.sit down under a big tree坐在大树下24. be the goalkeeper 成为守门员25. twelve centimeters 12厘米26. the same age 同样的年龄 27. look younger 看起来更年轻28. the tall girl in the blue skirt 穿着蓝色短裙的那个高个女孩二、初步理解掌握本课语法知识。 1形容词修饰名

4、词(通常跟be动词后),副词修饰动词(通常跟行为动词后)。形容词和副词有三种形式:原级、比较级、最高级。a. 原级比较:as 形容词/副词原形 as,b. 比较级:形容词/副词+er +than形容词、副词比较级的规则变化如下:(1)直接+er。如:tall - taller, fast - faster (2 ) 以e结尾+r。如:late - later(3)重读闭音节词+(双写)er。如:big - bigger, fat fatter, thin-thinner, hot-hotter, red-redder(4)以辅音字母加-y结尾的词,变y为i,再加-er。如:heavy - he

5、avier, early earlier,(5)双音节和多音节词的比较级应在原级前加more构成。如:beautiful - more beautiful, careful - more careful, quietly - more quietly, interesting - more interesting(6)有些不规则变化的,须逐一加以记忆。如:good/well better, many/much more, far farther2. 形容词比较级句式肯定句:A + is/are/am +(修饰成分)+ 形容词比较级+ than + B 如: She is taller than

6、 me. 她比我高。 She is (5centimetres)taller than me. 她比我高5厘米。疑问句:Is/are/Am+ A + 形容词比较级+ than + B?如: Is she(5centimetres)taller than me? 她比我高5厘米吗?否定句:A + is/are/am +not+(修饰成分)+ 形容词比较级+ than + B如:She is not(5centimetres)taller than me? 她比我高5厘米吗?特殊疑问句Who/Which +is/are比较级+ than+ A? I am. / You are. / is. Who

7、se is/are 比较级,s or s ? s is/are.3. Yours _ bigger than mine.答案:is, are 都可以,关键看yours指的东西是单数还是复数4second=秒,minute=分钟,hour=小时,half an hour=半小时 5. only(唯一)+名词单数= the only photo= 唯一的照片6. Do you have any brothers or sisters?在疑问与否定句中, “一些”经常用any,连接词经常用or7also=too=也,also 用于句中,too 用于句末 too(太) big= 太大8. in+颜色=

8、穿着颜色的衣服 the man in black=穿着黑色的衣服男士 with+某人器官=长着样子 the man with big ears=大眼睛的男士牛津小学英语6B第二单元知识点归纳与要求一、熟记本课词组、会听写部分重要词组。1、 be good at 善长于 2、 do well in 在做得好 3、 do better in 在做得更好 4、 talk to sb.(人) about sth. 与某人交谈 5、 need help (with) 需要帮助 help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事6、 run faster than 比.跑得快 7、run as fast

9、 as him 跑得和他一样快 8、a good football player 一个优秀的足球运动员 9、jump high 跳得高 the high jump 跳高 jump far 跳得远 the long jump跳远10、some of the boys in his class在他班上男孩中的一些 11、do more exercise 做更多的锻炼 12、get stronger 变得更强壮 13、a good idea一个好主意 14、jog to school慢跑去学校 15、play ball games进行球类运动 16、the other boys 其他的男孩 17、a

10、t weekends 在周末 18、have a lot of fun 玩得开心 19、be late for 迟了 20、read better than 比读得更好 all of us/them 他们/我们所有人21、read the new words 读生词 22、start/begin our lesson 开始上课 23、the sports field 运动场地 24、Dont worry. 别担心。25.well done 做得好 remember them记住他们 26.animal show 动物表演 27. Would you, please? 请你, 好吗?

11、ound the lake 绕着湖二、初步理解掌握本课语法知识。1副词比较级句式肯定句:A + 行为动词+ 形容词比较级+ than + B如: She runs faster than me. 她比我跑得快。 I dance more beautifully than her.否定句:A +be动/助动/情态+not+行为动词+ 形容词比较级+ than + B如: She isnt running faster than you. She doesnt run faster than you. She cant run faster than you.疑问句:be动/助动/情态+A +行为

12、动词+ 形容词比较级+ than + B?如: Is she running faster than you? Does she run faster than you? Can she run faster than you?特殊疑问:Who runs faster than you? Who is running faster than you?注意:副词比较级因为有行为动词的存在,所以一定要注意时态以及行为动词的不同形式。如:Who is taller than me? Helen is. 简略回答要注意Who runs faster than me? Helen does.Who is

13、 running faster me? Helen is.2.介词:at, in, for, with, by, about, of, to 使用特点:1. 介词+人称代词宾格 如:Im looking for her. 2. 介词+动名词 如:Im good at dancing.4.3 3 be good at=do well in She is good at singing.= She does well in singing. She isnt good at singing.= She doesnt do well in singing.4. good (形容词),well(副词)

14、 的比较级为 better many, much的比较级为more5. go jogging6. onethe other=一个另一个如:Therere two boys. One is tall, the other is short. 牛津小学英语6B第三单元知识点整理及要求一、熟读本课单词、会听写、默写。 1.way路线2.get到达 3.along沿着 4.street街,街道 5.take乘坐,搭乘(交通工具) 6.stop停车站 7.road 路,道路 8.crossing十字路口 left左,左边 9.right右,右边 10.bookshop 书店 11.history历史 1

15、2.museum博物馆 13.miss没找到,错过 14.No. (number 的缩写,用于数字前)号 15.steal偷(过去式stolen) 16.shout呼喊,喊叫 17.thief贼 18.hotel旅馆 19.place地方,地点 动词和它们的过去式: come-came tell-told run-ran take-took 二、熟记本课词组、会听写部分重要词组。1.ask the way 问路 show the way 指路 get there 到达那儿get to the History Museum到达历史博物馆2.go along this street 沿着这条街道走

16、 3.take bus No. 5. 乘路公交车 take a bus 坐公共汽车 at the third stop 在第3个停靠站 on Beijing Road 在北京路in Beijing Street 在北京街4.a bus stop 一个公交车站 the third crossing 在第三个十字路口6 three kilometres 3公里 7.get on 上车 get off 下车 8.turn left 向左转 turn right 向右转 9.on (my) left 在我的左边 10.on (my) right 在我的右边 e from Australia

17、来自澳大利亚 in Nanjing 居住在南京 13.want to visit the park 想要参观公园 to get there 怎样去那里a map of the town/city/country一张城镇/城市/国家的地图buy some presents买些礼物15.a post office 一个邮局 16.a shopping center一个购物中心 17.a middle school 一所中学 18.a primary school一所小学 19.a train station一个火车站 21. every five minutes每五分

18、钟 (ran) out of the shop 跑出商店 out of 在的外面 (ran) faster than me 比我跑得快 24.pick a card 挑一张卡片 last Saturday afternoon 上周六下午buy a book about animals 买一本关于动物的书 follow him 跟着他 start/begin to do sth. 开始做 come to help 过来帮忙25.steal my purse 偷我的钱包 26.follow him along the street 沿着这条街跟着他 27.stop th

19、e thief 拦住了小偷28.get my purse back 拿回了钱包 29.the Bank of China 中国银行三、句型A. Excuse me , can you tell me the way to ,please ? 例:1.Excuse me , can you tell me the way to the History Museum, please?打扰一下,你能告诉我去历史博物馆的路吗? B. Go along this street, and then turn at the crossing . 例:2.Go along this street ,and t

20、hen turn left at the second crossing.沿着这条街走,然后在第二个十字路口向左拐。 C. The is on your 例:3.The museum is on your left. 博物馆在你的左边。. 例:4.Thats all right. 没什么。不用谢。. How can I get to the ?例 5.How can I get to the shopping center ?我怎么去购物中心?. 例: 6.How many stops are there ? 那儿有几个车站?7.How far is it from here ?这里距离那有多

21、远? 8.Its about a kilometre away. 大约一千米远。9.To get there faster. 为了更快到达那儿。10.Youre welcome. 你太客气了。 11.He does not know the way . 他不知道这条路。12.Stopthief ! 捉贼! 13.Get the mouse on my blouse out of the house. 把女衬衫上的老鼠赶出房子。 14.Can you help me ? 你能帮助我吗?15.Im looking for the post office. 我正在寻找邮局。 16.Im at the

22、 hotel. 我在宾馆。17.The place is on my left. 这个地方在我的左边。四、 知识介绍:问路: -Excuse me, can you tell me the way to ,please ? -Go along this street, and then turn at the crossing. The is on your -Thank you/Thanks. -Youre welcome./Thats all right./Not at all./Thats OK. 其他问法: Can you show me the way to ? Can you te

23、ll me how to get to ? Can you tell me how I can get to ? How can I get there? How can I get to ? Wheres ? Which is the way to ? Is there a near here ? 其他回答: Its over there./Its near the /Go down the street./Its on Road. Its in Street./You can take bus No.and get off at the stop./ Go along Road, turn

24、 right/left at Road. Then go along Road.The place is on your right/left. 路程问答法: How far is it from here? Its about metres/kilometres away. Its about minutes walk from here.6B Unit 5 The seasons一、重要词组:go to New York 去纽约 next week 下一周(比较last week)work there for one year 在那里工作一年 go to farms去农场know abou

25、t the weather 了解天气 the best season 最好的季节ask questions about 问有关的问题 in the countryside 在乡下the weather in New York 纽约的天气 pick apples 摘苹果Sounds great ! 听起来太棒了! most of the time 大部分时间make snowmen 堆雪人 some warmer clothes 一些更保暖的衣服turn green (指植物)变绿 go rowing 去划船get longer变得更长 get shorter变得更短be going to 将要

26、,打算 in summer 在夏天like best 最喜欢 like better 更喜欢as hot as in Nanjing像南京一样热 colder than in Nanjing比南京冷cool and sunny 既凉爽又晴朗 which season 哪个季节great fun 乐趣无穷 some clothes for winter 一些过冬的衣服in each season 在每个季节 lots of snow 许多雪cold winds 寒风 wait for spring 等待春天the fine weather 好天气 swim a lot 多游泳in other c

27、ountries 在其它国家 kick a ball 踢球a TV program(me) 电视节目 start to fall 开始凋落cut out 剪断different kinds of 不同种类的in the centre of 在的中央 land on 着陆二、句型及其知识点介绍:1. 介词for的不同用法:1) 表示“给,为”。如:a present for Mary 给玛丽的礼物a letter for you 给你的一封信2) 表示“开往,前往”。如:the bus for Shanghai 开往上海的车3) 表示“因为”。如:go to Hongkong for a hol

28、iday 去香港度假come for dinner 来吃晚饭4) 表示“持续的时间,距离”。如:work there for one year stay at home for a week5) 表示“功能”。如:some warm clothes for winter2. 用来询问天气、某人或某物的状况:What like?1) 询问天气:Whats the weather like ? 天气怎么样? 回 答:Its 如:Whats the weather like today in Changzhou? /Whats the weather there like in summer?2)W

29、hats the book like? 这本书(的内容)如何? Whats your father like? 你的爸爸(外表、长相)如何? Hes a tall and fat man.3. in 季节名称 in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter4. Which season do you like best? I like best.最喜欢 Which season do you like better, spring or autumn? I like better. 更喜欢5. 注意词性的变化:区分名词,动词和形容词:名词:rain雨 wind风 snow雪 sun太阳 cloud云动词:rain下雨 wind刮风 snow下雪形容词:(-和be动词连一起)rainy下雨的 windy有风的 snowy下雪的sunny晴朗的cloudy多云的Theres a rainbow after the rain. 雨过后有彩虹。 (名词)It often rains. 它经常下雨。(动词)Its often rainy. 常有雨。 (形容词)同义句: Its often rainy.= It often rains. Its often snowy.=It often_.

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